Thursday, December 15, 2011

Afrikaners (Afriforum & Christian Democratic Party) Oppose Malema's ‘Kaffir’ ‘Kill Boer’ Apartheid Free Speech Volkstaat Application to Concourt

Afrikaners (Afriforum & Christian Democratic Party) Oppose Malema's ‘Kaffir’ ‘Kill Boer’ Apartheid Free Speech Volkstaat Application to Concourt

EU-NL-FR-DE-UK-CH 'Boer/Settler' doc's filed in 'Kill Boers Hate Speech' Trial: Boer Volkstaat; & Jus Sanguinis Repatriation of Settlers?

15 December 2011 | Andrea Muhrrteyn | White Refugee

Consequently the Applicants In Forma Pauperis Amicus Curiae submission shall argue among others that:
  1. ANC’s ‘liberation struggle’ violated Just War (Military Honour) Theory Principles of International Law
  2. The TRC negligently or intentionally avoided enquiring into evidence showing the ANC’s liberation struggle to have violated Just War Principles
  3. The ANC’s TRC was a falsification of history, and is the source of SA’s political and ecological systemic collapse braintumour; of which ‘Kill the Boer Hate Speech’ is simply one of many symptoms.
  4. The ANC’s actions of poverty pimping population production breeding-war acts of war; speak far louder than their verbal diarrhoea platitudes of ‘commitment to non-violence and peace’.
  5. Their psychological admiration for ‘liberation struggle violence’ is found in their masculine insecurity breeding war poverty pimping, and the psychological theories of Frantz Fanon (the native’s colonized mind can only be liberated through violence, he can only regain his self respect, on the rotting corpse of the settler) and Black Liberation Theology (Black Power advocacy of violent Marxist Elimination of Whiteness as the road to Salvation/Reconciliation)
  6. Because Fundamentalist Black Liberation Theology ‘Anti-Whiteness’ Marxist Revolutionaries shall not rest until they achieve their Violent Marxist Cleansing Liberation / Reconciliation / Salvation on the Rotting Corpses of Boer/Settlers; the only way to enable Boer/Settlers to protect themselves is to:

    1. Implement 23 April 1994 Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination, by endorsing and supporting the work of the Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie to establish a Boer Volkstaat; and/or

    2. Initiate a Program of Jus Sanguinis Voluntary Repatriation of ‘Settlers’ to European Progenitor Nations, for Persecuted Settlers/African White Refugees who prefer to return to their Settler motherlands.

AfriForum to oppose Malema’s Concourt bid<

October 17 2011 at 07:24am | IOL

AfriForum has given notice of its intention to oppose ANC Youth League president Julius Malema's Constitutional Court appeal against a guilty hate speech verdict, the civil rights initiative said on Sunday.

Malema and the African National Congress are asking the Constitutional Court to make an urgent decision on the status of the hate song “Kill the boer”.

He was found guilty of hate speech last month in the Equality Court, sitting at the High Court in Johannesburg.

AfriForum said it opposed Malema's application on the grounds that it was understood that ANC supporters apparently planned to sing the song during the party's 100-year anniversary festivities in January.

Last week, ANCYL member Tokelo Nhlapo sang the song on the campus of the University of the Witwatersrand.

Willie Spies, AfriForum's legal representative, said the ANC's decision to justify and protect hate songs from the struggle era had created a culture of hatred which had to be stopped. - Sapa

» » » » [IOL] [RH: Afriforum v. Malema]

ANC asked to drop ‘Shoot the boer’ appeal

December 15 2011 at 05:19pm | IOL

The Christian Democratic Party (CDP) on Thursday called on the ruling ANC to use Reconciliation Day to withdraw its appeal on the declaring of the song “Dubula iBhunu” as hate speech.

Translated from isiZulu it means “Shoot the Boer”.

“If the ANC stands by its decision to fight for the singing of a song causing immeasurable polarisation in the country, the ANC’s celebration of the Day of Reconciliation will be a farce,” CDP leader Theunis Botha said in a statement.

“There can be no doubt that (suspended ANC Youth League president) Julius Malema’s singing of the song and the ANC’s decision to judicially side with him, has caused the country much harm.”

Earlier this month Malema filed a notice of appeal at the Supreme Court of Appeal against a court ruling that he had been guilty of hate speech.

The High Court in Johannesburg convicted him in September after lobby group AfriForum took him to court for singing the song.

Judge Colin Lamont granted Malema leave to appeal. Lamont held that the words undermined the dignity of people and were discriminatory and harmful.

The matter was expected to be on the court roll for the sitting in September next year.

Botha said President Jacob Zuma’s “continued blatant usage of religion in a way in which he seemingly attempts to utilise the Lord as his political tool, also offends many”.

“Our call to the people of South Africa is to consider Reconciliation Day as a pinnacle in preparation for Christmas where not only the commandment of love for the neighbour is highlighted, but also to God.

“In both instances every day in South Africa should be a day of reconciliation.” – Sapa

» » » » [IOL] [RH: Afriforum v. Malema]

NL-FR-DE-UK-CH 'Boer/Settler' doc's filed in 'Kill Boers Hate Speech' Trial: Boer Volkstaat; & Jus Sanguinis Repatriation of Settlers?

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