Renaissance Party of North America occupy SA's Toronto Consulate against Boer Genocide
Renaissance Party of North America occupy SA's Toronto Consulate against Boer Genocide
Renaissance Party of North America Stages One day Occupation Demo of South African Consulate in Toronto, Ontario on June 15, 2013; to draw attention to the genocide of Europeans underway in South Africa.
17 June 2013 | Andrea Muhrrteyn | TYGAE
On 15 June 2013, members of the newly formed Renaissance Party of North America held an occupation demonstration outside South Africa's Toronto Embassy, to "Stop the Genocide of White South Africans."
The demonstration was attended by among others: RPN Executive Council members: RPN President, Mr. Sebastian Ronin; Mr. Chris Creighton, RPN's South Africa Liaison in Toronto; RPN supporters Max Macro; former candidate for MP in Calgary, Mr. Paul Fromm and his assistant: Sheri Zucker, and others. Renaissance Vanguard also have a local South African member from Capetown on their executive council: Mr. Sean Verster.
Mr. Paul Fromm is a radio journalist and former Western Block Party candidate for Calgary Southeast. Mr. Fromm is the editor of the Canadian Immigration Hotline, Canada’s best known immigration critic and is in demands as a lecturer across Canada, the U.S., Australia and New Zealand. He is also the director of CAFE: Canadian Association for Freedom of Expression, hosting its weekly show: For Our People.

The Renaissance Party of North America is a subdivision of the Renaissance Vanguard movement. It is neither left nor right wing but openly draw their "support from the Vesica Piscis fringes of all political persuasions, identities, and affiliations, from those who are prepared to leave behind their old perceptions and entertain the new".
Party Policies are founded on the Three Pillars of Post-Peak Oil Collapse, Ethno Nationalism, and Regional Secessionism: Ethno Nationalist Secession-by-Default: Post-Peak Oil Devolution of the Industrial Nation-State. Put simply the necessity for communities to relocalize, regionalize into self sufficient homogenous cultural, political and ethnic communities, that will better be able to survive the coming ecological, economic and inter-cultural resource conflict apocalypse consequences of Peak Oil upon industrial civilization.

Post Peak Oil Collapse refers to a physical or geological limit of oil production. This limit is the maximum limit of global oil production; and the concept is not tied to the last drop of oil in the ground. Peak Oil refers to the maximum rate of global oil extraction; the point where the supply of global oil production cannot be further increased. Peak Oil is not a theory, anymore than it is a theory that any mine, gold, oil, or coal, has finite limits, and hence globally there will be a peak in production of all mined non-renewable resources. Peak Oil has already occurred in 80 oil producing countries. Our economies are a function of the available energy. Without available energy there could never be an economy. Oil is the master energy resource in our industrial, trade based, globalized industrial economic paradigm; because it fuels over 95% of the transport of all goods. Oil has a hand in virtually every single dollar of global GDP. No alternative energies have the EROI (Energy Return on Energy Invested) status of oil. One tank of gasoline performs the work of about three years of hard human labour. Our 'economic growth' and its 'debt based fiat currency' system is predicated upon the premise of infinite cheap energy; and as the world heads down the oil depletion curve, all industrial civilization economies shall economically collapse. Various US Military and a German Military report predict a resource scarcity future filled with conflict. The Bundeswehr report states that Peak Oil will result in the collapse of democratic nations economies. Economic Collapse will result in extreme scarcity, and in multi-ethnic, multi-racial, multi-cultural communities, such scarcity will manifest as multi-racial/cultural/ethnic conflict. [For more information see documentaries: Peak Oil and Economic Collapse; Peak Oil: There's No Tomorrow; Max Keizer: Peak Oil and end of Industrial Civilization; Collapse: The End of the Age of Oil].

RPN's policies of Ethno-Nationalism and Secession are consequences of the the geological and geopolitical reality of Post Peak Oil collapse. Hence the driver of the Three Pillar policy, is the geological reality of Peak Oil, and its consequent geo-political scarcity and conflict consequences. Preparing citizens for confronting the geopolitical scarcity-conflict consequences of Peak Oil, requires implementing policies that enable communities to survive better under conditions of extreme economic scarcity. As Dmitry Orlov, another Peak Oil theorist notes, in "Caution: White People":
Privileged ethnic groups do not have to hate ethnic groups they oppress any more than I have to hate chickens in order to steal and eat their eggs. Ethnicity-based feelings of entitlement and a clan mentality work just as well to divide a multi-ethnic society into warring factions. You might think that intermarriage and a long history together might mitigate against this risk, but there was plenty of intermarriage and a very long history together between Serbs and Croats in Yugoslavia, and between Tutsi and Hutu in Rwanda, and look at where that got them. Multi-ethnic societies are fragile entities, and have a tendency to explode. When they do everyone loses.
Whenever two or more ethnic groups live side by side, the danger of ethnic strife, civil war, ethnic cleansing and genocide is always present.
and in Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post American Century:
The U.S. is much more like the Balkans than like Russia, which is inhabited by a fairly homogeneous Caucasian/Asian population. The U.S. is very much segregated, usually by race, often by ethnicity, and always by income level. During prosperous times, it is kept relatively calm by keeping a percentage of people in jail that has set an all-time world record. During less prosperous times, it is at a big risk of political explosion. Multi-ethnic societies are fragile and unstable; when they fall apart, or explode, everyone loses.

RPN advocates that policies be implemented to encourage ethno-nationalist political secession and economic relocalization. Ethno-Nationalism is very similar to the original concept of apartheid. Basically Ethno-Nationalism means that all people, from all ethnicities, races, cultures, be allowed to secede from their nation states, to create their own smaller ethnically/culturally homogeneous states, where they can focus on becoming locally self sufficient in terms of energy, food production and community security. Put differently, with respect to South Africa, Ethno-Nationalism would support all of South Africa's ethnicities to secede into their own nation states -- the Zulu's, the Xhosa's, the Pedi, the Bushmen, Boers, etc -- where they rule themselves, and prepare for localized economic self sufficiency in terms of food and energy production.

The RPN 10 June Press Release (ignored by North American and South African media) states:
Renaissance Party of North America Stages Occupation Demo of South African Consulate
AMHERST, NOVA SCOTIA – The Renaissance Party of North America (RPN) will stage a one-day “occupation” demonstration at the South African Consulate in Toronto, Ontario on June 15, 2013. This action is part of a global initiative to draw attention to the genocide of White Europeans underway in South Africa.
Since the African National Congress came to power in 1994, there have been 70,000 Black-on-White murders in South Africa. This tragedy goes unreported in the Western press and is ignored by Western governments.
“The Western public, the Canadian public inclusive, remains largely ignorant of the predominantly Boer genocide underway in South Africa,” said Sebastian E. Ronin, President of the RPN. “We maintain that Western governments and the media are indirectly, if not directly, complicit in this vicious, state-endorsed mass murder. If the racial roles were reversed there would be an international outcry.”
The RPN is Canada’s newest federal political party, having been incorporated in March, 2013. The RPN philosophy is based on Three Pillars: recognition of Peak Oil and related energy devolution; the rise of Ethno Nationalism; the devolution of the industrial nation-state and parallel secession of autonomous ethno-states on the North American continent. The incorporation of the RPN (USA) should be finalized by mid-summer. Both parties will function under a common Constitution.
“As part of our Ethno Nationalist secessionist mandate we strongly believe that the only solution to avert a post-Mandela bloodbath in South Africa is for all South African racial stakeholders to begin the task of determining their own secessionist ethno-states,” said Mr. Ronin. “An invitation to support our action was issued to Idle No More, which was ignored. It would seem that White Genocide does not carry as high a premium with the INM folks as does non-White genocide.”
The RPN is committed to being registered with Elections Canada by the end of 2013 and fielding a first wave of candidates in the 2015 federal election. The Founding Directors are representative of all Canadian regions except Quebec. The Party’s racial positions stem from a European-oriented Ethno Nationalist perspective and not from an American-oriented White Nationalist perspective.
The RPN leads with the slogan: Collapse is both tomb and womb.
Update: A report from Mr. Paul Fromm's facebook page notes:

Protesters Denounce Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa TORONTO. June 15, 2013.
TORONTO. June 15, 2013. The Montreal contingent showed up early and first. A leader came from far-off Halifax. All in all, close to three dozen protesters massed in front of the South African Consulate on Sheppard St. in North Toronto today to call attention to the deliberate genocide of Whites, especially White farmers in South Africa, under the neo-communist regime of the African National Congress. The protest's banners sent a clear message: "Stop the White Genocide in South Africa."
The organizing group, the Renaissance Party of North America outlined the purpose of the protest: "Since the African National Congress came to power in 1994, there have been 70,000 murders of White South Africans." That figure, incidentally, exceeds the American dead in the Vietnam War or all the Canadians killed in WW I!
Among those specially targeted for murder are White farmers, called "boers" in Afrikaans, the offshoot of Dutch spoken by the Dutch/Huguenot settlers of South Africa, who were later joined by British and German settlers. "Boers" is also applied as a term for the Afrikaaners as a people. "The song 'Kill the Boers' is the marching song of the terrorist African National Congress," the "Stop the White Genocide in South Africa" press release continued. Since 1994, over 4,000 White farmers have been killed in a form of low intensity warfare and ethnic cleansing by Negro militants.
Rense (June 6, 2002) reports: "Add to this another 6,000 attacks and the white Boer Afrikaner farmer is easily the highest at-risk murder group on Earth. The ANC has responded to this crisis by blaming Whites and putting a ban on crime statistics because they scare off foreign investment.
front of ...the South African Consulate on Sheppard St. in North Toronto today to call attention to the deliberate genocide of Whites, especially White farmers in South Africa, under the neo-communist regime of the African National Congress. The protest's banners sent a clear message: "Stop the White Genocide in South Africa."
The organizing group, the Renaissance Party of North America outlined the purpose of the protest: "Since the African National Congress came to power in 1994, there have been 70,000 murders of White South Africans." That figure, incidentally, exceeds the American dead in the Vietnam War or all the Canadians killed in WW I!
Among those specially targeted for murder are White farmers, called "boers" in Afrikaans, the offshoot of Dutch spoken by the Dutch/Huguenot settlers of South Africa, who were later joined by British and German settlers. "Boers" is also applied as a term for the Afrikaaners as a people. "The song 'Kill the Boers' is the marching song of the terrorist African National Congress," the "Stop the White Genocide in South Africa" press release continued. Since 1994, over 4,000 White farmers have been killed in a form of low intensity warfare and ethnic cleansing by Negro militants.
Rense (June 6, 2002) reports: "Add to this another 6,000 attacks and the white Boer Afrikaner farmer is easily the highest at-risk murder group on Earth. The ANC has responded to this crisis by blaming Whites and putting a ban on crime statistics because they scare off foreign investment.
Photo: Protesters Denounce Genocide of White Farmers in South Africa TORONTO. June 15, 2013. The Montreal contingent showed up early and first. A leader came from far-off Halifax. All in all, close to three dozen protesters massed in front of the South African Consulate on Sheppard St. in North Toronto today to call attention to the deliberate genocide of Whites, especially White farmers in South Africa, under the neo-communist regime of the African National Congress. The protest's banners sent a clear message: "Stop the White Genocide in South Africa." The organizing group, the Renaissance Party of North America outlined the purpose of the protest: "Since the African National Congress came to power in 1994, there have been 70,000 murders of White South Africans." That figure, incidentally, exceeds the American dead in the Vietnam War or all the Canadians killed in WW I! Among those specially targeted for murder are White farmers, called "boers" in Afrikaans, the offshoot of Dutch spoken by the Dutch/Huguenot settlers of South Africa, who were later joined by British and German settlers. "Boers" is also applied as a term for the Afrikaaners as a people. "The song 'Kill the Boers' is the marching song of the terrorist African National Congress," the "Stop the White Genocide in South Africa" press release continued. Since 1994, over 4,000 White farmers have been killed in a form of low intensity warfare and ethnic cleansing by Negro militants. Rense (June 6, 2002) reports: "Add to this another 6,000 attacks and the white Boer Afrikaner farmer is easily the highest at-risk murder group on Earth. The ANC has responded to this crisis by blaming Whites and putting a ban on crime statistics because they scare off foreign investment. 'I won't hold my breath waiting for Oprah to call, or Jesse Jackson, Jimmy Carter or Al Sharpton' [South African farm leader Kobus] Coetzee told WorldNetDaily. 'It's politically correct to kill Whites these days. What is so strange is the fact that we white farmers feed the black population. But look at Zimbabwe. The black leaders have engineered a famine against their own black citizens. It's as if it's all part of some horrible 'master plan.' Apparently getting blacks to starve blacks to death doesn't really bother anyone in the Western world.'" A press release from The Renaissance Party of North America charged: "If the racial roles of such slaughter were reversed, there would an an international outcry. Western governments and their obedient media have been complicit in this genocide." "Where is the media?" demanded Paul Fromm, Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens and the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, both of which had endorsed the protest. Organizers has e-mailed most Toronto media. "They are not interested in the organized murder of Whites. Yet, they give us almost hourly updates on the medical condition of St. Nelson Mandela," Mr. Fromm fumed. Mr. Fromm, the International Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens and International Advisor to the American Freedom Party, has visited South Africa. "Many North Americans are under the mistaken impression that Whites are interlopers in South Africa. Actually, they are the founding settler people. In 1600, the land now known as South Africa was virtually uninhabited. Europeans, mostly Dutch and French Huguenots, settled in the Cape. In the 19th century they began to move inland. At the same time, Bantu tribes were beginning to move south from what was until recently Rhodesia. The Afrikaaners truly are White Africans and the founding/settler people of that land. They were betrayed by their leadership who were bribed, corrupted, threatened and intimidated by the U.S. and Britain and the internationalists who detest nationalism and wanted to drag South Africa into the New World Order," he added. During the hour-long protest a large number of leaflets were distributed to passersby. Lively discussions ensued with pedestrians many of whom had never heard of the mass murder of Whites in South Africa. A number of motorists honked their approval. Of course, it wouldn't be "diverse" Toronto without one sour note. One brave motorists squeaked out "racist!" as he sped away in his car to safety.
'I won't hold my breath waiting for Oprah to call, or Jesse Jackson, Jimmy Carter or Al Sharpton' [South African farm leader Kobus] Coetzee told WorldNetDaily.
'It's politically correct to kill Whites these days. What is so strange is the fact that we white farmers feed the black population. But look at Zimbabwe. The black leaders have engineered a famine against their own black citizens. It's as if it's all part of some horrible 'master plan.' Apparently getting blacks to starve blacks to death doesn't really bother anyone in the Western world.'"
A press release from The Renaissance Party of North America charged: "If the racial roles of such slaughter were reversed, there would an an international outcry. Western governments and their obedient media have been complicit in this genocide."
"Where is the media?" demanded Paul Fromm, Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens and the Canada First Immigration Reform Committee, both of which had endorsed the protest. Organizers has e-mailed most Toronto media. "They are not interested in the organized murder of Whites. Yet, they give us almost hourly updates on the medical condition of St. Nelson Mandela," Mr. Fromm fumed.
Mr. Fromm, the International Director of the Council of Conservative Citizens and International Advisor to the American Freedom Party, has visited South Africa. "Many North Americans are under the mistaken impression that Whites are interlopers in South Africa. Actually, they are the founding settler people. In 1600, the land now known as South Africa was virtually uninhabited. Europeans, mostly Dutch and French Huguenots, settled in the Cape. In the 19th century they began to move inland. At the same time, Bantu tribes were beginning to move south from what was until recently Rhodesia. The Afrikaaners truly are White Africans and the founding/settler people of that land. They were betrayed by their leadership who were bribed, corrupted, threatened and intimidated by the U.S. and Britain and the internationalists who detest nationalism and wanted to drag South Africa into the New World Order," he added.
During the hour-long protest a large number of leaflets were distributed to passersby. Lively discussions ensued with pedestrians many of whom had never heard of the mass murder of Whites in South Africa. A number of motorists honked their approval. Of course, it wouldn't be "diverse" Toronto without one sour note. One brave motorists squeaked out "racist!" as he sped away in his car to safety.
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