Saturday, September 24, 2011

Death Penalty: State Assisted Suicide or ‘Kaffir Law’ Legal Matrix Lynching: If Rule of Law Free & Fair Trials R Irrelevant; Who Are the Real KKK?

Yesterday in America, two men were executed, but you will probably only have heard of one of them: Troy Davis, who was killed in the state of Georgia for the murder of a police officer. The other executed man, Lawrence Brewer, put to death in the state of Texas for murdering a black man in 1998, has barely featured in the news at all. Unlike Davis, he did not win the backing of Amnesty International and its trendy supporters. No one tweeted and retweeted their sorrow over Brewer or made a public spectacle of how heavy his execution weighed upon their hearts, as many did with Davis. No one lit candles outside the American Embassy for Brewer in full glare of photojournalists’ clicking cameras. No one wore t-shirts saying “I AM LAWRENCE BREWER”.


In Chelsea on Saturday, a place I very rarely visit, I happened upon two young women wearing t-shirts saying: “I AM TROY DAVIS.” The sight of these girls, walking through streets packed with posh boutiques, got me thinking about the campaign to prevent the execution of Davis, which is due to take place in the US state of Georgia this evening. Is it really a practical effort to prevent the killing of a man, or is it a means for human-rights activists to advertise their decency? How much is this about having a real-world impact in Georgia and how much is it about taking part in a Shared International Experience through which one might make a public display of one’s own goodness?

» » » » [via Letty Baldacchino & Centurean2]

B&W Perspectives on Crime & Death Penalty: “A Noose & a Stout Tree Limb” vs “State Assisted Suicide.”

Timothy McVeigh, the Oklahoma City Bomber, referred to the Death Penalty as “State Assisted Suicide.”
“I knew I wanted this before it happened. I knew my objective was state-assisted suicide and when it happens, it's in your face, motherfuckers. You just did something you're trying to say should be illegal for medical personnel.”

Capital punishment or the death penalty, is the execution of a person by judicial process as a punishment for an offense. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences. The term capital originates from Latin capitalis, literally "regarding the head" (Latin caput). Hence, a capital crime was originally one punished by the severing of the head.

Capital punishment has been practiced in virtually every society, and thus can be considered to be a cultural universal or close to it, excluding those with state religious proscriptions against it. It is a matter of active controversy in various countries and states, and positions can vary within a single political ideology or cultural region. In the EU member states, Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits the use of capital punishment.[1]

Today, most countries are considered by Amnesty International as abolitionists,[2] which allowed a vote on a nonbinding resolution to the UN to promote the abolition of the death penalty.[3] But more than 60% of the worldwide population live in countries where executions take place insofar as the four most populous countries in the world (the People's Republic of China, India, United States and Indonesia) apply the death penalty and are unlikely to abolish it at any time soon.

Do South Africans think the ANC regime is doing enough to stop violent crime?...Hell, no!

By Mike Smith

Below is a screenshot of the poll on news website of 23 September 2009.

According to the delusional, lame-arse ANC Marxist terrorist regime, they are winning against crime in South Africa, but what do the people of South Africa think?

As can be seen from the poll...91% of the people of South Africa feel that the ANC regime is not doing enough to stop violent crime. It seems that Brandon Huntley was right in his application to the Canadian Immigration and refugee board. He is certainly not alone in his opinion.
The ANC would want the Canadians and the world at large to believe that this perception amongst South Africans is false and that Brandon Huntley is a lone “nutter” and “chancer”. However...Every time these online polls are run, it comes out overwhelmingly in favour of everything Brandon Huntley has claimed so far and totally against the perceptions of the ANC and their academic lackeys in the tertiary institutions of South Africa.

How South Africans really feel about being refugees

The solution to solving violent crime in South Africa is obvious...

A man after my own heart!

Saturday, May 23, 2009 | Uncle Tom Rants

Uncle Tom Rants was born and raised in GA: a “Colored Grady baby.” He tends to be ultraconservative, and is tired of hearing wimpy excuses why black folks, (“Kneegrows” included), can't make it. [Uncle Tom]

After reading what Mr. George Lambus had to say while running for office in Mississippi, I whole heartly agree with him.
“Incompetent negro Democrats at City Hall, negroes without civic pride, negro criminals and corrupt negro police officers have just about driven this city into the ground. Any negro Democrat running for mayor who tells you that he or she can reduce crime and bring jobs to Jackson is a damn lie. They only want to be mayor for the salary. Job creation is contingent upon the economy improving, and crime can only be alleviated by a noose and a stout tree limb. I will provide the noose, and when the economy improves, I will get the jobs here.”

He, like I, knows that in many cases you fight fire with fire. Some niggers will just not take heed of our laws, and must be dealt with differently. Spending more money attempting to rehabilitate these savages, is all for naught! Since they didn't care about human life when they did the killing, why should we care about how to get rid of them? The only way to put a stop to niggers from going wild, is to get rid of them as quick as possible, and that means a tall tree, and a short rope.

I promise you, after a few have been lynched, the rest will fall into line, because they don't won't to end up swinging from a tree. It worked in the past, and it can work again.

» » » » [Uncle Tom Rants]

Black Mayoral Candidate Wants to Bring Back Lynching

Mar. 20, 2009 | News Staff

Black Republican George Lambus wants to be the next mayor of Jackson, Miss. He says bringing lynching back will curb crime.

If one Republican mayoral candidate has his way, lynching may make a legal comeback in Mississippi.

George Lambus is canvassing mostly White neighborhoods in Jackson, Miss., with campaign fliers that blast Democratic city leaders and call for “a noose and stout tree limb” to combat crime. The flier reads:
“Incompetent negro Democrats at City Hall, negroes without civic pride, negro criminals and corrupt negro police officers have just about driven this city into the ground. Any negro Democrat running for mayor who tells you that he or she can reduce crime and bring jobs to Jackson is a damn lie. They only want to be mayor for the salary. Job creation is contingent upon the economy improving, and crime can only be alleviated by a noose and a stout tree limb. I will provide the noose, and when the economy improves, I will get the jobs here.”

Lambus, who is Black, has never held public office, and according to WAPT-16 TV in Jackson, he founded the Jackson Vigilance Committee, and in 1983 ran for the Mississippi Senate registered as a Democrat. Lambus also says he is a criminology graduate student at Jackson State University. He is among several candidates in the mayoral race to succeed current mayor Frank Melton, who is facing federal civil rights violations for alleged attacks on known crack houses in the city. Melton won over voters on a platform that was tough on crime, and Lambus appears to be following that lead. But it is his approach, which also includes repeated use of the word ‘negro’ that is causing a stir.

"The situation is bad now, but it's going to get worse," Lambus told WAPT. “All those Black people who are offended by that, they can't sit on their porches at night."

Lambus is considered a long-shot in the race.

» » » » [BET]

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