“The Dutch government ‘has a very special responsibility towards all South Africans of Dutch descent’” – said Kees van der Staaij, chairman of the Staatkundig-Gereformeerde Party (SGP) - in response to a petition to Dutch MP Geert Wilders from terrified Afrikaans residents, pleading for a safe haven in the ‘country of their roots’…
Below is:
- 23 April 2010 news report by Casper Naber of the Daglikse Algemeenblad, Bange Zuid-Afrikanen smeken om Wilders' hulp (Translation by Adriana Stuidt)
- 21 March 2010 Human Rights Day, letter to Queen Beatrix of Netherlands; RE: For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law
- 21 April 2010 letter to Geert Wilders of the Freedom Party (VVP): Req: Freedom Party Help for African White Refugees who are descendants of Dutch Citizens
Terrified 'S.Africans' of Dutch descent Appeal to Dutch MP for Safe Haven from Violence Targetting Whites
"The Dutch government ‘has a very special responsibility towards all South Africans of Dutch descent’ – said Kees van der Staaij, chairman of the Staatkundig-Gereformeerde Party (SGP) - in response to a petition to Dutch MP Geert Wilders from terrified Afrikaans residents, pleading for a safe haven in the ‘country of their roots’…
April 23 2010 – A 450-strong group of white South Africans with Dutch roots this week lodged a formal petition with Dutch MP Geert Wilders – asking urgently for his help to flee the country because of the growing violence targetting white families.
This violence has soared since the gruesome murder of the leader of the Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging Eugene Terre’Blanche on April 3. However while Mr Wilders has not yet responded to the petition from Mrs Lara Johnstone and her Facebook group, another Dutch MP, Mr. Kees van der Staaij of the Staatkundig-Gereformeerde Party (SGP) has responded most positively to the group’s request to be allowed to return to the country of their early forebears.
In an article in the Dutch daily Algemeen Dagblad today, journalists Caspar Naber and Axel Veldhuijzen report the contents of the petition and also quote the initiator, Mrs Lara Johnstone, 43, of George in the Western Cape, as saying that her forebears, surnamed Bosman, were sent to the then- Cape of Good Hope in 1707.
“And although she, her two brothers, 37 and 41, and her parents, now in their seventies, were born and bred in South Africa, they all want to return to their European root-country: the Netherlands. And as quickly as possible – because they are terrified, reports AD in its page 3 report, writing:"The family Johnstone wants to leave South Africa because of their fear of the increased violence targetting whites. And Lara Johnstone is not the only one."
Lara launched a petition with Dutch MP Geert Wilders on Tuesday.
And while Mr Wilders – who just launched his election-manifesto for the forthcoming June parliamentary election yesterday -- had not yet had time to comment, the mooted chairman of the SGP party, Kees van der Staaij, did react very positively.
"The violence against whites in South Africa in a large problem,' he said. “If they are targetted by violence, they should also be accepted as asylum-seekers in the Netherlands…”
Mr van der Staaij’s conservative-protestant party moreover reportedly also believes that The Netherlands has 'a very special responsibility towards the often very religious South Africans of Dutch descent. "
Van der Staaij was quoted in AD as saying “If those people do not feel safe in their own country and want to settle here in The Netherlands, our country should consider those requests with a positive approach. Especially those South Africans who themselves have been victims of violence and who have family members who were targetted by violence, should be able to ask for and receive help from the Dutch government”, he said.
"And if these people are genuinely being threatened (with their lives), as far as I am concerned they would also be positively considered as as asylum-seekers,” he said.
The article also quoted Len van Eeden, 40, from Durban, whose forebears left the Netherlands for "the Cape" around 1800. The murder on Eugene Terre'Blanche also had him reconsider things, reports AD. "We are getting very worried,' he said. His family also is investigating all its options for fleeing the country.
"We are stuck in South Africa. Many other South Africans are doing the same thing. We aren't extreme-right wing Afrikaners like the AWB but moderate whites.'
He visited Europe several times on vacation and as do many South Africans of Dutch roots, he said – and he too wants to try and obtain Dutch nationality.'
Mr Wilders has not yet responded to the petition from Lara Johnstone's group.
Kees van der Staaij contact.
» » » » [Censorbug Bear/Adriana Stuidt]
» » [Algemene Dagblad: Bange Zuid-Afrikanen smeken om Wilders' hulp]

21 March 2010 Human Rights Day, letter to Queen Beatrix of Netherlands
For the Record Memo: ‘Beyond Milgram Belief’: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law
The same letter was also written to: » » Her Majesty: Queen Elizabeth II » » Prince Phillip: His Royal Highness: The Duke of Edinburgh » » The Prince of Wales, The Duchess of Cornwall, Prince William and Prince Harry » » Royal Family of Sweden: King Carl XVI Gustaf, Queen Silvia, Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Carl Phillip and Princess Madeleine » » Her Majesty the Queen of Denmark & Royal Family » » Royal House of Norway: King Harald, Queen Sonja, Crown Prince Haakon, Crown Princess Mette-Marit & Princess Ingrid Alexandra » » President Dmitry Medvedev & Prime Minister Vladimir Putin » » President Barack Obama & Vice President Joe Biden » » Prime Minister Gordon Brown, United Kingdom » » Chancellor Angela Merkel & Federal Ministers of State, Germany » » Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Canada » » President Nicolas Sarkozy, France
Please find herewith the High Court, Western Cape, Case # 19963-09: Human Consciousness (PDF) Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter (PDF), Social Science Enquiry Report: 140 of SA’s Political, Academic and Media Elite; say ‘No Thanks’ to the Rule-of-Law (PDF).
30 South African Media Corporations Editors; 7 Political Party Leaders; 2 Gov. Protection Bodies, including the Public Protector; 12 Human Rights Org's, incl. the F.W. de Klerk and Nelson Mandela Foundations; 9 University Vice Chancellor’s; and 76 Academics who signed a Petition to the Canadian Charge D'Affaires in Pretoria, objecting to the granting of ‘White Refugee’ status to Brandon Huntley; were personally contacted to determine their official representation related to the Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter. They were informed that it was assumed that they (a) are Proudly TRC SA leaders who agree that if SA does not value non-violent civil disobedience free speech dissent, it is not a democratic country and (b) if informed of evidence the SA government is legally and politically persecuting a SA citizen; they would wish to express their democratic objections thereto, with at the very least a public comment, that they object.
Unlike “Dr. Truth” Brad Blanton, former ‘Honesty in Politics’ Congressional Candidate for Congress, bestselling author and psychologist from Virginia; who filed an expert witness written affidavit under oath on behalf of the Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter; not one South African would provide even a comment to object to the SA Government's persecution of the ‘Radical Honesty White Refugee’ (“RHWR”). Not one disputed the RHWR’s persecution: the illegal arrest, detention, obstruction of justice, denial of defence and due process, conviction & sentence for a lawful act; i.e. political & legal persecution; as a result of her Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter advocacy.
Lara Johnstone
P O Box 5042, George East, 6539
Western Cape, South Africa
» » » » [PDF: Human Rights Day Letter to Queen Beatrix of Netherlands]
» » [Human Consciousness Rule-of-Law Freedom Charter]

Req: Freedom Party Help for African White Refugees who are descendants of Dutch Citizens
Wednesday, April 21, 2010 3:09 PM
Lara Johnstone, Why We Are White Refugees
From: Lara Johnstone (Stamvader: Bosman)
Sent: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 3:09 PM
To: 'Geert Wilders'
Subject: Att: Mr. Geert Wilders; Freedom Party; RE: Request Help for African White Refugees who are descendants of Dutch Citizens
Mr. Geert Wilders,
I need your help to aide African White Refugees who are descendants of Dutch citziens (stamvaders/progenitors) to be able to get Dutch citizenship.
In the Daily Algemeen Dagblad of March 28, 2009, Caspar Naber, writes in an article "Ons Woon baie lekker in Holland" about the story of South Africans Hendrik and Lynette de Vries, from Voorburg; whose progenitor left Den Haag in the 18th century.“Steeds meer blanke Zuid-Afrikanen vragen een Nederlands paspoort aan. Dat komt vooral doordat de Nederlandse wetgeving Afrikaners de mogelijkheid biedt de nationaliteit van hun voorouders aan te nemen, segt de Nederlandse ambassade in Pretoria.”
Now, I contacted the Dutch consul for an Assessment Form for Dutch Citizenship (PDF), and filled it in, and then I attached the following Coverletter and detailed geneology history tracing my family back to my original stamvader: Hermanus Bosman from Amsterdam:
PDF: Application for Dutch Citizenship/Passport as a direct descendant of Dutch citizens: Lambertus Bosman & Maria Fransz of Amsterdam, Holland
I wrote the following letter to Mr. Naber to enquire what the exact law is he was referring to in his news article, but I have not had any response.RE: Algemeen Dagblad, March 28, 2009: “Ons woon baie lekker in Holland”, deur Casper Naber
Ek is jammer om te pla. Ek skryf oor die artikel wat die storie van twee Suid Afrikaanse Hendrik en Lynette de Vries, van Voorburg, wie se stamvader Den Haag in die 18de eeu verlaat het.“Steeds meer blanke Zuid-Afrikanen vragen een Nederlands paspoort aan. Dat komt vooral doordat de Nederlandse wetgeving Afrikaners de mogelijkheid biedt de nationaliteit van hun voorouders aan te nemen, segt de Nederlandse ambassade in Pretoria.”
Do you by any chance know what the actual law is that provides South Africans with the possibility of Dutch citizenship based upon them being of Dutch descent.
Weet u miskien wat die spesifieke Nederlandse wetgewing is wat Afrikaners die moontlikheid bied om die nationaliteit van hul voorouers aan te neem? Ek het by die Kaapse Consul probeer uitvind, maar die vrou daar se daar is nie so ‘n wet nie. Ek weet nie of sy net nie weet nie, wat die problem is nie, maar dit sal my baie kan help as ek kan uitvind wat die spesifieke wet is. Ek het maar die vorms ingevul en tog weggestuur met die hele luis van my voorouers tot en by my stamvader Lambertus Bosman (1655 – 1713) and Maria Fransz (Fransen) (1656 – 1722). Hopelik sal dit goedgekeur word, maar ek sou graag wou weet waar ek kan soek vir hierdie wet, as jy my moontlik ‘n bietjie kan help.
I did however receive a response from the Netherlands consul in Capetown, I include it below as well.Naar aanleiding van uw aanvragen tot nationaliteitsonderzoek, zie onderstaand bericht ontvangen van het Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken in Den Haag, Nederland.Er zijn geen recente wijzigingen geweest in het Nederlands nationaliteitsrecht waaruit volgt dat Zuid-Afrikanen met Nederlandse voorouders recht hebben op de Nederlandse nationaliteit puur en alleen op basis van de Nederlandse roots zonder zelf in het bezit te zijn van het Nederlanderschap.
Er zijn drie mogelijkheden te verzinnen op grond waarvan er Zuid-Afrikanen zijn die thans ook in het bezit zijn van de Nederlandse nationaliteit terwijl ze al generaties lang of geruime tijd in Zuid-Afrika wonen:
-Men is als Nederlander naar Zuid-Afrika gekomen, is niet Zuid-Afrikaan geworden, heeft kennisgevingen afgelegd of paspoorten aangevraagd om het Nederlanderschap onder destijds geldende Nederlandse nationaliteitswetgeving te behouden, vervolgens door afstamming de Nederlandse nationaliteit doorgegeven aan de volgende generatie en die weer naar de generatie daarna met inachtneming van alle voorwaarden om verlies van het Nederlanderschap te voorkomen door het afleggen van opties en dergelijke;
-Men is op een gegeven moment vrijwillig Zuid-Afrikaan geworden voor 1 april 2003 met verlies van het Nederlanderschap tot gevolg en kan sinds 1 april 2003 onder bepaalde voorwaarden de Nederlandse nationaliteit herkrijgen; of
-Men heeft op een gegeven moment als afstammeling van een Nederlander én in het bezit van de Zuid-Afrikaanse nationaliteit het Nederlanderschap automatisch door langdurig verblijf in geboorteland Zuid-Afrika verloren tussen 1 januari 1985 en 1 april 2003, maar de Nederlandse nationaliteit onder bepaalde voorwaarden hebben kunnen herkrijgen.
Is there such a law [as referred to in the Daily Algemeen Dagblad of March 28, 2009, Caspar Naber, "Ons Woon baie lekker in Holland"] for Afrikaners or Dutch descendants to claim Dutch citizenship?
If there is no such law, what are the chances of attempting to enact such a law, considering the reality of White refugees (See: www.white-refugee.co.nr and www.why-we-are-white-refugees.co.nr) in Africa. I imagine the basis thereof could be the principles Jus Sanguuinis:
[Wiki] Jus sanguinis (Latin: right of blood) is a social policy by which nationality or citizenship is not determined by place of birth, but by having an ancestor who is a national or citizen of the state. It contrasts with jus soli (Latin for "right of soil").
At the end of the 19th century, the French-German debate on nationality saw Ernest Renan oppose the German conception of an "objective nationality", based on blood, race or even, as in Fichte's case, language. Renan's republican conception explains France's early adoption of jus soli. Many nations have a mixture of jus sanguinis and jus soli, including the United States, Canada, Israel, Germany (as of recently), Greece, Ireland and others.
Apart from France, jus sanguinis still is the preferred means of passing on citizenship in many continental European countries, with benefits of maintaining culture and national identity as well as ethnic homogeneity.[End Wiki]
I would appreciate your Party's help on the matter, if possible.
Kind Regards
Lara Johnstone (Stamvader: Bosman)
Blogger: Why We Are White Refugees
*************************** Translation by Adriana Stuidt ***************************
********* Ineke Solinas, Consular Asst. at Dutch Cons., Capetown *********
********* Ineke Solinas, Consular Asst. at Dutch Cons., Capetown *********
There are "no indications that South Africans with DISTANT Dutch forebears ('roots') have any rights to Dutch nationality". There are, 'three possibilities in which South Africans could still qualify even though they have already lived for a long time in South Africa namely:
- "One has gone to South Africa as a Dutch citizen, did not become a South African citizen, and submitted frequent applications to the (Dutch government) reconfirming that they did not want to relinquish their Dutch citizenship; and had thus passed also along their Dutch citizenship rights to their own next generation - always maintaining all these requirements to maintain their Dutch citizenship rights by reaffirming this fact in statements and applications (over the years);
- One has become a South African citizen before 1 April 2003 and thus autoatically had lost Dutch citizenship as a result of this. Under certain circumstances in such events, one can re-apply and regain Dutch citizenship since 1 April 2003;
- One is a direct (descendant of a Dutch citizen and now has South African nationality and has lost Dutch nationality automatically due to long-time stay in South Africa between 1 January 1985 and 1 Aprl 2003 - but would be able to regain Dutch citizenship under certain circumstances.'
» » » » Want to Help / Get Involved?:
» » [Join: Jus Sanguinis Right of Return to Holland, for Boer-Afrikaners]
» » [Join: Right of Return to Europe, for African White Refugees]
» » [Sign: Why We Are White Refugees Petition to UNHCR & 'EU' Nations]
» » [Share Petition Link: www.why-we-are-white-refugees.co.nr]
News Articles:
» » [10-04-25: IOL: SA Family seeks 'repatriation' to the Netherlands]
» » [10-04-30: M&G: 'Persecuted' Afrikaners talk of returning 'home']
» » [10-05-17: C.Science Monitor: White SA's use Facebook in campaign to return to Holland

sigh... how naive you are! Guess who is Wilders really?
Judging from the many comments on your article here and on the IluvSA blog, people seem to be much better informed than you and your liberal, anti-apartheid friend Adriana Stuijt.
This blog's focus is not comments, but people are welcome to leave comments though. This blog is focussed on providing evidence for the white refugee argument.
Frankly, if you make a conclusion about someone being naive from one letter, thats interesting. Some may even say that someone who does so is naive.. anyway...
I am sure there are things you are more informed about than I; and I a sure there are many things I am more informed about than you..
Are you one of those people who hates all Jews, cause some Jews are evil Bankers?
do you really tried to intimidate and to put ME into the "hating ALL Jews" White racist corner just because I know something what you obviously don´t (or just deny to know)? Let me read it again because I simply cannot believe it! So... Yes, you did. Hahaha... oh, please!
Do you not preach "radical honesty" on the other way?
Before you as White/Afrikaner start begging for asylum to the same evil which turned your country into a criminal, murderous shithole for free exploitation of Gold and Diamonds, maybe you should make some home work and collect more information about the Bilderbergers, etc.
as for example here...
If you call me a "Jew hater", then tell me please what was the Nazi Prince Bernhard and what is his daughter Queen Beatrix really? (You could ask Adriana for helping you out here.)
If you are not that naive, then I have some serious problems with your "Afrikaner Rescue".
I asked a question. If you don't know, a question is different to a statement. You have not answered the question, I ask again:
Are you one of those people who hates all Jews, cause some Jews are evil Bankers?
I ask you another one:
Is asking you a question intimidating you?
If not, could you please provide me with the evidence of me allegedly intimidating you?
How did I intimidate you? Does the question: "Are you one of those people who hates all Jews, cause some Jews are evil Bankers?" intimidate you?
If so, how exactly does it intimidate you?
I am well aware of the Bilderbergs, I have written many posts about them... (but then again researching before you make accusations does not seem to be your strong point, does it?)
Why are you so upset about me wanting to get dutch citizenship and leave SA?
You are welcome to stay in SA if you want.
Sounds like you have made yourself some really interesting conclusions, all without asking one question. quite an investigator you are, arnt' you?
Anyway.. if that makes you so wise.. that you consider othrs who do ask questions naive... thats okay...
Let me know when you get down of your little perch and start asking questions, before you come to fundamentalist conclusions...
so.. I am still waiting for you to answer my questions...
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