Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Titans to Lemmings: Suicide of White Race, by Reconquista

Titans to Lemmings: Suicide of White Race

By Reconquista

  1. Selected For Extinction
  2. Halting The Tide
  3. Walking The Wheel
  4. Slaying David, Crippling Britannia
  5. Galloping Headstrong To Bondage
  6. Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

1. Selected For Extinction

Recently, British National Party Chairman Nick Griffin made a statement describing the plight of the indigenous British people. It was short and to the point:

"What is happening in Britain is a bloodless genocide."

For once in his political life, this astute politician is mistaken. What is happening in Britain today is indeed a genocide but it is far from bloodless and this blood-thirsty genocide is superbly described in the BNP's "Racism Cuts Both Ways" pamphlet which provides strong evidence that whites are by far the most likely to be victims of racial hatred. As aliens from all around the world continue to flood into Great Britain, racial violence against the indigenous British people continues to escalate.

And let's not forget please, the 6 million + aborted babies who have been denied life in Britain since 1967.

As more and more unwanted immigrants pour into our land, the British way of life changes. Communities built up over hundreds of years and who were never consulted about the invasion of their land are changed irreversibly. A once advanced society is diluted as immigrants from third-world lands bring their retarded religions, superstitions, hatreds and traditions into Britain whilst demanding the indigenous British pay them for the privilege of living in a land they are deliberately changing and destroying without a care.

Should any Briton speak out about this colonisation of their homeland, they are vilified and demonised as "racists". It is an effective control weapon that cowers the majority of native Britons into meekly and silently accepting the destruction of their nation.

But Great Britain isn't the only nation to be suffering this fate. Australia, a land where it was once so difficult to emigrate to, has opened its borders to Asians and Arabs. The United States is being flooded by Mexican immigrants and of course also has enormous problems with its restless Black community who demand more and more whilst giving less and less and who have recently demonstrated that their allegiance is to their own kind with 95% of blacks voting for Barack Obama. Cries of "Racists!" curiously absent. Strikingly, 65% of white Americans voted for Obama too.

Meanwhile, Europe continues to be flooded by immigrants from Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and the Balkans and a once mighty continent is now collapsing.

Rhodesia and South Africa, nations that thrived and became First World countries under white rule have now become third-world hell-holes where whites have been murdered in their thousands, are repeatedly discriminated against and whose lands are unceremoniously stolen from them under the falsity of "entitlement" leading to white exodus. And unsurprisingly, black-on-black violence is also rife under black rule with millions of blacks being abused and slaughtered by their own people across the dark continent. Unsurprising that is to those who know the turbulent, violent, tribal history of Africa.

Whilst Africans flood to Europe seeking a better life and to grab as many free and generous handouts as Europeans will give them without giving much - if anything - in return, black Africans are making it clear that whites are despised and are not welcome in the lands of Africa the industrious whites made prosperous and cultivated to feed not just the colonies but the whole of Africa.

And as black rule leads to disarray in African nations, the white race continues to send aid and money via a multitude of self-perpetuating charities, aid that just papers over the deep cracks and only serves to keep the suffering and the violence ongoing. A superficial band-aid that does little to heal the ever-festering lesions inherent in African tribal cultures.

Little Israel, the sole homeland for the Jewish people and the only democracy in the Middle East, is deceptively portrayed as a "Nazi" state, with the world through the viper's nest of The UN demanding it surrender more and more of its own territory. Territory that will be used to launch murderous attacks against innocent Israeli citizens, attacks that will not cease until Israel is "wiped from the face of the earth" as is the stated goal of the Iranian mullahtocracy.

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Titans to Lemmings: Suicide of White Race

By Reconquista

  1. Selected For Extinction
  2. Halting The Tide
  3. Walking The Wheel
  4. Slaying David, Crippling Britannia
  5. Galloping Headstrong To Bondage
  6. Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

Part II. Halting The Tide

In the first part of this series of essays about the suicide of the white race, I stated that what is happening to the white race - including native Britons - amounts to a merciless and bloody genocide. Amazingly, it is a genocide in which many members of the white race are playing a willing and active part and I posed a question:

How can a race that created the greatest and most advanced societies in human history, societies that held the highest hope for the whole of mankind, reach a point where its future survival is now threatened?

The Judeo-Christian religions played an important and influential role in building the once mighty West but we also discovered that these religions contained a serious flaw that has sewed the seeds of the suicidal demise of the white race. This flaw was identified by the brilliant German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who described it as "an inversion of morality" whereby the weak, the poor, the meek, the oppressed and the wretched are virtuous and blessed by God whereas the strong, the wealthy, the noble and the powerful are the immoral and damned by the vengeful almighty Yahweh for eternity.

Nietzsche, with great insight and perception, stated that Christianity would be abandoned en masse in the twentieth century but that Westerners would still cling to this inversion of morality. I then described how Marxists and Liberals exploit this inversion of morality by creating large numbers of "victim groups", groups who form minorities in Western society but whose "victim status" is used to dictate morality to the majority. In Western - white - societies, the weak now lead the strong, indeed, the game being played in these societies is not to make the weak strong it is to make the strong weak.

Should any person have the temerity to criticise any one of these "victim" groups, they will be viciously smeared and deemed guilty of numerous hate-crimes, the new heresy of the Liberal-Multicultural religion. The plain fact that this situation is destroying the west because it flies in the face of Mother nature - a catastrophic mistake only the white race is committing - matters not a jot to these new pious inquisitors.

Multiculturalists prosecute their self-righteous moral crusade by proudly championing the cause of anybody who they deem to be weak and oppressed. Blinded by smug piety or driven by hatred for their own, they march the white race into the abyss as they vigorously and myopically pursue one of the most unnatural, childish and ultimately futile illusions ever created in human history:

Gold At The End Of The Rainbow

The core principle of Liberals and Multiculturalists is that everybody is equal. In the fluffy bunny la-la land of these vain zealots, the sexes are equal; all races are equal; all sexuality is equal; all children are equal and children are equal to adults; animals are equal to humans; all cultures are equal and all religions are equal. For anybody to discriminate against anybody else and assert superiority is to establish inequality and inequality simply must not - indeed will not - be tolerated.

This is the utopian fantasy world of the lion lying down with the lamb in the eternal tranquillity of Shangri La. A futile, self-destructive pursuit of the unattainable that requires a denial of the competitive reality of life on planet earth and a continual inversion of morality in a doomed attempt to put right the "mistakes" committed by Mother Nature.

The pursuit of equality can be accurately summed up in a very short sentence: Pursuing equality is to clash with Mother nature. Nature abhors a vacuum but she also abhors equality and this is easily demonstrated.

Look at males and females. Are all males equal? Some males possess physical strength while others are physically weak. Some are tall, some short and some in-between. Some men possess the courage of a lion, others the courage of a French toy poodle. Some possess great intelligence and inquiring minds, some the gifts of craftsmanship, a lucky few possess both and sadly, many will possess neither. Some men are born to lead, others born to follow.

Equality is just as scarce among the fairer sex. There are beautiful women who can turn the heads of every red-blooded male and others who go about their daily business without raising a single admiring glance. There are women who want to be home-makers and mothers who have many children, others place their careers before all else and do not want a family. We have women who are active and love sport, others who prefer a more sedentary lifestyle. Then there are women who are feisty and bubbly, others who are quiet and shy. Of course, there are many more differences between people but the point is made.

Like it or not, men are in the main, physically stronger than women and nature has evolved the sexes for different tasks that ensure human survival just as nature does with all species. All men are not equal, all women are not equal and the sexes are not and never can be equal. This does not mean that any one is any better or has more value as a human being than any other and to suggest so is disingenuous, spiteful and born from bitter resentment. Inequality among and between species is simply the way life is on planet earth for all species including humans.

Take feminism as an example. Feminists claim that women have been victims of men, that men have oppressed women for centuries and that the sexes are equal. Denying this will result in the smears "misogynist" and "male chauvinist pig". But equalising the sexes has led to a crippling feminisation of Western society and I will elaborate upon this vitally important issue next time. But portraying women as oppressed victims and the equals of males is one example of how the pursuit of equality is being used to destroy our society and undermine - and therefore be in conflict with - Mother nature.

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Titans to Lemmings: Suicide of White Race

By Reconquista

  1. Selected For Extinction
  2. Halting The Tide
  3. Walking The Wheel
  4. Slaying David, Crippling Britannia
  5. Galloping Headstrong To Bondage
  6. Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

Part III. Walking The Wheel

In the first two essays in this series discussing the suicide of the white race, I have tried to present a reasoned and rational argument as to how Marxists/Liberals/Multiculturalists exploit a flaw with Christianity to pursue the goal of a Multicultural society. The flaw is an inversion of morality placing the weak and the wretched as virtuous and the strong and powerful as ignoble and immoral. Through this flaw, a number of "minority groups" - victims - have been created and it is through these groups that the Multicultural society is being created.

The end goal of Liberal-Multiculturalists is to completely dismantle Western societies and re-create them as multi-racial, multi-faith and multicultural societies where all people are equal regardless of race, creed or colour. This anti-nature utopia of peaceful and harmonious existence between distinctly different peoples will spell the end of Western nations because Liberal-Multicultural ideology asserts that it is these strong, advanced societies - and therefore, the indigenous people of these societies, the white race - that are responsible for all of the oppression, war and injustice in the world and who only became so powerful by looting from, and oppressing, weak and powerless others.

Since WWII, the Liberal-Multicultural ideology has been imposed upon Great Britain by stealth as successive governments whether Labour or Conservative have encouraged mass-immigration and have additionally passed scores of laws to forcibly impose Multiculturalism mainly in British cities and without consulting the communities affected. They have encouraged mass-immigration to such an extent that in many communities in Great Britain - Bradford, Bristol, Luton, boroughs of London, Manchester and Birmingham along with many other colonised areas - indigenous Britons are now minorities in their own land.

This dismantling of Western societies is happening throughout Europe, it is happening in the United States and it has already happened in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The tragedy - and the theme of this series - is that the white race is, in the main, either engaged in destructively creating discordant rainbow societies or simply passively allowing Multiculturalism to be imposed upon it and is, therefore, embracing its own destruction.

Before I continue, I had intended to write about the feminisation of Western societies as I stated in the last essay but recent events mean that I will be writing about this important issue another time.

Because in this essay, I want to examine how Western societies are faring as the pursuit to establish a harmonious, equal, Multicultural Shangri-la continues unabated.

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Titans to Lemmings: Suicide of White Race

By Reconquista

  1. Selected For Extinction
  2. Halting The Tide
  3. Walking The Wheel
  4. Slaying David, Crippling Britannia
  5. Galloping Headstrong To Bondage
  6. Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

4. Slaying David, Crippling Britannia

So far in this series of essays discussing the serious predicament the white race currently faces, I have tried to explain what I believe to be the lemming-like suicide of the white race and by lemming-like I am asserting that the white race is knowingly choosing to behave in ways which will assure its own destruction.

Central to the series is the way Marxist ideology has been embraced by the white race whose societies impose Multiculturalism and Liberalism in the trivial pursuit to establish equality between all races and all peoples. I have attempted to describe how these ideologies are being imposed upon white societies through the creation of numerous minority groups - e.g. blacks, asylum seekers, criminals, Muslims, homosexuals, women, animals, planet earth etc. - groups who are portrayed as oppressed victims of the powerful strong majority.

Multiculturalism and Liberalism is being forced upon white societies by force and by deploying a moral inversion that is fundamental to Christianity and identified by the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche whereby the strong and the powerful are always portrayed as immoral and the weak whereas the wretched and the oppressed are the moral and the good. Nietzsche described Christianity as "The religion of pity" because of this flaw and he predicted that the West - white societies - would abandon the Christian religion but cling steadfastly to this moral inversion of the weak and oppressed as being moral and noble.

I firmly believe Nietzsche's analysis of Christianity and his prediction of how the West would maintain the moral inversion he identified were both totally accurate and it is this pity for the weak that is enabling alien invaders to colonise and flourish throughout the West along with the destruction of traditional values and morals that once made the west so strong.

But there is one minority group that is singled out as being the root cause of the West's problems. They are a minority group despised by Marxists and Liberals and, I'm sad to say, equally despised by a section of British Nationalists and other nationalist groups. The Marxists despise them for the very reasons I am describing in these essays, some Nationalists hate them for this reason too but they also hate them for a very different, convenient but ultimately self-destructive reason as we shall now see.

I am of course talking about the Jews and as a very proud, white British Nationalist who is absolutely fed-up of reading ill-informed, hate-filled and often asinine comments around British Nationalist blogs about Jews I believe it is now time for the various myths and excuses trotted out to justify Jew hatred to be challenged. Because if this nonsense continues it is going to damage British Nationalism and therefore, serve to promote the interests of all of the enemies who are destroying our land.

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Titans to Lemmings: Suicide of White Race

By Reconquista

  1. Selected For Extinction
  2. Halting The Tide
  3. Walking The Wheel
  4. Slaying David, Crippling Britannia
  5. Galloping Headstrong To Bondage
  6. Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

5. Galloping Headstrong To Bondage

One of the major issues being highlighted in this series of essays concerns the Marxist imposition of equality. Having intended to write this essay after part two, an essay which discussed how imposing artificial equality among and between the races flies in the face of Mother Nature, I will now discuss how imposing equality between the sexes has had a catastrophic effect upon Western societies. It is best read with the issues raised in part two in mind, I had intended it so but one or two more pressing matters meant the chronology was disrupted.

I think if I stated that if one were to observe Western societies with a neutral stance to assess how the enforced Multicultural social experiment is progressing, it would be difficult to assert that Multiculturalism is working. Despite being brow-beaten with the "we're all equal" mantra, clear differences continue to arise between races and cultures because reality stubbornly refuses to fall in line with this childish Liberal fantasy of equality of all in a tranquil rainbow Shangri-la.

Throughout the West, vast numbers of alien immigrants shun the culture of their host society, preferring instead to maintain their own languages, traditions and cultures and demanding ever more tolerance and acceptance of their way of life. Meanwhile, back in their lands of origin, their cultures and traditions are entirely persevered and in the case of the Middle East, alien cultures and traditions are strictly - and very forcibly - forbidden.

Making such an observation and also comparing the West with other societies, it is crystal clear that major differences exist between races and that the predominantly white West is behaving in ways that other societies - societies from where most immigrants to Britain originate - do not and this means that our own culture and our own traditions are now in decline, indeed one could honestly claim that we are well along the road to colonisation and this is a damning indictment on Multiculturalism and its supporters.

But what is not so easy to discern is how the imposition of equality between the sexes is playing a major part in causing a disastrous and ongoing collapse of the greatest civilisation ever created in human history. It is an imposition of superficial equality that has been as equally destructive as forcibly imposing equality between the races. It has happened once again by creating a "victim" group, in this case women, and championed by male-hating feminists, the imposition of equality between the sexes has severely handicapped the West and although some advances - much needed in my humble view - have been achieved, sexual equality has also unwittingly achieved an undesirable result of enslaving and oppressing Western women far more than they have ever been, not least because equality for all has a logical conclusion of leading women into a nightmare of oppression and slavery as I will now explain.

I assert that feminism is therefore self-destructive as all pursuits of illusions - in this case equality of the sexes - are. But before I continue, let me make clear that we are not talking about the worth of a person or even an infantile "one sex is better than the other" high-school debate but rather the differences inherent between the sexes as bestowed by Mother Nature and how these differences have played a part throughout human evolution.

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Titans to Lemmings: Suicide of White Race

By Reconquista

  1. Selected For Extinction
  2. Halting The Tide
  3. Walking The Wheel
  4. Slaying David, Crippling Britannia
  5. Galloping Headstrong To Bondage
  6. Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

Part 6. Behind The Smiling Rainbow Mask

The title of this series of essays "From Titans To Lemmings - The Suicide of the White Race" reflects in a nutshell what I believe to be THE biggest problem facing Western civilisation at this moment in time, that being, the white race itself. Like it or not, since the end of World War II, the white race as a whole has willingly chosen to behave in ways that are self-destructive; flawed ways that fly in the face of Mother nature as I have been describing throughout the series, but one perhaps stands out as the most destructive of all:

An almost fanatical religious belief in the Marxist-created Multicultural ideology and the imposing of multi-racial societies throughout the West where various races will live together as equals in peace and harmony. This modern-day Godless religion has been adopted by the vast majority of whites in the Western world who are enthusiastically swallowing hook, line and sinker the blissful fantasy of a rainbow Shangri-la.

Towards the end of the previous essay, From Titans To Lemmings Part 5, I stated that the Multicutural ideology has been force-fed to our people at every level of our society. For the last fifty years, equality of the races has been widely promoted throughout the West as hordes of immigrants flooded into our lands. Along with equality of all, a demonising of the white man and a re-writing of his history to portray him as an evil tyrant who looted the wealth of other weaker races while enslaving and oppressing them has placed what I call "the Mother of all guilt trips" on our people to brainwash them into accepting the colonisation of their homelands.

Dissent simply isn't tolerated and those who dare resist the propaganda and speak out against Multiculturalism will then be de-humanised with a myriad of Orwellian thought and hate crimes: Fascist, Hater, Nazi, and of course the worst sin any disbeliever can commit against the Liberal church, Racist, the modern-day heretic of the Godless, Multicultural religion.

But something is rotten in Denmark, Sweden, France, Holland, USA, Great Britain - every Western nation. Whites throughout the West have now had fifty years of being brow-beaten with the Multicultural "all races are equal" ideology. Fifty long years of watching their nations become colonised by millions of aliens flooding into the West; fifty years since the end of colonial rule in Africa; fifty long years since the civil rights movement won equality for blacks in the United States and fifty years of a resurgent Islam with millions of Muslims bringing their retarded faith to our once mighty nations.

For British nationalists, we've had fifty years of enduring a pernicious social experiment being forcibly imposed by an elite who never gave their own people a choice in the matter and who demonised and vilified opponents whose only crime was to speak-out against the enforced colonisation of their nation.

So after fifty years, why don't we put this Multicultural social experiment and its claim of racial equality in the dock? Because behind the smiling rainbow mask lies millions of smashed lives mercilessly sacrificed for the Multicultural dream and in this essay, I want to expose one of the most destructive myths being vehemently asserted by deceitful Liberal/Multiculturalists:
That the black man is the equal of the white man. The ocean of evidence - much of which is deeply distressing - clearly demonstrates that this assertion is nothing more than an outright lie that is causing immense suffering to both whites and blacks alike.

And it's way past tea for this lie and the enormous suffering it is causing to be exposed under the spotlight of uncomfortable truth. What follows is the horrific reality festering behind the rainbow mask, a barbaric, savage and brutal reality the Liberals and Multiculturalists deliberately ignore, a reality they'd rather you didn't see.

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