Gonzaga Jesuit Univ: Pres. McCullogh: Notice of EcoFeminist TRC Fraud ICC Genocide Charges Against Tutu | Response to: Tutu commencement invitation sparks controversy at Gonzaga
Andrea Muhrrteyn | White Refugee / Gonzaga Bulletin | 03 May 2012
Gonzaga Jesuit University President McCulloh Letter to Students:
A major social justice issue during the 1980’s and 1990’s involved the ending of racist policies instituted by the minority government of South Africa in the years following World War II. “Apartheid,” a legislated system of racial segregation, denied literally millions of black South Africans their civil rights, including the right to vote and receive equal access to social services. Millions of South Africans were stripped of their citizenship and forced by a series of resettlement acts to move into government-identified “homelands” — areas defined largely by race and/or ethnicity. Those resisting government-imposed apartheid policies were subjected to police brutality, imprisoned, and many — including many college students — were killed.
It was out of this violent social context that the voices of religious leaders, such as South African Anglican Archbishop Desmond Tutu and Catholic Archbishop Denis Hurley cried out to the world: “Will you help us?” While many heard but remained silent, some did lift their voices in support of the marginalized and suffering peoples of South Africa. In the midst of this horrific era, the Norwegian Nobel Committee in 1984 elected to award the Peace Prize to (then-Bishop) Tutu “as a unifying leader figure in the campaign to resolve the problem of apartheid in South Africa.”
During that period, and in the long and distinguished tradition of our University, Gonzaga faculty, staff and trustees, together with a generation of students, worked to bring awareness of apartheid — and a moral imperative to do something about it — to the forefront of this community.
Some 25 years later, we are privileged to have the rare opportunity to recognize a unique convergence of past, present and future at our upcoming Commencement ceremonies. Not only is this an opportunity to honor the determination and persistence of Desmond Tutu — arguably one of the most recognizable representatives of non-violent human rights activism on the planet — but it too is a chance to honor all those who speak out for justice when others remain silent.
Ultimately, and most importantly, it is an opportunity to honor our graduates, who we recognize at the moment they transition from students firmly committed to the service of faith and the promotion of justice, to alumni who will go forth to serve others and provide leadership to our world. It is in recognition of this University’s past involvement in the anti-apartheid movement, and the dedication of our current students to the welfare of others, that Archbishop Emeritus Tutu has accepted our invitation.
Desmond Tutu was honored with the Nobel Peace Prize not just for the essential work he did in the service of peace and justice but specifically “as a gesture of support ... to all individuals and groups ... who, with their concern for human dignity, fraternity and democracy, incite the admiration of the world.”
On the occasion of the University’s 125th Anniversary, in which we have a unique opportunity to connect with the noblest moments of our past, we are privileged to honor a Christian leader and social rights activist whose faith-based lifelong dedication to the cause of justice so clearly resonates with our efforts as a university. Desmond Tutu’s life has been dedicated to advancing the cause of peace through reconciliation, and justice through Jesus’ own instruction: “ ... love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another” (John 13:34). His determination and courage during a period of hate and injustice had a transformational impact on a nation, on humanity and on our university community — and it is this that we will together celebrate as we welcome Archbishop Emeritus Tutu to Gonzaga University on Commencement Weekend.
Thayne M. McCulloh, D. Phil
University President

From: Habeus Mentem
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2012 12:05 AM
To: 'President: Thayne M. McCullogh'
Cc: Desmond Tutu; Tutu Assist: Vivian; 'Pope Benedict XVI: Office for Pilgrims & Tourists'; 'Sup. Gen.: Soc. Of Jesus: Adolfo Nicolas: via Vatican Gardens'
Subject: Gonzaga: Pres. McCullogh: EcoFeminist TRC Fraud ICC Genocide Charges Against Tutu
President: Thayne M. McCullogh
Gonzaga University
502 East Boone Avenue
Spokane, WA 99258-0102
Honourable Transparency CC:
* Archbishop Desmond Tutu
* Pope Benedict XVI
Dear Pres. McCullogh,
Please find attached the following PDF's:
* Radical Transparency Notification: Radical Honoursty EcoFeminist Charges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) against, amongst others, Archbishop Desmond Tutu for his endorsement and concealment of Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) FRAUD, the consequences of which are genocide and crimes against humanity against Boer/Afrikaner white South Africans. (PDF)
* Complaint to International Criminal Court (ICC), against, amongst others, Archbishop Desmond Tutu for his endorsement and concealment of Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) FRAUD, the consequences of which are genocide and crimes against humanity against Boer/Afrikaner white South Africans, including Kill Boer Lotter Murders. (PDF)
* Anthea Jeffery's Report: The Truth About the Truth Commission (PDF)
* Radical Transparency Notification: Radical Honoursty EcoFeminist Charges at the International Criminal Court (ICC) against, amongst others, Archbishop Desmond Tutu for his endorsement and concealment of Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) FRAUD, the consequences of which are genocide and crimes against humanity against Boer/Afrikaner white South Africans.
I am an adult Problem Solving Radical Honoursty African Ecofeminist paralegal in George South Africa; where I run a small EcoFeminist pedal-powered wormery business.
I am 45 years old, have never been on welfare, have used an IUD as contraception since the age of 19, and hence have never been pregnant, nor had an abortion. I have lived an ecological small footprint life; to avoid aggravating overpopulation, resource wars; materialist consumerism and resource depletion.
I am the only member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion, in South Africa. Our culture is founded on the principle of Radical Transparency. Radical Transparency is also practiced as the foundational principle of: (1) Delancey Street Foundation; and 2) Bridgewater Associates. As described by Bridgewater CEO: Ray Dalio “Bridgewater’s unique results are a product of its unique culture. Truth and excellence are valued above all else. In order to be excellent we need to know what’s true, especially those things that we would rather not be true, so that we can decide how best to deal with them. We want logic and reason to be the basis for making decisions. It is through this striving to be excellent by being radically truthful and transparent that we build meaningful work and meaningful relationships”.
* Complaint to International Criminal Court (ICC), against, amongst others, Archbishop Desmond Tutu for his endorsement and concealment of Truth and Reconciliation (TRC) FRAUD, the consequences of which are genocide and crimes against humanity against Boer/Afrikaner white South Africans, including Kill Boer Lotter Murders.
The Complainants Request the ICC: Prosecutor’s Office to: Initiate an investigation into the allegations that the respondents are to be held criminally culpable for their endorsement and concealment of TRC FRAUD, the consequences of which are genocide and crimes against humanity against white South Africans, and ethno-cultural legal and political persecution of Afrikaner/Boer and Radical Honesty cultures. Complainants allege the Defendants cover up and censorship of the ANC and Anti-Apartheid Movements (i) Frantz Fanon/Black Consciousness (‘liberation by violence on the rotting corpse of the settlers’) (ii) Black Liberation Theology (‘violent elimination of ‘whiteness’); and (iii) Houari Boumediene/Black Power Breeding War (“The wombs of our women will give us victory”) inspired TRUTH AND RECONCILIATION COMMISSION FRAUD (“TRC FRAUD”) perpetrated against citizens of South Africa, and predominantly against white Afrikaner/Boer/Settlers; is committed in the context of endorsing the ANC’s institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by Africans over other racial groups, particularly Boer/Afrikaners and committed with the intention of maintaining the ANC regime.
* Anthea Jeffery's Report: The Truth About the Truth Commission
Forward by John Kane-Berman, Chief Executive, South African Institute of Race Relations:
“Although the TRC's founding legislation required it to generate a factual, comprehensive, and properly contextualised rendition of past conflict, the report it has produced is anything but.
The commission claims that there can be no dispute about how 'strong on truth' it has been. Dr Jeffery's meticulous study refutes this claim.
The commission also said that there could be no healing without truth, that half truths and denial were no basis for building the new South Africa, that reconciliation based on falsehood would not last, and that selective recollection of past violence would easily provide the mobilisation for further conflict in the future. If these are its criteria for the role of truth in promoting reconciliation, it has failed to meet them.“
Lara Johnstone
Radical Honoursty EcoFeminist
» » » » [RH Letter to Gonzaga :: Genocide Complaint to ICC :: Truth about Truth Commission]
Copies Sent To:
- Cardinal Newman Society: Patrick Reily
- Virtue Online: Tracy Simmons
- Gonzaga Law School: Dr. UD Acharya; Helen Donigan, James McCurdy, Gary Randall, Mark Wilson, Megan Ballard, Cheryl Beckett, Lisa Bradley, Scott Burnham, Patrick Charles, George Critchlow, Lynn Daggett, Mark DeForrest, David DeWolf, Jennifer Gellner, Jason Gillmer, Gail Hammer, Gerald Hess, Brooks Holland, Heidi Holland, Amy Kelley, Jane Korn, Inga Laurent, Christopher Lynch, John Maurice, Linda Kawaguchi, Alan McNeil, Kurt Meyer, Daniel Morrissey, Ann Murphy, Kim Pearson, Linda Rusch, Stephen Sepinuck, Kevin Shelley, Sandra Simpson, Mary Treuthart, Larry Weiser, Vickie Williams, Matthew Andersen, Bev Anderson, Stacy Bjordahl, David Bonga, Jerry Boyd, Mary Ann Brady, Michael Casey, Michael Chappell, Mike Connelly, Christopher Crago, Bruce Didesch, William Dodge, Bill Drew, Anita Dupris, Patrick Fannin, David Grant, Bryan Harnetiaux, Michael Keyes, Richard Kuhling, Art Macomber, Genevieve Mann, Scott Miller, Tamara Murock, Rachael Osborn, Gair Petrie, Michael Pontarolo, Brian Rekofke, John Rodgers, Eric Schtjen, Lance Sadler, Karen Sayre, Stanley Schwartz, Debra Stephens, Duane Swinton, Philip Thompson, Robert Thompson, Mark Vovos, Leslie Weatherhead
- Gonzaga Philosophy Dept: Mark Alfino, Kirk Besmer, Dan Bradley, David Calhoun, Mark Chakoian, Jay Ciaffa, Timothy Clancy, Brian Clayton, Theodore Di Maria, Brian Henning, Charles Hobbs, Debby Hutchins, Thomas Jeaonnot, Douglas Kries, Quanhua Liu, Ellen Maccarone, Richard McCleland, Wayne Pomerlau, William Ryan, Erik Schmidt, John Shuford, Michael Tkacz, Rose Volbrecht, John Wagner
- Gonzaga Psychology Dept: Molly Kretchmar-Hendriks, Monica Bartlett, Moark Bodamer, Sam Leigland, Michael McBride, Thayne McCullogh, Anna Medina, Michael Nelson, Gary Thorne, Nancy Worsham, Doris Langevin, Sean Smitham, John Wolfe
- Gonzaga Political Science Dept: Stacy Taninchev, Laura Brunell, Mike Connolly, Joe Gardner, Blaine Garvin, Robert Herold, Ian Isacoff, Michael Leiserson, Cynthia Stavrianos, Michael Treleaven, Bob Waterman
- Gonzaga Environmental Dept: Julie Beckstead, David Boose, Gregory Gordon, Brian Henning, Kevin Henrickson, Jon Isacoff, Brian Steverson, Matthew Bahr, Andrea Metoyer, Gary Chung, Betsy Downey, Joseph Haydock, Erica Johnson, Hugh Lefcort, Susan Norwood, Linda Schearing, Joanne Smieja, Jeff Watson, Sherry Wood
- Gonzaga Sociology Dept: Andrea Fallenstein, Bill Hayes, Marguerite Marin, Al Miranne, Jane Rinehart, Edward Vacha, Georgie Weatherby, Nicole Willms
- Gonzaga International Relations Dept: Ted Nitz
- Gonzaga Women & Gender Studies Dept: Ann Ciasullo, Beth Cooley, Betsy Downey, Patsy Fowler, Mary Garvin, Jessica Maucione, Jane Rinehart, Nancy Staub, Linda tredennick, Rose Volbrecht, Andy Bass, Lisa Brown, Kevin Chambers, Heather Crandall, Gemma D'Ambuoso, John Eliason, Susan English, Andrea Fallenstein, Nadine Farid, Mary Farrell
- Gonzaga Leadership Dept: Connie Caddis, Teresa Crane, Joseph Albert, Tony Andenoro, Lisa Brown, Michael Carey, Dennis Conners, Kristine Hoover, John Horsman, Adrian Popa, Aditya Simha, Lazarino Topuzova
- Religion News: Ed: Kevin Eckstrom, Ed: Adelle Banks, Daniel Burke, Lauren Markue, Michele Chabin, Ron Csillag, Amanda Green, Jeffrey MacDonald, Omar Sacirbey
- Gonzaga Bulletin: Ed: Greg Anderson, Ed: Lauren Campbell, Ed: John Gats, Amy Busek, Nick Merchant, Tom Quinn, Taurean Yamada
- Gonzaga Mag: Ed: Lombard
@GonzagaUNews Notice of EcoFeminist TRC Fraud ICC Genocide Charges Against Tutu bit.ly/Ivb3e9
— SQWorms (@sqworms) May 3, 2012

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