Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mr. Sexwale: Lets co-create a Sustainable AfroBoerCentric Gender Balanced Low Tech Agrarian and/or Primitivist Future

Mr. Sexwale: Lets co-create a Sustainable AfroBoerCentric Gender Balanced Low Tech Agrarian and/or Primitivist Future

Radical Honoursty Culture and Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party dispute Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale’s Unsustainable Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist ‘Compulsive Development’ worldview; and advocate on behalf of a Sustainable AfroBoerCentric Gender Balanced Low Tech Agrarian and/or Primitivist Future.

Andrea Muhrrteyn | 20 March 2013 | SQSwans

In Uncontrollable increase in informal settlements – Sexwale, City Press reports that speaking at the establishment of the chair for education in human settlements development management at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale said that the growth of informal settlements compounded the problem of meeting the demand for housing, as the “number of informal settlements is growing uncontrollably. Likewise, the populations inside these ghettos is increasing rapidly.”

In terms of solutions Minister Sexwale suggested an alleged comprehensive approach, represented by (a) the national development plan (NDP) and (b) underpinned by the presidential infrastructure coordinating commission’s strategy on infrastructure; and (c) the need to professionalize the public service, including the creation of capacity and competency, particularly at local government level. You further state that the developmental approach advocated in the NDP hinges upon an economy that is performing optimally as opposed to the current low economic growth rate and high unemployment, particularly among young people.

Radical Honoursty Culture & Yshmael Guerrylla Law Positions:

The Radical Honoursty culture is a gender balanced culture which practices Æquilibriæx jurisprudence and authentic Multiculturalism; as opposed to all of South Africa’s other cultures, which are patriarchal, and practice AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence and fake Multiculturalism: the Egotist Consumptionism Ideology of Multinational Capitalism. The Yshmael Guerrylla law Party is an unregistered Æx party, currently drawing up its Constitution and related documents for registration.

[1] The national development plan (NDP) and the presidential infrastructure coordinating commission’s strategy on infrastructure are based upon an extremely inaccurate ecologically destructive Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist ‘Compulsive Development’ worldview. The NDP’s AnthroCorpocentric worldview ignores the ecological reality that “all industrialized and industrializing nations, irrespective of their economic and political orientations, are unsustainable and will collapse, by 2050, as a consequence of their dependence upon increasingly scarce NNRs.” (Clugston, 2012). The NDP appear totally and utterly oblivious to the reality of Peak NNR/Oil: The peak production and impending global exhaustion of (a) Antimony; (b) Bauxite; (c) Bismuth; (d) Cadmium; (e) Chromium; (f) Coal; (g) Cobalt; (h) Copper; (i) Fluorspar; (j) Graphite (Natural); (k) Iron Ore; (l) Lead; (m) Lithium; (n) Manganese; (o) Molybdenum; (p) Natural Gas; (q) Nickel; (r) Niobium; (s) Oil; (t) Rhenium; (u) Silver; (v) Thalium; (w) Tin; (x) Tungsten; (y) Uranium; (z) Zinc; (aa) Zirconium; and the consequent impending collapse of industrial civilization and all industrialized nations by 2050.

[2] The growth of informal settlements and the population growth within informal settlements are caused by: (A) Patriarchal and AnthroCorpocentric cultural and ideological procreation and resource utilization values; and (B) The ANC’s conscious and deliberate “abnormal government-sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration.” (Mabogoane, 2008)

[3] The only comprehensive holistic solutions to reducing the growth of informal settlements and population growth within informal settlements; while simultaneously preparing South Africans for a sustainable Primitivist future, is to: (A) Put an end the ANC’s conscious and deliberate “abnormal government-sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration”; (B) Implement laws to regulate and reduce human procreation and resource utilization behaviour; towards a sustainable, pre-industrial lifestyle paradigm; (C) Voluntarily begin the process of De-Industrialization and Primitivization.

[4] If the Minister seriously wishes to professionalize the public service, where such public service teaches South African citizens how to survive in a Post Peak Oil and NNR world, he should be hiring people who can teach everyone how to either (a) live in a gender balanced low tech agrarian culture, or (b) become primitives again

Mr. Sexwale: Lets co-create a Sustainable AfroBoerCentric Gender Balanced Low Tech Agrarian and/or Primitivist Future

Radical Honoursty Culture and Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party dispute Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale’s Unsustainable Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist ‘Compulsive Development’ worldview; and advocate on behalf of a Sustainable AfroBoerCentric Gender Balanced Low Tech Agrarian and/or Primitivist Future.

Andrea Muhrrteyn | 20 March 2013 | SQSwans

Correspondence to Minister of Human Settlements: Tokyo Sexswale: Re: Min Sexwale: ANC's Unsustainable Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist ‘Compulsive Development’ worldview (PDF)

Please find attached PDF: RE: Radical Honoursty Culture and Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party dispute Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale’s Unsustainable Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist ‘Compulsive Development’ worldview; and advocate on behalf of a Sustainable AfroBoerCentric Gender Balanced Low Tech Agrarian and/or Primitivist Future.

In Uncontrollable increase in informal settlements – Sexwale, City Press reports that speaking at the establishment of the chair for education in human settlements development management at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in Port Elizabeth, Human Settlements Minister Tokyo Sexwale said that the growth of informal settlements compounded the problem of meeting the demand for housing, as the “number of informal settlements is growing uncontrollably. Likewise, the populations inside these ghettos is increasing rapidly.”

In terms of solutions Minister Sexwale suggested an alleged comprehensive approach, represented by (a) the national development plan (NDP) and (b) underpinned by the presidential infrastructure coordinating commission’s strategy on infrastructure; and (c) the need to professionalize the public service, including the creation of capacity and competency, particularly at local government level. You further state that the developmental approach advocated in the NDP hinges upon an economy that is performing optimally as opposed to the current low economic growth rate and high unemployment, particularly among young people.

Radical Honoursty Culture & Yshmael Guerrylla Law Positions:

The Radical Honoursty culture is a gender balanced culture which practices Æquilibriæx jurisprudence and authentic Multiculturalism; as opposed to all of South Africa’s other cultures, which are patriarchal, and practice AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence and fake Multiculturalism: the Egotist Consumptionism Ideology of Multinational Capitalism. The Yshmael Guerrylla law Party is an unregistered Æx party, currently drawing up its Constitution and related documents for registration.

[1] The national development plan (NDP) and the presidential infrastructure coordinating commission’s strategy on infrastructure are based upon an extremely inaccurate ecologically destructive Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist ‘Compulsive Development’ worldview.

[1.1] The NDP’s AnthroCorpocentric worldview ignores the ecological reality that “all industrialized and industrializing nations, irrespective of their economic and political orientations, are unsustainable and will collapse, by 2050, as a consequence of their dependence upon increasingly scarce NNRs.” (Clugston, 2012).

A. The NDP appear totally and utterly oblivious to the reality of Peak NNR/Oil: The peak production and impending global exhaustion of (a) Antimony; (b) Bauxite; (c) Bismuth; (d) Cadmium; (e) Chromium; (f) Coal; (g) Cobalt; (h) Copper; (i) Fluorspar; (j) Graphite (Natural); (k) Iron Ore; (l) Lead; (m) Lithium; (n) Manganese; (o) Molybdenum; (p) Natural Gas; (q) Nickel; (r) Niobium; (s) Oil; (t) Rhenium; (u) Silver; (v) Thalium; (w) Tin; (x) Tungsten; (y) Uranium; (z) Zinc; (aa) Zirconium; and the consequent impending collapse of industrial civilization and all industrialized nations by 2050.

[2] The growth of informal settlements and the population growth within informal settlements are caused by:

[2.1] Patriarchal and AnthroCorpocentric cultural and ideological procreation and resource utilization values; and

[2.2] The ANC’s conscious and deliberate “abnormal government-sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration.” (Mabogoane, 2008)

[3] The only comprehensive holistic solutions to reducing the growth of informal settlements and population growth within informal settlements; while simultaneously preparing South Africans for a sustainable Primitivist future, is to:

A. Put an end the ANC’s conscious and deliberate “abnormal government-sponsored population explosion of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration”.

B. Implement laws to regulate and reduce human procreation and resource utilization behaviour; towards a sustainable, pre-industrial lifestyle paradigm.

C. Voluntarily begin the process of De-Industrialization and Primitivization.

[4] If the Minister seriously wishes to professionalize the public service, where such public service teaches South African citizens how to survive in a Post Peak Oil and NNR world, he should be hiring people who can teach everyone how to either (a) live in a gender balanced low tech agrarian culture, or (b) become primitives again:

[4.1] De-Industrialize: Stop being Corpotocracy’s Debt Slaves: (a) get out of debt, (b) learn to grow your own organic low tech food, (c) massively reduce procreation and consumption, (d) stop the use of fossil fuel based transport, except for emergencies.

[4.2] Primitivization: Learn how to become Primitives: (e) learn ‘primitive’ skills, that were used prior to the industrial revolution; (f) learn from the Bushmen, how to live in harmony with nature; (g) create a new value system, that considers ‘Primitives’ who live, procreate and consume below carrying capacity, to be hero’s and leaders; and condemns and vilifies ‘civilized’ ‘industrialized’ individuals who procreate and consume above carrying capacity, because they are stealing resources from future generations.

Arguments & Evidence Table of Contents:

[I] Scarcity: Humanity’s Last Chapter: A Comprehensive Analysis of Nonrenewable Natural Resource (NNR) Scarcity’s Consequences:

[II] Cultural Imperialism, Cultural Identity and the Eurocentric ideology of Ecological Destruction and Compulsive Development:

[II.A] Colonizing Indigenous Cultures with the ‘Compulsive Development’ Narrative of Egotist Consumptionism: the Cultural ideology of Multinational Capitalism; where all states and all cultures are colonized as consumptionist slaves to Multinational Corporations.

[III] Patriarchy and AnthroCorpocentric worldview are deeply intertwined. Cultures based upon patriarchal values, like Euro/AnthroCorpocentric ‘Compulsive Developmentism’ encourage cultural values and beliefs that aggravate masculine insecurity behaviour, which results in socio-economic or political profits for the Patriarchal elite.

[III.A] Patriarchal AnthroCorpocentric ‘Compulsive Developmentism’: Patriarchal AnthroCorpoCentric Legislator’s avoid legislating Breeding / Parenting licences, to protect the rights of unborn and unwanted children, from unloving and incompetent parenting; while hypocritically demanding Occupational Licences for hundreds of occupations, sometimes even from children for lemonade stands, to protect those occupations consumers from alleged incompetent service and products; as a result of their corrupt endorsement of the Corporatocracy’s Human Factory Farming Matrix: Poverty stricken voters for the Slavery Vote Farm ghetto’s; and Surplus labour for the Cannon Fodder War Economy Racket.

[III.B] The Patriarchal AnthroCorpocentric Socio-Political Elite Profit from the absence of a Breeding/Parenting License, and their Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population.

[III.C] AnthroCorpocentric Socio-Political Elite Profit from the Control of Reproduction of a Surplus Vote & Poverty Pimp Fodder Population.

[IV] Preparing for a Sustainable Primitivist Future: De-Industrialization and Primitivization: Sustainable Security & Confronting the Left’s Eurocentric Paternal AnthroCorpocentric ‘Compulsive Developmentism’.

[IV.A] Confronting Sustainable Security Military Doctrine warning that Overpopulation & Consumption induced Scarcity are a primary cause of (a) Conflict, (b) Peak Oil/NNR.

[IV.B] Options for Population and Resource Utilization Reduction.

[IV.C] Options for Gender and Ecologically balanced Agrarian or Primitivist future.

[V] Radical Honoursty Culture Values.


Response from Prof. Christo Fabricius:
Head of George Campus, NMMU: Head of Sustainability Research

From: Fabricius, Christo (Prof) (George Campus)
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 11:51 AM
To: Lara
Cc: Min.Human.Settlements: Tokyo Sexwale; Min. Human. Settlements: Dir.Gen: Z Thabane; George Campus Info; Rev. Kenneth Meshoe - ACDP; Cape Party; Afrikaner VolksParty; COPE HQ; Cathy Labuschagne - DA Gender; Dagga Party: Jeremy Acton; Dalien - FF+; FVP; HNP:; Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi; SACP: Jeremy Cronin; Humphrey Nogobonza - UDM
Subject: Re: Min Sexwale: ANC's Unsustainable Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist 'Compulsive Development' worldview

I have no idea what this is about and have no interest in it. Please remove me from the list. Christo Fabricius


Response to Prof. Christo Fabricius:
Head of George Campus, NMMU: Head of Sustainability Research

From: Lara
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 12:04 PM
To: 'Fabricius, Christo (Prof) (George Campus)'; 'NMMU: George'
Cc: 'Min.Human.Settlements: Tokyo Sexwale'; 'Min. Human. Settlements: Dir.Gen: Z Thabane'; 'George Campus Info'; 'Rev. Kenneth Meshoe - ACDP'; 'Cape Party'; 'Afrikaner VolksParty'; 'COPE HQ'; 'Cathy Labuschagne - DA Gender'; 'Dagga Party: Jeremy Acton'; 'Dalien - FF+'; 'FVP'; 'HNP:'; 'Chief Mangosuthu Buthelezi'; 'SACP: Jeremy Cronin'; 'Humphrey Nogobonza - UDM'
Subject: NMMU: Sustainability Research; RE: Min Sexwale: ANC's Unsustainable Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist 'Compulsive Development' worldview

Prof Christo Fabricius
George Campus, NMMU
Sustainability Research

Are you not the head of George Campus, NMMU?

Are you not paid with taxpayers money to research SUSTAINABILITY?

Or are you paid to pretend that Unsustainable Eurocentric AnthroCorpocentric Cultural Imperialist 'Compulsive Development', is 'sustainability'?

Are you suggesting that when a citizen asks you, as a paid professor to research sustainability; to forward Sustainability documents to the Head of NMMU, that you refuse to do so?

Please clarify, whether you as head of NMMU: George Campus, Sustainability Research, refuse to forward a Sustainability document, sent to you, by a citizen, to the NMMU: PE Office?

Lara Johnstone
Member: Radical Honesty Culture
Founder: Radical Honoursty Culture
Founder: Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party
Founder: CommonSism: Common Sense Laws for a Sustainable Commons
Founder: Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence: Equal & Balanced Eco/Anthropocentric Law

» » » » [SQSWans]

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