Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Open letter to Canadian journalist about white refugee

“Maybe the decision of the ANC youth cadres to take up witchhunting, was also based on the calculation, that party politics and revolutionary slogans would not be sufficient for mobilizing the population. Witchhunts on the other hand seemed to be a common cause for which one could expect broad-based support.” (1993:527)
Isak Niehaus shows how witchcraft was politicised .. and how the ANC and other political groups used witchcraft beliefs to further their own agendas.
[What is the relationship between African Occult Muti Sacrifice Ritual Belief Systems, and African Criminality? ** Africanisation of RSA: ANC's Occult “Struggle” Politics: Witchcraft and the State in S. Africa ** AIDS, Witchcraft, and the Problem of Power in Post-Apartheid S Africa]

No ordinary crime wave – world expert on Genocide:

This is no 'ordinary crime wave', says the world's top expert on the subject of Genocide, Dr Gregory Stanton -- a former US state department legal expert who set up "Genocide Watch" after he formulated all the stages which led to all-out genocide – with the last stage being ‘denial’. Stanton thus is able to identify all the warning signals which precede ethnocides like this one now occurring in South Africa, hidden behind ‘ordinary crime’.

Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer – ANC-electorate’s most popular slogan:

He came to the conclusion that this was a 'growing genocide' instead of just 'ordinary crime' -- despite claims by the SA government to the contrary. He wrote a report about it. He referred in this report to all whites as Boers, since the black South Africans also refer to them as Boers and often use this as a curse against them. In fact the ANC-electorate's most popular chant still remains "Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer". Stanton was interviewed by South African journalist Susan Puren for her documentary on the ongoing murders of white rural residents in South Africa, “A Bloody Harvest”, which was aired on the SA TV programme Carte-Blanche (M-Net).

Open Letter from Adriana Stuijdt, to Canadian Journalist

To Mr Ian Robinson, Columnist, Sunmedia, Canada

re: Your article:

September 7 2009 – DOKKUM, The Netherlands. From Adriana Stuijt,

I am a retired Sunday Times of Johannesburg journalist who also fled with her SA husband from the criminal violence targetting us personally, and we also experienced as being carried out against us only because we were whites, exactly as Brandon Huntley, the refugee from South Africa, also told about in his application to the Canadian authorities.

I don’t understand why the ANC-government is objecting to Mr Huntley’s flight from the country anyway – their own government representatives have been telling “you whites” for years to ‘get out of the country if they don’t like the crime’: view video:

Fortunately, the country of my birth, The Netherlands, gave us both the legal opportunity to flee. One-million white South Africans have already fled the country of their forebears since 1994, and this is turning into a dramatic migration which is decimating the Afrikaner minority, with the young families fleeing the country and the elderly and those too undereducated to emigrate, being slaughtered and turned into destitute paupers because of the ANC’s anti-white job-discrimination laws and other laws which are increasingly barring ‘whites’ from all public life.

Afrikaners only represented 6% of the population in 1994, however my records show that they are being murdered at the rate of more than 25% of the daily murder/homicide statistics (which by the end of 2007/8 recording year already reached 90 murders/homicides a DAY). The latest 2008/9 statistics aren't available from the SA Police website, nobody knows why not. see Documents.

No ordinary crime wave – world expert on Genocide:

This is no 'ordinary crime wave', says the world's top expert on the subject of Genocide, Dr Gregory Stanton -- a former US state department legal expert who set up "Genocide Watch" after he formulated all the stages which led to all-out genocide – with the last stage being ‘denial’. Stanton thus is able to identify all the warning signals which precede ethnocides like this one now occurring in South Africa, hidden behind ‘ordinary crime’.

View Stanton's eight stages of genocide

Stanton was first sent to investigate the Pol Pot genocides in Cambodia and since 2002, has also used his method to examine the unusual form of criminal violence targetting white South Africans in 2002 at the hands of police forensic videos of crime scenes.

Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer – ANC-electorate’s most popular slogan:

He came to the conclusion that this was a 'growing genocide' instead of just 'ordinary crime' -- despite claims by the SA government to the contrary. He wrote a report about it: He referred in this report to all whites as Boers, since the black South Africans also refer to them as Boers and often use this as a curse against them. In fact the ANC-electorate's most popular chant still remains "Kill the Boer, kill the Farmer". Stanton was interviewed by South African journalist Susan Puren for her documentary on the ongoing murders of white rural residents in South Africa, “A Bloody Harvest”, which was aired on the SA TV programme Carte-Blanche (M-Net).

Dr Stanton was interviewed by SA journalist Susan Puren [YouTube]

Kill the Boer slogan daubed in victims’ blood on homestead walls:

This also was the slogan which on April 1 2009 was daubed in the victims' blood on the walls of a Free State homestead -- in a horrendous incident which was barely reported in the English-language news media because of the clearly racist nature of this crime.

The news media merely reported it as a 'robbery', but nothing of any value was robbed when two Afrikaans women, Alice Lotter, 77, and her daughter Helen, 57, both in frail condition, were attacked by a group of young black males and tortured to death at their farm in Allenridge near Welkom.

Stabbed with glass shards in their vaginas, breasts cut off:

The police examining the crime-scene needed trauma-treatment afterwards. According to forensic evidence, the Lottering mother and daughter had died excruciatingly painful deaths: first they were tortured by being stabbed with broken glass bottles into their vaginas and stabbed all over their bodies.

One of the women also had her breasts cut off while she was still alive – (the so-called 'harvesting for traditional medicine") and then both of these women’s blood, police forensics found, had been used to paint the ANC’s anti-Afrikaner hate slogan ‘Kill the Boer Kill the Farmer’ on the walls of their homestead.

They were then allowed to die slowly, by strangulation: i.e. they were hanged by their necks after their excruciating torture. Cruel torture-murders of two Afrikaans women was muti-harvesting: also read about the same month’s torture-murder of two Afrikaans farmers whose sexual organs were ‘harvested for traditional medicine’ while they were still alive: Read the original story in Afrikaans

This is the kind of purportedly 'ordinary crime' (as claimed by the ANC-regime) which white residents are often subjected to in South Africa, and have been for the past 15 years: I started maintaining a record of these often very horrific events upon our migration to The Netherlands (Pierre Oosthuysen, my badly traumatised Afrikaner-husband, a press photographer, died 7 years ago, and I also will probably suffer from the traumas due to the personal attacks I have been subjected to, for the rest of my life).

I have been submitting various reports to human rights organisations such as Genocide Watch, in order to place these facts on record. I personally took one of these reports - about the maltreatment of a group of Afrikaners who have been incarcerated in isolation cells, awaiting trial in a high-security prison for the past 7 years -- to Amnesty International in Amsterdam. They threw the report in the waste-paper basket. I never heard from them again.

When Huntley's case hit the headlines, I was therefore not at all surprised about the howls of ‘moral outrage’ and 'white racist' worldwide. I've been hearing them for years. For some other examples and my compiled list of names of the rural murder victims together with the original news sources, often with pictures,

I just posted a video on YouTube, supporting Huntley's case - and asking the Canadian government to do the humane thing and give traumatised people like him a chance at a safer, better life away from the pogroms targetting them in South Africa - also keeping in mind that the ANC-government has felt the need to draw up extensive laws barring whites from the entire labour market: the first government in the world which had ever felt it necessary to protect its job- and educational fields on behalf of the vast majority against a very small minority group. In most other Western countries, minorities have laws protecting them from majorities. It's strange that the rest of the world has never noticed this oddity.

Adriana Stuijt, retired SA journalist, Dokkum, The Netherlands, Telephone 31 519 7012166

Source: CensorbugBear


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