[Eurabia Code] :: [Canada v. White Refugee] :: [African White Refugees] :: [ECRE Anti-White Refugee Bias]
18 March 2011
Andrea Muhrrteyn
Why We Are White Refugees
European Council on Refugee's and Exiles (ECRE) and European Legal Network on Asylum (ELENA) delete the African White Refugee Petition to ECRE & ELENA: Prof: B Vermeulen; K Groenedijk; T Spijkerboer & GR de Groot (Youtube link) from their ECRE facebook wall (twice!).
The African White Refugee Petition to ECRE & ELENA: Prof: B Vermeulen; K Groenedijk; T Spijkerboer & GR de Groot Youtube link that was posted to the ECRE & ELENA Facebook page wall:
African White Refugee Petition to ECRE & ELENA: Prof: B Vermeulen; K Groenedijk; T Spijkerboer & GR de Groot (Youtube)
African White Refugee Link Deleted from ECRE Wall
It was deleted within two minutes and the profile of the poster: Lara Zhivago was banned by ECRE and ELENA from posting further links to the ECRE facebook page.
Consequently the exact same link was reposted to the ECRE & ELENA page: Link to Wall Post (deleted by ECRE)), from a second profile: Andrea Muhrrteyn. This one included the following questions:Why did ECRE delete Lara Zhivago's Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood citizenship policy to preserve a Nations Cultural and Ethnic Homogeneity) Petition to ECRE, from African White Refugees (below) from the ECRE wall? Does ECRE not support freedom of expression for African White Refugees? Does ECRE discriminate against African White Refugees?
2nd Post to ECRE wall:
The post was again immediately deleted by ECRE and ELENA Facebook wall editors.
Now you know ECRE and ELENA's policies to African White Refugees immigration to Europe!!!

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