Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Mark JS Esslemont Letter: Asylum Seekers in Canada: Re: Personal Experience of SA Crime

Post Apartheid Crime examples:
- Two of my male friends one a teacher, the other an Eskom electrician were carjack murdered by blacks in Durban and Johannesburg: Rod Lamont (teacher Clifton School, Durban), Jimmy Orton (Eskom electrician).

- Family friend, WW2 veteran, "Mac" John McCormack, was carjacked by blacks in Durban. Mac escaped by grabbing a black carjacker's knife and knifing the carjacker. Mac was over 90 years old.

- Two of my wife's family (cousins and aunt) were raped in their homes in Durban by blacks, one a young woman, one an old woman. The young woman's finger was gnawed by the black rapist, as he wanted to steal her wedding ring and engagement ring too.

-Recently my wife's older sister and husband were cut off, while driving in their car, by black harrassers on a Durban freeway, and called "white cunts," amongst other derogatory black racist terms.

- My wife's friend, a Durban school principal was recently harrassed by a black parent who called her "a white racist," simply because she as principal was administering perfectly normal school rules. The principal left teaching, early retirement, as she was sick and tired of black racist harrassment.

The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P.
Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 1L1

Dear Minister Kenney:

To Whom It May Concern re. SA Asylum Seekers in Canada. Some Personal Experience of SA Crime

I'm a Durban born and bred South African who lived and worked in SA as a conscripted soldier, professional actor, teacher and De Beers mines personnel officer for 43 years in Natal, Cape, Orange Free State, QwaQwa homeland. During my life in SA, my family, friends and I were constantly harrassed by blacks wanting to steal from and harrass us at home and at work. Post-apartheid that ethos and criminal activity got worse with rotten policing, government corruption and debased laws. Over many years, our family had many burglaries and thefts from houses, workplaces and cars during apartheid and post-apartheid, and those crimes were perpetrated by non whites.

My wife and I emigrated from East London, SA in 1995 to New Zealand, as we didn't want our young sons to grow up in constant fear of harrassment and attacks from criminals. We have lived in Christchurch NZ for 14 years and have never been robbed, burglarized or attacked by criminals. In April 1987, my younger brother was hit and permanently brain damaged by a Zulu sugarcane trucker on the road to Verulam near Durban. Since then he has lived in protected hospital environments like Addington Hospital, Durban, and Town Hill Mental Hospital / Asylum, Pietermaritzburg. Presently he is cared for by Sunnyside Farm, Bulwer, (Pietermaritzburg Mental Health Society). He will never leave Mental Health care for the rest of his life. His degraded life and the lives of those who love and know him are permanently affected by the crime which brain damaged him. He was brain damaged aged 33. He is now 56 years old. Since that April 1987 crime, my life changed forever and my adult responsibility for my adult brain damaged brother has been to ensure that he is adequately cared for legally and hospital-wise for the rest of his life. That responsibility has incurred family stress and huge personal and financial expenses and losses.

In SA, my family and I lived in fear that our lives were in danger of attack by blacks for many years, especially during the eighties and post apartheid 90s.

Some examples:

1970s. My elderly mother woke up in her Chelsea Drive, Durban North bedroom at night with a black burglar lighting matches in her bedroom. She screamed and scared the black burglar away. She slept with an automatic pistol by her bed for the rest of her life.

1970s. My cousin was raped and murdered by coloureds / blacks? in Cape Town where she was a student studying architecture.

1980s. My old nursery school teacher Mrs. Dorothy Jones (Principal / owner Halcyon Days kindergarten, Chelsea Drive, Durban North) was murdered by a black burglar in her retirement flat in Pinetown.

Some post apartheid examples:

- Two of my male friends one a teacher, the other an Eskom electrician were carjack murdered by blacks in Durban and Johannesburg: Rod Lamont (teacher Clifton School, Durban), Jimmy Orton (Eskom electrician).

- Family friend, WW2 veteran, "Mac" John McCormack, was carjacked by blacks in Durban. Mac escaped by grabbing a black carjacker's knife and knifing the carjacker. Mac was over 90 years old.

- Two of my wife's family (cousins and aunt) were raped in their homes in Durban by blacks, one a young woman, one an old woman. The young woman's finger was gnawed by the black rapist, as he wanted to steal her wedding ring and engagement ring too.

-Recently my wife's older sister and husband were cut off, while driving in their car, by black harrassers on a Durban freeway, and called "white cunts," amongst other derogatory black racist terms.

- My wife's friend, a Durban school principal was recently harrassed by a black parent who called her "a white racist," simply because she as principal was administering perfectly normal school rules. The principal left teaching, early retirement, as she was sick and tired of black racist harrassment.

- My niece's father in law was shot dead in a botched robbery in his Drakensberg farm store Scrumpy Jacks.

And that's just some of the criminal activity we experienced, never mind the so-called "political" harrassment and crimes we experienced in SA.

I repeat, we didn't want our two young sons to grow up and live under such conditions of danger and fearing for our lives, daily harrassment and constant crime in SA.

SA is my country, NZ is my home. You can substitute Canada for NZ for SA asylum seekers in Canada.

See my Woza Mark blog for my brother's and my South African lives:

Yours faithfully,

Mark JS Esslemont


1 comment:

Mark JS Esslemont said...

Postscript: My niece's father in law was shot dead in a botched robbery in his Drakensberg farm store Scrumpy Jacks.

Link the Witness: Scrumpy Jacks boss shot dead[_id]=28027

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