Monday, February 7, 2011

[R3ndi3r vs. SA Sucks] Rendier Interview Transcript

Andrea Muhrrteyn
Why We Are White Refugees

The following is the response from R3ndi3r, in the Intellectual -- R3ndi3r vs. SA Sucks -- Jujitsu debate between SA SUCKS (Cache) bloggers: Knorrig and Mike Smith (Mike Smith Political Commentary) VS. RENDIER (RENALDO) GOUWS: Rendier - Equality - Gouws (Facebook) and R3NDI3R: The R3ndi3r Show (Youtube):

Rendier Equality Gouws February 8 at 6:05pm

Hi There and thanks for the link.

I would have appreciated a chance to give my side of the story before you actually went and published it but I suppose you are more inclined to agree with people you have known personally from years on the blogs.

I really see this as wasting time because regardless of what I say your mind has been made up, but I do suppose some more neutral people that will see the above article might actually want to hear my side of the story. So here it goes.

On February 5 at 7:12pm I got a message from a lady on Facebook, that I now know to be a member of SAS, I wont name her as I would like to show her more respect than what she showed to me.

She sent me a link to an article Knorrig wrote about me, basically bragging about what was in the article and how I looked like a complete fool. I then decided to follow the link and see what all of this was about. After reading through everything and seeing I was called a "big Little man", "Steroid Bunny", "faggot", "kaffer lover" and so forth because I made a video on Nelson Mandela and how I think that everyone that insults a person on their death bed is a bastard and white trash.

This is not limited to Mandela as I perfectly made it clear in my video. Anyone that insults someone on their death bed is a piece of scum. Wouldn't you agree? Am I not right in saying this? If your family member had to be on his death bed and you read online or somewhere from someone that "HE IS FINALLY GOING TO HELL" or "HOPE HE SUFFERS", wouldn't you feel the exact same way?

The issue started with him misquoting me in my video and ofcourse making it fit his image of me, he basically said "rendier says that all white people are white trash if they are against Mandela"... that is obviously not true as I have mentioned above.

So after I posted a couple of comments I obviously got the whole SAS on my case commenting and insulting everything I had to say, regardless of how or what I wrote. Insults varied from "you are a dom poes kaffer lover" to "Go fuck your black poes kaffer God" etc etc.

Please note that I didn't have an issue with those comments as obviously it is the internet and people will say whatever they feel.

The issue for me came when threats of violence started coming from "Andre from Cape Town" as well as "Mike Smith". Both threatened my life and both threatened to find out where I live and come to "teach me a lesson" and "put a bullet through my head" This is not to mention the countless others that I can't remember.

Now Listen... I have received my fair share of death threats from online mediums but seriously, when an individual is so specific and constantly asking people where I live and how he can find me, what would you do in this instance? Is this not a direct threat on my life? Is this any less severe due to the fact that it's an online threat? Of course not, our law states that an online death threat is punishable and can lead to imprisonment.

Another important factor to take into consideration is from what source this threat came from. It came from someone who hosts a site where he has pictures of dead black people with slogans "WELL GEDAAN" etc on it. Is this not serious enough to report?

After that I decided to make a video regarding Zuma's comments and also SAS, in the video I stated exactly how I felt and that I think that the site should be taken offline for reasons mentioned in my video. It seems that alot of my subscribers agreed and therefore reported them. Which according to WordPress was the right thing to do as they were not following the Terms and Conditions and also obviously threatening my life and spreading lies about me.

Besides the death threat you have to consider the fact that they were in direct violation of WordPress's Terms and Conditions. If you decide to host your blog on a site then be sure to follow their rules, and in this case the rules was no hate speech, no death threats, no violence focused photographs. Which, to be honest, he ignored. He literally broke all the rules of WordPress in that regard.

After the video I found out that 4 more blog posts were written about me where more lies were spread. Look, I really do not care what people call me but when they start distorting my message then obviously it becomes an issue for me.

The main issue they had against me was that I admired Mandela, now regardless of how wrong I am in their eyes am I not entitled to have my own opinion without fear of insults and death threats? Because before that video Knorrig posted some of my previous vids and only had good things to say about me... which by the way I never noticed as I never knew the site existed before the other day.

So my point is this, and obviously this is my reasoning at work...

SAS was massively against Malema singing kill the boer kill the farmer, (and so am I) because they knew it was hate speech and that it passed the barriers of freedom of speech due to him insinuating that people must kill boers... but when my life is threatened by the OWNER of the site, Mike Smith, I am not entitled to ask the same of my subscribers? Double Standards perhaps? Didn't SAS pass the barriers of Freedom of Speech into hate speech when the main writer Knorring, Mike Smith and Andre from Cape Town threatened me? Am i really the only person who can see this?

Also I see that you also wrote little stabs that in my mind is really unnecessary as you don't really know me or what I stand for.


"Masculine Insecurity on Steroids: Rendier (Renaldo) Gouws "

You really being serious on this?

"The Rendier Show - I Disagree With What You Say, And I Will Ruin You If You Say It - fanclub."

Not at all how it happened but hence my point at the top that you took their side without even considering why I did what I did... so you maybe SAS fanclub?

"I must say -- in my personal opinion, from observing Mr. Gouws -- NMMU's masters in psychology did not help him to deal with his fragile ego demons."

Industrial Psychology has nothing to do with normal Psychology.

"His choice of how he markets himself, in his desire for popularity and power, reminded me of the manner gangs in the Oakland ghetto used to go about in their -- Verbal Mounting -- gang turf-wars."

Not really sure why you say this but perhaps you could do so in the future.

"Rendier runs howling to his fanclub how he's been bitten, by the baddie racist white trash. The majority of his fans don't actually bother to make an informed enquiry, and neither does Rendier encourage them to do so"

I actually did as I told them to go and look at the blog and if they felt the same way I did then report it.

"While Rendier is totally brainwashed by the mainstream media's propaganda story about Mandela,"

I don't even read or watch the mainstream media. I get all my info from sources or blogs.

So basically those are just some of the ones I saw that really appealed to me. I would like to ask you a quick question.

If I really was against freedom of speech and against anyone else "succeeding", wouldn't I also go after I luv SA, Tia-Mysoa, White Refugees, White Reference? Wouldn't I also try and close them down? No. and the reason for that is because just like me most of their articles are fact based without having to belittle another race. That is blogs I can be proud of that sends the rest of the world the message that even though we are under siege, we still have the dignity and respect to not use derogatory terms for black people or to show pictures of them hanging or pictures of their heads on a platter.

I will end off my saying that I never started this, but due to things that were said and threats that were made I made sure I finished it. Please be aware that I do not and never will stop anyone from their freedom of speech. But when their freedom of speech moves into my freedom to live and to feel safe, then it becomes an issue, and that is exactly what happened at SAS.

Thanks for giving me the opportunity to give my side. Even though after looking at your post it seems that it will fall onto deaf ears.



Lara Zhivago February 8 at 7:42pm

Thanks I will post and send you link, as well as subsequent response.

Rendier Equality Gouws February 8 at 8:47pm

I would appreciate it if you could add something for me seeing that I just read the comments and one of the posters had a valid point and that I forgot to mention.

I made the Mandela video on the 27th of Jan and got wind of the blog on the 5th and responded on my facebook for the first time about SAS on the 6th asking my subs to help close them down. I posted that status after I got a death threat from Andre from Cape Town. Seconds before that status was posted SAS already had two articles on me and the third one came hours after I posted the status.

This clearly indicates that the Timeline is in sync with what I have said all along. I also see that you quoted me out of context regarding my Mandela Saga video. I ask that you please correct that part as I never aimed that video at SAS as it was aimed at people on news24 reporting on the articles. So the whole "punching" and "white trash" thing was taken out of context as I spoke about it being said to my father and not Mandela, and also didn't even revolve around SAS, as I didn't even know about SAS until the 5th of Feb.

Lara Zhivago February 8 at 9:25pm

Sure, just done, have included the addon.

Shall respond in due course, and naturally if anyone from SA Sucks wishes to respond they are also welcome.

Rendier Equality Gouws February 8 at 10:01pm

I would appreciate it if you could remove the last cached file on that update as it is showng personal information from 2009. Thank God I posted a bogus address at Cipro or else everyone would have had my address. You see what I mean? Isn't posting someone's personal information against the law? What if that was my real address and something happend?

I ask you to remove that as it has my ex girlfriends information on it aswell and people can still cause harm against her or her business.

This is the reason I am taking this to court. It's more than a death threat if people post personal information about you.

Like I said if that address was real what then? and what if people go to that address and hurt the people that might be living there?

Rendier Equality Gouws February 8 at 10:04pm

The Two posts in question that shows that information is:

02:04: SA Sucks: Little 'Big Man' Rendier and the Stockholm Syndrome (Cache) (PDF)


04-19: SA Sucks: Hey R3nDi3r…here boy! (Cache) (PDF)]

Lara Zhivago February 8 at 10:18pm

Rendier the cached file is on google. I am not able to remove files from google.

As for posting information -- address etc -- about people, no it is not necessarily against the law at all; it depends on the circumstances. if the person is a public person, if the persons details are publicly available, and so on.

As for the 'death threat' part, you really are massively exaggerating this issue; for some 'tough' guy. You are seriously hugely blowing this massively out of proportion, making a moutnain out of a molehill. It appears your bigotry towards conservative whites may be seriously impairing your judgement. Why do you go and make threats against people and post them on the itnernet about how you are going to fuck people up, who have different views to yours, or how you are going to kill anyone who upheld apartheid?and hten when they call you on your threats, and give you a few verbal threats, then you shut them down. Should they be worried you are going to pitch up at their front doors? You did say that you would kill anyone who upheld apartheid? They upheld apartheid, so you threatened to kill them. Thats a dumb thing to do you know. even if you told any of the SA Sucks guys to their faces: face to face, you were going to kill them, they would just laugh at you, like you are being an idiotic alpha chimp. They only use their army knowledge in self-defence; they bark loudly but their bite is reserved for those who attack them.

Its sad you think so little of conservative white people; when they are the one's who offered their lives and dedicated their futures to protect white south africans heritage. these are guys who would defend your life, if they came across you and found you in the shit; and you spit on them; and think they are so small minded and pathetic that htey would come and hurt you, about stupid shit you post on the internet. Just cause you might do that, doesn't mean they would.

Rendier Equality Gouws February 8 at 10:24pm

Im just asking you to remove it from your post so it's not so easily accessable for other people to see. These people can be anyone other than the SAS. What if someone decides to go to that address and do something. I posted it as a fake address but what if someone is staying there with children and want to not kill but teach someone a lesson?

Just saying.

Lara Zhivago February 8 at 10:44pm

Can be anyone such as????

I have a constittuional court application approved by the concourt, accusing the SA goverment of TRC fraud; they know my address, the NIA, the SAP, etc etc. I have another legal application before the City of Westminster Court in the matter of RSA v. Dewani wherein I support Dewani; not to be extradited to SA, due to SA's corrupt and incompetent justice system and TRC fraud. They all know my home address; and I am a single woman, who has never done jujitsu in my life.

You think anyone who is serious about going to teach you a lesson, wouldn't make sure the address they got was correct, before they decide to do so? they are stupid in many ways, but I imagine they would first check the address is correct. Thats the goverment guys.

As for SAS guys, they think it is fucking hilarious that you actually believe their verbal mounting snot klap to be 'threats'; they cannot believe that you took them seriously; considering the stuff you say on your vidoes, and the threats you make. I guess you just so used to threatening everyone and nobody bites back, and now that a few have given you a few verbal responses, now you are in hyper paranoia.

why would anyone want to waste hteir time to go and teach you a lesson; and not bother to check if the address is the correct address? what kind of people you been pissing off?

Rendier Equality Gouws February 8 at 11:49pm

"You are seriously hugely blowing this massively out of proportion,"

I don't understand how you can say this. Have you actually read the posts? The threats? Going so far as to actually seeking my personal information and posting the info? Regardless that the address is bogus don't you think that is going the extra mile to joke around?

"Why do you go and make threats against people and post them on the itnernet about how you are going to fuck people up, who have different views to yours"

Proof? Where did I say this?

"Its sad you think so little of conservative white people; when they are the one's who offered their lives and dedicated their futures to protect white south africans heritage. these are guys who would defend your life,"

You clearly haven't read the blogs then, if they were so concerned for my life why then all the threats and insults when I never targeted them?

"You did say that you would kill anyone who upheld apartheid?"

Once again you twist words. I said the people who started apartheid. Not upheld it.

"Should they be worried you are going to pitch up at their front doors?"

Did I actively threaten them or their life?

"As for SAS guys, they think it is fucking hilarious that you actually believe their verbal mounting snot klap to be 'threats'; they cannot believe that you took them seriously"

So I take it you know ALL of them personally along with the random people that stumble on your site and see the information. I am simply requesting you to remove the blogs with my personal information as you never know who might be searching for an address. I am simply just asking you to prevent some innocent people from getting hurt, be it a SAS member or angry ANC member that wants blood. Even if there is a small risk of this happening you still seem to keep it up as a punishment towards me when all im asking for is to not put random people's life at risk. I also have the right to ask you to not post something that might have some of my personal information in it, along with information of my ex.

You say that they have your info, this doesn't mean anything to the people who aren't suspecting a thing, you have a weapon I presume, what if they don't?

"why would anyone want to waste hteir time to go and teach you a lesson; and not bother to check if the address is the correct address?"

So you telling me that there aren't idiots out there?

I just thought I would ask out of decency as I assumed you would rather have no risk to those people than some small risk but obviously I was mistaken. Be my guest and pass it along the SAS crew to go and see if that is my address but don't keep it on a site where people can simply google "Rendier" find your blog and see that. That is looking for trouble as there are alot of black people in high positions after me. This is fact as I have seen documents leaked from my sources. I am on a wanted list. Just like Uhuru Guru was.

But whatever, just remember that you had the opportunity to not put people's life in danger.


Lara Zhivago February 9 at 1:42am

"You are seriously hugely blowing this massively out of proportion,"

>> I don't understand how you can say this. Have you actually read the posts? The threats? Going so far as to actually seeking my personal information and posting the info? Regardless that the address is bogus don't you think that is going the extra mile to joke around?

"Do you know what Satire is? Do you know the humour men experience after they have lived and experienced guerrilla warfare? Oh I forget you never done anything in a uniform, to offer to give your life for your fellow white citizens and childrens future, right? Ever heard of gallows humour? Does it look like SA Sucks go the extra mile to deliver gallows humour satire, that shocks people awake, in ways that Patch Adams can not imagine?

Do they go the extra mile to make special images for Spiertjie R3ndi3r’s benefit? It’s a fucking joke man; you think you are so important these guys are going to spend time to come fuck you up? Sure Mike would meet you for a one on one on a JuJitsu mat with a date setup where you could meet for a good sparr, and he’d give you his best; but if you think you are so important he needs to break the law to fuck you up, like a fucking gangster, then you clearly have fuckall understanding of what these guys concepts of military honour. Sorry, you are not that important to them; much as you may wish to be.

If they were serious you think they’d say one goddamn word to you? You think they’d advertise their intentions for the world to see? You dish it out, making threats all over the place about all these people you want to fuck up/punch in the face, apartheid soldiers you want to kill; so now you receive a bit of such in return, and you don’t like it huh??. Tell me, if you met someone tomorrow who upheld apartheid, would you take the opportunity to kill htem as you said you would telling the entire world, how you would do it if you could???? Would you???

; lets give him a bit of his own verbal medicine. They wouldn’t come and beat you up, if you put a gun to their head to force them to; what the fuck for, what on earth do they have to fear from you, that they would need to lift a hand against you? They only fight in self-defence and what on earth reason would they have to want to violate their values? You have a very overinflated sence of self-importance.


""Why do you go and make threats against people and post them on the itnernet about how you are going to fuck people up, who have different views to yours"

>> Proof? Where did I say this?

"“If I could kill one of the guys who was responsible for enforcing Apartheid, I would” - R3ndi3r, at 09:49; Khayav : A perfect example of an ignorant South African

‘I’ll punch all those in the face who insult my god Mandela (since Mandela is more important to you, i.e. the most important person in the world to you, and you would punch someone in the face who insulted your father on his deathbed; what would you do to someone who insulted the person you think is the most important in the world’???


""Its sad you think so little of conservative white people; when they are the one's who offered their lives and dedicated their futures to protect white south africans heritage. these are guys who would defend your life,"

">> You clearly haven't read the blogs then, if they were so concerned for my life why then all the threats and insults when I never targeted them?

"Never targetted them? Are you delusional?

“This man is probably the most important human being on the face of the fucking earth…………. this man [Nelson Mandela] fought for what he believed in….”

– what the fuck do you think apartheid soldiers fought for? You think they didn’t fight for what they believed in; your goddamn future and the future of your children? but you don’t just spit on them!; you would like to kill htem, if you could.

Tell me, mr. brightspark:

Did you know that Black Africans under Apartheid had the highest living standards, and the greatest freedoms of all africans on the continent of Africa; they were richer than middle class whites in any soviet country??? That the OAU were fucking pissed off because afrikaners treated africans in SA better than they treated their own africans, and hence they wanted the white afrikaners removed, for exposing their bigotry to their own people:

Did ‘Evil Apartheid’ raise Black living standards to Highest in Africa?
Apartheid: Crime Against Humanity; or a Just War for Boer Demographic Survival?
Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Demographic Survival?
Farm Murders: A Rainbow TRC Peace, or Racial Hatred War Reality?

No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule?
No Right Intention: Did ‘Evil Apartheid’ raise poor Black living standards to highest in Africa?
Black Consciousness & Fanon’s Handbook for Black Liberation: ‘Violence as a cleansing Liberating Force’ on the rotting corpse of the settler
ANC’s People’s War: Terrorize the People to Support the ‘Liberation Struggle’
The Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival

Do you know that the majority of black people did NOT want black rule?

Did you know that the ANC launched the ‘People’s War’ liberation struggle, not because they were fighting for the poor blacks, but because the poor blacks knew they were better off under apartheid, than the rest of africa were under black rule? The ANC launched the People’s War liberation struggle, as a covert front, so that they could use military tactics to terrorise their own people, with necklaces and street commitees.

What do you know about Nelson Mandela’s and the ANC’s Camp Quatro, who whistleblowers therefrom were assassinated by friends of Mandela’s wife?

SA Communist Party (SACP)’s M-Plan: Violent Liberation & Mandela’s Cult of Personality

Lara Zhivago February 9 at 1:43am

"You did say that you would kill anyone who upheld apartheid?"

>> Once again you twist words. I said the people who started apartheid. Not upheld it.

Sorry, verbatim: “If I could kill one of the guys who was responsible for enforcing Apartheid, I would” - R3ndi3r, at 09:49; Khayav : A perfect example of an ignorant South African

Seems like you mighty grateful to these guys who risked their lives to fight for your future and the future of your children? What happened to ‘fuck ignorance’?
Many of the guys who visit SA Sucks were responsible for giving their lives to enforce apartheid. They were betrayed by TRC fraud, by your hero Mandela, Tutu and De Klerk. You think you are pissed off with the state the country is in; you have no goddamn fucking clue what those men went through, and how they have been treated… and you little goddamn fucking pissant piss on them, and want to kill them?


"Should they be worried you are going to pitch up at their front doors?"

>> Did I actively threaten them or their life?

Verbatim: “If I could kill one of the guys who was responsible for enforcing Apartheid, I would” - R3ndi3r, at 09:49; Khayav : A perfect example of an ignorant South African

They are the guys who enforced apartheid; you happy to shut down their blog, you’ve stated on the record, if you could kill them you would; should they take your threat seriously?


"As for SAS guys, they think it is fucking hilarious that you actually believe their verbal mounting snot klap to be 'threats'; they cannot believe that you took them seriously"

>> So I take it you know ALL of them personally along with the random people that stumble on your site and see the information.

No, I don’t know them all personally; but I do know enough men who fought for the future of whites in SA, who gave their time, and offered their lives, and live with the nightmares and the memories of war and being spat on and despised, purely cause they fought for a future for you and your children!! I have dialogued and commented on SA Sucks for many months, and gotten to read many stories.

If you noticed my site focusses on providing detailed evidence for all I say. Right there: its called scientific journalism. I don’t expect people to go and fucking google and search for the evidence of my statements. I provide it to them on a fucking scientific journalism platter.

As you well know.. not many people are interested in reading detailed evidence, nor do they appreciate scientific journalism; they prefer rumours and half-truths and short little simplified stories, where they are not required to think, and hence have fuck all critical thinking skills. Those kinds of people do not visit my blog, its’ way too fucking complicated for them, and provides htem with way too much detailed evidence and information, that requires them to think. I am not interested in people visiting my blog who are ignorant morons and who don’t want to think, and who don’t check the evidence I provide, upon which I write my blog posts. So you needn’t worry that idiots come and visit my blog, cause most of them can hardly get through the first 3 paragraphs and then they fuck off, and don’t read the rest. The people who stick around and actually read my blog posts, are those who are serious about scientific journalism, about evidnece for statements made in a post; about being challenged to think critically.


>> I am simply requesting you to remove the blogs with my personal information as you never know who might be searching for an address.

Have you asked CIPRO to also remove your address from their database, since ‘you never know who might be searching for an address’?


>> I am simply just asking you to prevent some innocent people from getting hurt, be it a SAS member or angry ANC member that wants blood. Even if there is a small risk of this happening you still seem to keep it up as a punishment towards me when all im asking for is to not put random people's life at risk. I also have the right to ask you to not post something that might have some of my personal information in it, along with information of my ex.

>> You say that they have your info, this doesn't mean anything to the people who aren't suspecting a thing, you have a weapon I presume, what if they don't?

I told you ignorant wacko’s don’t visit my blog. You are confusing your motives for popularity contests, based on fuck all evidence provided and sensationalist reporting, with my focus: scientific evidence. I don’t get the wacko kind of people you get visiting my site, its way too fucking boring for htem, it requires them to think. They prefer the emotional aggressive titilation and sensationalism without requiring them to think that people like you give them. So, I don’t get those kinds of people visiting my blog.

Anyway.. anyone does a search for rendier, the first page, they will find the SA Sucks posts, with the caches; and my blog wont come up till at least the 15th google page… how many people search that far down google for rendier; when they can find the SA sucks cache on the first page?


"why would anyone want to waste hteir time to go and teach you a lesson; and not bother to check if the address is the correct address?"

>> So you telling me that there aren't idiots out there?

Sure there may be idiots out there.. but if they are far more likely following you, cause they ain’t required to have much critical htinking faculties to join your fanclub, than they are to land htemselves on my blog; and even if they did, as I told you, idiots landing on my blog, don’t manage to read further than the second paragraph, it makes their heads hurt to be required to think…. The chances of them reaching the bottom of the page are ZERO, cause they suffer from so many dunning and kruger effect cognitive biases.. we’d be here all night listing them, starting with the Primacy Effect; which means they see the webpage, and that it is scientific journalism and they fuck off…. So no, you won’t find any idiots coming to you from my scientific journalism blog.


>> I just thought I would ask out of decency as I assumed you would rather have no risk to those people than some small risk but obviously I was mistaken. Be my guest and pass it along the SAS crew to go and see if that is my address but don't keep it on a site where people can simply google "Rendier" find your blog and see that. That is looking for trouble as there are alot of black people in high positions after me. This is fact as I have seen documents leaked from my sources. I am on a wanted list. Just like Uhuru Guru was.

There is sweet fuck all risk that any idiot will find your information via a link on my blog, cause idiots don’t visit my blog, and if they do, they leave within 5 seconds. My blog is deliberately setup to get them to fuck off, cause I ain’t interested in any idiot readers and definitely not idiot fans.

If any of your idiot fans or former idiot angry fans are in search for you and do a google search for rendier, they shall find the SA Sucks blog posts, and hteir caches on the first google search page.. You’d be much more effective to limit any visits from your idiot fan clubs, by contacting google.

A lot of black people in high positions after you huh???? How many times you been arrested without an arrest warrant? How many times you been arrested without an arrest warrant and carted off to Pollsmoor for 30 days without seeing the inside of a court room? What about Lenteguer, you seen the inside of lentegeur’s solitary confinement cells???

How many months you spent in an African prison cell???? Watched your fellow prisoners jerking off to ETV porn? What do you know about how prisoners get rated for the crimes they commit, what their automatic gang status is? What do you know about killing a white farmer gives you automatic gang status? Or how gang-raping a white afrikaner woman, what automatic gang status does that give you???? Do prisoners get a higher gang status, if they rob, rape or murder, or torture a white person; what about white afrikaner farmers; where is that on their gang status????

So, you ain’t been falsely arrested, or spent any time in a prison cell, not to mention pollsmoor, but black people in high positions are after you???? Really???? So, what would you be saying if you’d been arrested and experienced all of the above????

You ain’t got a fucking clue??? Oh dear, and now you shut down SA Sucks, where you might have learnt something??? Since yo don’t like reading indepth sicentific journalism articles, you certainly won’t bother to find it at White Refugees, nor at Mike Smith’s Political Commentary.

So you are on a wanted list huh???? Now why aint anyone bothered to arrest you; or send you for a short month trip to pollsmoor; without bothering with shit like arrest warrants, if you are so ‘wanted’?


Rendier Equality Gouws February 9 at 3:14am

This has become a back in the old days discussion which I never intended it to be. Obviously you think im still wet behind the ears and because I didn't fight in Apartheid that means I don't understand how lucky I am and everything that goes with it.

You have made it perfectly clear that I have NO valid points according to you even though I never personally insulted you you keep on hurling ones at me.

Can I tell you a little secret. My dad served, he was in the army fighting in the border wars. He has told me all about the war and stories of how the Apartheid regime sold them out to the ANC etc etc etc. The thing is, he was just as much affected by all of this as the people on SAS, yet he never ever calls a black person a kaffer etc.

You make it seem like I am full of myself and that Im arrogant to some extent... have you missed the 127 videos I have made on the ANC and the corrupt government, have you missed my video on the farm murders and how those black pigs must die.

You make it seem like I turned my back on Afrikaners and white people yet im out there with my face for everyone to see. Not one, I repeat NOT ONE, of the SAS members could give me their names, not even you. I still don't even know your real name but yet you know everything about me... why? Because I DARE put my face out there. I dare challenge the ANC on a platform where everyone can see me and know who and what I am. I might not have served in the war but then again how the fuck could I... I wasn't even born then. You want to punish me for something I had no control over.

That statement you keep on talking about... the one where I say "If I could kill one of the guys who was responsible for enforcing Apartheid" did you not perhaps for one second think that I meant the person who started it? I never ever meant the people who defended our country. I was talking about the ones who masterminded it and started it. Im sorry if that one word made it seem otherwise but then again, I am Afrikaans and don't always have the correct terms.

Im gonna end this off by saying I never ever had or will have an issue with the brave white people who defended me and my country... but to throw it in my face constantly and to be attacked by my fellow white people is unacceptable.

You have seen the timeline and realise that I didn't start the uglyness. I came across it and sorry to say this but I was embarrassed by what I saw. Your blog is professional and relays the truth without losing the message through images of black people dying. I respect that. But the same could not have been said for SAS. I got attacked even before I stepped foot in that blog.

And listen... you can go on and on about how you know them and that they will never hurt anyone for no reason but guess what... I DIDN'T know them and secondly you neither anyone else can guarantee my safety 100% as you don't even know most of them personally. So please stop with the NOTHING is gonna happen to you speech. You cannot guarantee me this.

I respect what you have to say but will not be made out to be the child in this story... regardless of how much older you are than me.

Another interesting fact for you... I spent a weekend in jail for beating a black dude to a pip for breaking into a house... I heard screams coming from next door and went over to check it out... found him hanging halfway out the window and started moering him. Police came and arrested both of us... best part... police officers were white.

Here is another one for you. I have been held at gunpoint and saw a worker for my father get shot through the knee, then the gun was pushed against my head. Right before he could do anything the panic button was pressed and they fled.

Guess what, even though all of that happened I still believe that there is alot of black people out there willing to fight just as hard for our country as the white people.

Difference is that I can't say the same for the people over at SAS.


Lara Zhivago February 9 at 11:18am

I have received a response from Mike Smith at SAS. He has read your response posted to the site; and he says htat if you don't want to spar on a Jujitsu mat, thats no problem, he shall spar you intellectually, on White Refugees. That is the latest update. I shall respond to your statements above in due course.

Lara Zhivago February 9 at 11:32am

While waiting for Mike I shall simply response with this:

I write under a pseudonym, cause the ISSUES are more importnat than my pathetic ego or personal name. Its NOT ABOUT ME.

For you the issue is THE RENDIER SHOW, and your FAN CLUB.

Lara Zhivago February 9 at 11:46am

As for 'Kaffir' and 'Nigger'. I guess you ain't ever heard of Lenny Bruce's views on Kaffir and Nigger, but then again, you are still wet behind the ears; wanting to shut down anything you don't understand.

Rendier Equality Gouws February 9 at 3:10pm

Firstly to your views on "kaffer" and "nigger"...

Sorry but you cannot justify using derogatory terms in any instance, especially not if you want other people to stop doing the same. Im pretty sure SAS members and you do not want to be called derogatory names so why fight it, honestly, when ever it is said by SAS members it is meant as an insult, so regardless of however you put it or whoever's warped views you try and rub off on me wont change the fact that it is not correct to use those terms.

Also I think that your response to my long message about MY history is pathetic and just illustrates the fact that you cannot give in and admit that in some aspects I am correct. You would rather avoid it than actually admitting that I wasn't completely in the wrong. So how much is your reporting really worth if you still assume I am 100% wrong in everything I do.

Regarding Mike Smith: (and you can post the following)

I will gladly spar on a Ju Jitsu mat with him, the issue here however is if he wants to fight with a mask on to still hide his identity. I mean he can't even give me his name and surname so I highly doubt he will pitch where I can see what he looks like.

Secondly I am really not interested in discussing this any further. I have said what I had to say and im sure that once he posts it will be filled with inaccuracies along with how I am the one in the wrong and also hundreds of insults, maybe another death threat or two.

I also find it very hypocritical of you (Lara) to constantly want to engage me in this debate but around every corner try and twist the story and provide more "evidence" to prove me wrong than ones that prove me right in this instance. Nit picking videos but leaving other videos out that support what I say, double standards?

You are a SAS member and therefore it never will be a fair argument as you have proven with our own personal back and forth on facebook. Ranging from me having 0 facts to you insulting me in almost every sentence.

Thanks for this interesting experience but this is where I end this. Obviously we are getting nowhere and in your mind im guilty and in my mind SAS is guilty.


Lara Zhivago February 9 at 4:37pm

Me thinks you are petrified of the SA Sucks guys intellect!! Which is why you constantly attempt to aggravate them with your beat my chest alpha chimp aggression...

I am not a member of SA Sucks. I am a member of the Radical Honesty community.

Ask the SA Constutitional Court Chief Justice??? Unless you have now appointed yourself as that as well???

I happen to be the one and only single person in South Africa who practices sincere forgiveness -- not your fake two faced lying when it suits you; and htat includes for anyone from Robert McBride, to Eugene de Kock, and all right and left wingers.

Even filed an Amicus to the case of Robert McBride in the SA Constittuional Court on that issue!!

I have had huge disagreements with SA Sucks, and forgiven. I have had huge arguments with many others, and forgiven.

You are petrified of your little ignorant fanclub seeing your total ignorance in debating in an intellectual arena with the SA Sucks guys????

I dont blame you! You might win on the Jujitsu mat, although I doubt it, but you ain't gonna win on the Initellectual mat; so you give a bunch of excuses, why I am a member of SA Sucks. I provide you with an honest neutral platform, you can say what you want; as can they!!


Lara Zhivago February 9 at 4:41pm

PS.. I was married to a nigger/kaffir (if your definition of a nigger or kaffir is a black person) for 13 years!!

My definition of a kaffir has nothing to do with race. Here is my radical Honesty common sense defintion currently before the Constitutional court; where there are 88 media respondents:

-----------------------Case CCT 06-11 ----------------

[a] First and Second Respondent are members of the Radical Honesty culture , who provided Respondents with the opportunity to resolve these matters, out of court, upon the Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract: Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness ; as excerpted from: Practicing Radical Honesty .

[b] Radical Honesty SA is founded on Radical Honesty Social Contract and Ecolaw principles: (a) A psychological integrity environment of philosophical courageous truth searching honesty and sincere forgiveness is a sine qua non for healthy, transparent relationships that result in the co-creation of a code of conduct that enables non-violent honest sincere resolutions to disagreements; (b) A healthy ecological environment, with due regard for carrying capacity laws of sustainability is a sine qua non for all other constitutional rights .

[d] Radical Honesty SA’s working hypothesis: First to Eighty-Eighth Respondents are imprisoned in their minds distorted and only partly conscious maps, but who are too psychologically incompetently unconscious – Dunning and Kruger Effect - to be aware of their mind-slavery. They are mind enslaved/imprisoned by their fragile ego’s, which are under the false impression that they act on their own initiative, but who are emotional and psychological slaves to their suppressed anger, resentments and politically correct ideologies. Their minds maps of reality are distorted by their repressed anger and resentment, their fake forgiveness and fake relationships, marketing character shame ; the greater the amount of suppressed anger, resentments and sincerity, the greater their distorted view of reality. Radical Honesty SA invites all respondents to liberate themselves from their Flat Earth intellectual, psychological and legal ego prisons of political correctness and denial.

[e] Radical Honesty SA definitions of the word ‘Kaffir’, relevant to this matter:

[i] ‘Kaffir Behaviour’: Cultural Beliefs and Procreation Behaviour Definition:
Individuals who either independently or as a result of their cultural value systems, are incapable of, or unwilling to, practice sexual restraint and procreation responsibility; who consequently breed cockroach-prolifically without personal financial or psychological responsibility to, or emotional concern for, their offspring; and/or who abuse women and children as sexual or economic slaves procreated for such purpose; and/or whose cultural ideal of manhood endorses non-consensual sex (rape) as their sexual slavery entitlement, etc.

[ii] ‘Kaffir Etymology’: Original Etymological Definition for ‘Kaffir’:
The word kāfir is the active participle of the Semitic root K-F-R “to cover”. As a pre-Islamic term it described farmers burying seeds in the ground, covering them with soil while planting; as they till the earth and “cover up” the seeds; which is why earth tillers are referred to as “Kuffar.” Thus, the word kāfir implies the meaning “a person who hides or covers”; To conceal, deny, hide or cover the truth.

[iii] ‘Kaffir Legislation’ = Inalienable Right to Breed’ Poverty, Misery and War legislation; pretending it advocates for ‘peace’ and ‘human rights’.

Kaffir Law/Legislation provides citizens with the Inalienable ‘Right to Breed’, but demands that Citizens need a Licence to Own a Gun, a Licence to Drive a Car, a Licence to Practice Law, a television licence, a credit licence, a licence to earn a living, a university exemption licence, a licence to fish, a licence to hunt, a liquor licence, a business licence, a marriage licence, etc, etc.
Kaffir Legislation covers up that an ‘Inalienable Right to Breed/laissez-faire birth control policy + No Social Welfare policies or practices provides for an equilibrium carrying capacity; whereas Inalienable Right to Breed/laissez-faire birth control within a welfare state, results in Runaway Growth, and ultimately greater misery, poverty and war .

------------- end excerpt ----------------

Rendier Equality Gouws February 9 at 5:04pm

OH FFS. Can you stop with the "I WAS MARRIED TO A ..." So what does that mean??? You want a fucking medal? So being married to a black man means you can't be racist? WTF.

Secondly I refuse to debate against someone who hides behind a fucking nickname. You call me chicken but they are too fucking chicken shit to give a real name. It's laughable how ignorant you are. You call me the damn chicken but ALL of SAS are hiding behind nicknames and once one is revealed, Uhuru Guru, they flee the country... yeah very brave men indeed. Funny part is everyone knows my name and what I look like and yet I stay and fight for this country... which is alot more than I can say for your "HIDE BEHIND A PC SCREEN" SAS members.

Lara Zhivago February 9 at 5:16pm

I gave you links to a constittuional court document which includes my real name and my real address chicken!!

AS for the married to a black man for 13 years! Well, why don't you marry a black woman for 13 years and then come back and tell me from your experience whether such a person can be considered a racist or not??

Rendier Equality Gouws February 9 at 5:28pm

This is the funniest part. You will give me your details but ole big man Mike Smith you defend to the ends of the earth can't give a "lighty" and a "wet behind the ears" child a name. And once again thanks for avoiding the obvious. Is there a particular reason you avoid the anonymity of SAS members and my questions about them on purpose? Sorry but I don't respect people who shout from the top of their lungs that this and that is wrong with SA but do fuck all about it. Everyone can spread awareness my dear, but putting your identity out there for all to see is another step. One step further than any SAS member has done. But hey, rather go and praise them till kingdom come.

Lara Zhivago February 9 at 6:31pm

You clearly are clueless about the difference between praising till kingdom come , and recognizing people's rights to free speech, and standing up against fascist censorship little dicators who are corrupted by their sence of self-importance.

Ever heard of Voltaire: "I disagree with what you say; but I will defend to the death your right to say it"

I disagree with whatyou say, and I'd defend anyone trying to shut you down too. Not cause I agree with you, but cause I support everyone's right to free speech; not just those people I agree with.

I supported the PAC's right to freedom of speech too!

SA Sucks bloggers motives are totally different to yours. They are not interested in being 'celebrities' like you are. They are interested in sharing the information they do; and providing a place for people to rant and vent and not feel alone. For them it is not about marketing themselves, but about sharing information; who they are is irrelevant in the big picture. For you, who you are is your total consumption.

You are interested in being a prima donna, while pretending you give a shit about sovling problems.

They are not.

Lara Zhivago February 9 at 6:32pm

Mike's response:
[R3ndi3r vs. SA Sucks] Rendier's distorted Inquisition reality

Rendier Equality Gouws February 9 at 7:18pm

Excellent Bullshit. You know I would take the time out of my day to go the cached files of SA Sucks... but what would be the point of providing you with all that nasty stuff he said...

Also love the touch on the poor child who passed away... making it seem like I am somehow responsible for it in the sense that I never reported on it.

Also thank Joan for me. She was the missing link between SAS members and their identities. Case has been opened and investigation is under way.

Lara Zhivago February 9 at 8:43pm

Well it should be an interesting court case. Do you have an SAPS Case Number?

It should be quite an interesting trial; if the NPA accept it of course. I look forward to hearing you explain how all the people who were defrauded and betrayed by a fraudulent TRC (which you could not care about, cause you ain't about to hold your god Mandela to account), should not interpret your statement of “If I could kill one of the guys who was responsible for enforcing Apartheid, I would”, as a threat.

Did you inform the SAPS investigating officer of Mike Smith's Intellectual -- R3ndi3r vs. SA Sucks -- Jujitsu response to your posting of 'Why I shut down SA Sucks'?

Or is honour not something important to you? I keep forgetting you've never done military service, so you are ignorant of concepts of military honour; but I was hoping that your sense of ethics would incorporate civilian honour.

I don't know Joan personally, she is simply a facebook friend, who shares an interest in the Intellectual -- R3ndi3r vs. SA Sucks -- Jujitsu debate. Actually lots of people are very interested in seeing the progression of this debate, except it appears you.

I wonder why?

Rendier Equality Gouws February 10 at 12:06am

Now why would I supply you with the SAPS number?

Secondly this isn't a debate. This is taking everything I say and throwing it back at me. 90% of the stuff he said there doesn't ever make sense. It doesn't fit the time line, and really... that video was made in 2007, he's really going to use that as me starting it first? LOL... almost 4 years later... really? HA HA HA.

You talk about this HONOR alot without really pointing it back at your boys... how can someone have honor if they hide behind a mask? How can someone have honor by calling people names and insulting them behind their backs and making death threats?

Listen... it really was a pleasure but if you, as the mediator, were more neutral I would love to sit and chat... but obviously you are so blinded by SAS HONOR that you don't listen to any of the things Im talking about.

Lara Zhivago February 10 at 1:15am

You said you filed a case. When I say I filed a case; then I provide the evidence therefore -- the case number. In fact when I have ever filed any case, soon as I got the case number I informed the person against whom I filed the case; as a matter of honour, so that they could submit their perspective on the matter. As a member of RAdical Honesty, -- if the matter was an act against myself -- I also always include the caveat notice to the Police, that if the person at any time wishes to change their mind and sincerely wants to resolve the matter out of court, that I have no problem with doing so.

Just cause you made a video on 1997, doesn't mean everyone saw it then. Someone could have only found out about you two weeks ago, so htey watch a few of your videos. They watch you tell the world, how you want to kill anyone who enforced apartheid.

I have no idea what his response would be if you did file a case, and if it does go to trial. Not a clue.

Yes, honour is very important to me. A fundamental principle. Of course its an abstract concept like 'racist', and so there are many different interpretations; but for me, my definiton and meaning is important to me, in the same way that others religious values would be to them. Honour is important to us as members of Radical Honesty, cultural thing.

"How can someone have honor by calling people names and insulting them behind their backs and making death threats?"

Are you referring to yourself? that certainly does not fit my description of honour. When I had something to say about you, I let you know personally. Thats in accordance with my definition of honour. I do the same to anyone else, from Mandela, to tutu, to deklerk, to SA Sucks, etc.

Maybe your definition of honour includes calling people names and insulting them behind their backs and making death threats; I don't know. Maybe honour is not imortant to you. Is it? And if so, what do you mean by honour?

I am not the mediator; simply offering a neutral platform, for both parties to express their perspectives, in full, without any censorship.

I most certainly don't think everyone at SA Sucks is honourable, a few yes, but not all. And there concept of honour is very different to mine. There is a military concept. Even though its not the same as mine I can respect it.

What have i not listened to you that you talk about?

You no doubt shall find out, or maybe you already know, but SA Sucks has been resurrected:

Rendier Equality Gouws February 10 at 1:32am

"You said you filed a case. When I say I filed a case; then I provide the evidence therefore -- the case number. In fact when I have ever filed any case, soon as I got the case number I informed the person against whom I filed the case; as a matter of honour, so that they could submit their perspective on the matter."

Would help if I knew who Mike Smith was, then I would gladly send him the docket number. But seeing that I don't know his real name I can only inform him after his identity has been found out. Im pretty sure you informed him already just like you informed him of my personal messages that was directed at you. You know, the ones he mention in his article that was blown out of proportion... the guy was found guilty of breaking into the house, but according to him I moered an "innocent" person... you know, things like that.

"Are you referring to yourself? that certainly does not fit my description of honour. When I had something to say about you, I let you know personally. Thats in accordance with my definition of honour. I do the same to anyone else, from Mandela, to tutu, to deklerk, to SA Sucks, etc."

I was referring to Mike and the boys calling me a steroid bunny, just like you, and other words which obviously you could see in the comment section. Yes I responded with fire but then again, I didn't start the insults, he did by the title of the blog he posted. You seem to only see what you want to see. You magically spot all my responses on the blog but overlook what my responses was based from. His posts.

"I am not the mediator; simply offering a neutral platform, for both parties to express their perspectives, in full, without any censorship."

Really now. So then why the name calling by you towards me in your articles and also when giving commentary on the me vs Mike Smith saga? Sorry but that isn't even close to neutral.

Listen... after careful consideration I can understand to an extent why they hate me so much, but there were alot more honorable ways to have dealt with the situation. He could have contacted me after seeing the video that upset him so much and could have asked to debate me on this, instead he wrote an article filled with lies and ugly name calling, directed personally at me. Wouldn't you agree it could have been handled better? I saw the article and naturally went into defense mode. How else would I have reacted? Here I am being insulted with lies and I can't respond in an angry fashion?

The threats came and I reacted to that like any non SAS member would have reacted. I now know that SAS had articles on farm murders that were very well focused but the way in which it was relayed to the rest of the world was extreme in my eyes.

I see that he has started a new site and I wish him all the best, I honestly just hope that he stops the vulgar images and language and derogatory terms. I agree with the articles in the sense that it tells the world about the white man's issues in SA, but I completely disagree with how it's being exposed to the world.


Lara Zhivago February 10 at 2:29am

>> Would help if I knew who Mike Smith was, then I would gladly send him the docket number.

Well, you have his email address. He gave it to you in the comments, asking you to email him, and the two of you could get together for a jujitsu spar, and he would keep your details confidential. His email address is public knowledge:

Mike Smith []

>> But seeing that I don't know his real name I can only inform him after his identity has been found out.

You would have to ask him about his identity; I ain’t got any idea what his response would be. But you never know.

>> Im pretty sure you informed him already just like you informed him of my personal messages that was directed at you.

I was not under the impression that the messages were personal. I contacted you, as a blogger, to do a semi-kind of interview; get your perspective. The title of the message sent to you was: “Invitation to Respond -- Your Response shall be posted in full”; where I informed you I had written the article, and offered you the right to reply. Nothing you have told me, you have said is ‘off the record’. My perspective was to attempt to bring some resolution to the issue between you and SA Sucks, which in my opinion was clearly a massive misunderstanding. I tried the same in the comments to the SA Sucks articles. Response from Mike was you aren’t interested in an intellectual debate; and you did not respond at all.

>> “I was referring to Mike and the boys calling me a steroid bunny, just like you, and other words which obviously you could see in the comment section.”

I don’t recall calling you a steroid bunny, and if I did, I did not do so behind your back. If I did, it was my honest opinion at the time. Steroid bunny is actually kind of a mild ‘insult’, you should see things people have called me. If I think they are interested in hearing the actual truth about what happened in that instance, I provide them with the facts, and if they aren’t interested, I just let them think what they want to think. But it is almost impossible to insult me, so it just does not worry me what ‘flat earthers’ think of me. I only concern myself with people who are sincere, who make an effort to know me, and if they have constructive criticism, no matter how harsh, I highly value it, and more I value their courage to tell me their truth, rather than bullshit me with politeness.

>> Yes I responded with fire but then again, I didn't start the insults, he did by the title of the blog he posted.

Who started the insults? Knorrig? Mike never posted any blog about you, until after you posted your video to shut them down.

Knorrig was insulted about your statements about killing those who uphold apartheid and about your views about Mandela being the most important person in the world etc. So he expressed himself, commenting on public issues and public people, of whom you are one. Same as you comment on other public people, he commented on you.

>> You seem to only see what you want to see. You magically spot all my responses on the blog but overlook what my responses was based from. His posts.

Who is ‘his’? I responded to the blog posts in the comments section, suggesting an intellectual debate on the issues of concern; that you withdraw your call for them to be banned, and that you guys enter into a debate. Mike said it did not appear as if you are interested, and you never responded.


"I am not the mediator; simply offering a neutral platform, for both parties to express their perspectives, in full, without any censorship."

>> Really now. So then why the name calling by you towards me in your articles and also when giving commentary on the me vs Mike Smith saga? Sorry but that isn't even close to neutral.

Well I can pretend to you on certain issues, that I am neutral on those, to give you an ‘image’ of neutrality on all those issues; or I can be honest and transparent about where I disagree with you; so that you know. My concept of neutrality was more in the sense of not censoring either of your arguments. To be a neutral platform, where neither were censoring the other side. I don’t disagree that on certain issues, it is my opinion that there argument is the one that is the strongest; but that is not a belief. I am still willing to hear your side, and if you provide evidence of a sufficient weight then I am happy to change my mind.

>> Listen... after careful consideration I can understand to an extent why they hate me so much, but there were alot more honorable ways to have dealt with the situation.

I imagine Jacob Zuma could say the same about you reporting about him, and not giving him a choice to respond, or something like that. Generally whenever I write an article on any issue (not if I cut and paste a newsarticle), then if it is negative about someone, I always let them know about it, so they don’t find out later, or by the grapevine, and they are always welcome to submit a contrary opinion, which I am happy to publish in full. But those are my ‘scientific journalism’ and ‘honour’ values; I don’t pretend that they are anyone else’s.

>> He could have contacted me after seeing the video that upset him so much and could have asked to debate me on this, instead he wrote an article filled with lies and ugly name calling, directed personally at me. Wouldn't you agree it could have been handled better?

Again, sure; but I guess the same could be said of anyone you have done video’s about that you are upset with something they did, or said, and you make a video calling them names. If they ask me, could it have been handled better; I can agree.

Why do you think I have case before the Constitutional Court against 88 media publications and editors, for their unethical media practices? Including your ‘friend’ Deborah Patta???

So yes I agree.. I can only observe how other ‘media’ and ‘bloggers’ and ‘youtubers’ do what you do… but if you do the same as they do; which you do, then your criticism is not that credible, do you get my point?

Lara Zhivago February 10 at 2:29am

>> I saw the article and naturally went into defense mode. How else would I have reacted?

I understand you went into defense mode, sorry to say, but that is what we do, when we have fragile ego’s; our ‘ego’ is insulted; not our ‘being’. Maybe fate brought you this opportunity to learn to grow your ego tougher, so that you can get to a place beyond being insulted.

>> Here I am being insulted with lies and I can't respond in an angry fashion?

You can respond in any way you wish; but some responses are more enlightened than others; and others are more neanderthal, beat my chest and beat you over the head with my club, than others! We have a choice, in (a) how we choose to interpret any statement made by anyone else; and (b) how we choose to respond.

>> The threats came and I reacted to that like any non SAS member would have reacted.

Perhaps like any non SAS member yes; except for any Radical Honesty member, who would have laughed, as we do.

>> I now know that SAS had articles on farm murders that were very well focused but the way in which it was relayed to the rest of the world was extreme in my eyes.

It is extreme, very extreme, I totally agree. I don’t agree with all they write and say, or even half; and sometimes I am shocked and choke or spill my coffee on my keybouard. They take gallow humour satire to a totally different level. But that is who they are. And while they are despised and hated, and nobody has forgiven them for apartheid, but everyone pretends to have done so; at least they are honest, that they ain’t buying this ‘rainbow hypocrisy trc’ shit. They were defrauded and betrayed; and their rage is extreme, and until this fucked up country decides to finally tell the truth about apartheid, good and bad; and to have a real honest conversation, and not this pretend fake ‘trc’ rainbow crap, I support them to vent their steam online as extreme as they need to, rather than go and blow up shit, and sit in prison cells and be gang raped. If any black person can go on SA Sucks, and laugh and not get upset and let it run off their back like water, then that black person has been toughened to understand the concept that is enshrined in the first amendment.

You can only have a ‘democracy’ when you truly value freedom of speech, and can defend the speech of those whom you disagree with, or even the thought that you hate. It is one of the fundamental reasons why SA is not a ‘democracy’ and most definitely not a constitutional republic. The government plays nanny to protect people’s feelings from being ‘insulted’. What bullshit! To live in a constitutional republic, is to know that you will be ‘insulted’ and to know that is the sacrifice you make, in order to live in a country where you are also able to insult others; and nobody is arrested for simply insulting another who has a fragile ego.

So either we must say.. we are not a democracy, cause 95 % of our population want to be protected from being insulted with the truth; and so we are going to do so, cause we have citizens who are children; or we must tell those citizens who behave like children to grow up, we are not going to make laws to protect their fragile ego’s from being insulted.

In radical honesty you will not believe the shit people say to each other, sometimes get mad and rant at each other, and finally forgive, and then they are laughing hysterically about the names they called each other a few hours ago.. as if it is the funniest thing alive! Hours ago, they wanted to beat the shit out of each other, and now they are telling each other they love each other, and laughing and drinking beer! Very weird! ;-)

>> I see that he has started a new site and I wish him all the best, I honestly just hope that he stops the vulgar images and language and derogatory terms.

Don’t count on it. I suggest if you can’t handle it, just don’t visit the site. You do your things your way, they do their things their way. Live and let live.

>> I agree with the articles in the sense that it tells the world about the white man's issues in SA, but I completely disagree with how it's being exposed to the world.

Well you are quite entitled to disagree.. but disagreement should not mean censorship. Learn to agree to disagree, or enter into a conversation or a debate; or confront the government about the root origins of our country’s disease: TRC FRAUD.

Use SA Sucks as an opportunity to toughen your ego, where you can learn to laugh at yourself, and at how others perceive you, without being hurt, or if hurt, to be able to learn to get over being hurt, and forgiving them for being angry with you, in the moment, or for not knowing you, as others who like you know you. Use the ‘problem’ as an opportunity for your own personal growth. Am not saying it wont be hard, it will be, but you will be the beneficiary, in the long run.

No problem!

Rendier Equality Gouws February 10 at 3:05am

Very wise words. But I do have an opinion on some of the things you wrote about...

"Knorrig was insulted about your statements about killing those who uphold apartheid and about your views about Mandela being the most important person in the world etc"

Like I said before and regardless of whether people believe me or not... I meant started... not kept it going. Enforced = Who enforced the principles of it and signed the agreements.

The Mandela one can also easily be explained. That statement is true in the sense that the most powerful people in the world hold him in the highest regard, they have to make an appointment to see him, I personally feel that there are far more important people in the world but if people with so much power hangs on his every word, then one can assume that he is the most important person currently living. The most powerful person (military based) like Obama and the EU presidents etc.

Once again I don't expect anyone to believe me but that is the way I meant it.

"I imagine Jacob Zuma could say the same about you reporting about him, and not giving him a choice to respond, or something like that."

Let's be honest here for a second. There is a massive difference between him asking me to respond and me asking the president or malema or any ANC member to respond to one of my vids.

"Including your ‘friend’ Deborah Patta??? "

You mean the woman I despise and only agreed to go on the show to defend white people against the AA and BBBEE? Also the same women who portrayed me as a racist on her show? definitely not a friend, more like a media whore.

"They were defrauded and betrayed; and their rage is extreme, and until this fucked up country decides to finally tell the truth about apartheid, good and bad; and to have a real honest conversation, and not this pretend fake ‘trc’ rainbow crap,"

I completely agree that they were defrauded and betrayed just like im being discriminated against now and can't get a job or get a loan because im white. So I know the feeling. However I feel that if they had to leave all the name calling out it would be soooo much more effective and that I could agree with them and be a united front. But I cannot and will not associate myself with people who see one black person and assume all black people are like that.

"Don’t count on it. I suggest if you can’t handle it, just don’t visit the site. You do your things your way, they do their things their way. Live and let live."

I would avoid it completely, but if my name is mentioned I have to get involved. I have a right to give my side of the story just as much as they have a right to publish one about me.

"Well you are quite entitled to disagree.. but disagreement should not mean censorship."

My disagreement didn't mean cencorship, the threats did. And I know we disagree on this but I do not take threats of violence or death lightly. Regardless of who or from where it is coming from. Especially regarding to what and who I expose, the ANC.

I finally feel that we are getting somewhere. Now that all the tough love nonsense is out the way. :-)

I am really not an ego driven or insecure person. I started my youtube channel for one reason. To let the world know about white South Africans and how apartheid has been reversed. I know more than what the people over at SAS gives me credit for, I know alot about the history of the Afrikaner along with all the wrongs of apartheid and the rights.

I have read countless of articles written by both white and black people about apartheid along with various books on the opinion of mandela along with other people who fought against apartheid.

The really sad part here is that mike, knorrig etc and I are fighting for the same thing... the realization for the rest of the world that white people in South Africa aren't safe and that we are treated like the lowest form of life... of course we have a different way of relaying it and also we have different opinions on certain figures. For instance Mandela... He has a right to hate him just like I have a right to respect him... regardless of who is wrong and who is right. Same goes for what I think of people who hate on Mandela just like what he thinks of people who respect Mandela.

Suppose me and SAS will never be round the same table to discuss this but I honestly just hope we can stay out of each others way and respect the boundaries placed. I am firmly still fighting for the white man regardless of how they disagree with that. I suppose they fight more for the people who are extreme and I for the people more relaxed.

I really just hope this infighting stops and that both of us can once again spread the word against our common enemy... the ANC.


Lara Zhivago February 10 at 4:48am

>> Very wise words.

Thank you, yes occasionally I can be wise, just as I can also be a tough love bitch on steroids! ;-) But you don’t get to help former alcoholics, drug dealers, and criminals become law abiding citizens, by holding their hands. Only thing that works for rehabilitating former criminals is tough love on steroids!

>>But I do have an opinion on some of the things you wrote about...

Good, a person with an opinion, even if contrarion, is always more to be admired, than one with no opinions and always agreeable.


"Knorrig was insulted about your statements about killing those who uphold apartheid and about your views about Mandela being the most important person in the world etc"

>> Like I said before and regardless of whether people believe me or not... I meant started... not kept it going. Enforced = Who enforced the principles of it and signed the agreements.

Firstly, that’s fair enough, but you got to see that the words you used were not interpreted as you say you meant them; and so you cannot blame them for interpreting the words as they did.

Secondly, although you now won’t be wanting to kill them, you are saying that if Vewoerd was alive, you would kill him if you could. He is their hero, and I must agree. In my opinion Vewoerd is probably one of the most visionary politicians of the 20th century; and as time goes by, he will become a legend, and Mandela will become despised. Events in Europe, with politicians falling over themselves to state that multiculturalism has failed, is EXACTLY WHAT VERWOERD KNEW, and why Apartheid was implemented.

Many even agree that the mistake apartheid politicians made was to establish apartheid with the intention of educating and tutoring blacks to learn what it is like to live in a democracy, to vote, and all those things. That is what they tried to do in bantustans, but the pious afrikaners actually were the least racist settlers to ever settle anywhere in the world; they brought their bibles and tried to convert the heathen, and to be patient and teach him the ways of civilisation. For their good intentions they are hated. So, many on SASucks would agree, that the lessons learnt from apartheid are that apartheid should have been implemented, by establishing ethno-nationalist volkstaats for all tribes, and the whites should have just done their own thing, and not tried to keep law and order for everyone.

So, of course you may disagree; but that is their opinion on Verwoerd, and for the most part I totally agree.

You saying you would kill vewoerd to them, is like them saying they would kill your hero, if they could. Their nerves are raw from their betrayal and they are raging, so they are frequently reactionary and quick to shoot from the hip, just like you. Only they can be much quicker.

>> The Mandela one can also easily be explained. That statement is true in the sense that the most powerful people in the world hold him in the highest regard, they have to make an appointment to see him, I personally feel that there are far more important people in the world but if people with so much power hangs on his every word, then one can assume that he is the most important person currently living. The most powerful person (military based) like Obama and the EU presidents etc.

Well, of course you are entitled to your opinion; but even so they would probably disagree. I imagine their argument would be that you say you don’t do ‘sugarcoating’ of the news; but yet you don’t espose the sugarcoating of such Bernaysian bullshit ‘reality’. The world leaders don’t think mandela is the most powerful person or that they even admire him. Hollywood do yes, cause they are whores. But the worlds politicians don’t, many might pretend to, but its not sincere, its part of the statist public relations bullshit. When honestly speaking they will tell you they think he is a terrorist or old fart (not all, but the persona they present to the people is not their true opinions). The world is run by manipulating the people to either follow one or two alleged camps – left or right. But they are illusions, the camps are setup so that left proles can fight right proles, while the elite are in agreement to protect each other, and only pretend to be ‘right’ or ‘left’. Apartheid leaders were despised around the world because they were by far some of the most honest politicians ever; they acknowledged realities and wanted to sincerely solve social problems, whereas other politicians pretend to want to solve problems, and you know they don’t really want to solve them, because they refuse to honestly discuss them. Apartheid politicians in that sense were a huge threat to the international political system, because they acknowledged ‘friction theory’ between races, and sincerely set about solving that problem. They would have also, had it not been in the middle of the cold war.

The Story of Your Enslavement
Do yourself a favour and watch this video – not too long, but he is an excellent philosopher (don’t agree with him on all, but on this issue, he is spot on)
Story of your Enslavement

So finally, the world leaders – politicians – are not the most important or powerful in the world. The most powerful man in the world they say is the Black Pope, who runs the Jesuits (Society of Jesus), who control all the worlds intelligence agencies, left and right goverments.

Here is a map of where they have hteir fingers in the pie. 911 was orchestrated on their orders, and both Al’Qaeda and the Pentagon play the game. It is called ‘strategy of tension’. Once again the ‘elite’ manage the idiot masses, by setting up a ‘controlled opposition’ (what Lenin called them), and then they use this to manipulate the people by means of ‘fear’ and ‘bread and circuses’.
Black Pope: Superior General of the Jesuits:
Very good book about the background of the Jesuits is Jon Eric Phelps: Vatican Assassins, you can download it here:

But I get that if you started saying those kinds of things to your mainstream fanclub, they would think you kinda lost it, and going crazy! ;-)

>>Once again I don't expect anyone to believe me but that is the way I meant it.

This is a problem in a world where the majority of the population suffer from the cognitive bias known as the Primacy Effect.
Their minds focus on the first things they hear, and they are unable to ‘suspend judgement’ and ask questions to make sure that there interpretation is the same as the person who spoke. Add to this ego’s and you find that even if they do take the time to ask, if there is an issue their ego identifies with that is in conflict with them accepting that their interpretation was not the correct one, they will stick to their interpretation, and ‘know’ what you said.

See many people use this kind of psychological information about cognitive biases, to their benefit, such as ‘marketers’ or ‘public relations’. They know you bullshit the idiot proles with saying the right words in the beginning of the news bulletin or so on, and nothing anyone can say later matters, cause these idiots already made up their minds. So they are greedy for power, and they will use any knowledge to make sure they got themselves a bigger fanclub or support base, even if they know they have lied through and through to the idiots.

In Radical Honesty we do it the opposite way. We don’t want such morons in our culture, we want people who are willing to suspend judgement. So we are happy to provide you with all the worst shit we can tell you about ourselves, right up front, we are totally transparent and if anything therein pisses you off – thank goodness. We don’t have to worry about you coming around later and saying ‘you betrayed me’. So many people look at how our culture does things and they think we are crazy, and maybe we are; but we don’t think that life is a fucking popularity contest to win the popularity of moron imbeciles that are not sincere, and that don’t listen and that don’t make an impartial enquiry. We would rather get be popular with a very few people who value us for our transparency andhonest, who know that includes us being honest bitches or giving honest brutal feedback, but that we always know exactly where we stand with each other. To us it is just the dumbest thing on the planet, to want to be ‘popular’ with people you have bullshitted and lied to; anyone who is such a person, clearly is more interested in bullshitting people so as to get into power, than they are in being honest, earning people’s respect by being honest.

Mandela is one of the worlds most insecure men; the level to which he has been willing to go to lie to his people, to bullshit them so they can adore him, to manipulate their ignorance and their cognitive and racial biases, so that he can be in power, is stupefying. I feel sorry for him if there is a heaven and a hell, cause if hell goes to hypocrits, that man is – in my view – one of the worlds worst hypocrits. I did not always think so, but learnt the hard lessons along the way.

Lara Zhivago February 10 at 4:49am

"I imagine Jacob Zuma could say the same about you reporting about him, and not giving him a choice to respond, or something like that."

>>Let's be honest here for a second. There is a massive difference between him asking me to respond and me asking the president or malema or any ANC member to respond to one of my vids.

Oh totally agreed. I used him as an example, but obviously not a good one. But relatively if you criticized someone lower down the totem pole, it would be more accurate.


"Including your ‘friend’ Deborah Patta??? "

>>You mean the woman I despise and only agreed to go on the show to defend white people against the AA and BBBEE? Also the same women who portrayed me as a racist on her show? definitely not a friend, more like a media whore.

That is why I said *friend*; I was being sarcastic. I know you don’t like her. She is a hypocrit. We have had our words also, but I don’t hate her. She is power hungry and she is willing to bullshit to get power; while pretending she is impartial and reporting ‘news’, which is just bullshit, she is not impartial and she is not interested in any news that she deems the people should not be informed of, cause they may change their minds.


"They were defrauded and betrayed; and their rage is extreme, and until this fucked up country decides to finally tell the truth about apartheid, good and bad; and to have a real honest conversation, and not this pretend fake ‘trc’ rainbow crap,"

>>I completely agree that they were defrauded and betrayed just like im being discriminated against now and can't get a job or get a loan because im white. So I know the feeling. However I feel that if they had to leave all the name calling out it would be soooo much more effective and that I could agree with them and be a united front.

Well yes not to belittle your feeling, which is valid, but theirs is at a whole different level. Sort of the difference between a girl who was assaulted at work, by a man who stuck his hands down her shirt, and the woman who was assaulted by being gangraped infront of the entire country; while those who pretend to support ‘trc’ cheered in glee at their humiliation.


>>But I cannot and will not associate myself with people who see one black person and assume all black people are like that.

Now here you are suffering from the Primacy Effect! ;-) You need to learn to suspend judgement and to make full and impartial enquiries. The majority of those men vent their anger, and it sounds like they hate all blacks. They do not. If you get into comments, when anger has been spent, and they are discussing memories, or in some kind of debate, they will almost every single one of them, tell you stories about fighting on the border, with blacks as their only backup, who died in their arms, or who saved their lives. Race relations during apartheid was far far better than it is today. The only bad race relations during apartheid were between ANC blacks and whites. The rest of blacks who knew they were better treated under apartheid, than any other blacks in Africa, and most certainly better treated than they would be under the ANC… had much more honest relationships with whites.

Anyone on that blog will happily admit that there are blacks who are not a problem; or who are way more intelligent than they are; but [they will not deny] the reality of averages, the bell curve:
• ON AVERAGE, whites are far better at maths and science
• ON AVERAGE, black men rape with far higher frequency than white men
• ON AVERAGE white men are more committed fathers and husbands, than black men
• ON AVERAGE whites have built far more advanced civilizations than blacks
• Etc etc.


"Don’t count on it. I suggest if you can’t handle it, just don’t visit the site. You do your things your way, they do their things their way. Live and let live."

>>I would avoid it completely, but if my name is mentioned I have to get involved. I have a right to give my side of the story just as much as they have a right to publish one about me.

Well, its your choice. I am not sure if you have that ‘right’ on a private blog. You do have the right to give your side of the story to a mainstream news publication who subscribes to media ethics and such like. You could ask SA Sucks if they would publish your response. They may say yes, but I don’t know if the court will uphold it as a right. I don’t know.


"Well you are quite entitled to disagree.. but disagreement should not mean censorship."

>>My disagreement didn't mean cencorship, the threats did.

I don’t disagree that you interpreted them as threats; but I also don’t think you did that impartially, it was reactionary. I think your brain was in Primacy Effect Overdrive, and you didn’t have anyone in charge to say ‘oy, lets make an impartial investigation here, and find out if they are serious or not’. Instead your reactionary response, aggravated them, and the whole issue spiralled.


>>And I know we disagree on this but I do not take threats of violence or death lightly.

Well that is fine, but it would help if you first make sure whether the threat is indeed meant as a threat, or whether it is a joke, or a prank, or just venting steam, or just some keyboard warrior big talk; or whatever.

Remember: You can respond in any way you wish; but some responses are more enlightened than others; and others are more neanderthal, beat my chest and beat you over the head with my club, than others! We have a choice, in (a) how we choose to interpret any statement made by anyone else; (b) if there is any ambiguity in how the message can be interpreted, to ask questions to make sure that our interpretation is the correct one, rather than to believe our assumptions that we are correct, and know what other people think; and (c) how we choose to respond.

>>Regardless of who or from where it is coming from. Especially regarding to what and who I expose, the ANC.

See above.

Lara Zhivago February 10 at 4:49am

>>I finally feel that we are getting somewhere. Now that all the tough love nonsense is out the way. :-)

Tough love is one of the few kinds of love that is sincere. If someone lies to you, for whatever reason, that is not love. You cannot help anyone by giving them love that keeps them dependent or enables their victimhood. One of the reasons I love radical honesty is that I am surrounded (well when I was in us, now its only by email) by people who give me tough love.

>> I am really not an ego driven or insecure person. I started my youtube channel for one reason. To let the world know about white South Africans and how apartheid has been reversed.

If only apartheid had been reversed, life would not be bad at all. To the contrary. If apartheid were reversed, where is your homeland?? Where you can go, to live amongst your tribe? There are many many examples. If whites could be treated as blacks were during apartheid, we would not have any problems.

>> I know more than what the people over at SAS gives me credit for, I know alot about the history of the Afrikaner along with all the wrongs of apartheid and the rights.

That may be.. but from their perspective there is also a lot you don’t know. There are things we know we know, things we know we don’t know, and things we don’t know, we don’t know.

>>I have read countless of articles written by both white and black people about apartheid along with various books on the opinion of mandela along with other people who fought against apartheid.

Mike Smith is one of the most eloquent writers on apartheid. He has a knowledge of black people, many black people don’t have. Do yourself a favour and read his series: Opening Pandora’s Apartheid box.

>> The really sad part here is that mike, knorrig etc and I are fighting for the same thing... the realization for the rest of the world that white people in South Africa aren't safe and that we are treated like the lowest form of life... of course we have a different way of relaying it and also we have different opinions on certain figures. For instance Mandela... He has a right to hate him just like I have a right to respect him... regardless of who is wrong and who is right. Same goes for what I think of people who hate on Mandela just like what he thinks of people who respect Mandela.

But this is where you are a little confused about ‘fighting the same thing’. You do agree on some issues, but on some fundamental ones you do not. It does not help pretending you agree on the issues that you do not, and when those issues are fundamental to solving the problem; and one side stands in the way of solving the problem, as a result of their beliefs on a particular issue, you cannot say that you are really fighting for the same thing.

The problem is a braintumour. Both sides agree there is a braintumour. One side says, you give the patient asprins and bandaids. The other side says you have to operate to remove the braintumour at its root. The bandaid gang refuse. Who is the biggest problem in solving the braintumour problem??? The bandaid to braintumour gang, even though they agree there is a braintumour?

South Africans who deny the reality of TRC fraud, are the bandaid and asprins to braintumour crowd. They deny the opportunity to fix the problem at its source. They agree that South africa has many problems, crime, etc etc… but they refuse to want to address the source. So who are the ones standing in the way of fixiing SA’s problems???

>>Suppose me and SAS will never be round the same table to discuss this but I honestly just hope we can stay out of each others way and respect the boundaries placed.

I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. just depends. I don’t speak for SA Sucks, am not a member, just a reader, mostly of Mike stuff, and only give my interpretations and I could be wrong.

>> I am firmly still fighting for the white man regardless of how they disagree with that. I suppose they fight more for the people who are extreme and I for the people more relaxed.

Could be. They might say they fight for the root cause problem solvers, while you fight for the bandaid brigade! ;-)

>>I really just hope this infighting stops and that both of us can once again spread the word against our common enemy... the ANC.

Your enemy is the ANC. The ANC is not their enemy. They would not have any problem with the ANC, if the truth was told at TRC, about apartheid, and a real sincere TRC occurred. If a real TRC occurred, it would have been a reality to confront that SA can only live in harmony if the races and tribes are given their own volkstaats, and in a federation of volkstaats. Their problem is the fraud and betrayal that occurred during TRC. That is not only the ANC’s fault, it is also many liberals who endorsed the fraud. Why??? Cause they hate the conservative afrikaners so much, even though they can see that the afrikaners analysis is correct; their ego and hatred of them, make them want to punish htem by withholding the opportunity to resolve the problem and to admit that the afrikaners were right.

Many of the worlds problems are easily solveable.. between individuals who don’t allow their ego’s to dominate the solving of the problem. Ego’s don’t solve problems, they are addicted to power. They will bullshit others, and most of all themselves, about all their ‘intentions’ and concern for the problem, but give them an opportunity to solve the problem at its root cause, and they refuse, even though they acknowledge it’s the truth, it is not ‘their’ idea, and their ego wants the recognition! It is both tragic and hilarious!

1 comment:

  1. Ek hoop jy kan 'n vol rugsak dra (+-50kg) oor 50km en dan nog 'n geweer optel. Gegewe die algemene verbrokkeling van infrastruktuur, politiese oortuiging en druk van 'n sekere sector van ons sogenaamde samelewing t.o.v grondbesit, dan lyk dinge nie so waffers nie. Gooi die misdaad syfers in wat net bly vererger en voila, jy is werklik in die middel van 'n groot klomp gemors. Natuurlik om 'n wit vel te he ten midde hiervan plaas jou eintlik in 'n baie ongemaklike posisie.

    Ek se vir jou basies dat daar gaan k@k kom eendag. Die eksponensiele drang van 'n nasie met geen heenkome VS 'n nasie van sprinkane wat net een ding vorendag het nl. eksponsieel teel, drink en steel dan het jy die ideale kruitvat van grootskaalse onrus.

    Ek lees jy het 'n dvd van Mandela gemaak. Ek ken nie die inhout daarvan nie. Ek is soos baie nie gepla nie. Want die persoon het nog glad nie afstand gedoen van sy opinies t.o.v wit mense nie. Als wat hy geskryf of gesing het staan nog net so. Hy het honself gladnie direk daarvan gedistansier nie. Dus bly tans teenstrydig met ons.

    Hoop en of bid dat wanneer die ou man uiteindellik gaan dat Malemarrhoid se "youths" nie die strate invaar en hul eintlike beleid van ontneming van wit mense uitleef nie. Onthou. Die ANC Charter het nog glad nie verander nie. Jy, ek en almal wat wit is word geag kolonialiste te wees wat hul ontneem het van hul land. Ons bly die vyande te wees.

    Die dag gaan kom. Of jy en ander hooop dit gaan nie maak nie saak nie. Natures own way. Natures own way . . .


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