Tuesday, June 14, 2011

‘Black African workers are retarded’ - Reits 4 State Prosecutor Johan Kruger

So, read between the lines; and don't expect an ignorant black African to be able to do so; is the message from State Pros. Johan kruger? Basically the Reits 4 State Prosecutor Johan Kruger says that if a white person in South Africa wants a ‘healthy’ relationship with a black person in South Africa; then in this ‘healthy’ relationship you must treat the black African like they are retarded.

Do not expect a black African to know what consent is. Do not expect a black African to take responsibility for thier consent and agreement to freely conduct a voluntary act; for which their was no pressure they participate in. Black Africans are moronically stupid, they do not know what consent is; because they are intellectually retarded. So it is your responsibility as a white person, to know that even if a black person tells you that they agree to do something; you are speaking to a retarded person, who is non compis mentis on the issue of consent. It is consequently your responsibility to be their adult (even if they are double your age; you as a young white person, are required to be their adult; because no matter how old a black African is; they are retarded and don't know what consent is; nor what a consensual honourable agreement is).

Not only do black Africans not know what consent is; or what it means to make an honourable consensual agreement; but they are also retarded in that they don't know what a joke is; or what satire is. Your ‘healthy’ relationship with a black person does not involve making a joke; because their retarded intellectual capacity does not allow them to be able to understand what a joke is. They will not understand your intentions to be a friend, to have a laugh together; that this is part of what in the rest of the world is considered a healthy relationship: to be able to laugh together and with each other.

So, the state Prosecutor implies that Black Africans are retarded; because they will never consider the possibility of the real motive of sincerity and friendship, when you joke with them; they will always conclude that your intentions are malicious. There is sweet fuck all you can do; it doesn't matter how honourable; or noble or kind your intentions were; they will interpret your intentions as the intent to insult them.

So, what you must do, is treat black Africans as if they are retarded; they are cognitively incapable of conscious consent; of making an honourable agreement; of understanding what satire and or humour contributes to a relationship.

The Reits-4 TRC Fraud Prostitution Circus:
  1. Introduction: Politicians, Editors & Lawyers: Kangaroo Court Actors

  2. Media Timeline of Events - Ignoring Anti-Lynching Voices

  3. Ubuntu Kangaroo Court Justice – Evidence is Irrelevant

  4. The Reasonable Initiation Satire Legal Fraud – Who cares about Evidence?

  5. The Dolus Eventualis Legal Fraud – The Multiculti Boiling Frog

  6. The Reconciliation Religious Fraud – Censoring TRC Fraud

  7. What is Oprah's Position on Black Liberation Theology TRC Fraud?

A lynching is the practice of killing people by extrajudicial mob action, where a mob is generally considered to be more than five persons. The mob generally act under the pretext of service to justice, their race or tradition. They use lynching and other terror tactics to intimidate a particular racial, religious or cultural group into political, social or economic submission. A legal lynching has other names such as Stalin's Political Show trials, or Kangaroo Court Justice, etc.

The term show trial is a pejorative description of a type of highly public trial. The term was first recorded in the 1930s. There is a strong connotation that the judicial authorities have already determined the guilt of the defendant and that the actual trial has as its only goal to present the accusation and the verdict to the public as an impressive example and as a warning. Show trials exhibit scant regard for the principles of jurisprudence and even for the letter of the law. Defendants have little real opportunity to justify themselves.

'Reitz-4 misused trust of workers'

2011-06-14 08:54
News 24

Bloemfontein - Die so-called Reits-four misused the trust the workers had in them, and insulted them, said Adv. Johan Kruger on Monday in the Free State High Court, where he is a witness for the state opposing the four students from the University of the Free State's application to appeal their sentence.

He testified that R.C. Malherbe from Hertzogville, Schalk van der Merwe from Christiana and Danie Grobler from Windhoek, and Johnny Roberts from Hoopstad insulted the trust that Emmah Koko, Rebecca Adams, Naoimi Phororo, Mittah Ntlatseng and David Molete placed in them.

He testified that if viewers are not aware of the traditions of the Reits-residence and they watch the satire video of the workers, they can get the impression that it is actual reality.

When it was implied in the video that the food was urinated in, it was behind a screen and without the consent of the workers.

Thus it does not matter if it is reality; or not. The video was subsequently shown to other residents who laughed about it, when the workers had to eat the concocted food and got nauseous. That is how they were insulted.

He testified that the sentences which were given to the four, was balanced, humane and included the right amount of mercy.

Adv. Kemp J. Kemp SC testified on behalf of the Reits-four that this was a case of negligence where the four were not thinking clearly. They were dumbstruck by the consequences.

There was a very good relationship between the four students and workers. It was not a Boss-Worker relationship. They were on equal footing with each other. They have no asked for forgiveness, and the relationship between them has been healed.

» » » » [News 24]

'Reitz-4 het vertroue van werkers misbruik'

2011-06-14 08:54
News 24

Bloemfontein - Die sogenaamde Reitz-vier het die vertroue wat die werkers in hulle gehad het misbruik en hulle verneder, het adv. Johan Kruger Maandag in die Vrystaatse hooggeregshof betoog waar dié vier oudstudente van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat teen hul vonnis appelleer.

Hy het betoog R.C. Malherbe van Hertzogville, Schalk van der Merwe van Christiana en Danie Grobler van Windhoek en Johnny Roberts van Hoopstad en ’n bespotting gemaak van die vertroue wat Emmah Koko, Rebecca Adams, Naomi Phororo, Mittah Ntlatseng en David Molete in hulle gehad het.

Hy het betoog dat as kykers wat nie tradisies van die Reitz-kamerwonings ken nie na die video waarin die werkers rolle vertolk het, gekyk het, kan hulle die indruk kry dat wat vertoon word die werklikheid is.

Toe in die video gemaak is asof in die brousel geurineer is, was dit agter die skerms, sonder die medewete of toestemming van die werkers.

Dus maak dit nie saak of dit werklik was, of nie. Die video is daarna aan toeskouers gewys wat daarvoor gelag het toe die werkers die brousel moes eet en naar geword het. Hulle is só verneder.

Hy het betoog die vonnisse wat aan die vier opgelê is, was gebalanseerd, menslik en met die regte hoeveelheid genade vermeng.

Adv. Kemp J. Kemp SC het namens die Reitz-vier betoog hierdie was ’n geval van nalatigheid en roekeloosheid waarin die vier nie mooi gedink het nie. Hulle was stomgeslaan oor die gevolge.

Daar was ’n baie goeie verhouding tussen die vier en die werkers. Daar was nie ’n Baas-Klaas-verhouding nie. Hulle was op gelyke vlak met mekaar. Hulle het nou verskoning gevra en die verhouding tussen hulle en die werkers is nou herstel.

» » » » [News 24]

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