Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Exclusive: Dutch Ambassador Acknowledges Receipt of Boere-Volkstaat Secession for African White Refugees Petition to Netherlands Gov.

by Andrea Muhrrteyn
06 December 2010

The Offices of Ambassador Rob de Vos and Consul David de Wall, acknowledged receipt of the African White Refugees Petition, from 34 Founding Petitioners to Europe; 14 of whom are petitioning the Netherlands Government.

Ambassador de Vos is requested to transparently officially forward the Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Petition and African White Refugees Briefing Paper to Officials and citizens of the Kingdom of Netherlands.

Petition letters delivered to the Dutch Embassy were addressed to: The Dutch Royal Family: Queen Beatrix, the Prince of Orange, Prince Constantijn, Prince Laurentien, Princess Magriet, Princess Maxima, and Mr. Pieter van Vollenhoven; leaders of political parties: Geert Wilders (Partij voor de Vrijheid - PVV), Kees van der Staaij (Staatkundige Gereformeerde partij - SGP), Mark Rutte (People's Party for Freedom and Democracy - VVD), and Job Cohen (Labour Party - PvdA).

Other recipients of the petition included European Council on Refugees and Exiles (ECRE) and European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) organisations and legal experts on Refugee and Nationality law in Holland: Sadhia Rafi (ELENA), Prof. Ben Vermeulen and Dr. Thomas Spijkerboer (ELENA - Vrije Univ. Amsterdam), Prof. Cees Groendijk (ELENA - Katholieke Univ), Prof. Gerard-Rene de Groot (Nationality Law - Maastricht Univ), various Refugee Agencies, including the UN High Commission Regional Refugee Office in The Hague.

The Petition reads as follows:
Volkstaat Secession; or Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Founding Petitioners descended from Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Stamvaders/Progenitors: Hermanus BOSMAN, Andreas Lutgerus KOLVER, Arnoldus Mauritius MEIRING, Meindert Jansz NOOME, Hendrik Cornelisz OLIVIER, Jan Harmensz STEENKAMP, Bartus VAN TIL, Willem VAN ZYL and Gysbert VERWEY; hereby petition the Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden: Queen Beatrix and the Dutch Royal Family, Government Officials, business, media, academic, religious and civil society citizens, and former Anti-Apartheid Movement Activists for:

  1. International and EU Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a Euro/Boere-Volkstaat in South Africa; or in the absence thereof;

  2. The legislative enactment of Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return legislation by the Netherlands Government, for African White Refugee descendants, from Kingdom of Netherlands / Koninkrijk der Nederlanden Progenitors/Stamvaders.

Our Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Right-of-Return Petition Justifications (evidentiary details provided in the African White Refugees Briefing Paper # 10/31/16), are:
  1. International Law: Jus Sanguinis, Right-of-Return, International Covenant on Civil, Political, Economic, Social & Cultural Rights, etc;

  2. S. 235 of the SA Constitution and the Accord on Afrikaner Self-Determination between the Freedom Front, the African National Congress and the South African Government/National Party, signed on 23 April 1994;

  3. African National Congress (ANC) / Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) / Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud.

  4. The geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multi-cultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil.

Jus Sanguinis is a Right-of-Blood citizenship policy to preserve a Nations Cultural & Ethnic Homogeneity; in contrast to Jus Soli, which is a Right-of-Soil citizenship policy.

The "TRC Fraud" and "Peak Oil Political Necessity of Ethno-cultural Secession and Relocalisation" arguments are dealt with in great detail in the African White Refugees Briefing Paper.

Rainbow Illusions TRC Fraud: Politically Incorrect Truths About Apartheid & TRC

Why Whites Don't Want to Apologize for Apartheid

  • The ANC's war against Apartheid was not legally a Just War, in accordance to International Just War legal principles; because the 'liberation struggle' had no just cause, was not a war of last resort, the ANC had no proper authority, no right intention, and did not use proportional force.

  • The ANC's decision to forsake a commitment to Gandhian non-violence, spawned a Fanonstein Government of comrade tsotsi's, gangsters and kleptomaniacs

  • The majority of poor blacks under apartheid, may have been unhappy with apartheid, but they did not want black rule

  • As bad as apartheid may have allegedly been, Apartheid South Africa still provided poor black South Africans with the highest living standards on the continent of Africa

  • The ANC's decisions to launch a violent liberation struggle were motivated by the ideas of Frantz Fanon, as enunciated in his Handbook of Black Liberation, that Violence was the cleansing force which liberated the African from his inferiority complex and restored his self-respect, on the "rotting corpse of the settler." This was a total repudiation of Gandhi's non-violence doctrine of self-respect by way of honour, honesty and non-violence.

  • The ANC launched the People's War, to terrorize black Africans to support the liberation struggle, for it was well aware that poor blacks did not want black rule, and poor blacks were aware they had the highest living standards in Africa under Apartheid white rule

  • The ANC's motives were not to 'liberate the African people', to the contrary; their intentions were to do exactly what they have been doing for the past 16 years: enrich themselves and their cronies at the expense of taxpayers and the people.

  • The ANC and Anti-Apartheid movement actions towards Mbokodo's torture, execution and detention of ANC dissenting members at Camp Quatro simply proved that the ANC led Anti-Apartheid movement "was one of the largest and most successful Popular Front Lobby's for Stalinist fascism anywhere in the world."

  • Ubuntu conformist culture is diametrically opposite of Western Descartian individualist culture, and consequently they are incompatible for a peaceful multi-cultural society

  • The ANC's perspective towards reconciliation is based on Black Liberation Theology which believes that salvation/reconciliation is achieved by means of a violent Marxist class struggle; whereas Calvinist Protestantism views salvation as a matter of spiritual forgiveness, a change of perception and heart. The concepts of forgiveness and reconciliation are fundamentally different, but nowhere in any legal TRC social contract document is there any definition for which form of forgiveness the ANC are talking about. The ANC accused apartheid of maintaining legal oppression by means of vague definitions, but for the fundmantal key concepts of the TRC social contract, the ANC have provided no definitions whatsoever.

  • The TRC totally ignored white SA's concerns about population policy issues in terms of "swart gevaar" motivations for establishing apartheid; including how population pressures aggravate socio-economic and psycho-political poverty and misery and consequently contribute to resource war conflicts

  • Apartheid was not a crime against humanity, but a Just War for Boer-Afrikaner demographic survival; for it meets all the requirements for international just war principles: it was a just cause for demographic survival, a last resort, declared by proper authority and of right intention, etc.

  • Apartheid's mistakes were that they should not have implemented apartheid to attempt to enable black African tribes to reach the stage of democracy; instead they should have focussed on a smaller area, where they were the demographic majority and seceded from South Africa to form a Volkstaat.

  • The ANC's motivations with Land Grabs, and the concomitant Farm Murders prove that South Africa is not a land of Rainbow TRC Peace, but a Racial Hatred War reality; and that the TRC elite are in deliberate denial of reality.

  • The ANC's government-sponsored population explosion and welfare production of poverty and misery is a recipe to breed cannon fodder and resource war violence; and is a result of African Masculine Insecurity complexes. Put simply the ANC derives its political power from welfare grant pimping ever more black Africans into poverty; while deflecting the blame for its poverty pimping resource war consequences upon the proverbial scapegoat of 'apartheid'. The poor are a commodity not only to ANC politicians, but Anti-Apartheid religious and political activists, from those with impressive Archbishop titles to the Poverty Pimping Professors who suck up the research grants to "support themselves and their cronies while they are studying, romanticizing or otherwise exploiting the [African] poor."

Peak Oil Political Necessity of Ethno-cultural Secession and Relocalisation

A Crude Awakening: The Oil Crash, by Basil Gelpke [01/09] ( [02/09] [03/09] [04/09] [05/09] [06/09] [07/09] [08/09] [09/09]
This argument concludes that multi-culturalism is impossible between conflicting cultures, and emphasises that the geopolitical, national, ethnic and cultural importance of amicably resolving population pressures colliding with declining resources multi-cultural conflicts, prior to their friction theory on steroids aggravation by the socio-political and economic resource war consequences of Peak Oil; cannot be overestimated or overstated; and is founded on the following points:

  1. African White Refugees are the Canaries in the International Ethno-Cultural Geopolitical Coalmine.

  2. Europe is committing Ethno-Cultural Suicide: Dr. Frank Ellis reviews Dr. Thilo Sarrazin's Germany Consigns itself to Oblivion

  3. Ethnicity is a basis for, rather than threat to, democracy and freedom; consequently if Europe's demographic decline is the motivation for its immigration policies, its democracy needs should motivate it to invite its blood relatives home from the Diaspora

  4. Multiculturalism is Impossible between hugely different cultures, and particularly between cultures with many diametrically opposed value and belief systems

  5. The 'socio-political and economic consequences of Peak Oil will be severe', warns numerous Military Energy reports, which include the "total collapse of the markets" and serious political and economic crises, which could threaten the continued survival of democratic governments. Put differently Peak Oil's consequences on among others transportation costs, the financial markets, and food production, would aggravate multi-cultural conflict to experience Friction Theory on Steroids.

  6. Parallel Goals: Economic Relocalisation & Political Secession, argues that the aforementioned Multi-cultural conflict Friction Theory on Steroids consequence of Overpopulation colliding with Scarce and Depleting - particularly Energy - Resources (Ecological Overshoot) can be hugely mitigated by strategically implementing the Parallel Goals of Economic Relocalisation and Ethno-Nationalist Political Secession. Relocalized states and communities can better plan for a world of Energy Depletion, by rebuilding more balanced local economies that emphasise local food, energy and water systems, for local political stability.

  7. For all of these reasons, it is argued that International Legal and Political Support and Recognition should be given to Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) work towards a Volkstaat Election, to elect an Boer-Afrikaner People's Assembly (Volksraad). This Volksraad shall attain a mandate, to initiate the negotiations for a Boer-Afrikaner Volkstaat.

The Petition and Briefing Paper shall be submitted to the other 'Stamvader' nations of France, Germany, United Kingdom and Switzerland, on respectively 07, 09, 11, and 13 December, culminating on 15 December whereupon all other European Union nations shall be petitioned to provide International and EU Political and Legal Recognition for Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie (VVK) elections & negotiations for a Euro/Boere-Volkstaat in South Africa.

Disclosure: Andrea Muhrrteyn is the pseudonym for Lara Johnstone, who is the author, researcher and compiler of the Volkstaat Secession / Jus Sanguinis Petition and African White Refugees Briefing Paper; to raise awareness about the work being done by the Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie, on behalf of a Boere-Volkstaat.

» » » » [Jus Sanguinis Petition to Netherlands] [African White Refugees Briefing Paper] [Volksraad Verkiesing Kommissie]

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