Problem Solving Black Leaders Trayvon Martin Wisdom
Habeus Mentem | CNN IReport | 2 April 2012
‘If I have one hour to save the world I would spend fifty-five minutes defining the problem and only five minutes finding the solution.’ - Einstein

When it comes to so-called leaders I differentiate between 'problem solving' and 'parasite leeching'.
Problem solving are focussed on finding the root causes of problem and simply clarifying it for better understanding by all; whereas parasite leeching leaders (sic) focus is to perpetuate the problem indefinitely while socio-politically exploiting the problem for personal gain, by means of manipulating the emotions of ‘followers’, related to the symptoms of the problem. If the bath is overflowing, problem solvers focus on turning off the tap; whereas parasite leeches focus on profiting from endlessly mopping up the floor.
The following articles are what I consider to be the crème de la crème of black Problem Solving leaders advice on the Trayvon Martin Problem:
1. Walter Williams Column: Profiling and the Trayvon Martin Case (
"The former Charleston, S.C., black chief of police, Reuben Greenberg, said the problem facing black America is not racial profiling. He said, "The greatest problem in the black community is the tolerance for high levels of criminality." Former Los Angeles black police Chief Bernard Parks, defending racial profiling, said: "It's not the fault of the police when they stop minority males or put them in jail. It's the fault of the minority males for committing the crime. In my mind, it is not a great revelation that if officers are looking for criminal activity, they're going to look at the kind of people who are listed on crime reports." Are former police Chiefs Greenberg and Parks racist?
"According to the Uniform Crime Report for 2009, among people 18 or younger, blacks were charged with 58 percent of murder and non-negligent manslaughter, 67 percent of robberies, 42 percent of aggravated assaults and 43 percent of auto thefts. As for murder, more than 90 percent of the time, their victims were black. These statistics, showing a strong interconnection among race, youth and crime, are a far better explanation for racial profiling and suspicion than simple racism."
2. Thomas Sowell: Geraldo and the Hoodies: Practical advice, not race baiting, shows real concern for minority youth (
"It is not often that I agree with Geraldo Rivera, but recently he said something very practical and potentially life-saving, when he urged black and Hispanic parents not to let their children go around wearing hoodies.
"There is no point in dressing like a hoodlum when you are not a hoodlum, even though that has become a fashion for some minority youths, including the teenager who was shot and killed in a confrontation in Florida. I don’t know the whole story of that tragedy any more than those who are making loud noises in the media do, but that is something that we have trials for."
3. Juan Williams: The Trayvon Martin Tragedies (
"Nationally, nearly half of all murder victims are black. And the overwhelming majority of those black people are killed by other black people. Where is the march for them?
Where is the march against the drug dealers who prey on young black people? Where is the march against bad schools, with their 50% dropout rate for black teenaged boys? Those failed schools are certainly guilty of creating the shameful 40% unemployment rate for black teens.
How about marching against the cable television shows constantly offering minstrel-show images of black youth as rappers and comedians who don't value education, dismiss the importance of marriage, and celebrate killing people, drug money and jailhouse fashion—the pants falling down because the jail guard has taken away the belt, the shoes untied because the warden removed the shoe laces, and accessories such as the drug dealer's pit bull."
4. Vanessa Anderson: The Trayvon Martin case: The circus continues! (
"We are witnessing the destruction of liberalism unfold over this tragedy. Divide and conquer… That is what this is all about to Liberals; not justice for Trayvon Martin.
I wish we could lend such fervent efforts to solving the hardcore issues that plague Black America: high school dropout rates; low college matriculation rate; sexual promiscuity amongst teens; drugs; gang violence and the epicenter of all problems – the 72% illegitimacy rate.
Perhaps too many of us have been so conditioned to see everything from the premise of racism, that no matter what, many Blacks will always see the world as if they are victims of a racist society."
5. Rev. C.L. Bryant: Former NAACP leader accuses Sharpton and Jackson of ‘exploiting’ Trayvon ( conservative black pastor who was once the chapter president of the Garland, Texas NAACP called Jackson and Sharpton “race hustlers” and said they are “acting as though they are buzzards circling the carcass of this young boy.”
Bryant, who explores the topic of black-on-black crime in his new film “Runaway Slave,” said people like Jackson and Sharpton are being misleading to suggest there is an epidemic of “white men killing black young men.”
“The epidemic is truly black on black crime,” Bryant said. “The greatest danger to the lives of young black men are young black men.”
6. Minister Derrick E. Grayson: American Injustice and Black on Black Crime Group
In Minister Grayson's youtube video Trayvon: Judge Mathis, Oprah, Roseanne and Spike Lee, he addresses similar and additional Wake up to the Divide and Conquer strategies being implemented against the Black community arguments to those addressed by Vanessa Anderson; as well as the hypocrisy of screaming about white on black crime, while ignoring and remaining silent about black on black crime.
In the video: American InJustice and Black On Black Crime, Min. Grayson introduces his argument for confronting black on black crime, and also details the facebook group he has setup to discuss these issues.
7. Shelby Steele: The Exploitation of Trayvon Martin (Wall St Journal)
The absurdity of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton is that they want to make a movement out of an anomaly. Black teenagers today are afraid of other black teenagers, not whites.
Before the 1960s the black American identity (though no one ever used the word) was based on our common humanity, on the idea that race was always an artificial and exploitive division between people. After the '60s—in a society guilty for its long abuse of us—we took our historical victimization as the central theme of our group identity. We could not have made a worse mistake.
It has given us a generation of ambulance-chasing leaders, and the illusion that our greatest power lies in the manipulation of white guilt. The tragedy surrounding Trayvon's death is not in the possibility that it might have something to do with white racism; the tragedy is in the lustfulness with which so many black leaders, in conjunction with the media, have leapt to exploit his demise for their own power.
8. Lloyd Marcus: Democrats responsible for black culture of anger (NewswithViews)
Black twenty-year-old male Danielle Simpson with two black associates were interrupted by 84 year old Geraldine Davidson while in the process of burglarizing her home. They duct taped her mouth, bound her hands and legs and threw the white former school teacher and church organist into the trunk of her own car. Ms Davidson was severely brutalized before the trio eventually tied a rope attached to a cinder block around her legs and threw her, still alive, into the river.
Brutal crimes are not unique.
But, here is what makes this case remarkable. For seven hours, Simpson rode around in Ms Davidson's car stopping for fast food and opening the truck to show off his victim to his black friends. Due to fingerprints left on the car, detectives estimate that around ten people viewed Ms Davidson in the trunk.
Incredibly, not one person called the police or lobbied to set the poor elderly woman free. What could possibly harden these black youths to such an extent?
Perhaps one of the detective investigating the case nailed it when he described the black criminals and their friends as part of a “culture of anger.”
For the murder of Ms Davidson, in 2009, Danielle Simpson was executed by Lethal injection in Texas.
Fast forward to the democrat led Trayvon Martin rallies across America. If justice was their true motivation, they would allow the case to unfold. To demand Zimmerman be arrested without knowing the facts is absurd and irresponsible. The democrat's obvious purpose for their race rallies is to fuel the eternal flames of their well-nurtured “culture of anger”.
Einstein is also reputed to have said: “If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough”. I don't think we can argue that the aforementioned problem solving black elders have not stated their arguments simply enough; the question, I imagine, is: Who is serious about problem solving; and Who is apathetic about being manipulated by Race Hustling Parasite Leeches?
» » » » [CNN IReport]

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