Sent: Sunday, July 03, 2011 1:22 AM
To: BNP Scotland; BNP North East; BNP Head Office
Subject: Please Forward to BNP: Newcastle Upon Tyne: Mr. Keith McFarlane
Please forward to Mr. Keith McFarlane; believed to be BNP Member: Newcastle Upon Tyne. Many thanks. Commendations to BNP for having such an honest honourable member as Mr. McFarlane who share their constructive criticism to a persons face, not behind your back. A salute to Mr. McFarlane for his honourable act of criticism.
Mr. Keith McFarlane
Newcastle Upon Tyne
British National Party
Dear Mr. McFarlane,
I write in response to your Facebook message: “Just found out your a red. and you were married to a n*gg*r. bye you filthy race traitor...”
Many thanks for what I interpret as your brutally honest angry statement. If your intention was to insult me; you are going to have to try a little harder! ;-)
It is almost impossible to insult me. I imagine the reason why it is so difficult to insult me, is because I know that whenever I give someone an honest blunt criticism piece of my mind, I share it sincerely as constructive criticism. I may be angry with them, but my intentions are not dishonourable. I want to share my anger with them, and get over it, and understand the source of our misunderstanding.
I assume, I know my intentions for sharing my anger are not malicious; hence I always give others the benefit of the doubt that their sharing of their anger is also with honourable constructive criticism intention. In Radical Honesty, to share constructive criticism is the highest form of respect and love. I know other cultures don’t share this perspective to constructive criticism, but I prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So, I appreciate your courage to confront me to my face with your honest blunt opinion about me – whether founded in fact or not – so that we can resolve our misunderstanding, and I can learn from your constructive criticism (if proven to be worthy).
Please herewith find my response to your statement as follows: (1) Married to an Honourable Nigger; (2) Correction: Member of Radical Honesty Culture; not a ‘Red/Communist’; (3) Correction: Only Social Contract I swore allegiance to (and can be a traitor to) is the Radical Honesty Social Contract.
Continued in attached PDF
Lara Johnstone
Radical Honesty SA
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02 July 2011
Dear Mr. McFarlane,
I write in response to your Facebook message: “Just found out your a red. and you were married to a n*gg*r. bye you filthy race traitor...”
Many thanks for what I interpret as your brutally honest angry statement. If your intention was to insult me; you are going to have to try a little harder! ;-)
It is almost impossible to insult me. I imagine the reason why it is so difficult to insult me, is because I know that whenever I give someone an honest blunt criticism piece of my mind, I share it sincerely as constructive criticism. I may be angry with them, but my intentions are not dishonourable. I want to share my anger with them, and get over it, and understand the source of our misunderstanding.
I assume, I know my intentions for sharing my anger are not malicious; hence I always give others the benefit of the doubt that their sharing of their anger is also with honourable constructive criticism intention. In Radical Honesty, to share constructive criticism is the highest form of respect and love. I know other cultures don’t share this perspective to constructive criticism, but I prefer to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. So, I appreciate your courage to confront me to my face with your honest blunt opinion about me – whether founded in fact or not – so that we can resolve our misunderstanding, and I can learn from your constructive criticism (if proven to be worthy).
Please herewith find my response to your statement as follows: (1) Married to an Honourable Nigger; (2) Correction: Member of Radical Honesty Culture; not a ‘Red/Communist’; (3) Correction: Only Social Contract I swore allegiance to (and can be a traitor to) is the Radical Honesty Social Contract.
[1] Married to an Honourable Nigger:“The N-word is not in the African-American community a bad word. It’s a term of endearment. And I don’t see it as derogatory or offensive.”—James Meeks, Illinois State Senator and Pastor
“A gentleman will not insult me, and no man not a gentleman can insult me.” - Frederick Douglass
When I lived in the Oakland ghetto, my neighbours referred to me as the ‘White Nigger’. It was not with the intention to insult, to the contrary; it was a statement of affection. They knew, that unlike most white people who are petrified of black people, I was not afraid of them; and they respected that very much. They knew that unlike most white people, I did not suffer from any white guilt about my intentions towards blacks, as many white people who cover up their real opinions about blacks with two faced hypocrisy. They respected me for my honesty. So, I was the ‘White Nigger’: a compliment.
It is no secret that I was married to an honourable black ‘nigger’. If you had read anything I have written, you would know that I have repeatedly written about my former marriage to an honourable African-American man named Demian Emile Johnson. Here is but a small sampling of recent public blog postings I have written which included the information about my former marriage:
- Letter to the SA Communist Party: TRC Fraud, Peak Oil & Non-Renewable Natural Resources;
- Letter to Prince Albert II of Monaco: Jus Sanguinis African White Refugee Petition;
- Letter to Oprah: Visit to UFS & TRC Fraud;
- Letter to Steve Hofmeyr: Afriforum v. Malema, Boer Volkstaat & TRC Fraud;
- TRC Fraud Genocide Charges filed with International Criminal Court (ICC);
- EU-NL-FR-DE-UK-CH 'Boer/Settler' doc's filed in 'Kill Boers Hate Speech' Trial: Boer Volkstaat; & Jus Sanguinis Repatriation of Settlers?;
- Letter to Prof. Denis Alland, Univ. Paris II; UNHCR Rep. (1989-97), ECRE & ELENA Refugee Law Expert Declares Legal War on African White Refugees;
- Application to Proceed as an Amicus Curiae in the Reits Four matter;
- Radical Honesty Amicus Curiae Heads of Argument to Constitutional Court in Citizen v. McBride (CCT 23-10); etc.
So, I am not sure why you are so surprised about my former marriage to an African American/’nigger’. For it is no secret. It is not anything I am ashamed about. Anyone who had read simply one of those public blog posts, would be well aware of my former marriage to African American Demian Emile Johnson, and my views as to his character, honour and integrity.
[2] Correction: Member of Radical Honesty culture, not a ‘Red/Communist’:
I am a member of the Radical Honesty culture. We have no allegiance whatsoever to political correct left or right, extreme left or right, communist, socialist, capitalist, nazi, multi-cultural, black or white ideologies. Our primary concern in applying any problem-solving ideology to any particular circumstance is: DOES IT WORK for the individuals involved? We like to find hammer ideologies for nail circumstances, if you get my meaning. Does the particular ideology solve the problem, for the specific individuals involved? If a man and woman choose to voluntarily commit to each other, to pool their resources and to share their labour and the profits from their pooled resources and labour (communism), we support them to do what works for them. If it doesn’t work for them, we support them to change their agreement for a new agreement about how to manage their resources and labour, and who benefits from it. Our focus is: Does the problem solving ideology tool WORK TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM; if not, change the agreement and find another problem solving ideology, until you found one that works.
We support groups/tribes/races/cultures of people to adopt whichever ideology – social contract -- they wish to voluntarily adopt that suits the circumstances of their tribe. We do not support one tribe to coerce another tribe to adopt any social contract they do not wish to adopt. Every tribe must be allowed to adopt their own social contract that works for them. We know what works best for our Radical Honesty culture -- a commitment to resolving our disagreements as per our social contract – but we do not require other cultures, races or societies to do the same. We support all cultures to find their own solutions that work best for them, and their community / culture / society.
Undoubtedly our ‘does it work’ problem solving attitude has resulted in a degree of problem solving that has not been replicated by any other culture in the world (to my knowledge). Our culture has no murderers; no rapists, nor have any of our members conceived any unwanted children. We have no lawyers. Our members are taught our – being specific about anger and forgiveness social contract – communication and noticing skills of honourably resolving their disagreements with each other face-to-face. Our political, cultural and religious leadership is 100% transparent including any corporate or individual funding of any project or campaign.
The following description of the Radical Honesty culture was originally stated in the Radical Honesty Amicus Curiae Heads of Argument to the SA Constitutional Court in the matter of The Citizen v. McBride. The Amicus Curiae argued among others that the ANC/Mandela/Tutu/De Klerks Truth and Reconciliation Commission was a Fraud. The amended form below is the description submitted to the International Criminal Court at the Hague. The Amicus to the Concourt was supported by the expert witness written statements of the following two expert witnesses:
- Dr. Brad Blanton, founder of the Radical Honesty culture: Affidavit of Dr. Brad Blanton, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’ (PDF); and expert witness statements of Dr. Brad Blanton (PDF).
- T. Michael Maher, Ph.D, Prof. & Head: Dept. of Communication, University of Louisiana; author of How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population Environment Connection (PDF); Written Statement by Consent of T. Michael Maher, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness for How and Why Journalists Avoid the Population-Environment Connection and Media Framing and Salience of the Population Issue (PDF); who supported the argument that ‘Apartheid was not a Crime Against Humanity; but a Just War for the Demographic Survival of Boer-Afrikaners’:
“Population growth has been implicated in promoting water shortages, urban sprawl, global climate change, and most importantly for this court case, massive migration, social stress and resource scarcities that can lead to violence (cf Thomas Homer-Dixon, Environment, Scarcity and Violence).” (-- Written Statement of Consent by T. Michael Maher, to SA Concourt (PDF))
“The evidence clearly suggests that population growth is bad policy. But in most countries pressure to change pronatalist or pro-immigration policies is light, which is explained by my next point. 2. In covering population-driven environmental problems, media seldom link the problem to its source in population growth.” (-- Written Statement of Consent by T. Michael Maher, to SA Concourt (PDF))
Excerpt from Complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC):I am the only member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion, in South Africa. The Radical Honesty culture and religion are founded upon the Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract: Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness; as excerpted from: Practicing Radical Honesty. Radical Honesty is a powerful process by which people can make corrections in the minds distorted and only partly conscious map of the world. Our maps of the world are distorted by our repressed anger and resentment; the greater the amount of repressed anger and resentment, the greater the distortion. The key to individuality, integrity, individual freedom, and free societies, lies in providing people with the skills and capabilities to get over their anger, and experience sincere forgiveness. It is the way the statistics from Stanley Milgram’s experiments on blind obedience to authority get changed.
Radical Honesty culture and religion was founded by Dr. Brad Blanton, who is: (1) President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises Sparrowhawk Book Publishing and The Center for Radical Honesty, both dedicated to promoting honesty in the world; (2) former candidate for Congress in 2004 and 2006, on the platform of ‘Honesty in Politics’ ; (3) Pope of the Radical Honesty Futilitarian Church; i.e. “Dr. Truth” ; and (4) author of (a) Radical Honesty: How To Transform your Life by Telling the Truth; (b) Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help from Your Friends, (c) Honest to God: A Change of Heart that Can Change the World, with Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations with God series); (d) Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World; (e) The Truthtellers: Stories of Success by Radically Honest People f) Beyond Good and Evil: The Eternal Split-Second-Sound-Light-Being; (g) Some New Kind of Trailer Trash.
In addition to Brad Blanton, Ph.D; founder of the Radical Honesty culture; I am also a former employee of (1) Ms. Peggy Noonan, former Speechwriter for President Reagan and G.W. Bush, Snr; at her home in New York City, NY; (2) HRH Princess Gloria Von Thurn & Taxis Family on their Private Yacht: S.Y. Aiglon; (3) Lord and Lady Glenapp, now Earl and Countess Inchcape, at their home in Swindon, Wiltshire. (PDF References)
As a rule-of-law political activist, I endorse and have advocated for the rule-of-law for all, rich, poor, white, black, left and right, religious or atheist. I am separated (filed for divorce) from Demian Emile Johnson, who is, and has been, incarcerated in California Dept. of Corrections, for the entire duration of our marriage . In addition to Radical Honesty I have been involved in non-violent civil disobedience actions on behalf of my former husband , Greenpeace , Amnesty Int’l, Pacific Inst. for Criminal Justice , Jericho 98 , Crack the CIA , The Disclosure Project , New Abolitionist , Justice for Timothy McVeigh , Alliance for Democracy , Boycott 2010 World Cup , Right of Return for African White Refugees , et al .
For the Record: Radical Honesty Leadership Currency:
Radical Honesty’s leadership paradigm refuses to bullshit the psychological infant public -- more specifically those afflicted with Dunning and Kruger Cognitive Biases, such as Status-Quo Bias, Anchoring, Bandwagon Effect; and Primacy Effect; etc -- with public relations lies and illusions.
Bluntly, Radical Honesty only appeals to people who:
- Are Sick to death of relationships founded on political correct sycophancy and lies.
- Refuse to wade through the ever-rising tide of corporate and political bullshite.
- Had enough of being burned, duped, fooled, conned, scammed and screwed over.
People who have confronted the reality that: Truth And Transparent Leadership are Currency.
We solve relationship and socio-political problems, like engineers solve engineering problems. We find the true source of the problem. We eliminate the source of the problem. Bingo!
As you can no doubt gather, we do not practice any form of public relations image management whatso-fucking-ever. Unlike image management chameleons who put forth a false image to the public, and hide any possible perspective that could be negatively interpreted by the Dunning and Kruger Cognitive Biases Moron Imbecile public; with Radical Honesty: WHAT YOU SEE IS WHAT YOU GET! We don’t do the Chameleon PR corporate and political bullshite.“Love your neighbor as yourself” doesn't mean that you are supposed to lie about anger; it means to tell the petty, unreasonable, unjustifiable truth—good and loud and direct so you can authentically get over it so you can love that neighbor for real again, not phony it up and talk about how nice they are while lying through your teeth. Try treating other people as poorly as you treat yourself. At times, being honest about your anger is the only way you have of sharing who you are. Love is sharing what you have, even if you're having a fit. Telling the truth is loving your neighbor.” – Brad Blanton, Practicing Radical Honesty
We Respect Citizens Right to Choose Non-Radical Honesty Co-Dependence Abuse Leadership:
Radical Honesty however totally respect all citizens rights to choose to:
- Remain in relationships founded on political correct sycophancy and lies.
- Drown in their leaders ever-rising tide of corporate and political bullshite.
- Be burned, duped, fooled, conned, scammed and screwed over by their political, religious, corporate and media leaders.
[3] Correction: Only Social Contract I swore allegiance to (and can be a traitor to) is the Radical Honesty Social Contract.“How do you define honourable? To me a man is honourable who honestly admits his mistakes, and works to amend them, and avoid making them in the future. A man who confronts his critics honestly without hiding any evidence they could use against him. A man who confronts ohters to their face with his evidence against them, and grants them the right of reply. A man who does not pretend to uphold principles he does not live by; and does practice and uphold those principles which he does profess to live by. A man who practices what he preaches, even if those values are not high and mighty values is far more honourable, than a man who professes to live to high and mighty values and its nothing but bullshit.”
“Within this culture wealth is measured by one’s ability to consume and destroy.” - Derrick Jensen, EndGame
I don’t think it is possible to be a traitor to a concept or agreement that I never swore any oath of allegiance to. I have never sworn any oath of allegiance to be loyal to the concept of a white race; if the social contract of such ‘white race’ is that of materialism, destruction of the planet, destruction of other cultures and races, misuse and abuse of the worlds non-renewable resources leaving nothing to future civilisations, and relations with other cultures and races that are founded on lies and two faced hypocrisy.
My Johnstone forefathers were members of Border Reivers who fought the British under William Wallace. My Boer Dutch forefathers were members of the Swearnots; who chose to remain imprisoned in concentration camps rather than swear fake allegiance to the British crown. I am not about to swear allegiance to a race, or culture, or tribe – of any colour – that does not uphold my values and principles; but in fact wishes to destroy my values and principles for its selfish, greedy and materialistic pathological leaders benefit.
Race Traitor to the White Race:
I happen to be born with a white skin; but if reincarnation is an existential reality; then it is of course totally possible I may return in a next life with a brown skin, black, red or yellow one. So, is my soul then required to sign up to a new ‘race’ social contract, every time it returns in a new skin?
In my opinion the existence of the White Race is not more important than the character of the white race! If the character of the White Race ends up being a race of liars, thieves, two faced hypocrites, and moral and spiritual scum, then I have no problem with such a race – of any colour – being annihilated from the face of the earth.
I do not imply that I have never lied, and that there was not a time in my life where I was clueless about what my values were. I do however appreciate the few men and women who confronted me and asked me difficult questions about what I wanted my values and existential purpose to be. I do not however bullshit myself that the ‘white race’ has at any time in my life implied that its values or purpose are honour and character. It may have been a few hundred years ago, when white men and women considered honour and character as more important than fake public relations image management and judging people by their physical appearance, as opposed to their honourable character. If it had not been for the few honourable men and women I met who knocked me on the head with their constructive criticism questions; I’d probably still be stuck in the ‘white race’ narrative that I should judge everyone by their physical appearance, and their two-faced sycophancy political correct lies and deception; rather than the quality of their character and their honourable confront your enemies to their face behaviour.
I do subscribe to a principle of Honourable Transparent Leadership: Character is Important:
My reasons for this existential worldview value system is:
- Do I have a soul, or don’t I have a soul?
- If I do have a soul: after I die; is my soul dead (forever); or what happens to my soul?
- If my soul does not die forever: Will my soul be reincarnated; to new life dimension; or return to this earth or another earth; as a continuation of my souls existential journey?
- If I do not have a soul; and there is no afterlife, and every simple human simply dies to feed the worms, then being human on the planet has no existential meaning.
I don’t know the answers to these questions. I cannot prove beyond reasonable doubt that I do have a soul. I wish I could, but I cannot.
If we got no souls; and all we are, are two-legged animal hosts -- sperm donors and brood sows -- for our gene and meme parasites, and when we die, we go feed the worms, and 'i' dies.. and there is no meaning about it all.. just evolution of genes and memes... then NOTHING MATTERS; WE SIMPLY WANT TO BELIEVE IT MATTERS; CAUSE WE ARE TOO AFRAID TO CONFRONT THE REALITY THAT: LIFE IS MEANINGLESS; AND THE FACT THAT IT IS MEANINGLESS IS MEANINGLESS.
I choose to consider the possibility that I might have a soul, and that my soul is on this earth for some greater purpose than simply to act as a sperm donor; or brood sow of unwanted children, to be used as economic or other type of slaves or cannon fodder to further some idea of the ‘white race’.
And even if I do not have a soul, and my life is utterly meaningless and when I die I go and feed the worms, and the world effectively ends; then what meaning do I wish to choose to give to this meaningless world.
If I do have a soul: What if being a member of a culture or race is not the ultimate purpose for our existence, but simply the vehicle by which we accomplish our ultimate purpose? If being a member of the ‘white race’ is not our purpose, but growing our character is our purpose; so that our character can grow to reach the next level of spiritual evolution; then our race could be simply a tool, by which we accomplish the growth of our character, in the same way that a hammer is a tool to strike a nail. How we use the tool of our culture, would determine how we grow, or self-destruct?
Any race or culture which is serious about the character growth of its members, would – in my opinion – be the race and culture that took serious, and was committed to its purpose, which was clearly articulated; and which seriously considered constructive criticism, regarding how it failed to remain committed to its purpose and values.
My final conclusion regarding my choice for existential meaning, which would be relevant whether I do have a soul; or whether I don’t have a soul; was to choose that the ultimate purpose of my life is: to grow character; so that my soul can rise to the next reincarnation level of character building; or – if I don’t have a soul -- I can face death, knowing I died standing for a principle of integrity, rather than lived on my knees to lies and deception.
What are the Values; and what is the Purpose of the White Race?
Until I am clear what the values are of the White Race; and what its purpose is; I am not about to sign allegiance to its values and purpose social contract; simply cause I was born with a white skin.
The reason I signed up to the Radical Honesty culture was because it values the principles of Honour and Truth-Telling: Character. I am happy to swear allegiance to a commitment to uphold any other tribe’s values, where such tribe values Honour and Character, and to treating other tribes and our Mother Earth honourably. Ultimately to create a network of Tribes and Cultures which value honour and character, and honest constructive criticism more than public relations image management and bullshit diplomacy. To ultimately create an environment that enables the opportunity for individuals from all races, to find within their race, a small culture or tribe, that they can join, which is committed to providing them with the opportunity to be true to themselves, to grow their honourable character, within their culture and traditions.
In my opinion – the proof of any individual’s honourable character – is their willingness to hear and listen, and seriously consider all constructive criticism, no matter how harsh, or brutally honest. Honourable Character committed to Self Improvement and Honourable Relations treats all criticism as worthy of an honourable response, and an invitation to a conversation to resolve the issues of discontent or underlying problem. As the US Army says (but does not always practice):When you engage someone openly with “white” information operations, i.e. IO where your identity is clear and explicit, you imply that they are roughly your equal. By speaking to them directly, you point up that they are important enough to demand your attention and your reply. – Blackfive and Information Superiority, Field Manual No. FM 3-0, Headquarters Department of the Army, June 2001
Radical Honestly highly values sincere and serious honourable constructive criticism. Radical Honesty’s psychological, political, ecological, emotional, socio-economic etc policies and principles are founded on the best science we can find. We are always on the lookout for sincere and serious constructive criticism founded on scientific evidence, so that our policies can be updated with the latest scientific knowledge.
I consequently appreciate – very much – you expressing your blunt honest opinion to me; and hope you have a greater understanding of my perspective; and to welcome your further response on the issue/s. Please feel free to share any honourable constructive criticism suggestions at any time.
Lara Johnstone
Radical Honesty SA

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