Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Radical Honesty SA Response to ANC Sec. Gen. Gwede Mantashe & Afrikanerbond

Now if Apartheid had honourably expressed their justifications for discriminating against African poverty pimping breeding war cultures; and they are considered to be evil; what should we call the ANC who have not yet provided any justification whatsoever for its discrimination against Radical Honesty culture?

So, next time you wonder why your culture suffers from inferiority complexes; take a look in the mirror Sec. General Mantashe and ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you have the honour to acknowledge receipt of correspondence sent to you?

  • Do you have the honour to be a man, who refuses to live a lie? (Pastor Manning: Seven Reasons why Black People Have no Honour)

  • Do you have the honour to want – because of your commitment to searching for the truth, and holding yourself and your culture accountable – from the depths of your being, to do all in your power to enquire whether Apartheids justifications for their discrimination against your African poverty pimping breeding war cultures was justified? If not; what are you afraid of, Sir?

Radical Honesty SA Response to Sec. Gwede Mantashe

Re: ANC Response to Open Letter to ANC by Afrikanerbond.

Errors in Your Letter to Afrikanerbond

27 April 2011

Sec. Gen. Mr. Mantashe,

I write in response to your Response to the Open Letter to the ANC by the Afrikanerbond statement that “[The ANC] We remain open to engagement by any organisation in South Africa.”

Unfortunately unlike Hendrik Verwoerd and D.F. Malan and other honourable Afrikaners who had the courage to be brutally honest about their convictions; I cannot say the same for the 20th century Afrikanerbond bunch of gatkruipers; who betrayed white south Africans for their pithy 30 pieces of silver; and don’t have the honour to say: we fucked up.

As for your statement that the ANC remain open to engagement by any organisation in SA’. That Sir, is a blatant lie. You seem incredibly enthusiastic to prostitute yourself with lies and perjury towards white people the past few weeks? Did you suddenly realize there are white people who – unlike your Hanekom gatkruiper – have not sold their souls for 30 pieces of ANC silver? Or you actually woke up that there are white people, in SA, whose souls are honourable and NOT FOR SALE!!

The ANC have NEVER been open to ANY engagement or dialogue with Radical Honesty SA, not even with Radical Honesty HQ in America, on behalf of Radical Honesty SA. I won’t hold my breath to hear you or the ANC admit that. Honesty, Accountability and Honour are not verbs I associate with the ANC.

The ANC have never even responded to any correspondence from Radical Honesty SA, nor to any legal affidavits filed on behalf of Radical Honesty, by Radical Honesty HQ. As far as the ANC are concerned an individual from the Radical Honesty culture living in SA is worthy of greater discrimination, than Apartheid South Africans discriminated against ‘Kaffirs’. In Apartheid South Africa ‘kaffirs’ were legally acknowledged as such; they existed; they even had special homelands to preserve their poverty pimping breeding war culture’s; some of the most fertile land in South Africa. They had an official third class status; because Apartheid White South African culture perceived African cultures who practice poverty pimping breeding war behaviour to be inferior cultures; and their African breeding war to have been an Act of War.

Apartheid Afrikaners informed Africans of their justifications and reasons for their discrimination. Africans knew why they were being discriminated against. The justifications against African cultures poverty pimping breeding war behaviour may have been justified or not; the ANC and the TRC continue to avoid any such enquiry like the plague; such as for example: Request for Information from ANC &/or Anti-Apartheid Officials: Prior to the ANC’s M-Plan declaration of War against Apartheid; Did the ANC at any time launch a non-violent cultural and political campaign to stop their African ‘swart gevaar’ breeding-war population explosion, to demonstrate their honourable Just War Just Cause Intentions?. Not to mention CCT 23-10, CCT 06-11 and the Radical Honesty SA affidavit filed in Afriforum v. Malema.

ANC’s Justifications for Discrimination against Radical Honesty Culture?

Tell me Mr. Mantashe; what are the ANC’s justifications for the ANC’s discrimination against the Radical Honesty culture and religion?

Apartheid culture had the honour to be honest about their justifications for their discrimination against African culture. Does African ANC culture have the honour to be honest about your justifications for your discrimination against Radical Honesty culture?

In your Rainbow Hypocrisy South Africa members of the Radical Honesty culture have no cultural or legal status whatsoever. We are so discriminated against by the ANC; we are not even allowed the status of existence. In your ANC South Africa; the ANC does not legally acknowledge my culture, the ANC’s courts don’t legally acknowledge my culture, I don’t have any homeland; I am less than 50th class status of an Indian untouchable (HC-WC A 19963-09; CCT 23-10, CCT 06-11, etc).

The Radical Honesty culture is the only culture in the world which requires of its culture’s members not to breed unwanted children, to live ecologically sustainably. Due to our radical honesty social contract communication policy, we also resolve our all disagreements honourably and/or non-violently and consequently don’t have one rapist or murderer in our entire culture! Our culture also practices a social contract of brutal honesty with a commitment to sincere sensate forgiveness.

So, why is the ANC government discriminating against a culture which practices no poverty pimping, no breeding of hated unwanted children, which has no rapists and no murderers, and practices 100% honesty and sincere sensate forgiveness? The ANC believes these cultural traits to be those of an inferior culture?
Let me give you another example of the difference between my culture and yours Sir. A very simple one. You have no honour or integrity, not even in small little things. You lack the honour to even acknowledge receipt of an email or letter sent to you. (If the word ‘honour’ confuses you: See Pastor Manning: Seven Reasons why Black People Have no Honour; Pastor Manning says Black People have no Honor; Black Women have no Honor).

To me, I would not be able to sleep if I received an email from someone requesting acknowledgement of receipt and I did not honourably acknowledge such receipt. I would go to the mirror and look at myself and hate myself for my lack of honour and integrity. I would see a gutless spineless moral coward, who cannot even honourably acknowledge such a simple thing as having received documents by email. I would not be able to sleep.

Now compare for example:
  • What was your and President Jacob Zuma’s response to the Affidavit filed by the Founder of the Radical Honesty culture, Dr. Brad Blanton, former candidate for U.S Congress in 2004 and 2006, to the High Court (HC-WC 19963-09) and Constitutional Court (CCT 23-10, CCT 06-11); detailing how I, a member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion, was being legally and politically persecuted and prosecuted? You had no objection; i.e. endorsed the persecution (Request ANC Comment on American Politician & author, Dr. Brad Blanton’s allegations of Political and Legal Prosecution and Persecution of non-violent civil disobedience Free Speech Dissenter in South Africa)

  • As Second Respondent in Afriforum v. Malema; what has been the ANC’s response to: Application by Lara Johnstone, as member of Radical Honesty Culture and Religion’s to Proceed as an Amicus Curiae, served on the ANC on 19 April 2011, confirmed as received during public court proceedings by Judge Colin Lamont on 20 April 2011?

Now if Apartheid had honourably expressed their justifications for discriminating against African poverty pimping breeding war cultures; and they are considered to be evil; what should we call the ANC who have not yet provided any justification whatsoever for its discrimination against Radical Honesty culture?

So, next time you wonder why your culture suffers from inferiority complexes; take a look in the mirror Sec. General Mantashe and ask yourself a few questions:

  • Do you have the honour to acknowledge receipt of correspondence sent to you?

  • Do you have the honour to be a man, who refuses to live a lie? (Pastor Manning: Seven Reasons why Black People Have no Honour)

  • Do you have the honour to want – because of your commitment to searching for the truth, and holding yourself and your culture accountable – from the depths of your being, to do all in your power to enquire whether Apartheids justifications for their discrimination against your African poverty pimping breeding war cultures was justified? If not; what are you afraid of, Sir?

Perhaps your discrimination against my culture is justified. I won’t know until you find in yourself the honour to inform me of the justifications for your discrimination against me.

I can tell you that in my culture we value brutally honest constructive criticism, because when we do make impartial enquiries into constructive criticism received, and if justified amend our behaviour. When we live honourably we sleep soundly. When we look in the mirror, no matter how physically ugly or fat, black, green or white, rich or poverty stricken poor we may be; we see something incredibly precious -- a man or woman who searches for the truth, and who refuses to propagate lies -- we see a man or woman of honour!

What do you see when you look in the mirror Mr. Mantashe?


Lara Johnstone
Radical Honesty SA

Issued by Radical Honesty SA, April 27, 2011
P O Box 5042, George East, 6539.

» » » » [PDF Letter to ANC Sec. Gen. Mantashe]

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