06 March 2011
Andrea Muhrrteyn
Why We Are White Refugees
Malema confirms:
- The ANCs reconciliation policy is not that of Calvinist Theological Salvation Christianity; but Black Liberation Theology Marxist-Leninist Violent Economic Salvation.
- The ANC's demographic policy for Africanist hegemony and domination is founded upon “Black Power” (Swart Gevaar) Breeding War policies to attain and sustain Black Power hegemony
According to We want 60% of Anglo American, says Malema:“We’re now economic freedom fighters. The revolution started to get food. We don’t have to apologise, or be shy about this struggle.
“An uprising is coming to South Africa, and the uprising won’t be against the ANC,” he said to screaming and cheering members of the ANCYL.
“The uprising will target white men and white monopolies,” he warned. “It won’t be aimed at white women.”
To prevent the revolution from losing steam, Malema urged a full hall in the Ehlanzeni District Municipality building to have as many babies as possible.
“Having babies is a revolutionary thing. You must reproduce! If you shame a black man about his large family, you should immediately change your attitude.”
Meanwhile the Two-Faced Hypocrit Non-Racialists (Ha Ha!!) Liberal Smiling Foxes -- from Trevor Manuel to Alan Boesak (Manyi Row: Zuma steps in) and Jay Naidoo (Manyi a threat to non-racial project) - denounce Manyi for telling the truth about the ANC's Africanist policies, which they have known about all along, and had no problems with. Now that Manyi openly exposes the Mandela's ANC's Swart Gevaar Black Power Breeding War policies, now they are hysterically denouncing Manyi as a first class racist; for telling the truth about the ANC's Africanist policies. If Manyi would just shut up, and continue to implement Mandela's ANC's Swart Gevaar Black Power Breeding War, then that would make him an excellent Mandelatopia 'non-racialist'!
So basically, all the ANC members who secretly and covertly support the implementation of Mandela's ANC's Swart Gevaar Black Power Breeding War, but never tell the truth about it publicly are -- irrespective of their actions -- “non-racialists!”
Did 'non-racialist' Trevor Manuel endorse the ANC's Black Power Welfare Breeding War policies to reduce the concentration of SA whites from 20% to 8%; by increasing the concentration of 'Africans' from 80% to 92%?
We want 60% of Anglo American, says Malema
2011-03-06 10:00
Willem Pelser, CityPress
![]() Malema: Beware; White Men! |
The ANC Youth League (ANCYL) wants a piece of Anglo American – 60% to be precise.
“What Anglo does with the other 40% is their business,” ANCYL president Julius Malema said at a gala dinner in Nelspruit on Friday, predicting that the nationalisation of mines would “happen in my lifetime”.
Malema was in fine form, spitting fire at companies controlled by whites and not sharing enough of their wealth with blacks.
“Share that delicious piece of cake. Don’t eat it all alone!” he said to loud applause.
Malema said unemployment was the cause of recent political unrest, and nationalisation was the way to solve it.
“Maybe it’s time for the youth to climb into the driving seat of the car,” he said.
Malema doesn’t advocate taking over all white businesses. “We just want a fair share. If we don’t do it (nationalisation), we’ll always stay poor
“The Oppenheimers don’t need to worry because we only want 60% of Anglo American’s money,” he said.
“We’ve never had this much capital. This is what we’re fighting for now. Our people simply have to benefit from the county’s minerals.”
Malema said Anglo American had agreed to give 51% of its mining interests to black people in Botswana. “We can’t understand why they don’t want to do it in South Africa. They think black people are idiots and they abuse us in South Africa.”
A black man who did not agree with the ANC about this was under the influence of capitalists, he said. “Unemployment in South Africa can only be compared to a hand grenade someone is carrying in his hand. One of these days, someone is going to pull the pin.”
Malema said political freedom was “useless without economic freedom”.
“We’re now economic freedom fighters. The revolution started to get food. We don’t have to apologise, or be shy about this struggle.
“An uprising is coming to South Africa, and the uprising won’t be against the ANC,” he said to screaming and cheering members of the ANCYL.
“The uprising will target white men and white monopolies,” he warned. “It won’t be aimed at white women.”
To prevent the revolution from losing steam, Malema urged a full hall in the Ehlanzeni District Municipality building to have as many babies as possible.
“Having babies is a revolutionary thing. You must reproduce! If you shame a black man about his large family, you should immediately change your attitude.”
Another speaker, Minister of Sport Fikile Mbalula, said a situation where the country was ruled by a clique could not be tolerated.
“It seems as if there are people who use the names of certain people in the government in order to advance their own business interests, and this is unacceptable.”
Anglo American spokesperson Pranill Ramchander could not be reached for comment.
» » » » [City Press]
Open Letter to Foxy Liberal Hypocrit: Trevor Manuel
How 'non-racialist' (sic) Trevor Manuel endorsed ANC Black Power Welfare Breeding War policies to reduce the concentration of SA whites from 20% to 8%; by increasing the concentration of 'Africans' from 80% to 92%?
04 March 2011
Why We Are White Refugees
Foxy Liberal’s Endorsement of ANC Africanist Population Production Policy
Mr. Manuel: Why don’t you tell your coloured brethren that you are used by the ANC as one of their token Coloured Smiling Foxes, to bullshit coloureds into voting for the ANC. Mr. Manyi has been far more Growling Wolf honest with coloureds than you have; for which they can thank him, because at least they know where they stand.
Your true anger towards Mr. Manyi has nothing to do with the content of his ‘over-concentration of coloureds’ statements being “against the letter and spirit of the South African Constitution”. You have known since 1994 that what Mr. Manyi describes as the ANCs policy of Africa for Africans demographic hegemony is official – although covert – ANC policy.
Your own official financial policy and budget – Poverty Pimping, social grants (especially for children) have encouraged African and Coloured teenagers and unmarried women to have children on a large scale, truly an abnormal government-sponsored population explosion, of moral degeneration and social disintegration - decisions contributed to that explicit, although covert, breeding war policy.
This ANC ‘swart gevaar’ breeding war policy was not a new 1994 invention, I might remind you. Or have you conveniently forgotten how Black Liberation Theology – the official ANC theological liberation policy -- Black Power called for blacks to engage in a ‘breeding war’?“Population control will be difficult enough to achieve peacefully if society has merely to deal with families that differ in their desire to have children. If groups larger than the family assert their intention to exceed community norms, the difficulty in achieving population control will be greatly compounded. This problem is often stated as a racial problem. Some exponents of “Black Power” identify all proposals to control population as “genocide” and call upon blacks to engage in a breeding war” -- Garrett Hardin, Stalking the Wild Taboo: Population, Biology and the Law, p.231
What were your objections to the ANC’s ‘Operation Production’ ANC slavery and cannon fodder breeding war policies?[..] Especially evening assemblies girls had to attend as well: “They would come into the house and tell us we should go. They didn't ask your mother they just said ‘come let's go.’ You would just have to go with them. They would threaten you with their belts and ultimately you would think that if you refused, they would beat you. Our parents were afraid of them” (quoted by Delius 1996:189).
All those opposing the wishes of the young men were reminded, that it was every woman’s obligation to give birth to new “soldiers”, in order to replace those warriors killed in the liberation struggle. The idiom of the adolescents referred to these patriotic efforts as “operation production”. Because of exactly this reason it was forbidden for the girls to use contraceptives. (Delius 1996:189; Niehaus 1999:250)
-- Witchcraft and the State in South Africa, by Johannes Harnischfeger
What were your objections to the ANC endorsing all MK soldiers ‘rights’ to fornicate with any ANC women member? What were your objections to the testimony of Sam Mngqibisa, an Umkhonto we Sizwe soldier, wherein he described the education of an Mbokodo officer in a poem he presented to the Commission of Inquiry into human rights abuses in ANC detention camps, chaired by Mr Sam Motsuenyane:Give a young boy —16 years old— from the ghetto of Soweto,
an opportunity to drive a car for the first time in his life.
This boy is from a poor working class family.
Give him money to buy any type of liquor and good, expensive clothes.
This boy left South Africa during the Soweto schools uprising in 1976.
He doesn't know what is an employer.
He never tasted employer-exploitation.
Give him the right to sleep with all these women.
Give him the opportunity to study in Party Schools and well-off military academies in Eastern Europe.
Teach him Marxism-Leninism and tell him to defend the revolution against counter-revolutionaries.
Send him to the Stasi to train him to extract information by force from enemy agents. He turns to be a torturer and executioner by firing squad.
All these are the luxuries and the dream-come-true he never thought of for his lifetime...
This Security becomes the law unto itself
-- Sexual Abuse of Young Women in the ANC Camps, Olefile Samuel Mngqibisa, Searchlight South Africa, Number 11 October 1993 (p.11-16)
And if you objected to such racial breeding war social engineering; and really gave a flying rat’s ass about Black Consciousness and encouraging Black and Coloured people to be liberated to self-sufficiency and personal responsibility; rather than ANC Poverty Pimping Foxy Liberal co-dependency; why didn’t you rather suggest that social grants be given to the young men and women who want to liberate themselves into education; and -- like honourable Moeletsi Mbeki and Meschak Magoboane -- tell the ANC’s welfare vote farm breeders that you were not going to be supporting their Poverty Pimping co-dependency on the ANC to stimulate their poverty stricken inferiority complexes?Absorbing millions of foreigners into a country that is still relatively poor, and in which more people are increasingly dependent on state grants for basic subsistence, is unpatriotic, dishonest and ridiculous. These foreigners come from countries that squander their resources and deliberately destroy economies — let alone develop them. A genuine regional power would address this.
These issues are not moral but material. The ruling regime encourages teenage girls, for example, to have children — for which the state pays child grants of R100bn a year — and this is presented as “human rights” and “welfare”.
Now millions of poor foreigners produce babies to receive child grants too, and compete for jobs and houses — the universal causes of real xenophobia. Such welfare programmes will stir real xenophobic attacks, as some of these “human rights” have engendered social degeneration.
-- (Welfare State gives rise to Xenophobic Violence, Meshack Mabogoane, Business Day, 14 July 2010.)
That South Africa has the highest Aids infection and death rates is neither altogether Mbeki's doing, nor coincidental. Legislation and other government-driven policies and programmes have engendered an environment that has escalated the pandemic.
For example, the permissive pregnancy rules and social grants (especially for children) introduced by the Constitution and government have encouraged teenagers and unmarried women to have children on a large scale. The spread of Aids has been a consequence; the evidence is there for all to see. And so too there is a high correlation between this abnormal government-sponsored population explosion, on the one hand, and the deepening of the Aids crisis, of Malthusian poverty aggravation, moral degeneration and social disintegration on the other.
[..] The crisis induced by the axing of Mbeki is an occasion to review liberal democracy and the Constitution -- that uneasy, syncretistic mixture of a hollow Westminster system and Soviet-like party dominance. It is time to explore and formulate a system that will vest power in people and not invest in the empty shells or Trojan horses that parties have become in Africa, including this country. A federal system, with constituency-based representation, would be appropriate for this diverse and complex land and it would free us from a cabal that is bent on retaining power for its own benefit, at the expense of the state and society.
-- (Mbeki’s Legacy Not His Alone, Meshack Mabogoane, 08 October 2008, Mail & Guardian)
This grant will reach three million of South Africa's poorest children, rather than the 300,000 who presently receive the state maintenance grant.
Unlike the old maintenance grant, this grant will not be limited to a certain number of children in one family. Because the grant is made to the child, through the care-giver, a child will not suffer because of the size of his or her family.
-- (Welfare Laws Amendment Bill, 1997: Social Assistance Act African National Congress)
Johannesburg - Social grant expenditure is estimated at R89bn in the current fiscal year, a figure large enough to prompt some commentators to call South Africa the "biggest welfare state" in the world.
The 2010/11 allowance for social grants represents a 12% increase year-on-year.
[..] News agency Sapa cited economist Mike Schüssler as being critical of the grant system.
"Look at South Africa's dependency ratio - it's three people to one taxpayer and it's unsustainable," Schüssler reportedly said.
Andile Sokomani from the Institute of Security Studies said that the extent of state support is unlikely to discourage low-income earners from being self-reliant.
-- (SA world’s biggest welfare state, Svetlana Doneva, Finance 24, 21 February 2010)
Do you want intelligent South Africans to believe that you had sweet buggerall to do with encouraging poor black Africans and Coloureds to act as your breeding vote farm cattle, to breed themselves more poverty stricken children, which you wanted to add to the ANC’s voters roll?
Only your poverty stricken ignorant African and Coloured vote farm breeding factories, are oblivious to the reality of the ANC’s BREEDING WAR intentions, which have sweet fuck all to do with Black Consciousness to liberate Black or Coloured people to becoming Self-Sufficient and Personally Responsible for their lives, but are all about encouraging their never ending Poverty Pimping Dependency on the ANC; so the ANC can benefit from manipulating their Inferiority complexes!
- More welfare recipients than workers – Schussler, Sapa/Politicsweb, 01 July 2010;
- SA biggest welfare state in world: economist, Mail & Guardian, 2010-02-18;
- Welfare recipients outnumber workers, Fin24, 1 July 2010;
- South Africa has highest unemployment ratio in Africa IB Times, 1 July 2010: Almost 60 % unemployed & 25% choose not to participate in economy; 13.8 million receive welfare payments from 5 million taxpayers.
- ANC regarded as employment agency, News 24, 21 September 2010: People join ANC to gain access to resources & amass wealth – Mantashe.
- SA has world’s largest cabinet, Censorbugbear, 7/11/2010: South Africa’s recently enlarged cabinet is among the world’s largest in relation to the size of its population. It now has 68 Ministers and Deputies for 47-million residents – compared to the USA’s 15 Ministers for 300-million people or Nigeria’s 38 Ministers for 150-million people… Each Cabinet Minister earns at least R1-million annually, the deputies about R800,000.
- SA becoming welfare state - SAIRR, 31/01/2011, News 24: The number of social grant beneficiaries has increased by more than 300% in last 9 years, says SAIRR. In the 2009/10 financial year the country had nearly 14 million social grant beneficiaries. The child-support grant made up the highest share with over nine million beneficiaries. The old-age grant was second highest, with over two million beneficiaries. By 2012 the national treasury predicted there would be 16 million beneficiaries.
From: MOELETSI MBEKI: Wealth creation: Only a matter of time before the hand grenade explodes (Business Day, Published: 2011/02/10 07:01:41 AM):I can predict when South Africa’s “Tunisia Day” will arrive. Tunisia Day is when the masses rise against the powers that be, as happened recently in Tunisia. The year will be 2020, give or take a couple of years.
The year 2020 is when China estimates that its minerals-intensive industrialisation phase will be concluded.
For South Africa, this will mean the ANC government will have to cut back on social grants, which it uses to placate the black poor and to get their votes. China’s industrialisation phase has forced up the prices of South Africa’s minerals, which has enabled the government to finance social welfare programmes.
The ANC inherited a flawed, complex society it barely understood; its tinkerings with it are turning it into an explosive cocktail.
Former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher once commented that whoever thought that the ANC could rule South Africa was living in cloud-cuckoo-land.
Why was she right? In 16 years of ANC rule, all the symptoms of a government out of its depth have grown worse:
- Life expectancy has slid from 65 to 53 since the ANC came to power.
- In 2007, South Africa became a net food importer for the first time.
- The elimination of agricultural subsidies led to a loss of 600 000 farmworkers’ jobs and the eviction from commercial farming of 2.4 million people between 1997 and 2007.
- The ANC stopped controlling the borders, leading to a flood of poor people into South Africa.
[..] BEE promotes extremely negative socio-economic trends. It promotes a class of politicians dependent on big business and therefore promotes big business’s interests in the upper echelons of government.
Second, BEE promotes an anti-entrepreneurial culture among the black middle class by legitimising an environment of entitlement.
Third, affirmative action, a subset of BEE, promotes incompetence and corruption in the public sector by using ruling party allegiance and connections as the criteria for entry and promotion in the public service.
[..] The third worrying trend is that the ANC-controlled state has internalised the BEE model. We are seeing the state trying to implement the same model that the conglomerates developed.
What is the state distributing? It is distributing jobs to party faithful and social welfare to the poor. This is a recipe for incompetence and corruption.
This explains the service delivery upheavals that are becoming a normal part of our environment.
Mr. Manuel: Where was your outspoken support for Mr. Moeletsi Mbeki or Mr. Meshack Magoboane's Self Sufficiency and Personal Responsibility African Liberation Consciousness?
Did your alleged commitment to ‘non-racialism’ demand that the racial population demographics of 1994, of which 20% were whites, be retained; or did you support the ANC’s policies to reduce white demographics, to what it is now: 8%? Did you voice any objections to the ANC’s policy of reducing the concentration of SA whites from 20% to 8%?
Do you want to tell me you don’t understand the principles of exponential population growth or decline; in a finite resource environment? That you are a clueless dimwit about the competitive exclusion principle; about different cultures or ethnicities breeding at different rates of growth in a finite resource environment? BULLSHIT!

The meaning of the competitive exclusion principle can be easily explained in a strictly biological setting. Suppose one introduces into the same region two different species that inhabit the same “ecological niche”. If, by hypothesis, two species occupy exactly the same ecological niche, then all that one species needs to know to predict the ultimate outcome of their competition is the rates at which they reproduce in this ecological niche. If one of them reproduces at a rate of 2 percent per year while the other reproduces at a rate of 3 percent, the ratio of the numbers of the faster reproducing species to the numbers of the slower will increase year by year. In fact, since their rates of reproduction, like compound interest, are exponential functions, a little algebra shows that the ratio of the two exponential functions is itself an exponential function. The ratio of the faster species to the slower species increases without limit. If the environment is finite – and it always is finite – the total number of organisms that can be supported by this environment is also finite. Since the size of the population of a species can never be less than one individual, this means that ultimately the slower breeding species will be completely eliminated from the environment. This will be true no matter how slight the difference in the rate of reproduction of the two species. Only a mathematically exact quality in their rates would ensure their continued coexistence, and such an exact equality is inconceivable in the real world. As a consequence, two species that occupy exactly the same ecological niche cannot coexist indefinitely in the same geographical area.-- Stalking the Wild Taboo, by Garrett Hardin: Part 4: Competition: (20) Competition, a Tabooed Idea in Sociology; (21) The Cybernetics of Competition; (22) Population, Biology and the Law; (23) Population Skeletons in the Environmental Closet; (24) The Survival of Nations and Civilisations (www.garretthardinsociety.org)
What is the rate of reproduction of whites vs black Africans in South Africa, Mr. Non-Racialist Manuel? Who were being paid -- with your budgets and endorsement – to reduce the concentration of SA whites from 20% to 8%; by increasing the concentration of 'Africans' from 80% to 92%?
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