Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Global Grifter

Between 30 and 40 newspaper clippings were presented as evidence of life in South Africa. “One article exhibited was published in [the Daily Sun in 2004] by Africa Ka Mahamba. [It was] entitled ‘Taking from whites is not a crime’,” Kaplan said. The article quotes the leader of the “Uhuru cultural club” as telling youngsters who attended a Human Rights Day celebration to steal from whites because “it is the right thing to do”.
IRB Ruling: MA8-04910: Brandon Huntley

The following Blogger OpEd, is from a 'South African' named Brandon Edmonds....
My comments to his article, articulates what I think of his white guilt sycophancy.....

  1. Why We Are White Refugees says:
    September 8, 2009 at 3:01 pm

    Mr. Edmonds,

    Hi. RE: your statement: "We know, as South Africans, that he’s lying. That ‘racial assaults’ against whites are seldom chiefly racial."

    You don't speak for my reality of South Africa, maybe for yours. No, I do not think Brandon Huntley is lying about how he was targeted for the colour of his skin. I think Huntley said what a lot of people know, but very few are willing to say publicly, about the racial profiling, done on white South Africans, by black criminals, who target whites.

    I would like to make you a bet, that your perception of 'racial assualts seldom being racial' is an ILLUSION, a FANTASY; and you can -- IF YOU WANT TO -- find out, that you are in la-la fantasy land; by getting yourself a dose of reality.

    Prove that you know what you are talking about, when it comes to the honest racial intentions of black criminals, who attack whites; by getting yourself sentenced to any South African prison for a year -- incognito; to listen to them discuss their orgiastic pleasure, they get from fucking up whitey, because he is whitey and because he is afraid. Watch them masturbate as they jerk off, on raping whitey's wife and daughters, because they are white, because they are white and afraid....

    If you come out of your reality inducing investigation, -- becuase surely if you want people to take you seriously, about such issues, you need to know what you are talking about, and not be spewing forth criminals lying crap -- and you still think as you do. I will give you a Kruger Rand gold coin..

    If you ain't got the balls to follow in my footsteps, demonstrate your honour and put your money where your mouth is?

    Lara Johnstone
    Letter to Min. Jason Kenney, Min. of Citizenship and Immigration, Canada

  2. Why We Are White Refugees says:
    November 4, 2009 at 12:07 pm
    PC Canada vs. IRB & Huntley: How many SA Black on White Crimes are Racially Motivated?

The Global Grifter

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009 by Brandon Edmonds

There’s a great scene in Steven Frear’s largely overlooked neo-noir film ‘The Grifters’ (1990) when John Cusack buys a beer and shows the bartender a twenty he then palms handing him a dollar instead (pocketing the change). It’s a classic bait and switch ‘grift’ and its part of the film’s sly moral realism that the bartender soon realizes and viciously beats him up. Cusack nurses his wound until the end of the film (much like Jack Nicholson’s sliced nose in Roman Polanski’s “Chinatown” (1974) - another film obsessed with what lies behind appearances). Violence has real, lasting consequences in life as it does in great films (a truth Quentin Tarrantino might want to process given the wantonly asocial bloodletting of his work). Actually Polanski has a great tale of artifice and deception from his own personal history. It’s said that as a boy escaping the Nazi’s in Poland, he fashioned a makeshift foreskin out of candle wax in case of a strip search. From such horrors are directors, those epic conductors of make-believe, made.

It’s dangerous to dissemble (ask Carl Niehaus, Milli Vanilli or Bernie Maddoff) and yet danger often forces dissembling. The CIA’s recently disclosed ‘War on Terror’ torture memo’s (grounds enough to have Bush’s entire cabinet indicted and charged for war crimes) are repugnant - not only in the way they routinize immoral acts in the name of national security - but in refusing to grant suspects the human understanding, the empathy required to imagine that physical threat will make most anyone say or do anything to make it stop. Torture reduces suspects to Pavlov’s dog - break an arm get a response (then repeat ad nauseam until the oil flows free).

Danger forces dissembling. This reveals the genius behind Brandon Huntley’s great refugee grift. We know, as South Africans, that he’s lying. That ‘racial assaults’ against whites are seldom chiefly racial. They’re criminal and even inevitable given the staggering wealth divide (a racially encoded inequality of an extreme found nowhere else on earth) generated by settler colonial history and a half century of apartheid (notwithstanding the recent parasitic layer of BEE self-enrichment). But what Huntley has done so well, so smartly is paint a picture of clear and imminent danger to himself purely because of who he is - an unemployed white male. Great strides in diversity recognition and identity politics since the 1980s have set white males back. Not in real terms, white men still earn more and wield more power than anyone else in the West, but by damaging their sense of sovereignty and entitlement. Much like Copernicus rocked the early church by revealing a
universe quite indifferent to the earth. Huntley struck this nerve (quite knowingly) and called these currents strategically into play turning what he’d hoped would get him a few more months in Canada after his visa expired into a symptom of the unsettled, ever deferred complex of race relations not only in this country but as migration proliferates, the world. The man should have his own talk show at the very least.

Huntley has called on the associative demons of affirmative action and ‘reverse racism’ to make himself out to be a victim of wider social forces rather than individual, criminal acts (alleged assaults he tellingly failed to report): he has thereby turned himself into the Anne Frank of white fears. The chairperson of the refugee board, William Davis, who handled Huntley’s case, stated, in what is one of the most ironic and disturbing quotes yet uttered in the name of post-apartheid SA, “I find that the claimant would stand out like a ’sore thumb’ due to his color in any part of the country”. Huntley must have been on fire in that room. He must have found within himself a vein of rhetoric worthy of King Lear. The refugee board were convinced by the end of the session that Huntley’s, “subjective fear of persecution remained constant and consistent”. Constant and consistent again points to wider social factors at work, the living reality of social life of this nation, rather than an instance of singular paranoia. Being here now, this ruling suggests, literally victimizes whites as whites. Racial profiling sanctioned by the State: the refugee board found “clear and convincing proof of the state’s unwillingness or inability to protect him”. No wonder the ANC are a tad ruffled. Huntley dissembled and they believed him because they wanted to believe him. It’s Huntley’s race-baiting, fear-mongering genius to have gambled that they would. He is the flip side of 2010 and its shiny happy version of the new South Africa. A global grifter muddying the water of a complacent Rainbow nation.

Image courtesy and © Jason Bronkhorst. Check more of his styles here.



1 comment:

Why We Are White Refugees... said...

Yes Saoirse.....

That is exactly, word for word, what you said in your last comment.... Very original... do you work for the ANC perhaps?

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