Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Ecology of Peace Theses urges ANC-HPCSA to dismiss charges against Wouter Basson

Ecology of Peace Theses urges ANC-HPCSA to dismiss charges against Wouter Basson

The proceedings against Mr. Wouter Basson should be suspended until (a) the South African Constitutional Court has ruled upon the Æquilibriæx / Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence evidence of TRC fraud submitted to it, in Alien on Pale Blue Dot vs Afriforum, et al

Andrea Muhrrteyn | 17 July 2013 | TYGAE

Electronic Filing to The Registrar, Health Professions Council of South Africa; HPCSA Prosecutor: Salie Joubert SC; Dr. Basson Council: Jaap Cilliers SC, Brooklyn Advocate Chambers; Dr. Wouter Basson - Cardiologist. CC: Transparency: Concourt Case: Alien v. Afriforum et al Parties

[1] The proceedings against Mr. Wouter Basson should be suspended until (a) the South African Constitutional Court has ruled upon the Æquilibriæx / Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence evidence of TRC fraud submitted to it, in Alien on Pale Blue Dot vs Afriforum, et al; and/or (b) foreign international courts have ruled upon the Æquilibriæx / Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence evidence that civilized patriarchy’s legal matrix jurisprudence is based upon fraudulent social contracts between civilized patriarchy nations and their citizens.

South Africa’s Civilized Patriarchy TRC Fraud:

[2] On 27 November 2012 a Pro Se application was filed for Review of the Supreme Court of Appeal ‘Kill Boere Hate Speech’ Mediation Agreement between: ANC, Mr. Malema, Afriforum and TAU-SA. The Ecology of Peace application argues that: (A) The Agreement ignores SA’s TRC Fraud Failure to Clearly Define ‘Reconciliation’ and address Ecological Overshoot induced Scarcity as Cause of Violent Conflict Issues; and (B) Any ‘Peace’ Agreement that Ignores Ecological Overshoot and Scarcity as Cause of Violent Conflict is not a Credible Peace Agreement. South African Bar Associations and Law Societies have, for the past ten years, been unable to find a South African lawyer who is willing to represent me in accordance to my Ecology of Peace – “Thou shalt not legislate laws that allow citizens to procreate or consume above carrying capacity limits” – gender and inter-species equality jurisprudence principles. The media have so far refused to publish an appeal to South African attorneys to find an attorney to represent a South African citizen whose gender balanced cultural jurisprudence is based on Ecology of Peace principles. The Constitutional Court registrar refused to process the application, even though the Commission for Gender Equality and the South African Human Rights Commission have respectively ruled the Concourt registrars actions were an act of error and maladministration and referred the matter to the Public Protector and Media Ombudsman.

Ecology of Peace Theses urges ANC-HPCSA to dismiss charges against Wouter Basson

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:18 PM
To: HPCSA v Basson: HPCSA: Registrar; HPCSA v Basson: HPCSA: Council Secretariat: Ntsikelelo Sipeka
Cc: HPCSA v Basson: HPCSA: Salie Joubert; HPCSA v Basson: Wouter Basson; HPCSA v Basson: Brooklyn Advocate Chambers: Jaap Cilliers
Subject: HPCSA v Dr. Wouter Basson: Submission to Professional Conduct Board Registrar

TO: The Registrar, Health Professions Council of South
TO: HPCSA Prosecutor: Salie Joubert SC
TO: Dr. Basson Council: Jaap Cilliers SC, Brooklyn Advocate Chambers
TO: Dr. Wouter Basson - Cardiologist
CC: Transparency: Concourt Case: Alien v. Afriforum et al Parties

HPCSA Adjudicating Authority,

HPCSA v Dr. Wouter Basson; in the Health Professions Council of South Africa Professional Conduct / Ethics Board.

I hereby request your consent to submit the attached Pro Se Motion and Æquilibriæx (Ecology of Peace) Amicus brief into the record in this matter. (PDF)

Notice of Motion: Motion to Enter Appearance as Pro Se, Andrea Muhrrteyn, Amicus Curiae .
Æquilibriæx Amicus Brief: Brief In Propria Persona by Amici Curiae, Andrea Muhrrteyn, an Alien on Pale Blue Dot: Æquilibriæx Sustainable Security Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Civilized Patriarchy’s AnthroCorpocentric Indulgences: ‘Innocence for Sale’ Jurisprudence.
Certificate of Service [PDF: NoM-Amicus-CrtSvc]

Attached Enclosures:

MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath, submitted to ‘Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops Military Advisory Board’ (PDF)

Online Enclosures:

  • Control of Consumption: Global Corporate Cultural Imperialism Racket (PDF)
  • Control of Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket (PDF)
  • SS-DEFCON 3: Ecological Overshoot (PDF)
  • SS-DEFCON 2: Scarcity-Conflict (PDF)
  • Ecology of Peace Oath Draft Copy (DOC)

Should your consent be granted, I’d be more than happy to mail a hardcopy to the Registrar/Clerk. In the absence of such consent, I’d prefer not to waste valuable ecological natural capital resources.

Summary of the Æquilibriæx Amicus Argument:

Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Civilized Patriarchy’s AnthroCorpocentric Indulgences Innocence for Sale Legal Matrix Jurisprudence:

[1] The proceedings against Mr. Wouter Basson should be suspended until (a) the South African Constitutional Court has ruled upon the Æquilibriæx / Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence evidence of TRC fraud submitted to it, in Alien on Pale Blue Dot vs Afriforum, et al; and/or (b) foreign international courts have ruled upon the Æquilibriæx / Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence evidence that civilized patriarchy’s legal matrix jurisprudence is based upon fraudulent social contracts between civilized patriarchy nations and their citizens.

South Africa’s Civilized Patriarchy TRC Fraud:

[2] On 27 November 2012 a Pro Se application was filed for Review of the Supreme Court of Appeal ‘Kill Boere Hate Speech’ Mediation Agreement between: ANC, Mr. Malema, Afriforum and TAU-SA. The Ecology of Peace application argues that: (A) The Agreement ignores SA’s TRC Fraud Failure to Clearly Define ‘Reconciliation’ and address Ecological Overshoot induced Scarcity as Cause of Violent Conflict Issues; and (B) Any ‘Peace’ Agreement that Ignores Ecological Overshoot and Scarcity as Cause of Violent Conflict is not a Credible Peace Agreement. South African Bar Associations and Law Societies have, for the past ten years, been unable to find a South African lawyer who is willing to represent me in accordance to my Ecology of Peace – “Thou shalt not legislate laws that allow citizens to procreate or consume above carrying capacity limits” – gender and inter-species equality jurisprudence principles. The media have so far refused to publish an appeal to South African attorneys to find an attorney to represent a South African citizen whose gender balanced cultural jurisprudence is based on Ecology of Peace principles. The Constitutional Court registrar refused to process the application, even though the Commission for Gender Equality and the South African Human Rights Commission have respectively ruled the Concourt registrars actions were an act of error and maladministration and referred the matter to the Public Protector and Media Ombudsman.

Civilized Patriarchy’s Social Contract Jurisprudence Fraud:

[3] A credible honourable court should find that the constitutional and legislative Social Contract entered into between the Apartheid South African Government and post Apartheid South African Government and Wouter Basson, was and is a civilized patriarchy legal matrix contract, based upon deception and fraud, which does not meet the requirements of a fully informed consenting agreement.

[4] South Africa’s Apartheid and post-Apartheid Constitutional and legislative Social Contract fails to clearly and simply disclose that the South African Constitution is based upon civilized patriarchy (a) the inalienable right to breed and consume without regard for ecological carrying capacity limits; which socio-politically manifests as a Control of Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy racket and a Control of Consumption Global Corporate Cultural Imperialism racket, (b) these control of reproduction and consumption rackets consequently violate carrying capacity limits, resulting in ecological overshoot, scarcity, and scarcity induced conflict, and resource wars;, and ecological, psychological, political, economic, cultural and spiritual instability.

[5] South Africa’s civilized patriarchy Innocence for Sale Indulgence Legal Matrix enforces the corporate, political, religious, media and cultural elite’s GDP/growth agenda’s victimhood welfare-vote-farm, poverty pimping and cannon fodder schemes by (a) legislating laws which enable and encourage citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity, knowing (b) such legislation results in ecological overshoot, surplus vote-cannon-fodder populations, economic hierarchical inequality, and scarcity induced local, national and international conflict and resource wars; (c) that ecological overshoot in multi-cultural/ethnic/religious communities, manifests as inter-cultural / ethnic / religious conflict; (d) inter-cultural / ethnic conflict is a great divide and conquer tool to manipulate the proletariat to perceive other cultural/ethnic proletariat as the source of their own overshoot-scarcity-conflict misery; as opposed to demanding their Duhmockery leaders abide by the Ecology of Peace Commandment: “Thou shalt not legislate laws which enable citizens procreation or consumption to transgress cultural carrying capacity limits.”

[6] Extensive Environment/Overshoot-Scarcity-Conflict documentation from military and intelligence agencies, united nations and governments, NGO’s and academic reports, etc, collectively document how legislative failure to restrict humanity’s procreation and consumption to cultural carrying capacity limits, and Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons Legal Matrix Indulgences, has resulted in humanity’s ecological overshoot of carrying capacity limits by between 700 to 400,000 percent; including crossing urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions; (ii) Climate Change; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle; (iv) Ocean Acidification; (v) Changes in Land Use; (vi) Global Freshwater Use; (vii) State Shift in the Earth’s Biosphere; (viii) Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Scarcity; with devastating current climate-resource-scarcity-conflict and refugees, and impending threat multiplier aggravation of crisis of ‘scarcity-conflict’ death spiral consequences.

[7] The public in general are ecologically illiterate of current Overshoot-Scarcity-Conflict consequences of their procreation and consumption lifestyle’s, such as climate-resource-scarcity-conflict and refugees, and impending threat multiplier aggravation of crisis of ‘scarcity-conflict’ death spiral consequences; and hence unable or unwilling to make informed environmental decisions, as a result the Media’s Censorship of Overshoot-Scarcity-Conflict contextual information in their reporting on socio-political scarcity and conflict problems resulting from ecological overshoot. For example in Dr. Michael Maher’s study: How and Why Journalists Avoid Population - Environment Connection, he took a random sample of 150 stories about urban sprawl, endangered species and water shortages and found that only 1 in ten framed population growth as a source of the problem. Media Matters studies in the US show that (i) in recent 2013 wildfire coverage, only 6 percent of total wildfire items mentioned climate change; (ii) in Midwest flood coverage, only 3 percent of stories mentioned climate change; (iii) in 2012, the nightly news covered the royal family more than climate change; (iv) a recent study documenting the warmest year on record received cool media coverage, almost entirely censoring scientists from climate change discussion; (v) in 2012, the Kardashians got 40 times more news coverage than ocean acidification, which affects over 50% of US fishery revenues; (vi) in 2012, TV media covered Joe Biden’s smile nearly twice as much as climate change, and Paul Ryan’s workout, three times more than record Arctic Sea Ice loss.

[8] A credible honourable court should find that the Enlistment Contract entered into between the Apartheid South African Government and Wouter Basson, and the Enlistment Contract entered into between all current South African military and intelligence personnel, does not meet the requirements of fully informed consenting agreement.

[9] Civilized Patriarchy Jurisprudence Military and Intelligence agency Enlistment Contracts fail to clearly and simply disclose that the South African Constitution is based upon civilized patriarchy human factory farming war economy jurisprudence principles. The Civilized patriarchy elite socio-politically and economically profit from their Control of Reproduction jurisprudence absence of a Breeding/Parenting License, enabling them to breed a Surplus Cannon Fodder Population, for profitable conquering and culling acts of theft and murder.

[10] Wouter Basson and all military and intelligence agency personnel are simply low-level left/right, white/black, Muslim/Christian Ethnic-Conflict foot-soldiers, of Civilized Patriarchy Jurisprudence’s Control of the Reproduction Human Factory Farming War Economy Racket, and Consumptionism Cultural Colonialism Racket agenda’s.

[11] South Africa’s Civilized Patriarchy Corporate Legal Matrix Prosecutorial and Juristic Bishops, have no legal ecological moral authority to prosecute Wouter Basson, and adjudicate upon the alleged ‘lawfulness’ or ‘unlawfulness’ of his acts, while ignoring (a) their own procreation/consumption scarcity combatant status as a profiteer of civilized patriarchy jurisprudence’s inalienable right to breed and consume without regard for ecological carrying capacity limits; and (b) the theft and thievery and participation in mass murder of the civilized patriarchy corporate elite, who purchased ‘Innocence for Sale’ Indulgences from their puppet legislators to avoid legislation that defines their ecologically criminal acts of billion dollar thievery and murder as ‘unlawful’.

[12] A few of Global Civilized Patriarchy’s ‘Innocence for Sale’ – Control of Reproduction and Consumption Indulgence’s – Corporate Thieving Statistics:

A. The 100 largest corporations externalities are costing the economy $4.7 trillion per year in lost ecosystem services and pollution.

B. $7.3 Trillion is the estimate of Unpriced Natural Capital Costs of Primary production: agriculture, forestry, fisheries, mining, oil and gas exploration, utilities and primary processing of cement, steel, paper pulp and petrochemicals.

C. Land Use externalities amount to $1.8 Trillion, Water Consumption Impact to $1.9 Trillion and Greenhouse Gas impact of $2.7 Trillion.

D. $2.25 Trillion are the externality costs of the top 3,000 listed corporations.

E. $2-4.5 Trillion of natural capital losses destruction and pollution of ecosystem services represent 45-90% of the GDP of the Poor, who rely primarily on ecosystem services for their livelihoods.

F. The Copenhagen decision to select a target of 2 degrees was an ethical decision of pre-meditated scorched earth murder to exterminate all coral reefs, 1/4 of all fish species, which are the very livelihoods of more than half a billion people.

[13] A few South African Civilized Patriarchy ‘Innocence for Sale’ – Control of Reproduction and Consumption Indulgence’s – Corporate Thieving & Murdering Statistics:

A. Socialized Externality Costs Footprint of South Africa's 4 Richest Billionaires is $9.75 billion.

B. The Thermodynamic Footprint – quantifies the amount of damage to the planet’s physical, biological and chemical makeup through mining, manufacturing, construction, habitat alterations, and the generation of wastes such as carbon dioxide, garbage and other pollution – of South Africa is equivalent to that of 1.971 billion hunter-foragers.

C. The Thermodynamic Footprint of damage to South Africa’s physical, biological and chemical makeup through mining, manufacturing, construction, habitat alterations, and the generation of wastes such as carbon dioxide, garbage and other pollution of South Africa's 4 Richest Billionaires is the Scarcity-Conflict equivalent of 394 million hunter-foragers.

D. South Africa's support for the Copenhagen decision to select a target of 2 degrees was an ethical decision of pre-meditated scorched earth murder to allow South Africa's emissions to destroy 2,843 km2 of coral reefs, an area equivalent to the combined size of the following combined South African National parks: Table Mountain National park, Garden Route National Park: Tsitsikamma, Wilderness National parks and Knysna National Lake Area, Golden Gate Highlands National Park, Augrabies Falls National Park and Mountain Zebra National Park; and 5 million livelihoods.

E. South Africa's support for the Copenhagen decision to select a target of 2 degrees was an ethical decision of pre-meditated scorched earth murder to allow South Africa's 4 richest billionaire’s emissions to destroy 568.6 km2 of coral reefs, an area equivalent to half of the Garden Route National Park (Tsitsikamma, Wilderness National parks and Knysna National Lake Area); and 1 million livelihoods.

[14] Comparatively Wouter Basson’s involvement in the production of Mandrax, cocaine and teargas, of weaponising teargas, providing disorientating substances for cross-border kidnappings, and making cyanide capsules available for distribution to operatives for use in committing suicide are relatively minuscule.

[15] Consequently these civilized patriarchy charges against Mr. Basson should be:

[15.1] Suspended, until the South African Constitutional Court has ruled upon the Æquilibriæx / Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence evidence of TRC fraud submitted to it, in Alien on Pale Blue Dot vs Afriforum, et al; and/or foreign international courts have ruled upon the Æquilibriæx / Ecology of Peace Jurisprudence evidence of that civilized patriarchy’s legal matrix jurisprudence is based upon fraudulent social contracts between civilized patriarchy nations and their citizens; or,

[15.2] Suspended; until South Africa’s legislators and/or jurists demonstrate their credible cause-effect-ecologically-literate-conscious capacity for legislating an honest transparent social contract between the South African Government and its citizens, by regulating the relations between humans, nature and other animals species and the relations between humans amongst themselves, in terms of their gender, culture, ethnic, religious and ideological conflicts; by

A. granting automatic equal legal personhood and rights to women, non-patriarchal – matriarchal or gender balanced – cultures’, nature and animal and plant species; and

B. legislating fully informed consenting military and intelligence enlistment agreements which accurately fully disclose to any prospective signer of such agreement that in the absence of legislation amending the Constitution’s rights to procreate and consume to ecological carrying capacity limits; any individual signing any South African military enlistment form is signing up to be cannon fodder resource thieves and mass murderers for South Africa’s civilized patriarchy human factory farming profiteering elite, based upon the legal authority of ecologically illiterate social contract jurisprudence; or

C. implementing and enforcing legislation which requires all South African citizens to limit their rights to procreation and consumption to below carrying capacity levels.

[15.3] Dismissed; if Wouter Basson signs the MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath, and submits it to either the American Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops Military Advisory Board (11 retired Generals and Admirals concerned with ecological overshoot and scarcity induced resource war conflict); or to a South African Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops Military Advisory Board of retired Generals and Admirals concerned with ecological overshoot and scarcity induced resource war conflict, of their own choosing.

[16] Such a judicial act of suspension – or the parties mutual leadership focus on problem solving their dispute, by means of reaching a MILINT Ecology of Peace agreement for dismissal – of the case against Wouter Basson, would act as a slap on the bare back of the ecologically illiterate newborn baby – breeding/consumption scarcity combatant – public.

MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower/Activist Oath:

Please find attached Amici’s MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Whistleblower / Activist Oath, submitted to the Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops’ Military Advisory Board (“MAB”), copies sent to: Gen. Keith Alexander, National Security Agency; James Clapper, Director of National Intelligence and Lisa Monaco, Asst Att. General for National Security, National Security Division, Department of Justice.

The oath submits that “our civilized patriarchy constitutions rights to breed and consume have resulted in ecological overshoot of carrying capacity by between 700 to 400,000 percent, which is destroying our Planet’s Natural Capital, with devastating current and impending ‘scarcity-conflict’ death spiral consequences; as manifested in the crossing of urgent Planetary Boundary Tipping Points: (i) Loss of Biodiversity and Species Extinctions; (ii) Climate Change; (iii) Nitrogen Cycle; (iv) Ocean Acidification; (v) Changes in Land Use; (vi) Global Freshwater Use; (vii) State Shift in the Earth’s Biosphere; (viii) Peak Non-Renewable Natural Resources: Scarcity; and (ix) Socialized Corporate Externality Costs: Trillion Dollar Thefts from Global Natural Capital Commons.

It hopes to “free Military National Security leaders from their duty to protect Earth is Flat unsustainable constitutions that legally, politically and procedurally denies them the opportunity of addressing the root causes of scarcity-conflict threats to national security; by holding legislators and citizens who legislatively or practically endorse unsustainable right to breed and consume legislation, accountable as ‘breeding war’ or ‘consumption war’ scarcity combatants”.

The oath requires the oath keeper to maintain her/his Walk my Eco-footprint Talk to Support the Troops to below the following Carrying Capacity limits: (procreate one child, to consume below 1 gha; procreate no children, to consume below 20 gha.); and legally authorizes the MAB to authorize the oath keepers assassination should they violate the oath, by procreating or consuming above said carrying capacity limits.

It also requests the NSA, CIA, Mossad, MI6 and KGB, and all other Ecology of Peace interested intelligence agencies and military forces, to discard Civilized Patriarchy’s Norwegian Nobel Committee War is Peace Whore jurisprudence model; and embrace an ecology of peace jurisprudence model, based upon jurisprudence limiting procreation and consumption to carrying capacity limits; by establishing a ‘Maria Bochkareva MILINT Earth Day Ecology of Peace Medal, to be awarded on the 23rd of April, to an individual chosen by the ‘Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops’ Military Advisory Board, who has done the most to either ‘Walk their Footprint Talk to Support the Troops’; and/or to educate their community, or nation how procreating and consuming above carrying capacity limits, results in ecological overshoot, scarcity and scarcity induced conflict and war.

The ‘Walk Your Footprint Talk to Support the Troops’ Military Advisory Board: (Advisory Board notified of Oath)

* General Charles F. “Chuck” Wald, USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Commander, Headquarters U.S. European Command (USEUCOM)
* Lieutenant General Lawrence P. Farrell Jr., USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force
* General Ronald E. Keys USAF (Ret.): Former Commander, Air Combat Command
* General Gordon R. Sullivan, USA (Ret.): Former Chief of Staff, U.S. Army
* Admiral John B. Nathman, USN (Ret.): Former Vice Chief of Naval Operations
* Admiral T. Joseph Lopez, USN (Ret.): Former Commander-in-Chief, U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Allied Forces, Southern Europe
* General Charles G. Boyd, USAF (Ret.): Former Deputy Commander in Chief of U.S. Forces in Europe
* General Paul J. Kern, USA (Ret.): Former Commanding General, U.S. Army Materiel Command
* Vice Admiral Dennis V. McGinn, USN (Ret.): Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, Warfare Requirements and Programs
* Rear Admiral David R. Oliver, Jr., USN (Ret.): Former Principal Deputy to the Navy Acquisition Executive
* Vice Admiral Richard H. Truly, USN (Ret.): Former NASA Administrator, Shuttle Astronaut and the first Commander of the Naval Space

(Aforementioned officers were the Military Advisory Board for the CNA Report: Powering America's Defense: Energy and the Risks to National Security, which included a military appeal for US citizens to Walk their Talk to Support the Troops, by massively reducing their consumption lifestyle’s: “to make sacrifices similar to those made by the American people made during World War II, by planting victory gardens, cutting down on fuel use, saving scrap metal and old rubber, sacrifices, or maybe just examples of common sense and prudent lifestyle changes.”)

Dated at George, South Africa: 17 July 2013

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