Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

SA CommonSism Primitivist Party's MILINT Sustainable Security Options submitted to Kim Jong-un, RU, US & China

CommonSism Primitivist MILINT Sustainable Security Options submitted to SL Kim Jong-un, Russia, China & USA for resolution of N Korea and Industrial Civilization's Suicide Marches.

In my personal CommonSism Primitivist opinion, if you have the courage to challenge Industrial Civilization, and its primary driver: the United States, to embark on an international course of Sustainable Security; you shall have made one of the most fundamental contributions to the lives of this planet, and all of its species, by stepping infront of the Industrial Civilization suicide train. You shall be Industrial Civilization Titanic’s iceberg.

Andrea Muhrrteyn | TYGAE | 08 April 2013

On Saturday (06) and Sunday (07) April 2013, the unregistered TYGAE Aex Political Party, based upon CommonSism and Aequilibriaex Jurisprudence principles, in South Africa submitted their CommonSism Primitivist MILINT Sustainable Security Options to Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un, Russia's President Putin, China's President Xi Jinping, America's President Obama, South Korea's President Park Geun-hye and General Dempsey, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.; for resolution of N Korea and Industrial Civilization's Suicide Marches.

The Russian, American and North Korean Embassies in Pretoria acknowledged receipt of the MILINT Sustainable Security policies, including the offices of Director of National Intelligence: Mr. James Clapper, and United States Environmental Command Offices in Fort Sam, Houston, Texas.

The TYGAE Primitivist CommonSism submissions suggest that both North Korea and Industrial Civilization inspired by the West, primarily America are on Suicide Marches. Resolving these suicide marches requires international adoption of Sustainable Security Policies.

Sustainable Security policies being: [1] Industrial Civilization is on a Tragedy of the Commons planetary suicide march. [2] Only the international adoption of Sustainable Security policies can stop Industrial Civilization’s Suicide March. [3] National Sustainable Security policies: [3.1] Every Nation must draw up a Sustainable Security Plan, by 09 September 2014. Each nation’s Sustainable Security plans must clarify: [3.1A] Detailed analysis of what their nation’s ecological carrying capacity is. [3.1B] How they intend to require every citizen, corporation and organisation to reduce/maintain their consumption and procreation practices to remaining below carrying capacity. [3.1C] Their planned De-Industrialization and/or Primitivization Policies. [3.2] International Sustainable Security Peace Treaties: [3.2A] All ‘Peace treaties’ which do not require both parties to maintain their nation citizens’ procreation and consumption practices below carrying capacity, as a fundamental requirement for the credibility of the peace treaty should be considered ‘War is Peace’ Whore treaties, and null and void, and renegotiated. [3.2B] Any credible ‘Sustainable Security’ Peace Treaty, must require all parties to the Peace Treaty to maintain their nation’s citizens and corporations procreation, consumption and production practices below carrying capacity. Any nation which allows their citizens or corporations to engage in a breeding, consumption or production war, shall be considered to have declared war with all other Sustainable Security nations.

Transparency Copies were also submitted to the Leaders of the following countries, via their Embassies, and various left and right wing political parties in their respective countries: Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, South Africa, United Kingdom

CommonSism Primitivist MILINT Sustainable Security Options Letter submitted to SL Kim Jong-un, Russia, China & USA for resolution of N Korea and Industrial Civilization's Suicide Marches.

TO: Supreme Leader: Kim Jong-un, c/o: H E Mr Yong Man JO, Amb: North Korea Embassy [AckRec]

CC: President Xi Jinping, c/o: H E Dr B W J Langa, Amb: People’s Rep of China Embassy
CC: President Putin, c/o: H E Mr M I Petrakov, Amb: Russian Federation Embassy [AckRec]
CC: President Park Geun-hye, c/o: H E Mr Y Lee, Amb: South Korea Embassy
CC: President Barak Obama, c/o: Ms. V. Palmer, Charge D'Affaires USA Embassy & c/o: Dir Nat. Intel: James Clapper [USEmb][DNI]
CC: General Martin Dempsey, Chair: Joint Chiefs of Staff, c/o: Col Mark Lee USAEC, U.S. Army Environmental Command [AckRec]

Dear Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un,

Please find attached PDF:

MILINT Sustainable Security Options for resolution of (i) N Korea loads missiles onto launchers, tells Russia, Britain to evacuate embassies; (ii) Multinational Corporation’s Industrial Civilization Suicide March.

In my personal CommonSism Primitivist opinion, if you have the courage to challenge Industrial Civilization, and its primary driver: the United States, to embark on an international course of Sustainable Security; you shall have made one of the most fundamental contributions to the lives of this planet, and all of its species, by stepping infront of the Industrial Civilization suicide train. You shall be Industrial Civilization Titanic’s iceberg.

You may also find a significant number of US Military personnel who will appreciate your courage to do what they have not yet had the guts or the courage to do, demand, as a matter of National Security, that America’s politicians implement a Sustainable Security plan. Needless to say your courageous actions on behalf of Indigenous tribes, and all citizens across the globe, seriously concerned with Industrial Civilizations suicide march, shall be much appreciated.

MILINT Sustainable Security Options for your consideration:

[1] Industrial Civilization is on a Tragedy of the Commons planetary suicide march.

[2] Only the international adoption of Sustainable Security policies can stop Industrial Civilization’s Suicide March.

[3] National Sustainable Security policies:

[3.1] Every Nation must draw up a Sustainable Security Plan, by 09 September 2014. Each nation’s Sustainable Security plans must clarify:

A. Detailed analysis of what their nation’s ecological carrying capacity is.

B. How they intend to require every citizen, corporation and organisation to reduce/maintain their consumption and procreation practices to remaining below carrying capacity.

C. Their planned De-Industrialization and/or Primitivization Policies

[3.2] International Sustainable Security Peace Treaties:

A. All ‘Peace treaties’ which do not require both parties to maintain their nation citizens’ procreation and consumption practices below carrying capacity, as a fundamental requirement for the credibility of the peace treaty should be considered ‘War is Peace’ Whore treaties, and null and void, and renegotiated.

B. Any credible ‘Sustainable Security’ Peace Treaty, must require all parties to the Peace Treaty to maintain their nation’s citizens and corporations procreation, consumption and production practices below carrying capacity. Any nation which allows their citizens or corporations to engage in a breeding, consumption or production war, shall be considered to have declared war with all other Sustainable Security nations.

Dated at George, South Africa: 05 April 2013

Lara Johnstone
Member: Radical Honesty and Radical Honoursty Culture
Founder: Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party, CommonSism: Common Sense Laws for a Sustainable Commons, Æquilibriæx: Equal & Balanced Eco/Anthropocentric Law

Encl. Evidentiary Information Related to Sustainable Security Suggestions

» » » » [TYGAE (PDF)]

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