Eco Innocent v Ego Man Scarcity Combatant’s and their Crime of Aggression Acts of War Footprints
Eco Innocents: Anders Breivik, Dylann Storm Roof, Aaron Alexis, Chris Harper-Mercer, Beate Zchape, Ted Kaczynski, Timothy McVeigh
Ego Scarcity Combatants: Jacob Zuma, Cliven Bundy, Brad Blanton, Dennis Banks, Martin Luther King, Julian Assange, Mark Zuckerberg, William Windsor.
08 October 2015 | Andrea Muhrrteyn
An individuals Ego/Eco Footprint is determined from their:
Consumption Footprint x Procreation Factor.
Consumption Footprint: An Individuals Consumption Footprint is a measure of their consumption of renewable natural resources. The total area of productive land or sea required to produce all the crops, meat, seafood, wood and fibre the individual consumes, to sustain its energy consumption and to give space for its infrastructure. The individuals consumption habits (size of house, consumption habits, etc need to be collected) are submitted to a Footprint Quiz calculator.
Procreation Factor: The procreation factor is '20' for every child. For every child the citizen has procreated, their consumption footprint must be multiplied by a factor of 20; i.e. (1 child, multiply by '20'; 2 children, multiply by 40; and so on)
These Footprint analysis and conclusions have been submitted to scientific Footprint experts for their feedback and confirmation to International Criminal Court; in the matter of EoP PoW -v- Nobel Peace Laurettes, et al.
Ego Scarcity Combatants:
Jacob Zuma
Consumption Footprint: 65.66 gha
President Jacob Zuma's Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 65.66 global hectares (gha). South Africa's average consumption footprint is 38.59 gha. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like President Zuma, we would need 4.18 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 500
President Zuma has 25 children (some say 32, but I used 25). His procreation footprint factor is 25 x 20* = 500. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Net Consumption & Procreation Footprint: 33,280 gha
Consumption (65.66) x Procreation (500) = Net Footprint of 33280 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like President Zuma, we would need 2,090 earths.
Martin Luther King
Consumption Footprint: 32.10 gha
I have given Martin Luther King the consumption footprint as Assange's Ecuador Embassy footprint, for easy comparative reasons; although King's consumption footprint would have been higher. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Martin Luther King / Assange; we would need 2.04 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 80
Martin Luther King had 4 children. His procreation footprint factor is 04 x 20* = 80. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Net Consumption & Procreation Footprint: 2578 gha
Consumption (32.10) x Procreation (80) = Net Footprint of 2,578 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Martin Luther King, we would need 163 earths.
Cliven Bundy
Consumption Footprint: 91.10 gha
Cliven Bundy's tentative Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 91.10 global hectares (gha). America's average consumption footprint is 99.8 gha. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Brad Blanton, we would need 5.8 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 280
Cliven Bundy has 14 children. His procreation footprint factor is 14 x 20* = 280. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 25,508 gha (1624 earths)
Consumption (91.1) x Procreation (280) = Ego Footprint of 25,508 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Cliven Bundy, we would need 1624 earths.
Brad Blanton
Consumption Footprint: 85.18 gha
Brad Blanton's Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 85.18 global hectares (gha). America's average consumption footprint is 99.8 gha. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Brad Blanton, we would need 5.42 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 120
Brad Blanton has 6 children. His procreation footprint factor is 6 x 20* = 120. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 10,221.6 gha (650 earths)
Consumption (85.18) x Procreation (120) = Ego Footprint of 10,221.6 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Brad Blanton, we would need 650 earths.
Julian Assange
Consumption Footprint: 32.10 gha
Julian Assange's Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 32.10 global hectares (gha). UK's average consumption footprint is 48.19 gha. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Julian Assange, we would need 2.04 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 80
Julian Assange has at least four children. His procreation footprint factor is 4 x 20* = 80. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 2568 gha (163.2 earths)
Consumption (32.10) x Procreation (80) = Ego Footprint of 2568 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Julian Assange, we would need 163.2 earths.
Mark Zuckerberg
Consumption Footprint: 408.22 gha
Mark Zuckerberg's Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 408.22 global hectares (gha). America's average consumption footprint is 99.8 gha. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Mark Zuckerberg, we would need 25.99 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 0
Mark Zuckerberg has no children. His procreation footprint factor is 0 x 20* = 0. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 408.22 gha (26 earths)
Consumption (408.22) x Procreation (0) = Ego Footprint of 408.22 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Mark Zuckerberg, we would need 26 earths.
Dennis Banks
Consumption Footprint: 32.10 gha
Dennis Banks accurate consumption footprint is unknown. The equivalent of Julian Assange's consumption footprint was used. Julian Assange's Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 359.34 global hectares (gha). If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Dennis Banks and Julian Assange, we would need 2.04 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 540
According to Idle No More [Life and Death of Anna Mae Aquash 01:02:03] Dennis Banks has at least twenty seven children. His procreation footprint factor is 27 x 20* = 540. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 17,334 gha (1,099 earths)
Consumption (32.10) x Procreation (540) = Ego Footprint of 17,334 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Dennis Banks, we would need 1,099 earths.
William Windsor
Consumption Footprint: 359.34 gha
William Windsor's consumption footprint is unknown. I imagine it would not be less than that of Hans Astrup. Astrup's Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 359.34 global hectares (gha).
If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Hans Astrup and William Windsor, we would need 22.87 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 40
William and Kate Windsor currently have one child; Kate is expecting their second child. His procreation footprint factor, subsequent to the birth of his second child is 2 x 20* = 40. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 359.34 gha (23 earths)
Consumption (359.34) x Procreation (40) = Ego Footprint of 14 373.6 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Hans Astrup, we would need 912 earths.
Julian Assange
Consumption Footprint: 32.10 gha
Julian Assange's Consumption Footprint using Sustainable Economy's quiz, is 32.10 global hectares (gha). UK's average consumption footprint is 48.19 gha. If accurate, then if everyone on planet earth consumed like Julian Assange, we would need 2.04 earths.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 80
Julian Assange has at least four children. His procreation footprint factor is 4 x 20* = 80. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 2568 gha (163.2 earths)
Consumption (32.10) x Procreation (80) = Ego Footprint of 2568 gha. If accurate, if everyone consumed and procreated like Julian Assange, we would need 163.2 earths.
Eco - Innocents:
Anders Breivik / Dylann Storm Roof / Aaron Alexis / Chris Harper-Mercer / Beate Zschape / Ted Kaczynski / Timothy McVeigh
Consumption Footprint: 32.10 gha
Eco-Innocents average consumption footprint is stated as either 32.10 equal to that of Julian Assange; such as Anders Breivik, Dylann Storm Roof; or 12: equal to that of the author; for McVeigh, Zschape, Mercer and Alexis; whereas Kaczynski would be much less than 12.
Procreation Footprint Factor: 0
None of the Eco-Innocents have any children; consequently their procreation footprint is zero children. [Each Child increases a parents footprint by factor of 20]
Ego Footprint = 32 gha ( earths)
Consumption (32.10 / 12) x Procreation (0) = Eco Footprint of 32 / 12 gha.
If accurate, on a planet with 7 billion; if everyone's Total Consumption & Procreation footprint was 32 gha; we would need 2.04 earths; and if their Total Consumption & Procreation footprint was 12 gha we would need 0.81 earths. On a planet of 7 billion a 32 gha would therefore qualify as a -- compared to the other aforementioned Scarcity Combatant footprints -- minuscule scarcity combatant footprint.
If there were 3.5 billion people on the planet, if everyone's Total Consumption & Procreation footprint was 32 gha, we would need 1.02 earths; and if their Total Consumption & Procreation footprint was 12 gha; we would need 0.41 earths. On a planet of 3.5 billion, a 32 gha footprint is on the red line between eco-innocent and scarcity combatant.
If there were 1.25 billion people on the planet; if everyone's Total Consumption & Procreation footprint was 32 gha; we would need 0.51 earths; and if their Total Consumption & Procreation footprint was 12 gha; we would need 0.205 earths. On a planet of 1.25 billion, a 32 gha footprint is an Eco-Innocent footprint.
[These Footprint analysis and conclusions have been submitted to scientific Footprint experts for their feedback and confirmation to International Criminal Court; in the matter of EoP PoW -v- Nobel Peace Laurettes, et al.]
» » » » [Astrup :: Zuckerberg :: Assange :: Blanton :: Bundy :: Zuma]
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