Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ms. Adriana Stuijt: Request for Professional Clarification & Audi Alteram Partem Notice: Re: Jus Sanguinis Petition to Netherlands

I accordingly write on the assumption that the views you expressed regarding the Jus Sanguinis petition, were your professional opinions; and to provide you with the opportunity to clarify the evidence for your opinions.

If they were your professional opinions, please would you be so kind as to clarify:
  1. How, where and why exactly the Jus Sanguinis Petition to the Netherlands is “the biggest load of bulldust”;
  2. Where I, or any of the named and signed Jus Sanguinis Petitioners have ever stated that I/we; speak on behalf of all the Boer people.
  3. What exactly your objections are to me filing legal documents with authorities to object to my legal persecution and prosecution?
  4. Which issues, if any, you do not understand in the legal documents I filed, which you would like explained and clarified.

Ms. Adriana Stuijt: Request for Professional Clarification & Audi Alteram Partem Notice: Re: Jus Sanguinis Petition to Netherlands

27 March 2011

Dear Ms. Stuijt,

Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat Petition to Netherlands (02:50)
I received a screenshot from an interested party regarding a posting made by yourself on your Annie Kalahari Facebook Profile (from which my Lara Zhivago profile is blocked); where you post a link to the Jus Sanguinis Boer Volkstaat Petition to Netherlands.

Alongside the post, you claim among others that the Jus Sanguinis Petition to the Netherlands Goverment that I have been organising, is “the biggest load of bulldust”; that I “claim to speak on behalf of all the Boer people”; and that I “keep firing off the strangest series of “legalese” documents”.

Request Your Professional Clarification

I must admit that while we have had our disagreements on tactical issues in the past; I always thought that you were an honourable and honest person. I never thought that you were a gossiping behind people's backs, type of deceitful person.

I thought that if you had a problem with anything I had done; that you would honourably confront me face-to-face; so to speak; to professionally inform me of such opinion or constructive criticism feedback.

I prefer to give persons the benefit of the doubt regarding their intentions and actions. I am unclear whether the opinions expressed by yourself behind my back, behind your secret firewall; are your professional opinions, or simply malicious smear mongering.

I accordingly write on the assumption that the views you expressed regarding the Jus Sanguinis petition, were your professional opinions; and to provide you with the opportunity to clarify the evidence for your opinions.

If they were your professional opinions, please would you be so kind as to clarify:
  1. How, where and why exactly the Jus Sanguinis Petition to the Netherlands is “the biggest load of bulldust”;
  2. Where I, or any of the named and signed Jus Sanguinis Petitioners have ever stated that I/we; speak on behalf of all the Boer people.
  3. What exactly your objections are to me filing legal documents with authorities to object to my legal persecution and prosecution?
  4. Which issues, if any, you do not understand in the legal documents I filed, which you would like explained and clarified.

Audi Alteram Partem Notice to Ms. Adriana Stuijt

As detailed at Audi Alteram Partem Notice to Rep. of South Africa; I have contacted various SA Goverment Political, Legal and Executive Departments, Independent Organisations, Political Parties, Religious Organisations, etc; providing them all with honourable notification of the details of the Jus Sanguinis Petition, and its contents.

Audi Alteram Partem means “Hear the Other Side” in Latin. It provides them notice that should they have any objections to the allegations made in the Jus Sanguinis Petition and Briefing Paper to EU and NATO, so that if they object to any of the allegations, or wish to submit contrarian information to the EU or NATO authorities, then they can do so.

It is another way of saying that the Jus Sanguinis Petitioners speak only for ourselves. Our Jus Sanguinis opinions are ours and ours alone. Furthermore that we do not act behind the backs of any Goverment or individual, if we have any allegations or criticisms against them. To the contrary we provide such individuals with the evidence of our allegations, and the opportunity to present their perspective. We invite all other parties who may be interested, or who may have any objections to any of our Petitioner arguments, to speak up for themselves.

Should you have any professional evidentiary objections to any of the allegations referred to in the Briefing Paper, please feel free to express them.


Lara Johnstone


The Rooster said...

I warned you against this liar. And I read the other reference you provided for the basis of your list of "white farm murders". You clearly didn't though. Very few people on that list were whites.

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...


1. What -- exactly -- did you warn me against?
2. What -- exactly -- did I lie about; please provide the evidence for such lie
3. Which "other reference" did I provide for the basis of my list of "white farm murders"?
4. Provide the list that I provide on the Jus Sanguinis site, and please point out which individuals thereon are not white!

I await your professional response.. that if if you are capable of being professional...

James said...

Dear Andrea, Please do not lower yourself to the level of this idiot (Rooster) as all he is doing is stirring up intelligent humans!

Andrea Muhrrteyn said...


Thanks. I have no animosity to Rooster. My personal opinion of having seen him 'debate' is that he is not interested in discussion, or sharing information only in attempting to insult and provoke people, but thats just from a few of the comments I have seen. He has never engaged me in a conversation. So I am no expert on Rooster.

Rooster is however correct, that all the people on Adriana Stuijt's list are not all white. I don't think Adriana ever said they were all white; I have not seen any statement where she said they were white. Far as I know she claimed htey were farmers; not 'white farmers'.

As for her list, I have been going through it, to edit it for accuracy in accordance to the statements I wish to make. So not all the people on Adriana's list, shall be on the final Jus Sanguinis list, and perhaps some may be on it, that are not on Adriana's list. But her list is a good place to start.

Thanks for your message though! :-)

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