Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Between 30 and 40 newspaper clippings were presented as evidence of life in South Africa. “One article exhibited was published in [the Daily Sun in 2004] by Africa Ka Mahamba. [It was] entitled ‘Taking from whites is not a crime’,” Kaplan said. The article quotes the leader of the “Uhuru cultural club” as telling youngsters who attended a Human Rights Day celebration to steal from whites because “it is the right thing to do”.
IRB Ruling: MA8-04910: Brandon Huntley

In addition, we could add, among others, the SAP's lost police dockets, only 668 in 2008, totally disappeared.

In South Africa, we have policemen who cannot drive, who do not know what a watermark is for, prosecutors who do not know what 'forensic psychology' or 'mens rea' means, and magistrates who do not know what passports are for; in fact, we have Constitutional Court Judges who are incapable of writing Judgements.

Thats not even mentioning South Africa's race war, the ANC's Occult “Struggle” Politics and People's War Collateral Damages, the Afrikaner Genocide, the plausible Occult roots of African criminality, the South African police on the brink of collapse; and that is only the tip of the iceberg......

Letter to the Editor, from Snowy Smith,

Senior Complaints Investigator, Consumer Protection Guide, Fair Civil Law

Letters to the Editor.

Dear Sir,


Special Investigation: The secret race war in South Africa that threatens to overshadow the World Cup || Proudly SA/TRC-RSA Afrikaner Genocide ReportFor granting refugee status to WHITE man Brandon Huntley from South Africa.

White South African granted refugee status in Canada.

Also for being the FIRST Civilised Western Country to acknowledge that the Whites in South Africa are under threat and are being targeted and murdered by BLACKS.

The true “Colour of Crime” and the True Crime statistics are being hidden by the South African Black Government.

There is GENOCIDE going on in South Africa and the Blacks are targeting and Murdering the Whites every day.


MORE than 35,000 White South Africans murdered since 1994.

The Blacks still today very actively promote and sing “Kill the Boer, Kill the White Farmer”.

More than 100000 attacks on White Farmers which are increasing daily.

The BLACK South African Police are useless and the White Farmers are abandoning their farms by the hundreds for fear of being murdered by Blacks.

79% of calls to POLICE stations - including the 10111 number - are NOT attended to.

South Africa is the CRIME, MURDER RAPE Capital of the World.

60 to 149 MURDERS per DAY South Africa.

1 RAPE every 17 Seconds in South Africa.

67,000 BABIES RAPED by BLACK MEN, cases IN ONE YEAR, South Africa.

South Africa the most MURDEROUS society on earth.


10 Million Violent Crimes South Africa in ANC 14 years.

The ANC Black Government has turned South Africa from a First World Country to a Third Word Slum with the highest crime rate in the world with Murder, Rape, Theft, Bribery, Fraud and Corruption everywhere.

The ANC Black Government is the most Incompetent, Corrupt government we have ever had in South Africa.

I Snowy Smith have personally been MUGGED 6 times in Durban, 11 attempted muggings, robbed at gun point in Knysna and lost +- R2.5 million RANDS to BLACK Thieves. The South African Government has failed and or refused to protect Whites from Black murders and in actual fact has turned a blind eye to the Genocide of Whites which is all part of their hidden agenda to steal the White mans assets and property.

South Africa is a Criminals Paradise, the New Zimbabwe South.

It would be fantastic to once again live in a SAFE Civilised country.


Its time to tell the World.

All Tourists Welcome.

Best Regards,

Snowy Smith
Senior Complaints Investigator
Consumer Protection Guide (No Fear, No Favour)
Fair Civil Law


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