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11-03-23: Hispanics Now Majority In Texas Public Schools, CBS DFW : Hispanic students for the first time make up the majority of students enrolled in Texas public schools. The Texas Education Agency reports Hispanic students this school year account for 50.2 percent of the state’s 4.9 million children enrolled in public schools, including pre-kindergarten and early childhood education.
11-03-24: Norwegian Sick of being Minority in his Own City, Decides to Move Elsewhere, VladTepes / It’s hard to be ethnic Norwegian here, Tundra Tabloids: I will not let my children grow up here. That I do not take a chance on. Aftonposten: He has made up his mind. After having lived in Groruddalen Oslo his whole life, recent years’ developments have scared Patrick Aserud away. In the summer he will be moving with his wife and kindergarten-age daughter away from Furuseth and out of town. He moves from a local community he believes is about to crack under the weight of failed integration.
11-03-25: Whites will be a minority in the U.S. by 2050 as black and Hispanic birth rates soar, DailyMail: Whites in America will be outnumbered by 2050 by rising numbers of ethnic minorities, according to official figures. Hispanic, black and Asian people accounted for 90 per cent of all births in the U.S. between 2000 and 2010.
African White Refugees in Ethno-Cultural Suicide Coalmine:
‘As far as relations with the other peoples of SA the National Party believed that its interests could be best served by following a policy of "separateness" - or apartheid. Only in this manner, would the whites in general - and Afrikaners in particular - avoid being overwhelmed by the numerical superiority of the black peoples of our country. Only in this manner would they be able to maintain their own identity and their right to rule themselves [..], because any other course would inevitably lead to inter-racial conflict.’ -- Submission to Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) by National Party Leader, President F.W. de Klerk [Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) River Campaign Petition to EU]
Whites will be a minority in the U.S. by 2050 as black and Hispanic birth rates soar
Daily Mail Reporter
25th March 2011 at 8:58 PM
Whites in America will be outnumbered by 2050 by rising numbers of ethnic minorities, according to official figures.
Hispanic, black and Asian people accounted for 90 per cent of all births in the U.S. between 2000 and 2010.
In 40 years’ time they will comprise more than half the population due to their higher birth rates and immigration.
In ten states – Mississippi, Georgia, Maryland, Florida, Arizona, Nevada, Texas, California, New Mexico and Hawaii – more than half of children are already non-white.
The figures come from the U.S. Census Bureau, which last year carried out its first survey of America for a decade.
It found that in 2010 whites were still the nation’s largest group, comprising 64 per cent of the population, down from 69 per cent in 2000.
Hispanics went from 13 to 16 per cent and were the second largest group whilst blacks remained stable at around 12 per cent.
The Hispanic population surpassed the 50million mark after adding 15million to their numbers.
‘This is a group that’s young, whose growth is driven increasingly by births and not immigration,’ said D’Vera Cohn, of the Pew Research Center, which has analysed data from the census.
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Hispanics Now Majority In Texas Public Schools
March 23, 2011 8:02 AM
CBS News
AUSTIN (AP) – Hispanic students for the first time make up the majority of students enrolled in Texas public schools.
The Texas Education Agency reports Hispanic students this school year account for 50.2 percent of the state’s 4.9 million children enrolled in public schools, including pre-kindergarten and early childhood education.
Currently, there are an estimated 2.48 million Hispanics students in Texas public schools.
Hispanics last year made up nearly 49 percent of the students.
TEA spokeswoman Debbie Ratcliffe said Tuesday that the Hispanic population is the fastest-growing group of students.
Texas lawmakers are dealing with a projected $15 billion budget shortfall in the next two-year spending period. Possible funding cuts for public education have been discussed.
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Norwegian Sick of Being a Minority in his Own City; Decides to Leave for Elsewhere
Tundra Tabloids & Vlad Tepes
Published: March 24, 2011
The Tundra Tabloids has been posting similar stories and videolike this for years. The Norwegians, as are the Swedes and other EU member states, have been embarking on a “hari kari” self inflicted cultural-ethnic suicide of their own country.
Ethnic Norwegians are actually documenting their own cultural genocide. Stunning to see, no matter how many times you read about it. The TT’s good friend and colleague Fjordman would agree. KGS
Soon Norwegians will be running out of turf to run to
It’s hard to be ethnic Norwegian here
I will not let my children grow up here. That I do not take a chance on.
Aftonposten: He has made up his mind. After having lived in Groruddalen Oslo his whole life, recent years’ developments have scared Patrick Aserud away. In the summer he will be moving with his wife and kindergarten-age daughter away from Furuseth and out of town.
He moves from a local community he believes is about to crack under the weight of failed integration.
Disturbing stories
- It’s been hard to be ethnic Norwegian in Groruddalen. It’s about massive language problems, as well as a pressure to adapt to the norms that feels totally alien to us who have a Western way of life and thinking.
- There are nursery schools where almost no children or parents are speaking Norwegian, and schools where children are being threatened with a beating for bring a packed lunch of salami.
- Girls are bullied for being blonde, dark hair and colors to fit into. It is not okay to be gay at school, not an atheist and certainly not a Jew. Especially the last three years have been frightening to see and hear about what’s happening, “said Åserud.
A majority of parents need an interpreter
He has resigned from his job in the kindergarten. It is not least during 15 years as a pedagog in schools and kindergarten he has noticed an increasingly skewed porportion (imbalance) between ethnic Norwegians and minorities.
- We needed interpreters for 10 out of 18 parent-teacher meetings. How then can we possibly create a good environment and make sure there is good cooperation between schools and homes, Aserud asks rhetorically.
Thousands have gone from the valley
He feels that it is he and his family who must be integrated as a minority in their own country.
- I have been positive and optimistic in the past. But there is a limit when it gets a majority who do not speak Norwegian well. We are many who feel this strongly, regardless of skin color. An Indian family knows I expected to live as Muslims because they are brown in the skin.
- Many people will probably think that you are sensitive and out of step with the new Norway?
- If so, there are very many who are sensitive. Ranking is that people move here. They do so because of the concrete experiences they have had, “Åserud.
Figures from Statistics Norway support the claim. There are now 3000 fewer ethnic Norwegians Groruddalen than just two years ago. Depopulation occurs faster than before, but over time the figures speak clearly: Groruddalen has lost 20,000 ethnic Norwegians in the last 15 years, despite population growth. Ethnic Norwegian-share has dropped from 82 to 56 percent in 15 years.
Fears Malmo-states
And this year is Åserud part of the statistics. He takes the family to Hamar.
- We have no connection there, but we could not afford the house on Høybråten, Røa or other places where we do not feel strange at nærsenteret says Åserud.
He’s not a good recipe on how development can be reversed.
- It’s hard to say. I fear Rosengård-states (charged to the suburbs in Malmo, journ.anm). There fired shots in the street on average once every week. I want the best for the city, but I do not feel I can carry the integration on my shoulders, “said Åserud.
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