
The following is excerpted from correspondence titled,
Who in South Africa’s political, media & academic hierarchy are serious and sincere, and who are simply being paid to pretend they are serious and sincere; about crime and rehabilitation? (
“X” (in the affidavit below) was known in the prison as bisexual, as well as the Juvenile Leader of the “28” gang; she had been convicted of murder prior to this crime; she got two years for murder of a correctional officer, because he had refused to give her a cigarette because she was under-aged. She was at the time in a relationship with Y. At George prison, the male prisoners were allowed to write letters to the female prisoners; frequently they wrote about their crimes, bragging about what they had done. The women would then read the men’s letters aloud in the dormitory cells to the other women prisoners. The greater the crime of the man, or the woman, the higher would be their prison social status; their admiration and ‘fear factor’.
 The Number: One Man's Search for Identity in the Cape Underworld and Prison Gangs; By Jonny Steinberg [*Amazon**Kalahari*] |
For example if you robbed a white person.. you were accorded higher respect, than if you robbed a black person. Race of victim was lowest: black, coloured, white (English), white (Afrikaner), white (Afrikaner farmer “boer”; in the same manner as stabbing a white Afrikaner warder, is higher prison cred, than a black warder, for example). Violence: the more violence, the more respect. Gang rape got more respect than one on one rape. No doubt you get the picture. To commit a crime, that got a ‘maximum’ sentence, was equivalent to earning your gang distinctions, or being admitted to an Ivy League University. It was to receive maximum street cred, upon your release; as well as maximum prison respect, while serving your sentence.
If you have ever spent time around hunters, who would talk with awe and respect, about a hunter who had killed one or more of the ‘Big Five’, then you would notice the similarities of the conversations. While a hunter of course makes use of the meat, and skin etc. of his kill, he does not kill it primarily for the meat, or skin, but for the thrill of the hunt; for the prestige of receiving respect and reward for being the ‘Big Five’ hunter.
Simplistically, there are two types of criminals, there are those who simply are functionally illiterate.. lack the skills to resolve problems without violence.. have fragile ego’s and respond with anger and violence to perceived insults, or alcoholic problems, related to violent tendencies. Then there are the professional hunters, they enjoy criminality, they enjoy the rewards from their criminal activities, but even more than the rewards, they enjoy the hunt, and the corresponding prestige and self-image, amongst their fellow hunters.
The current prison system is high grade fertilizer for exponential growth of professional hunter criminals. Accordingly the information in the affidavit below is not anything exceptional, in fact in comparison to the letters from the men, detailing their crimes, this is rather mild. It is provided as evidence only, for individuals who have never had a brutally honest conversation with a criminal, to determine from the criminal their personal motives for committing their crimes, particularly violent crimes.
[The following affidavit was submitted to Snr. Pros. Redelinghuys, George Prosecutor's Office; c/o and via Mayor Marius Swart, George Municipality:]

[1] I am adult currently incarcerated in George Correctional Services Womens Prison……. I am serving a 12 month sentence for Contempt in the Face of the Court….
[3] At approximately 23:25 hours on 29/09/2003 an ambulance (siren on), arrived infront of George Correctional Services Unit to pick up a juvenile victim known as …… [as a result of ] an attempted murder in a dormitory cell.
[4] Hearsay and other information revealed on the following day amounted to: allegedly, 7 other prisoners had done among others, the following to ……. in the Juvenile Dormitory Cell: (i) stuffed floor polish in her mouth and gagged her from screaming; (ii) beaten her so badly, blood was on the walls, sheets, floor, etc; (iii) burnt her with a hot iron; (iv) broke an aluminium broom handle for a sharp weapon to beat her; (v) forced her to dance for them to avoid being beaten; (vi) sang songs to her while beating her; (vii) attempted to force metal etc. objects up her anus; (viii) shoved their fists up her vagina, known by some as (fist fucking) ‘losing prison virginity’.
Ms….. allegedly crime for this ‘punishment’: she had informed a Correctional Officer the juveniles had been smoking marijuana and pills (Mandrax) on Monday afternoon.
[5] On Tuesday, 30/09/03, one of the alleged Rapists/Attempted Murder victimizers.. was moved to Single Cell # 3.
[7] The following transcript of conversations occurred on days after Monday 29/09/03, and was so loud and public, I clearly heard it behind my closed door in Single Cell….….
[8] Tuesday, 30 September 2003: 16:00 to approximately 20:00 hrs
X: ‘Ek smaak om my lewe op te fok. Dis lekker in die trunk. Ek kan pille rook, dagga rook, mense se lewens opfok. Alles wat buite is, is hier. Dis vir my lekker in die tronk. (laughs)
Z: Nee X
X:Ja (laughs).. Die ander se ek wou a lid doodmaak. Nou blameer hulle dit op my, maar ek is nie bang nie.
X: Sien jy wat het ek gedoen om naby jou te wees (laughs)….
X: Ons sou haar doodgemaak het. Weet jy ek se vir jou eerlik as ek bloed sien, en ek sien iemand kry seer, dan voel ek lekker in my hart.
X: Toe vat ons haar een vir een.
X: Ek het uitgekom met die idée, maar niemand wou eerste gaan nie. Hulle was bang sy het siektes, want haar bloed het snaaks geluik.
X: Ek kan nie wag om hof toe te gaan nie. Dan boei hull ons mos. Dis lekker (laughs)
X: Ek wil nie by die kinders wees nie, ek is nie meer a kind nie.
X: Ek wil mos niks mis nie. Dis nie lekker as ek iets mis nie. As ek dit gemis het dan moes ek nou staatsgetuie wees, en dit doen ek nie.
X: Ek wil more my bloed laat trek. My hande het daai kind se bloed ingekry. O here dan maak ek haar vrek. Ek wil it doen. Sy is sleg, jy kan dit sommer sien. Al onse beddegoed was vol bloed (laughs).
X: Die tyd gisteraand gaan ons tekere (laughs)
X: Daar agter is nog a sker in die sel.
X: Ek dink nou hoeveel jare gaan ek bykry.
Y: As jy 12 jaar kry, is jy a maksimum.
X: Dis beter, nog beter, not te beter. Jesus (laughs)
X: Ek het nog gesing vir daai kind gisteraand.
Y: Wat het jy vir haar gesing?
X: Nee ek gaan nie vir jou se nie.
Y: As jy lief is vir my, sal jy vir my se.
X: Ek is lief vir jou, maar ek gaan nie vir you se nie, want ek kan nie onthou nie. Weet jy wat se my ma vir my op die telefoon vandag? Ek het psigiatriese help nodig, ek het a duiwel in my (laughs). Maar sy gaan nog vir my a prokureur kry.
X: Die kinders se ons moet onskuldig pleit. Hulle het not tyd om met die magistraat te speel. Ek wil net nie beskuldige nommer een wees nie. Hulle se almal kon nie daai kind so geslaan het nie. Dis net een. En “******” het nog twee ander sake en nou nog een.
X: Ek wou nie vanoggend gaan eet nie, so seer was dit. Dit was maar net a voorbeeld. Ek hou nie van iemand wat hou van die Boere nie. Sy bid nog gisteraand (laughs). Ek se jy bid vir iemand wat jy nog nie gesien het nie. Weet jy sy se nog vir ons moenie met voete slaan nie, slaan met kaal hand. Sy praat nommers en weet nie waaroor sy praat nie. Sy laat die vlag val man.
X: My ma het nie eers gehuil nie weet jy? …
X: Ek hou van geld ne. Dis lekker om geld to he. Geld is my lewe.
X: Vanoggend toe ek hier kom, toe weet jy al daarvan wat gebeur het.
Y: Die mense het met die storie aangekom. Jou naam het dit gemaak. “X” was by.
[9] Thursday 02 October 2003: Afternoon/Early evening:
X: Ek het vir jou gese ek gaan iets doen om saam met jou gestraf te wees. As ek dit nie gedoen het nie so ek nie langer hier naby jou kon wees nie.
X: As jy op George is, en ek is op a ander plek, dan mors ek sommer ander mense se lewens op.
Y: Hoekom?
X: Sommer, ek hou daarvan (laughs)
Y: Wat gaan hulle vir jou aankla?
X: Verkragting en poging tot moord (laughs)
Y: Dan gaan jy nog ag jaar kry.
X: Dan het ek 14, en sal ek a maksimum wees (laughs)
Y: Dan moet ek a buite saak kry, dan het ons dieselfde.
[10] Friday, 03 October 2003: 20:32 hrs onwards
X: Onthou jy daai dag toe ek gestraf is, toe kry ek mos Honderd Rand. Toe koop ek R100 se dagga. Ek het vir **** gese sy kon darmee 2 pille gekoop het, maar toe kry ons darem die dagga.
Y: Hoeveel betaal jy vir pille?
X: R15 want hulle ken ons mos, gewoonlik is dit R60.
Y: Wie anders as my het jy hier gehaad?
X: Niemand na jou nie, maar ******* voor jou. Maar toe donner sy my poes, en ek het nie daarvan gehou nie.
[11] Monday, 06 October 2003: AM
X: As ek in a enkelsel is, is dit amper soos a straf wat ek kry.
X: Ek hou van rof wees.
Y: Moet ek rof wees met jou? Ek sal jou wys hoe die job gedoen moet word.
X: Dan moet jy vir my wys. (laughs)
[12] Monday, 06 October 2003: PM
“4”: Hoeveel jare het jy gekry?
X: Ses, maar ek het gedink ek sou teen minste 15 gekry het.
X: En vir ****** is dit ook lekker in die trunk jong. Hy’t nou 4 sake, en is 30, maar hy lyk nie 30 nie.
X: Vir aanranding kry mens nie lank nie.
X: Steek hulle mekaar daar in Worcester ook?
Y: Wie die vrouens?
X: Ja
Y: Ja, hulle steek mekaar daar.
[13] Tuesday, 07 October 2003: PM
Y: As jy op Worcester is, en jy wat a ander meid, dan gaan ek bakley. Die Here hoor my, ek sal enigiets doe nom jou te hou.
X: Ek sal nie.
X: Weet jy wat se sy vir die polisie? Sy se ek slaan haar, dan lag ek, daan gaan le ek a bietjie, dan doen ek dit weer. Wie sal nou ernstig wees as jy gerook is?
Y: Dis waar.
X: Daai een kind het 18 maande gekry vir poging tot mooord. Ander een 3 jaar. Hier in George straf hulle nie hard nie….
X: Dis lekker hier in die trunk. Ek wil eers uitkom as ek rerig groot is.
[14] Thurday 09 October 2003: PM
X: Die hof was a grap man … (laughs) Here is lekker met daai boeie aan (laughs).
[15] Saturday, 25 October 2003: 17:02 hours onwards [See also Affidavit Re: Assault in Awaiting Trial Juvenile Dormitory on 25 October; which details a different assault in a different juvenile dormitory, where coloured juveniles beat a zulu juvenile, for fun, as part of a gang initiation (“nommers”), two holding her down, while the other one beat her with a metal cup. This occurred in full view of my cell, and in the presence of a Correctional Officer, whom I called, when I heard the first screams. Following conversation occurred after male Correctional Officers arrived, to enter cell and remove victim of assault.]
W: Bring daai fokken kind terug, Ek wil daai kind vermoor (all in cell laughing)
X: Hoekom het julle dit gedoen?
W (laughing): sommer maar om die boere te laat skrik (All others burst into laughter and start toy toying and dancing and stamping their feet)
X: By ons was die hele sel vol bloed, all die beddens, alles. Hier was nie veel bloed by julle nie.
Subsequently to writing the aforementioned affidavit, I personally confronted the individual (X) privately, and informed her that I had written down her statements, and that I had provided them to the Prosecutor, and that I wanted her to know and hear that from me. I gave her my reasons, among others, paraphrased that I was disgusted with her behaviour, which I thought was the behaviour of a savage. I thought anyone of us can cultivate the savage in us, or the human in ourselves. She was choosing to cultivate the savage. She was desperate for respect from her fellow savages, and like a bunch of savages, they were all trying to see who the could outdo themselves being the most horrific savage. It was clear that she was not after my respect.. and unlike most fake two faced liberal white people, I would not pretend to respect her, just for fear of being called a bloody racist. If having no respect for savages meant I was a racist.. then so be it. However.. the day she wanted to earn my respect as a human being, it would be available to her… , but being a human being takes work… So.. the highest respect I could give her was just to be brutally honest with her.. about what I thought about her choices about who she was choosing to be: a savage. If she wanted to fuck up her life, then that was her choice, it was her life. She said thanks, that was the most honest any white person had ever been with her.
» » » » [Excerpt: Who Cares about Crime in RSA (PDF)]
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