I read Archbishops Desmond Tutu’s letter in the Charlotte Observer: TIAA-CREF should hear us, divest from Israeli apartheid, about his alleged moral outrage against ‘Israel Apartheid’ demanding disinvestment from Israeli companies.
This letter is to provide you further information regarding information that is currently censored from the world’s right to know; which significantly affect the credibility of Archbishop Tutu and the South African ‘TRC’ religious, academic, media, political etc. elite.
Radical Honesty SA recently filed a ‘Censorship of TRC Fraud’ complaint with the International Criminal Court against South Africa’s political, legal and media elite; one of whom includes Archbishop Desmond Tutu (PDF):
[..] Attached are excerpts from Petition to the EU and two legal Amicus Applications to South African courts (CCT 23-10: PDF; & 07-2010 EQ-SG: PDF) which examine the Truth and Reconciliation Commission from the perspective of International Just War Theory.
Both of these applications, have been totally censored by the SA media; with the endorsement of Archbishop Tutu, who is not outraged about the SA media censoring evidence of allegations of his TRC Fraud.
Conclusions reached are that if we discard political correct ideology and impartially and unemotionally examine the motivations for implementing Apartheid it meets all the requirements for a Just War of Self Defense: It was a just cause to ensure Afrikaner Demographic Survival, it was a last resort, it was declared by proper authority, it possessed right intention, it had a reasonable chance of success, and the end was proportional to the means used.
The ANC’s Anti-Apartheid Movement on the other hand meets none of the requirements to be considered a Just War: The ANC had no Just Cause: The ANC Could Have Non-violently Ended their Breeding War; which would have terminated the requirement for Apartheid. The ANC had no Right Intention: Apartheid raised Black Living Standards to Highest in Africa. The ANC had No Proper Authority: The majority of Black South Africans did not want Black Rule. The ANC did not use Proportional Force: The ANC implemented a People’s War of Terror to terrorize the African population to join the ‘Liberation Struggle’. The ANC’s declaration of War was not a Last Resort: The ANC’s declaration of war was founded on the Frantz Fanon and Black Liberation Theology principles that the native’s colonized mind can only be liberated by violence on the rotting corpse of the settler.
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Radical Honesty SA TIAA-CREF: Tutu’s Censorship of TRC Fraud:
African National Congress (ANC) & Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud.
18 July 2011
TIAA-CREF 8500 Andrew Carnegie Blvd Charlotte NC 28262 @TC_Talks National Director: Richard Freedman SA Holocaust Foundation 88 Hatfield Street, Gardens, Capetown, 8001 Tel: (021) 462 5553 | Fax: (021) 462 5554 | TIAA and CREF Trustees c/o Office of the Corporate Secretary 730 Third Avenue New York, NY 10017-3206 Chairperson Avrom Krengel South African Zionist Federation (SAZF) Private Bag X6, Sandringham 2131 Tel: (011) 645 2505 | Fax: (011) 640 6758 |
Dear TIAA-CREF Board of Directors,
RE: Tutu’s Advocacy on Behalf of Disinvestment in Israel ‘Apartheid’: FYI: Information currently censored by Tutu, Mandela and De Klerk and SA Media TRC Fraud Elite: African National Congress (ANC) & Anti-Apartheid Movement (AAM) Truth & Reconciliation (TRC) Fraud.
I read Archbishops Desmond Tutu’s letter in the Charlotte Observer: TIAA-CREF should hear us, divest from Israeli apartheid, about his alleged moral outrage against ‘Israel Apartheid’ demanding disinvestment from Israeli companies.
This letter is to provide you further information regarding information that is currently censored from the world’s right to know; which significantly affect the credibility of Archbishop Tutu and the South African ‘TRC’ religious, academic, media, political etc. elite.
Radical Honesty SA recently filed a ‘Censorship of TRC Fraud’ complaint with the International Criminal Court against South Africa’s political, legal and media elite; one of whom includes Archbishop Desmond Tutu (PDF):The Complainants Request the ICC: Prosecutor’s Office to Initiate an investigation into the allegations that the respondents are to be held criminally culpable for their endorsement and concealment of TRC FRAUD, the consequences of which are genocide and crimes against humanity against white South Africans, and ethno-cultural legal and political persecution of Afrikaner/Boer and Radical Honesty cultures.
Complainants allege the Defendants cover up and censorship of the ANC and Anti-Apartheid Movements (i) Frantz Fanon/Black Consciousness (‘liberation by violence on the rotting corpse of the settlers’) (ii) Black Liberation Theology (‘violent elimination of ‘whiteness’); and (iii) Houari Boumediene/Black Power Breeding War (“The wombs of our women will give us victory”) inspired TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION FRAUD (“TRC FRAUD”) perpetrated against citizens of South Africa, and predominantly against white Afrikaner/Boer/Settlers; is committed in the context of endorsing the ANC’s institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by Africans over other racial groups, particularly Boer/Afrikaners and committed with the intention of maintaining the ANC regime.
Initially Radical Honesty SA believed the ANC TRC political, religious, academic and media elite’s TRC FRAUD to have been negligent; and consequently in good faith approached them to provide them the evidence of their TRC FRAUD, for their impartial professional enquiry.
Their responses of obstruction of justice to deliberately and intentionally suppress, obstruct and censor the TRC FRAUD evidence from any impartial enquiry and from any public discourse, for its root cause problem solving resolution, have proved however that if their original TRC FRAUD conduct was negligent; their cover-up of their TRC FRAUD negligence is deliberate, intentional and malicious; with real life genocide and crimes against humanity consequences.
Attached are excerpts from Petition to the EU and two legal Amicus Applications to South African courts (CCT 23-10: PDF; & 07-2010 EQ-SG: PDF) which examine the Truth and Reconciliation Commission from the perspective of International Just War Theory.
Both of these applications, have been totally censored by the SA media; with the endorsement of Archbishop Tutu, who is not outraged about the SA media censoring evidence of allegations of his TRC Fraud.
Conclusions reached are that if we discard political correct ideology and impartially and unemotionally examine the motivations for implementing Apartheid it meets all the requirements for a Just War of Self Defense: It was a just cause to ensure Afrikaner Demographic Survival, it was a last resort, it was declared by proper authority, it possessed right intention, it had a reasonable chance of success, and the end was proportional to the means used.
The ANC’s Anti-Apartheid Movement on the other hand meets none of the requirements to be considered a Just War: The ANC had no Just Cause: The ANC Could Have Non-violently Ended their Breeding War; which would have terminated the requirement for Apartheid. The ANC had no Right Intention: Apartheid raised Black Living Standards to Highest in Africa. The ANC had No Proper Authority: The majority of Black South Africans did not want Black Rule. The ANC did not use Proportional Force: The ANC implemented a People’s War of Terror to terrorize the African population to join the ‘Liberation Struggle’. The ANC’s declaration of War was not a Last Resort: The ANC’s declaration of war was founded on the Frantz Fanon and Black Liberation Theology principles that the native’s colonized mind can only be liberated by violence on the rotting corpse of the settler.
In regards to the issue: No Proper Authority: The majority of Black South Africans did not want Black Rule. I include below some information that is analogous to that of Apartheid; regarding Israel and Palestine; and that a majority of Palestinians do not want Arab rule. Additionally, some articles about how black South Africans and Zimbabweans now feel they were far better off under Apartheid.
- Walter Williams: Blacks were better off Under Apartheid; Africans were better off Under Colonialism: Were blacks better off under apartheid?, Walter Williams, NewsandOpinion.com, Jewish World Review, Jan. 9, 2001 / 25 Teves, 5762.
- ‘Democracy? It was better under Apartheid’ - Helen Suzman: Democracy? It was better under apartheid, says Helen Suzman, By Jane Flanagan, Telegraph, 12:01AM BST 16 May 2004 .
- ‘Africans were better off under Apartheid, according to UNDP-HDI’ - RW Johnson: The denialism of the NDR, RW Johnson, Politicsweb, 19 July 2011
- Over 60% Miss Apartheid! Less Corruption, More Efficient Competent Government: 'Things were better in the bad old days', By Andrew Quinn, IOL, December 11 2002 at 04:35PM.
- Unemployment Doubles After Apartheid – Adcorp Labour Analyist: Unemployment doubles after apartheid – analyst, Business Day, 15/06/2011.
- Vavi: Unemployed were better off under apartheid: Vavi: Unemployed were better off under apartheid, Mail & Guardian, Oct 27 2007 15:34.
- Abathembu Tribe Supports Secession: Things Much Better Under Apartheid: Why is the Transkei collapsing?, An open letter from Mbulelo Ncedana to Nelson Mandela, Mbulelo Ncedana, Cope, 05 February 2010.
- South African Indians prefer Apartheid: South African Indians prefer Apartheid?, September 29, 2004, SepiaMutiny | Rediff.
- Coloured SA’s Miss Apartheid: The ANC is Not for US, Say Coloured Voters, Fadela Slamdien, All Africa, 17 January 2011
- Black People Remembering the Apartheid with Nostalgia: Matchbox beats 'sim card', Once-despised township houses now preferred over RDPs, Jan 17, 2011 10:47 PM, Phumla Matjila, TimesLive.
- “We didn't like apartheid, but some things were better under apartheid than they are now.” - KZN African: 'Some things were better under apartheid', 11:12 GMT, Saturday, 29 May 2010 12:12 UK | BBC.
- Black Zimbabweans say life was better under White Rhodesian Government: Postcard From Zimbabwe, By Nicholas D. Kristof, Published: April 7, 2010, New York Times.
- Blacks don't Want Black Rule; Liberals: Blacks Must Have Black Rule; Even if they Don't Want It!: Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred and Self Deceipt: A Philosophers Hard Headed Look at the Dark Continent, by Gedaliah Braun, Ph.D.
Do Palestinians Want Arab Rule?
[1] Dr. Gedaliah Braun: Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred & Self-Deceipt: A Philosophers Hard-Headed Look at the Dark Continent:PARALLELS BETWEEN SOUTH AFRICA AND THE MIDDLE EAST
How Weakness Breeds Contempt
In terms of psychological dynamics, I see important similarities between South Africa and the Middle East. From The Counterlife, a 1987 novel by Philip Roth:“We’ll drive through the village ... . You’ll see how Arabs who want to can live in peace, side by side, only a couple of hundred yards away. They come up here and buy our eggs. [Our old] chickens …, we sell to them for pennies. … . The army could move in here tomorrow, weed out the troublemakers, and the stone throwing would be over in five minutes. But they don’t. They even throw stones at the soldiers. And when the soldier does nothing, you know what the Arabs think? They think you are a shmuck – and you are a shmuck. Any place in the Middle East, you throw a stone at a soldier and … [h]e shoots you. But suddenly they discover … that you throw a stone at an Israeli soldier and he doesn’t shoot you. He doesn’t do anything. And that’s when the trouble begins. Not because we are cruel, but because they have found out we are weak. … . They don’t respect niceness and they don’t respect weakness. What the Arab respects is power.” [Emphases added.]
And just so, blacks think whites are fools. Recall the (fictional) African leader hurling abuse at whites who respond by “applauding him”. Of course blacks will think you’re a shmuck – ‘and you are a shmuck’!
Arabs in Israel live better than those in ‘Palestine’, economically and politically. Most know this, but because of Western propaganda, many ‘convince’ themselves otherwise. In South Africa, most blacks “don’t want black rule”, but Western propaganda will ‘convince’ them they do. In both cases it is a matter of mob hysteria, intimidation and liberal media influence.
Do Palestinians Want Arab Rule?
In the left-wing newspaper The Guardian (reprinted in the Weekly Mail [South Africa], 15-21 January 1988, p.14) is this statement: ‘Despite the discrimination, Israel’s Arab citizens enjoy a range of civil and political rights unknown in any sovereign Arab state’. More than a decade later, an item in the liberal Washington Post (reprinted in The Star [Johannesburg], 26 July 2000, p.16) titled “Many Palestinians living in dread of Arab rule”, reveals that the attitude is: Thanks, but no thanks. Despite the supposed “hell” of Israel, it is still somehow “better than the paradise of Arafat”:We know Israeli rule stinks, but Palestinian rule would be worse. The Palestinian Authority is full of thieves. [M]ost said they would prefer to remain under Israeli control rather than risk the economic and political uncertainties of Arafat’s [rule].
That so many in a typical Arab neighbourhood would prefer to remain under Israeli rule seems extraordinary, given the discrimination many say they suffer at the hands of the Jewish state.
But most spoke of the financial and social benefits of Israeli administration, and contrasted them with Arafat’s record in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Many said they wanted no part of the Palestinians notoriously corrupt administration, economic mismanagement and brutal police. “I estimate that close to 70% of Arab residents want to remain under Israeli rule because of the economic benefits”, said Fadal Tahubub, a member of the Palestinian National council and resident of East Jerusalem. [My emphasis.]
[2] Daniel Pipes, Middle East Quarterly, Spring 2005: "The Hell of Israel Is Better than the Paradise of Arafat"No Thank You, Palestinian Authority
Palestinians already living in Israel, especially in Jerusalem and the "Galilee Triangle" area, tell, sometimes volubly, how they prefer to remain in Israel.
Jerusalem. In mid-2000, when it appeared that some Arab-majority parts of Jerusalem would be transferred to Palestinian Authority control, Muslim Jerusalemites expressed less than delight at the prospect. Peering over at Arafat's PA, they saw power monopolized by domineering and corrupt autocrats, a thug-like police force, and a stagnant economy. Arafat's bloated, nonsensical claims ("We are the one true democratic oasis in the Arab region") only exacerbated their apprehensions.
‘Abd ar-Razzaq ‘Abid of Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood pointed dubiously to "what's happening in Ramallah, Hebron, and the Gaza Strip" and asked if the residents there were well off. A doctor applying for Israeli papers explained:The whole world seems to be talking about the future of the Arabs of Jerusalem, but no one has bothered asking us. The international community and the Israeli Left seem to take it for granted that we want to live under Mr. Arafat's control. We don't. Most of us despise Mr. Arafat and the cronies around him, and we want to stay in Israel. At least here I can speak my mind freely without being dumped in prison, as well as having a chance to earn an honest day's wage.
In the colorful words of one Jerusalem resident, "The hell of Israel is better than the paradise of Arafat. We know Israeli rule stinks, but sometimes we feel like Palestinian rule would be worse."
The director of the Bayt Hanina community council in northern Jerusalem, Husam Watad, found that the prospect of finding themselves living under Arafat's control had people "in a panic. More than 50 percent of east Jerusalem residents live below the poverty line, and you can imagine how the situation would look if residents did not receive [Israeli] National Insurance Institute payments." In the view of Fadal Tahabub, a member of the Palestinian National Council, an estimated 70 percent of the 200,000 Arab residents of Jerusalem preferred to remain under Israeli sovereignty. A social worker living in Ras al-‘Amud, one of the areas possibly falling under PA control, said: "If a secret poll was conducted, I am sure an overwhelming majority of Jerusalem Arabs would say they would prefer to stay in Israel."
Preferring Israel to the Arab Regimes
Palestinians—from the lowest level to the highest ranking—sometimes acknowledge how they prefer Israel to Arab countries. As one PLO official observed, "We no longer fear the Israelis or the Americans, regardless of their hostility, but we now fear our Arab ‘brothers.'" Or, in the general observation of a Gazan, "The Arabs say they're our friends, and treat us worse than the Israelis do." Here are examples of attitudes toward three states:
- Syria. Salah Khalaf (a.k.a. Abu Iyad), one of the PLO's top figures, declared in 1983 that crimes committed by the Hafiz al-Assad regime against the Palestinian people "surpassed those of the Israeli enemy." In like spirit, Yasir Arafat addressed a PLO figure murdered at Syrian instigation at his funeral: "The Zionists in the occupied territories tried to kill you, and when they failed, they deported you. However, the Arab Zionists represented by the rulers of Damascus thought this was insufficient, so you fell as a martyr."
- Jordan. Victor, a Jordanian who once worked as advance man for a senior Saudi government minister, observed in 1994 that Israel was the only Middle Eastern country he admires. "I wish Israel would just take over Jordan," he said, his brother nodding in vigorous agreement. "The Israelis are the only people around here who are organized, who know how to get things done. And they're not bad people. They're straight. They keep their word. The Arabs can't do anything right. Look at this so-called democracy in Jordan. It's a complete joke."
- Kuwait. Palestinians collaborated with Iraqi forces occupying Kuwait in 1990, so when the country was liberated, they came in for some rough treatment. One Palestinian newspaper found that in Kuwait, "Palestinians are receiving treatment even worse than they have had at the hands of their enemies, the Israelis." After surviving the Kuwaiti experience, another Palestinian minced no words: "Now I feel Israel is paradise. I love the Israelis now. I know they treat us like humans. The West Bank [still then under Israeli control] is better [than Kuwait]. At least before the Israelis arrest you, they bring you a paper." With less exuberance, Arafat himself concurred: "What Kuwait did to the Palestinian people is worse than what has been done by Israel to Palestinians in the occupied territories."
Many Palestinians already understood the virtues of Israeli political life decades ago. As one man from Ramallah explained, "I'll never forget that day during the Lebanon war [of 1982], when an Arab Knesset member got up and called [Prime Minister Menachem] Begin a murderer. Begin didn't do a thing [in response]. If you did that to Arafat, I don't think you'd make it home that night."
[..] In word and deed, then, even Palestinians acknowledge Israel as the most civilized state in the Middle East. Amid the gloom of today's political extremism and terrorism, this fact offers wisps of hope.
[3] Judith A. Klinghoffer: 77% Palestinian Arabs: We like Living in Israel bestIt is difficult to find a more neglected story than the relative satisfaction of Palestinian Arabs living in Israel as is revealed from a recent Harvard Study. (Palestinians Arabs (including those living in greater Jerusalem) constitute 20% of the population). Aware of inconvenient polls which reveal that Palestinian living in Israel are vehemently opposed to becoming citizens of Palestine, the researchers did their best to lower the satisfaction number by phrasing the question so as to receive the most negative number. They asked Palestinian Arab if they would rather live in Israel or in any other country in the world.
Let yourselves go, dream away, they researchers seemed to be say. Fantasize. How about living in Dubai, in Britain or the US?
What a disappointment. Israel’s Arab citizens refused to play along. The vast majority of them insisted that like Israel best.
77% of the State of Israel’s Arab citizens would rather live in the Jewish state than in any other country in the world, according to a new study titled “Coexistence in Israel”.
Lara Johnstone
Radical Honesty SA
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