‘Look Moron, I have seen your website, it is one hateful diatribe. You are not a refugee, white or otherwise. You are hatful, evil, violent, and stupid. But mostly in my short connection with you, you are so stupid that you have no idea that you are stupid.’ - Adv. JP van der Veen
“Its fucking unbelievable. I will grant you this, I had no idea how stupid you people were until I met you. I thought I love SA was racist, but you bring new definition to the word. Your stupidity is psychotic.” - Adv. van der Veen
27 February 2011
Andrea Muhrrteyn
Why We Are White Refugees
In Rainbow Hypocrisy SA
To be, or not to be; a Racist
is no different than
In Anti-Apartheid Struggle SA
To be, or not to be; a Witch
A legal definition of 'racist'
is as irrelevant, as
a legal definition of 'witch'
For legal definitions require factual evidence
to prove guilt or innocence
for 'racism' or 'witchcraft'
And innocence is problematic
for the practitioners of
ANC Occult Struggle Witchhunt Politics
In a recent Google search, I came across a blog called the Troublemaker Times, written by “a lawyer, a dreamer, a writer, an atheist” JP aka The Troublemaker Times “(educated, part time faggot, jew wanna be, kaffir lover, friend to niggers and white as the driven snow).”
The most popular post on his blog is, a criticism of (in my interpretation) insincere liberals, in A Tribute to Winnie Mandela or Welcome Back to our Politics, we missed you Mamma Afrika, wherein he concludes his appreciation of Winnie with “welcome back Mamma Africa, we missed you. Thank you, for liberating us, with just a box of matches!” (Note: I differentiate between sincere and insincere liberals and conservatives. I have no problem with sincere liberals or conservatives, i.e. those who sincerely hold their beliefs, based upon the information available to them, who are willing to hear contradictory information, and if the contradictory evidence is of sufficient weight to change their minds/beliefs. I have little time for insincere (fake) fundamentalist dogmatic liberals or conservatives.)
Adv. JP seems to think that in this wonderful new 'democracy' brought to us by Mama Afrika's Anti-Apartheid Movement (sic), also known as the KGB's foremost Stalinist Front; the Supreme Court of Appeal is committed to Descartian Rule of Law principles of Evidence. For an Advocate, he is blisfully in denial about an entire Justice System, where political cases are given KANGAROO COURT RUBBER STAMPS, where Descartian Rule of Law EVIDENCE IS TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
Anyway, so on 09 April 2009, JP wrote a post: An open letter to my black president, from a long time white supporter or could you possibly fire Mike Sutcliffe.
JP is a friend of Jacob Zuma's son, Duduzane. JP was very involved in Zuma's election efforts, and one of Zuma's aide's had informed him that “its good to have a white boy like you here, very good, but don’t be mistaken, you are far from the only one....... While white people are very important, particularly as a stabilizing force in our country, they have become, other than that, in political terms, largely irrelevant.”
JP wanted Zuma to change the ANC's decision to deny white South Africans their historical South African history, which the ANC seem hell bent on eradicating as if it never existed.
Doberman, from I Luv SA; but I Hate My Goverment, wrote a response thereto (since deleted); wherein he described JP's letter to Zuma as “the pitiful level some whites have reached… pass me a bucket.” Doberman described JP's letter to Zuma as “Sir, sir, sir all the time. Sheesh, why not just say “Baas” My Kroon Zuma, My big navigator, I am begging for scraps, ‘semblief my baas… Se moer! That is why I left Azania, I REFUSE to go on my knees.”
JP took serious offense, and responded with: Klu Klux Klanning Around – The South African Franchise or Have you Met the Idiots at I luv SA, but I hate my Government.
I read JP's Klu Klux Klanning article, and sent him my perspective feedback; asking him to provide his definition of 'racism/racist'. The following is the verbatim text of our correspondence: [I] “You DUMB FUCK, stupid, uneducated, undereducated.. YOU ARE A RACIST” - Adv. JP van der Veen. Adv. van der Veen then indicated he had nothing further to say, and it was posted. He then changed his mind. This is Part II.
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 3:27 PMYou are a real nut job.
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 4:31 PMIs that a compliment; an insult, a professional diagnoses, or what exactly?
I imagine, my cognitive understanding for 'a real nut job' is not the same as yours; so I ain't got the foggiest clue what you mean.
If compliment; thank you.
If insult; try harder.
If professional diagnoses; evidence please.
If you don’t know; how can I?
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 6:18 PMLook Madam,
You are incoherent, rambling and somewhat unstable. I don't care if you are a racist or if you are not. I do not wish to engage with you. I don't think you are my intellectual inferior, I know it. I am an educated man, given to discourse. You are a very foolish, probably young, from your grammar manifestly uneducated and generally a borderline personality. Your website is full of rubbish, like the promotion of eugenics, and the gratuitous use of the word Kaffir.
Leave the intellectual stuff to the clever people, and get some drugs for your anti social personality disorder , with episodes of delusional schizophrenia and borderline personality disorder.
Lithium should do the trick
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 7:29 PMWhat a pathetic intellectually incompetent attempt at an insult!
Ever heard of R.D. Laing or Daniel Goleman? Probably not, if you come up with such lame insults!
If I don't know I don't know
I think I know
If I don't know I know
I think I don't know
-- R.D. Laing
"The range of what we think and do is limited by what we fail to notice. And because we fail to notice that we fail to notice there is little we can do to change until we notice how failing to notice shapes our thoughts and deeds." -- Daniel Goleman, Vital Lies, Simple Truths
What about Susan Blackmore?
"Why do you believe in a self that does not exist? Someone may yet explain this in evolutionary terms, but at least superficially it appears pointless. Why construct a false idea of self, with all its mechanisms protecting self-esteem and its fear of failure and loss, when from the biological point of view it is the body that needs protecting. Note that if you thought of yourself as the entire organism there would be no problem, but you don’t - rather, you seem to believe in a separate self; something that is in charge of the body; something that has to be protected for its own sake. I bet if I asked you "Which would you rather lose - your body or your mind?" you wouldn’t spend long deciding." -- Waking from the Meme Dream; Paper presented at: The Psychology of Awakening: International Conference on Buddhism, Science and Psychotherapy Dartington 7-10 November 1996
So, is that pathetically intellectually incompetent attempt, the best you can do for an attempt to insult?
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 6:52 PM"my cognitive understanding for 'a real nut job' is not the same as yours; so I ain't got the foggiest clue what you mean."
Q1 - Why do you use the word cognitive before the word understanding , in that cognitive means process of thought, ergo next to the word understanding it is, well , at best superfluous and at worse tautological ?
Q2 - Don't you speak English ? How can you have different understanding of simple words ?
So let me explain, only a lunatic does not UNDERSTAND the words "nut job"
Your pathetic attempts at home taught linguistics aside let me explain.
I think that you are unstable in the extreme. I think too, that you lack simple skills in life, which is why you resort to your own form of anonymous cyber bully bullshit tactics.
Madam in real terms the reason your life is a failure has nothing to do with the fact that you are white. You are not a white refugee because of conspiracy or black people.
You are a failure because that who you are. Stupid, useless and ignorant. I understand why your whiteness is so important to you, its all you have isn't it?
Stop blaming black people. Grow up.
And you know what 90% of the world would agree with me. You think the world has been duped by things you call liberalism and lies and race fraud.
Funny that only you and your band of social misfits agree.
Idiot, the problem is not the world ... it's you.
Of course, according to that other nut job Braun, you would be better at running a democracy than, oh, lets say, Barak Obama, just because you are white. Of course the fact that Mr Obama actually has an education, can write, and is arguably the most powerful person in the world does not matter to you.
No he is just black, let me quote you on blacks :"“(1) Blacks cannot manage a modern industrial democratic society; (2)
blacks know this and would never think of denying it were it not for white liberals insisting otherwise; (3) except for those black elites who hope to take power, black rule is in no one’s interest, especially not blacks; (4) blacks know this better than anyone and are terrified of black rule.”
Guess what gutter trash, the reason they don't invite you to the White House is because you know the truth.
Yes you and your litter box religion, your bad grammar, your standard 8 and your "cognitive understanding" are so compelling. Your Dr Braun and the rest are so compelling.
I see now.... thank God for you.
Oh and please, please, please fuck off now!!!!
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 8:28 PM>> Q1 - Why do you use the word cognitive before the word understanding , in that cognitive means process of thought, ergo next to the word understanding it is, well , at best superfluous and at worse tautological ?
Ever heard of sensate understanding? Cognitive understanding simply clarifies that I am referring to the former, rather than the latter.
>> Q2 - Don't you speak English ? How can you have different understanding of simple words ?
I am a member of the Radical Honesty culture. When you or anyone uses abstract words, we understand that abstract words mean many different things to different people. Consequently there are many possible interpretations, and instead of assuming that we know what someone else's meaning is in regards to a particular word, we first ask to make sure.------- ABSTRACT, CONCRETE, SPECIFIC TERMS -----------
Abstract terms refer to ideas or concepts; they have no physical referents.
[Stop right here and reread that definition. Many readers will find it both vague and boring. Even if you find it interesting, it may be hard to pin down the meaning. To make the meaning of this abstract language clearer, we need some examples.]
Examples of abstract terms include love, success, freedom, good, moral, democracy, and any -ism (chauvinism, Communism, feminism, racism, sexism). These terms are fairly common and familiar, and because we recognize them we may imagine that we understand them—but we really can't, because the meanings won't stay still.
Take love as an example. You've heard and used that word since you were three or four years old. Does it mean to you now what it meant to you when you were five? when you were ten? when you were fourteen (!)? I'm sure you'll share my certainty that the word changes meaning when we marry, when we divorce, when we have children, when we look back at lost parents or spouses or children. The word stays the same, but the meaning keeps changing.
If I say, "love is good," you'll probably assume that you understand, and be inclined to agree with me. You may change your mind, though, if you realize I mean that "prostitution should be legalized" [heck, love is good!].
How about freedom? The word is familiar enough, but when I say, "I want freedom," what am I talking about? divorce? self-employment? summer vacation? paid-off debts? my own car? looser pants? The meaning of freedom won't stay still. Look back at the other examples I gave you, and you'll see the same sorts of problems.
Does this mean we shouldn't use abstract terms? No—we need abstract terms. We need to talk about ideas and concepts, and we need terms that represent them. But we must understand how imprecise their meanings are, how easily they can be differently understood, and how tiring and boring long chains of abstract terms can be. Abstract terms are useful and necessary when we want to name ideas (as we do in thesis statements and some paragraph topic sentences), but they're not likely to make points clear or interesting by themselves.
Concrete terms refer to objects or events that are available to the senses. [This is directly opposite to abstract terms, which name things that are not available to the senses.] Examples of concrete terms include spoon, table, velvet eye patch, nose ring, sinus mask, green, hot, walking. Because these terms refer to objects or events we can see or hear or feel or taste or smell, their meanings are pretty stable. If you ask me what I mean by the word spoon, I can pick up a spoon and show it to you. [I can't pick up a freedom and show it to you, or point to a small democracy crawling along a window sill. I can measure sand and oxygen by weight and volume, but I can't collect a pound of responsibility or a liter of moral outrage.]
While abstract terms like love change meaning with time and circumstances, concrete terms like spoon stay pretty much the same. Spoon and hot and puppy mean pretty much the same to you now as they did when you were four.
You may think you understand and agree with me when I say, "We all want success." But surely we don't all want the same things. Success means different things to each of us, and you can't be sure of what I mean by that abstract term. On the other hand, if I say "I want a gold Rolex on my wrist and a Mercedes in my driveway," you know exactly what I mean (and you know whether you want the same things or different things). Can you see that concrete terms are clearer and more interesting than abstract terms?
If you were a politician, you might prefer abstract terms to concrete terms. "We'll direct all our considerable resources to satisfying the needs of our constituents" sounds much better than "I'll spend $10 million of your taxes on a new highway that will help my biggest campaign contributor." But your goal as a writer is not to hide your real meanings, but to make them clear, so you'll work to use fewer abstract terms and more concrete terms.
Abstract, Concrete, General, and Specific Terms, by John Friedlander, associate professor in the English department at Southwest Tennessee Community College
------------------------- END QUOTE ------------------
>> So let me explain, only a lunatic does not UNDERSTAND the words "nut job"
Really? Sounds like a fascist kind of culture you are a member of? Do you like it? Why do you remain a member of such a fascist culture, that declares anyone a lunatic, if they don't 'UNDERSTAND' (another abstract concept) the exact meaning of an abstract word (with multiple meanings), used by another one of your members? Do you expect your culture's members to be psychic?
I imagine you must have allot of arguments, and violence in your culture? In my culture, we don't have any murderers or rapists; nor in fact lawyers! Our social contract requires us to take responsibility for resolving all our disagreements with other members honourably face to face.
Perhaps we are a NUT JOB culture, of lunatics???
Who cares what words your culture uses to describe us, if our cultural communication practices help us to live lives of intimacy, sincerity and spontaneity and provides the skills to resolve our disagreements honourably face to face?
>> Your pathetic attempts at home taught linguistics aside let me explain.
>> I think that you are unstable in the extreme. I think too, that you lack simple skills in life, which is why you resort to your own form of anonymous cyber bully bullshit tactics.
Cyber bully bullshit tactics? Such as???
>> Madam in real terms the reason your life is a failure has nothing to do with the fact that you are white. You are not a white refugee because of conspiracy or black people.
Who said my life is a failure??? Perhaps according to your definition of failure; but certainly not according to mine.
Who said that I am a white refugee because of a conspiracy of black people?
>> You are a failure because that who you are. Stupid, useless and ignorant. I understand why your whiteness is so important to you, its all you have isn't it?
Failure??? According to what definition of 'failure'?
Stupid, useless and ignorant? There are things that I am totally not interested in gaining skills in, such as hypocrisy, arse-crawling and backstabbing; so yes in those behaviours, I am -- PROUDLY - stupid, useless and ignorant!
Hmmm what do you think 'whiteness' means to me?
>> Stop blaming black people. Grow up.
You think that being a friend to black people, is to ignore their raping, murdering and thieving; just so long as they can give you an honorary whitey insider tenderpreneur opportunities?
You think black people should not be held to the same standards as white people, cause they are incapable of being held to the same standards, so their incompetence should simply be ignored and anyone who points it out should be demonized as a 'racist'?
>> And you know what 90% of the world would agree with me.
You are in good company. 99% of the world agreed that Galileo was a nut job, and that the earth was flat!
If you think I choose to believe what 90% of the world believe, simply because they believe it; the sufi's would consider me a nutjob; and they got more credibility with me than you do!
If you believe what the majority believe, simply cause they are the majority; you should reconsider your definition for nut job!
>> You think the world has been duped by things you call liberalism and lies and race fraud.
Do I now??? That’s interesting. Thanks for letting me know what I 'think'!
>> Funny that only you and your band of social misfits agree.
Agree on what???
>> Idiot, the problem is not the world ... it's you.
Is this your standard response, attack the person, to avoid addressing the issues?
>> Of course, according to that other nut job Braun, you would be better at running a democracy than, oh, lets say, Barak Obama, just because you are white. Of course the fact that Mr Obama actually has an education, can write, and is arguably the most powerful person in the world does not matter to you.
Where did I say that I would be better at running a democracy, than Barack Obama; just cause I am white?
As far as I am aware, the most powerful person in the world is the Black Pope; or Superior General of the Jesuits. Barack Obama is but a little pawn of the international financiers and bankers.
>> No he is just black, let me quote you on blacks :"“(1) Blacks cannot manage a modern industrial democratic society; (2) blacks know this and would never think of denying it were it not for white liberals insisting otherwise; (3) except for those black elites who hope to take power, black rule is in no one’s interest, especially not blacks; (4) blacks know this better than anyone and are terrified of black rule.”
You are quoting Dr. Braun, not me. Although I do agree with him, as does just about every single black person he has interviewed on this subject for over 16 years.
>> Guess what gutter trash, the reason they don't invite you to the White
House is because you know the truth.
The reason they don't invite me to the White House? What on earth are you talking about?
>> Yes you and your litter box religion, your bad grammar, your standard 8 and your "cognitive understanding" are so compelling. Your Dr Braun and the rest are so compelling.
Well, its nice to know you consider a religion with no rapists or murderers, where members resolve their misunderstandings and disagreements face to face and honourably non-violently as a 'litter box religion'. Hmm, so what do you think of all the other religions then?
>> I see now.... thank God for you.
I imagine, he's probably saying that must be the first time in his sorry pathetic miserable life of hate spewing venom, that van der veen has ever had the grace to appreciate my efforts to say 'hello eric; why you so pissed off, and filled with hate?'.
>> Oh and please, please, please fuck off now!!!!
Where to shall I fuck off Sir?
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 8:48 PMI give you Derrida and Foucault and you give me RD Laing and Daniel Goldman .. you can't see the idiocy in that, and therein lies the rub .... you have no education. Buddhism and religion vs real philosophy.
The mind boggles, waddle off now dim wit.
Tsk Tsk
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:06 PMI respond to you, in terms of the most relevant response to your communication.
Ever heard of active listening?
I don't respond to prove superiority; but to listen and share.
You ever tried to do that?
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 8:51 PMAre you for real ?
This is surreal.
Are you serious or is this one of my friends playing a joke ?
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:27 PMI am for a for real nut job lunatic!
Life is surreal.
I am at times extremely serious and other times extremely funny, and all in between. I might be a friend from a previous life, but if so, I am unaware of such.
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:38 PMI doubt we were ever friends, I have a deep hatred for nazis, racists and stupid women.
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:27 PMSo, you are the one filled with hatred then; projecting it onto others.
I don't hate Nazis, whether black or white, racists, or stupid men.
What would be the point?
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 8:56 PMSince you posit psychology vs philosophy with Daniel Goldman ... answer the following problems raised in the video:
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:24 PM
Pardon Monsieur, Je ne par le Francais!
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:36 PMOk lovely, I am sorry, you have dazzled me with your argument. I admit defeat, hating blacks because they are black is not racism, no its some other other thing.
Les personnes stupides sont également valeur
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:26 PMWhere did I say, I hate blacks?
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 9:43 PMThen again, you are so stupid it could only be a pathology, so I should not hate you, I should pity you. Unfortunately your tone is so high brow it deserves a more severe response.
Then again, I really could care less.
Good bye
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 10:28 PMGood bye
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 11:36 PMLook Moron, I have seen your website, it is one hateful diatribe.
You are not a refugee, white or otherwise. You are hatful, evil, violent, and stupid. But mostly in my short connection with you, you are so stupid that you have no idea that you are stupid.
Its fucking unbelievable. I will grant you this, I had no idea how stupid you people were until I met you. I thought I love SA was racist, but you bring new definition to the word. Your stupidity is psychotic.
You are alone tonight, like very night.You hide behind a keyboard. You have never addressed a public forum, you can't. There is no university that would accept you, no publisher who would publish no, no forum that would hear you out. Your mouthpiece is a dreadful diity without even it's own domain. Your ideas have been rejected from here to Cairo. Like Gadaffi you languish in the insanity of your delusion. Your eugenic paradise of race purity was the scoffing post of Churchill and the allies. We don't fear you stupid woman, we pity you, we medicate you.
You are ugly in substantive form, so ugly I bet it can be seen on your pathetic form. You deride blacks (I've quoted that twice) you support racism and then retreat. You are like retard playing "tok tokkie" with the world. You have nothing to offer, kindergarten children can see through your stupidity.
White refugee ?
Retard in need of work?
From: JP Vanderveen; Sent: Friday, February 25, 2011 11:51 PMAnd even more, let me say that I have often met your kind, some with shaven heads, some with shaven minds, but I must say, your pathetic life is not the fault of blacks, its your fault.
Its over, you lost.
If you don't think so, get out of bed, wrap your nightie round your obese body and go to your nearest police station and read that piece on Kaffirs and lilies that you posted.
Try it.
No ?
I bet they have a definition of racism that Dr Braun has not approved.
Jesus you are stupid.
Then immigrate to Canada.
They won't have you either ?
What about the USA ?
Must be because they are run by kaffirs.
Try England.
Sorry they have enough maids.
Perhaps the Swiss ?
No they hate you too.
The whole world hates you.
Bet you think it's because your'e white.
Ahh . the reason the west has abandoned you is not because you are white, its because they have enough rubbish of their own.
Don't lose hope .. Libya is looking for people just like you.
You have to give up on the West though, they all think you are well, fucking up a tree.
And try as we may you racists just wont recycle.
Go figure.
perhaps the scientologists will take you ... but they are banned in Germany.
So I guess it's Vietnam for you ... but how will you deal with those yellow people.
Oh wait .... Orania ... thats right I saw an advert on your clever site.
Silly me, you are not a racist.
You are an ethnic realist.
You don't hate blacks you just know they are inferior, and as Braun (The lost child of Eva and Hitler) says even blacks know this.
Amazing !
Not only do you fear black rule, blacks fear black rule.
So clever.
Wow !
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 12:32 AMI thought you said Goodbye?
>> Look Moron, I have seen your website, it is one hateful diatribe.
Hate is an abstract concept. Clearly your definition for 'hate' is not everyone's.
What statement/s do you describe as 'hate'?
>> You are not a refugee, white or otherwise.
According to your perspective, no. But you are not God, and clearly not interested in impartial enquiry. So why should anyone take your perspective seriously?
>> You are hatful, evil, violent, and stupid.
To whom have I ever been hateful?
Where have I been evil?
When have I ever been violent?
Stupid, quite possibly in many things, and in others not. As I said, there are certain skills I am not remotely interested in gaining any qualifications in. In others life is a learning process. Orville and Wilber Wright did not take off on their first attempt you know.
Focussing on whether anyone is stupid, for me, distracts from listening to what they are saying. If I chose to determine whether someone is stupid, rather than simply listen to what they are saying, so as to hear their perspective -- as they mean it -- then I would no doubt find stupidity wherever I looked; and never hear anyone's real opinion.
>> But mostly in my short connection with you, you are so stupid that you have no idea that you are stupid.
Quite possible; if you are more specific about where, and what I am stupid about, then I would quite happily agree with you.
>> Its fucking unbelievable. I will grant you this, I had no idea how stupid you people were until I met you.
Glad to be of service; to awaken you to the depths of our stupidity!
>> I thought I love SA was racist, but you bring new definition to the word. Your stupidity is psychotic.
Again, according to your definition of racist, you think ILuvSA are 'racist'. Fine.
According to my definition, and my discussions with them, I have found them to be anything but racist.
So, I guess it just depends on which definition you wish to use, and how sincere, impartial, indepth and professional your enquiry is.
>> You are alone tonight, like very night.
Really??? I thought you said I was schizophrenic; which means I got a whole host of friends, who can pop in for a visit and chat, on demand!
I am however extremely picky about my choice of company; can't stand fake two faced hypocrites. I enjoy the simple Thoreau common sense life!
>> You have never addressed a public forum, you can't.
Really? Can't, or did, found it boring; and so can't be bothered?
>> There is no university that would accept you, no publisher who would publish no, no forum that would hear you out.
Actually I was accepted at quite a few universities; did a bit, but it was boring as fuck. So decided to choose the option of hard-knocks university. The one where you learn philosophy practically and experientially, by wearing a backpack and living in different cultures; instead of the intellectual bubble philosophy discussed at dinner tables, by individuals who have never made their own bed, let alone lived alone in a ghetto, hitch-hiked through Africa, or sailed through a storm in the Suez, etc.
>> Your mouthpiece is a dreadful diity without even it's own domain.
I generally judge the quality of the information; same as I judge the quality of the persons character. I have met whores and assholes with Royal titles; and saints and friends in rags. I have never been someone to judge others by their material belongings, but rather by their character and integrity.
>> Your ideas have been rejected from here to Cairo. Like Gadaffi you languish in the insanity of your delusion.
What don't you understand about the fact that I don’t subscribe to ideas, simply cause the masses subscribe to them. Which idea/s have been rejected, by whom, upon which scientific evidentiary facts?
If you want to subscribe to political correctness, go ahead! I don't.
>> Your eugenic paradise of race purity was the scoffing post of Churchill and the allies.
“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it.” -– Mahatma Gandhi
“We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone.” – Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Opinion, 24 September 1903
You may enjoy multi-culti la la land, but I can tell you there are many people from many many cultures, races and religions, who value their cultures and religions and would like to keep them pure.
Hendrik Verwoerd's wisdom and vision that multi-culti is impossible, and that the best options for cultures and races with different values is honourable separation and self-rule is being proven correct and visionary, by one leader after another in Europe.
>> We don't fear you stupid woman, we pity you, we medicate you.
Who is 'we'?
You wish you could medicate people who are resistant to your multi-culti brainwashing bullshit.
But you reveal that you are a eugenicist after all? Just that you ain't got the guts to be an honourable one, but that you are a two faced gutless hypocrite one whom supports eugenics for those who disagree with you.
>> You are ugly in substantive form, so ugly I bet it can be seen on your
pathetic form.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
>> You deride blacks (I've quoted that twice) you support racism and then retreat.
I quoted Dr. Braun and I agree with him, as do all the blacks he has interviewed for the last 16 years on the issue of black vs. white rule in SA.
The majority of blacks in SA were far better off under apartheid than they are now. Sit down and have an honest conversation with any black person over the age of 50, and ask them to share with you honestly. Are they better off under the ANC, than they were under apartheid?
>> You are like retard playing "tok tokkie" with the world. You have nothing to offer, kindergarten children can see through your stupidity.
Your efforts to insult are getting rather pathetic. Its so obvious its rather tragic.
From: Lara Johnstone; Sent: Saturday, February 26, 2011 12:50 AM>> If you don't think so, get out of bed, wrap your nightie round your obese body and go to your nearest police station and read that piece on Kaffirs and lilies that you posted.
Excerpt from Attached Notice of Motion to Concourt (CCT 06-11):[e] Radical Honesty SA definitions of the word ‘Kaffir’, relevant to this matter:
[i] ‘Kaffir Behaviour’: Cultural Beliefs and Procreation Behaviour Definition:
Individuals who either independently or as a result of their cultural value systems, are incapable of, or unwilling to, practice sexual restraint and procreation responsibility; who consequently breed cockroach-prolifically without personal financial or psychological responsibility to, or emotional concern for, their offspring; and/or who abuse women and children as sexual or economic slaves procreated for such purpose; and/or whose cultural ideal of manhood endorses non-consensual sex (rape) as their sexual slavery entitlement, etc.
[ii] ‘Kaffir Etymology’: Original Etymological Definition for ‘Kaffir’:
The word kāfir is the active participle of the Semitic root K-F-R “to cover”. As a pre-Islamic term it described farmers burying seeds in the ground, covering them with soil while planting; as they till the earth and “cover up” the seeds; which is why earth tillers are referred to as “Kuffar.” Thus, the word kāfir implies the meaning “a person who hides or covers”; To conceal, deny, hide or cover the truth.
[iii] ‘Kaffir Legislation’ = Inalienable Right to Breed’ Poverty, Misery and War legislation; pretending it advocates for ‘peace’ and ‘human rights’.
Kaffir Law/Legislation provides citizens with the Inalienable ‘Right to Breed’, but demands that Citizens need a Licence to Own a Gun, a Licence to Drive a Car, a Licence to Practice Law, a television licence, a credit licence, a licence to earn a living, a university exemption licence, a licence to fish, a licence to hunt, a liquor licence, a business licence, a marriage licence, etc, etc.
Kaffir Legislation covers up that an ‘Inalienable Right to Breed/laissez-faire birth control policy + No Social Welfare policies or practices provides for an equilibrium carrying capacity; whereas Inalienable Right to Breed/laissez-faire birth control within a welfare state, results in Runaway Growth, and ultimately greater misery, poverty and war .
So, I guess you ain't a fan of Voltaire, right?
You prefer matches and necklaces!
So, there you have your answer, or not; for why Adv. JP van der Veen, considers me a “DUMB FUCK, stupid, uneducated, undereducated.. RACIST”.
And no doubt you also understand why; in Mama Winnie Mandela's Hypocrisy on Steroids Rainbow South Africa; political cases are adjudicated by Street Committee KANGAROO COURT RUBBER STAMPS matches and necklaces jurisprudence; because Descartian Rule of Law EVIDENCE IS TOTALLY IRRELEVANT.
[Read Further: Part III]
Disclosure: Andrea Muhrrteyn is the Why We Are White Refugees nom-de-plume for Lara Johnstone, from Radical Honesty SA. (For a background on ANC's Occult “Struggle” Politics; see: Africanisation of RSA: : Witchcraft and the State in South Africa).
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