by Andrea Muhrrteyn
Why We Are White Refugees

Delano Louw, the Snr Registrar's Clerk at the Constitutional Court, today informed Lara Johnstone that her Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) Application had been approved by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court; namely that “Ms. Lara Johnstone, member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion, is admitted as an Amicus Curiae.”
Her written submission must be submitted to the Constitutional Court by 25 May 2010.
The Chief Justice denied the In Forma Pauperis aspect of her Amicus Curiae Application, without providing any reasons.
Perhaps he thought that (a) she was not in fact indigent (if so he would be wrong, she is); or (b) he thought she was legally capable of representing herself, as per her Paralegal qualifications, or (c) he thought that she may be able to come up with the required financial resources for legal representation, for the Amicus Curiae application.
She did contact Foundations and Non-profits who are allegedly concerned with Population Policy issues, to invite them to participate in the Amicus application. Among others she contacted: Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; Population Council and The Population Institute. She has not yet had any response from any of them.
If however there are any social engineer lawyers who wish to participate in this endeavour Pro Bono, they are welcome to contact her, to act as Pro Bono council on behalf of the Amicus Curiae.
Her original application stated that when dealing with legal questions, she relies on:[A] A Paralegal Certificate, and Paralegal Diploma, both with Distinction, from the South African Institute of Legal Training and Damelin Correspondence Career Development College.
[B] My Radical Honesty culture and religion’s Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract (PDF) practices of resolving disagreements as adults, namely face-to-face in person, with a commitment to remaining in such conversation until sincere sensate forgiveness occurs.
[C] My experience of other cultures preference for resolving disagreements through passive-aggressive revenge tête-à-tête’s via parasitic lawyers and judicial systems, whose parasitic lawyers frequently negligently or intentionally refuse parties to a dispute to resolve such dispute face-to-face in person with a commitment to attaining sincere sensate forgiveness; preferring to demand of parties their participation in fake and two-faced intellectual forgiveness.
[Parasitic Lawyers] Howard Law School Professor Charlie Houston, the primary legal mentor of U.S. Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, taught that: ‘Lawyers are either social engineers, or they are parasites. Social Engineer lawyers aim to eliminate the difference between what the laws say and mean, and how they are applied; whereas legal parasites aim to entrench their parasitism from the difference between what the laws say and mean, and the application of such differences to their parasitic benefit.’
Andrea Muhrrteyn is the White Refugee nom-de-plume for Lara Johnstone, the applicant in the aformentioned Constitutional Court In Forma Pauperis Amicus Curiae matter.
» » » » [ConCourt #23-10 Amicus Curiae Application]
» » [ConCourt #23-10 Amicus Curiae Application (PDF) ]

ConCourt: ‘Was SA's TRC a falsification of History’?
White Refugee, RantRave
26 March 2010
Garret Hardin and the Tragedy of the Commons |
Johannesburg, South Africa (26/03/2010): An Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court) Application was filed today with the South African Constitutional Court, which alleges among others that Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Desmond Tutu and F.W de Klerk's 'TRC was a fraudulent PR publicity stunt'.
The Amici Curiae application was filed in Constitutional Court Case # 23/10: The Citizen Newspaper vs. Robert John McBride.
Robert McBride was a member of the ANC's military wing MK (Umkhonto we Sizwe), and in that capacity planted a carbomb outside the popular Magoo's Bar / "Why Not" Restaurant in Durban in 1986, which killed 3 and injured 69. He was arrested, convicted and received the death penalty. He applied for and was granted Amnesty by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission in 2001, and subsequently became a top Dept. of Foreign Affairs official and then the Chief of Police at Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality.
Before he became the Chief of Police, the Citizen newspaper found out about his impending appointment and wrote a series of articles opposing his appointment referring to him as, among others a murderer.
McBride launched a civil suit for defamation against the Citizen, on the grounds that he had been given Amnesty, and hence his 'murder' conviction had been expunged and accordingly he could not be accused of being a murderer.
The High Court and Supreme Court ruled in McBride's favour. The Citizen filed an appeal to the Constitutional Court, on the grounds that the interpretation by the SCA, of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, meant that it required the media to participate in the falsification of history.
The 'TRC was a fraudulent PR publicity stunt' Amici Curiae application is filed by Lara Johnstone, as a member of the Radical Honesty Religion and Culture. This is a religion/culture founded by Dr. Brad Blanton, an American 'Honesty in Politics' politician, psychologist and bestselling author of the 'Radical Honesty' series of books. Basically anyone can join the Radical Honesty Religion/Culture; the only pre-requisite being a commitment to Radical Honesty: Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness processes; known as the Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract; which is an excerpt from Dr. Brad Blanton's book, Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help from Your Friends
Brad Blanton's Campaign for Congress Brad Blanton on Radical Honesty |
Her Radical Honesty Application basically states that both The Citizen, the Supreme Court Justices and McBride are all confused, because they all assume that 'TRC' Act meant what it said, and that 'Truth', Forgiveness and 'Reconciliation' actually occured; but it didn't.
She says among others that the TRC was a fraudulent PR stunt because:
It implied to SA's that it would provide closure to SA citizens anger. It didn't. The Act does not even define what it means by 'closure' or 'reconciliation'. She says the "TRC's Religious Circus" used victims and victimizers as a form of 'Circus Monkeys' on the world stage; to promote the SA elites fake two-faced hypocrisy Intellectual Forgiveness Rainbow Nation. She asks how anyone can think that 'closure' has occurred when victims and victimizers are still furious with each other. What kind of 'closure' is that?
It also informed SA's it would make impartial enquiry to establish the truth about the motives for apartheid and why apartheid occurred, and to prevent Human rights abuses occuring again. But even though rapid population growth colliding with scarce resources is a major cause of resource wars, whether as crime, or political resource war violence; the TRC made absolutely zero effort to determine how much of Apartheid violence was a result of rapid population growth: overpopulation colliding with scarce resources.
She says the TRC raped SA citizens of their psychological integrity by demanding they all pretend that reconciliation and forgiveness had occurred, when it hadn't. The more everyone pretends they like each other, the more they grow to resent each other. She says the Citizen & McBride suffer from Battered TRC Fraud Syndrome, a cousin of Battered Wives and Battered Voters Syndrome; of people addicted to the Politics of Codependency Abuse.
The Explosion of Crime, racially motivated violence & corruption is a symptom of, among others TRC fraud. She says that a country winning the Crime and Rape Olympics, definitely has not been telling each other the truth, and forgiving each other. She also clarifies what a truly impartial Truth and Forgiveness Commission would have legislated and accomplished.
She asks if those who ran the TRC were interested in ‘the truth’ or the ‘ANC's truth’. For example, she asks: “If it is true that poor blacks, of all black tribes under Apartheid rule had the highest living standards of all poor blacks on the African continent; how is it that ‘Apartheid’ is considered ‘evil’; and all the other Black African states whose poor blacks lived in horrific conditions were not ‘evil’ for suppressing their poor blacks, worse than ‘evil Apartheid’? Is there a different standard of behaviour required for 'white' governments, than from black governments? If so, why?”
She predicts that if SA's Political Elite don't wake up quickly and end their Two-Faced Hypocrisy Rainbow Nation Charade, “the end result of how this Act was legislated, implemented, and subsequently politically and legally interpreted shall have disastrous consequences, like the ‘Peace’ Treaty of Versailles”.
She concludes that it is important for the Constitutional Court to take her application seriously, because:(a) only a sincere and serious specific, clear and unambiguous Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract, unequivocally understood and practiced by the common man can ever contribute to sincere and serious reconciliation and the reconstruction of South Africa's violent ridden society; and
(b) any legislation or jurisprudence which professes to advocate on behalf of human rights, peace and social justice, while ignoring their ecological basis – a stable human population at slightly less than the eco-systems carrying capacity – is endorsing and practicing legal dishonesty and hypocrisy; i.e. fraud. It is legislation and jurisprudence that is deliberately indifferent to the laws of sustainability.
Other organizations who intend filing Amicus Curiae Applications are: The Freedom of Expression Institute (FXI) and the South African National Editors Forum (SANEF).
» » » » [RantRave]
» » [Amicus Curiae Ref: ConCourt #23-10 Amicus Curiae Application (PDF) ::::: Truth & Forgiveness Social Contract (PDF) ::::: Practicing Radical Honesty (PDF) ::::: Laws of Sustainability (PDF) ::::: Dr. Blanton's 'TRC was a fraud' High Court Affidavit]
» » [Applicant & Respondent Ref: Robert McBride - A Coloured Life ::::: Robert McBride vs The Citizen - SCA Ruling ::::: Citizen Files ConCourt Papers ::::: SANEF Joins Citizen ConCourt Appeal ::::: FXI joins Citizen ConCourt Appeal]

SA Media Conspiratorial ‘What Bleads, Leads’ role in SA’s Race War..
Andrea Muhrrteyn
Why We Are White Refugees
From If it Bleads, It Leads; to ETV's Jerry Springer News

Do the media love violence, racial animosity? Do the media deliberately and intentionally ignore articles about non-violent activism, which favours sincere conflict resolution and problem solving; in favour of outrageous statements and acts of violence?
According to Mathew Kerbel, the author of If It Bleads, It Leads, a fundamental rule of television is: “It is a pretend medium.” I imagine much of his advice and criticism of television media is also applicable to print media. He refers to how journalists love stock phrases, which reminds you of that stock phrase we have heard in the past 5 days to describe the AWB and Eugene Terre'Blanche as 'white supremacist/s' (never defined); while Julius Malema is a 'firebrand politician'. Stock phrases.
Furthermore, he asserts the mainstream media have adopted their formulae from the Jerry Springer handbook, to titilate their viewers with confrontation and violence; with very little interest in thoughtful analysis. They prefer brevity, simplicity and shock value to depth, explaining complexity and finding sincere resolutions to problems. Makes me wonder: Did E-News adopt Jerry Springer show tactics by intentionally attempting to antagonize AWB's Mr. Andre Visagie, by deliberately denying him the opportunity to speak?
If it Bleads, It Leads Critique before Constitutional Court
Consider for a minute a legal application currently before the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court, which, among others, accuses the media of participating in an Exponential Population Growth Policy Agenda, the consequences of this Policy being overpopulation colliding with scarce and depleted resources: crime, unemployment, poverty, terrorism, etc. Put differently, the media's conspiracy of silence coverup of these local resource war consequences of exponential population growth, mean that people who are educated by the media, remain ignorant of these facts. If the media deliberately and intentionally censor news about non-violent peaceful activism, do they have any moral credibility to pronounce judgement on activists, whose non-violent actions are censored, who resort to violence, to get media coverage for their related causes?
The Radical Honesty Amicus Curiae Application's Arguments, also known as the Human Conciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter are:(a) that only a sincere and serious specific, clear and unambiguous Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract, unequivocally understood and practiced by the common man can ever contribute to sincere and serious reconciliation and the reconstruction of South Africa’s violent ridden society; and
(b) any legislation or jurisprudence which professes to advocate on behalf of human rights, peace and social justice, while ignoring their ecological basis – a stable human population at slightly less than the eco-systems carrying capacity – is endorsing and practicing legal dishonesty and hypocrisy; i.e. fraud. It is legislation and jurisprudence that is deliberately indifferent to the laws of sustainability . It is legislation written by politicians and lawyers who ‘know the truth about the irresponsible planting of semen seeds in women’s wombs, and the resource war consequences of overpopulation colliding with scarce resources; but who cover up such information’, in their legislation.
The Registrar of the Constitutional Court confirmed that the Radical Honesty Friend of the Court Application had been submitted to the Chief Justice, who had not yet ruled on the matter.
Have you heard about this application to the Constitutional Court in any media publication? Among others, the Constitutional Court application asks the media:Why was the media silent about the role population growth demographic factors played in South Africa’s Apartheid violence? If the Media are serious about their commitment to ‘Reconciliation’ and prevention of future hostilities, why were they silent about how the TRC, and subsequently the ANC are deliberately indifferent to abiding by the laws of sustainability ? How are the ignorant masses suffering from the resource war consequences of overpopulation colliding with scarce resources ever going to wake up, if their media and political leaders are too gutless to start telling these truths, and educating people on these issues?
The following International Expert Witnesses have Tentatively Expressed their Interest to participate as expert witnesses on behalf of aforementioned Radical Honesty Amicus Curiae [Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter] Application to the Constitutional Court:
Dr. Brad Blanton: Honesty in Politics Politician, bestselling author of Radical Honesty series of books, and Dr. Truth psychologist

Dr. Blanton is an author, seminar leader, and 2004 and 2006 candidate for United States House of Representatives. His first book, Radical Honesty: How To Transform Your Life By Telling The Truth, became a nation-wide bestseller in 1996 and has been translated into nine languages. That success was followed by books that applied the principles of Radical Honesty to personal growth, social transformation and parenting. Dr. Blanton spent 25 years in the private practice of psychotherapy, becoming the Director of The Center for Well Being in Washington, D.C., where he worked with individuals, couples, and groups. He also served as a consultant to corporations, government and the media. In 1990 he moved to central Virginia and founded Radical Honesty Enterprises, a private corporation dedicated to promoting honesty in the world and The Center for Radical Honesty, a non-profit corporation dedicated to the same cause. Politically active from his days in the civil rights movement to the present, Dr. Blanton ran as an Independent against Eric Cantor in 2004 election for the United States Congress in Virginia's Seventh Congressional District. In that race, he earned 24% of the vote.
Dr. Blanton is a frequent commentator on our social and political culture and has been interviewed for hundreds of radio, television and print shows and articles, including CNN Talk Back Live, Dateline-NBC, 20/20 with John Stossel, Montel Williams (three appearances), Iyanla, the Roseanne show, Sally Jesse Raphael, Mars and Venus, Esquire, New York Post, and London Times, and others.
Prof. Albert Bartlett (Bio)

Prof. Bartlett is Professor Emeritus in Nuclear Physics at Colorado University at Boulder. He has been a member of the faculty of the University of Colorado since 1950. He was President of the American Association of Physics Teachers in 1978 and in 1981 he received their Robert A. Millikan Award for his outstanding scholarly contributions to physics education.
In 2001 Dr. Bartlett testified before the US Congress on energy policy. He was awarded one of the first annual M. King Hubbert Awards at the ASPO USA Denver World Oil Conference in the Fall of 2005.
Dr. Bartlett has given his celebrated lecture, Arithmetic, Population and Energy over 1,600 times since September 1969 (average of once every 8.5 days).
Reprints of Prof. Bartlett's papers have been published by the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in the book, The Essential Exponential! For the Future of Our Planet. The book was complied by University of Nebraska physicists and features articles from Bartlett and other scholars on the topic of exponential human population growth and the increasing rate of natural resource consumption, which can not continue unabated; as succinctly detailed as the Laws of Sustainability, in Reflections on Sustainability, Population Growth, and the Environment.

Dr. T. Michael Maher, Professor of Communication, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Dr. Maher is the Head of the Communication Department, with a Ph.D. from the Univ. of Texas. He was the author of How and Why Journalists avoid the Population-Environment Connection (PDF) study and report; published in Population and Environment, Volume 18, Number 4, March 1977.
Why do Journalists Avoid Mentioning Population Growth?
The conclusions of Dr. Maher's study:As we have seen, both land development economists and environmental experts acknowledge population growth as a key source of environmental change. But journalists frame environmental causality differently.
Why? Communication theory offers several possibilities. First is the hegemony-theory interpretation: reporters omit any implication that population growth might produce negative effects, in order to purvey the ideology of elites who make money from population growth. As Molotch and Lester (1974) put it, media content can be viewed as reflecting "the practices of those having the power to determine the experience of others" (p. 120). Since real estate, construction and banking interests directly support the media through advertising purchases, this interpretation seems plausible. A number of media critics (e.g., Gandy, 1982; Altschull, 1984; Bennett, 1988) have suggested that media messages reflect the values of powerful political and commercial interests. Burd (1972), Kaniss (1991) and others have pointed out that newspapers have traditionally promoted population growth in their cities through civic boosterism. Molotch (1976) even suggested that cities can best be understood as entities competing for population growth, with the city newspaper as chief cheerleader.
Certainly most reporters would be incensed at the suggestion that they shade their reporting to placate commercial interests. But Breed's classic study of social control in the newsroom (1955) showed that news managers' values are transmissible to journalists through a variety of pressures: salaries, story assignments, layout treatment, editing, and a variety of other strategies that effectively shape news stories in ways acceptable to management.
Another possible explanation for why journalists omit population growth from their story frame is simple ignorance of other explanations. Journalists who cover environmental issues may not be aware of any other possible ways to frame these stories, thus they derive their framing from other journalists. Journalists frequently read each other's work and take cues for coverage from other reporters, particularly from the elite media (Reese & Danielian, 1989). Perhaps the pervasive predictability of the story frames examined in Part I is another example of intermedia influence. On the other hand, it seems difficult to believe that journalists could be ignorant of the role population growth plays in environmental issues, because media coverage frequently ties population growth to housing starts and business expansion. Furthermore, "Why" is one of the five "W's" taught in every Journalism 101 course. A public affairs reporting textbook, Interpreting Public Issues (Griffin, Molen, Schoenfeld, & Scotton, 1991), admonishes journalists: "A common journalistic mistake is simply to cover events—real or staged—and ignore underlying issues" (p. 320). The book identified population trends as one of the "big trouble spots," and listed world population as the first of its "forefront issues in the '90s" (p. 320). Hence, we cannot say that reporting basic causality is beyond the role that journalists ascribe for themselves. Indeed a panel at the 1994 Society of Environmental Journalists discussed "Covering Population as a Local Story" (Wheeler, 1994). But ignorance remains a possible reason, for not all reporters have training in environmental issues.
A third possible explanation comes from the "spiral of silence" theory by German scholar Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann (1984):

The fear of isolation seems to be the force that sets the spiral of silence in motion. To run with the pack is a relatively happy state of affairs; but if you can't, because you won't share publicly in what seems to be a universally acclaimed conviction, you can at least remain silent, as a second choice, so that others can put up with you (p. 6).
According to Noelle-Neumann, "the media influence the individual perception of what can be said or done without danger of isolation" (p. 156). Media coverage legitimates a given perspective. Lack of media coverage—omitting a perspective consistently from media stories—makes the expression of that perspective socially dangerous. Noelle-Neumann also suggested that the media serve an articulation function: "The media provide people with the words and phrases they can use to defend a point of view. If people find no current, frequently repeated expressions for their point of view, they lapse into silence; they become effectively mute" (p. 1 73).
Imagine Here Comes Gandhian McBride?
So, imagine if the corporate media, academics and politicians had chosen to encourge black cultures and black 'liberation struggle' leaders in South Africa to adopt a cultural trait of personal responsibility and concern for their children, whereby they refrained from procreation until they could provide for a stable and loving environment for their offspring in a small committed family environment. If so, South Africa would currently be populated by 10 million predominantly educated citizens, 50% white & 50% black and coloured, most of whom had grown up in loving small family homes, with responsible parents. Would Robert McBride have been so desperately unhappy if he didn't grow up in a community entrenched in the population production of poverty? Even if not, and South African media valued Gandhian Non-violent reportage, may he have joined some Gandhian liberation struggle, and led black Africans to liberty in a non-violent salt march? Or is it all pointless speculation, because in South Africa -- as demonstrated by E-News' Jerry Springer coverage of the AWB -- the media are addicted to If it Bleads, It Leads violence?
Andrea Muhrrteyn is the White Refugee nom-de-plume for Lara Johnstone, the applicant in the aformentioned Constitutional Court In Forma Pauperis Amicus Curiae matter.
» » [SA Media Conspiratorial ‘What Bleads, Leads’ role in SA’s Race War..]
» » [‘TRC was a fraudulent PR publicity stunt’ to be heard in Constitutional Court!?]

1 comment:
Wichtige Ankündigung
Liebe Kameraden, wegen der dramatischen Erlebnisse die in Südafrika stattfinden, wo die weisse Buren täglich ausgerottet werden, ohne dass die Regierung des Landes eingreift, sondern die Anhetzung an Mord durch die Lieder des Nationalen Afrikanischen Kongresses erlaube...n, die Autonome Nationalisten Timisoara haben festgelegt an den Mord unserer weissen Brüder nicht passiv anzuschauen. Also haben wir verschiedene patriotische und nationaliste Bewegungen aus Europa kontaktiert um eine gemeinsame und simultane Aktion mit das Thema "Den Völkermord an den Buren stoppen!" zu veranstalten. Einige haben schon positiv unserer Einladung geantwortet. In der Erinnerung von Eugene Terre´Blanche, der A.W.B. Führer, vom schwarzen ermordert und in Erinnerung an den zehn tausender Weissen getötet für ihre Rasse, werden wir am 12. Juni 2010 in der Strasse demonstrieren, am zweiten Tag nach den start des Fussbalweltmeisterschafts. Die ganze Demonstration wird friedlich durchgeführt, in voller Ordnung, wir werden eine Rede halten und Flieger verteilen, in welchen wir die Situation, in welcher sich die Buren befinden, darstellen. Alle Leute die Sympatie für den Buren Volk in Südafrika, welche in einen Klimat von Terror und Mord leben, fühlen, sind gewartet uns zu kontaktieren und unserer Solidaritätsaktion für einen humanitären Zweck um das Leben einer Gemeindschaft, die die einzige Schuld hat, der weissen Rasse anzugehören hat, beizutreten.
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