Zuma's 'decolonising minds' reference to violent Frantz Fanon, or non-violent Radical Honesty 'decolonizing minds' definition of Reconciliation, in Review 'Kill Boere' Judgement in Concourt?
War is Peace Whores consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a tool of pretend problem solving manipulation, which can be used as a great PR publicity stunt to colonize ignorant minds into blind subservient belief in the ‘reconciliation’ moral supremacy narrative. Reconciliation is achieved for as long as the subservient followers are in a state of moral supremacy cognitive dissonance, where objective or subjective enquiry is suspended, but if applied would reveal their belief in their state of moral supremacy reconciliation to be false, but lack the integrity and courage to admit they are addicted to being ‘morally superior’, due to censoring all evidence exposing their two faced hypocrisy.
Andrea Muhrrteyn | SQSwans | 28 December 2012
Excerpt from Radical Honesty Application for Review of Afriforum/TAU-SA and ANC/Julius Malema 'Kill Boers' Hate Speech Negotiated Agreement.
The Constitutional Court Registrar refuses to process the application, demanding the applicant get a lawyer, but all South African lawyers refuse to represent her, as a member of the Radical Honesty culture
[5] Declaring the Truth and Reconciliation Report’s failure to provide clear and concise cultural/religious definition of ‘reconciliation’ -- i.e. whether Lutheran Christian, African, Boer Afrikaner, Kairos Black Liberation Theology, Frantz Fanon Liberation, Radical Honesty, etc -- to be (a) a failure of the requirements of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 34 of 1995, Section 2 (3)(1) “The objectives of the Commission shall be to promote national unity and reconciliation in a spirit of understanding which transcends the conflicts and divisions of the past.. “; and (b) an example of Archbishop Tutu’s description of how vague definitions (in this case not even a vague definition) enable legal tyranny. For example:
1. War is Peace Whores consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a tool of pretend problem solving manipulation, which can be used as a great PR publicity stunt to colonize ignorant minds into blind subservient belief in the ‘reconciliation’ moral supremacy narrative. Reconciliation is achieved for as long as the subservient followers are in a state of moral supremacy cognitive dissonance, where objective or subjective enquiry is suspended, but if applied would reveal their belief in their state of moral supremacy reconciliation to be false, but lack the integrity and courage to admit they are addicted to being ‘morally superior’, due to censoring all evidence exposing their two faced hypocrisy.
2. Lutheran Christians consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a voluntary inner spiritual process, whereby reconciliation is achieved via sincere dialogue and a change of heart and perspective.
3. Kairos / Black Liberation Theology Christians consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a socialist economic process, whereby reconciliation is only achieved once socialism is forcefully implemented.
4. Frantz Fanon Liberation Theologists consider ‘reconciliation’ to be a physically violent process of ‘liberating’ the ‘colonized mind’ by violence ‘on the rotting corpse of the settler’. Reconciliation occurs once all the settlers corpses are dead and rotting.
5. Radical Honesty is a non-violent Fanon process, where reconciliation is a psychological and sensate physical experience of releasing of anger and resentments. It is the liberation of both the settler and the colonized minds, by release of both of their suppressed violence, not physically, but verbally: face to face, through expressions of their resentments and appreciations, until all suppressed sensate anger is released. Radical Honesty forgiveness occurs when two former enemies sit across from each other, and have verbally liberated their pent up sensate anger and rage, the body is in a state of released sensate tension, similar to the emotions released in a sexual orgasm, irrespective of however long it takes. Reconciliation occurs when the fragile ego mind is no longer colonized by the suppressed anger in the body.
» » » » [SQSwans: Alien v. Afriforum, et al]
Dog comments: Zuma 'decolonising minds'
2012-12-27 14:46 | News 24
Johannesburg - President Jacob Zuma was only trying to "decolonise the African mind" when he criticised caring for dogs as pets as part of "white culture", the presidency said on Thursday.
"The essential message from the President was the need to decolonise the African mind, post-liberation," said presidential spokesperson Mac Maharaj in a statement,
He said Zuma wanted "to enable the previously oppressed African majority to appreciate and love who they are and uphold their own culture".
The presidency was responding to a report in The Star that said Zuma, in a speech given at Impendle in KwaZulu-Natal on Wednesday, had said that spending money to buy a dog and taking it to the vet and for walks, belonged to "white" culture.
He said that the African way was rather to focus on family.
'Promoting ubuntu'
According to the newspaper, Zuma also said people who loved dogs more than people had "a lack of humanity".
Zuma added that there was a generation of people trying to "emulate whiteness" but who would not succeed.
"Even if you apply any kind of lotion and straighten your hair, you will never be white," he was reported as saying.
In the presidency's statement, Maharaj did not deny that the president had made the above points.
However, he said, that the "few remarks" were in fact about "promoting ubuntu and maintaining respect and high regard for other human beings and African culture".
Maharaj said Zuma was referring to "what people should guard against, such as loving animals more than other human beings".
"He made the well-known example of people who sit with their dogs in front in a van [bakkie] or truck, with a worker at the back in pouring rain or extremely cold weather.
"Others do not hesitate to rush their dogs to veterinary surgeons for medical care when they are sick, while they ignore workers or relatives who are also sick in the same households."
Nevertheless, Maharaj said Zuma was not suggesting that animals "should not be loved or cared for".
'Preserve the good'
People however should not "elevate our love for our animals above our love for other human beings".
Maharaj said that Zuma "emphasised" the need to "preserve that which is good in certain cultures, and avoid adopting practices that are detrimental to building a caring African society".
However, Maharaj also said that Zuma wanted his audience to know that "they should not feel pressured to be assimilated into the minority cultures".
Maharaj criticised the media coverage of Zuma's speech.
"It is unfortunate that the journalists concerned chose to report the comments in a manner that seeks to problematise them, instead of promoting a debate about deconstruction and decolonisation of the mind as part of promoting reconciliation, nation building, unity and social cohesion."
» » » » [News 24 :: IOL]
Owning a dog 'is not African', declares Jacob Zuma: Racism row after South African president says black people with pets are just copying white culture
Outspoken president describes people who love dogs more than humans as 'having a lack of humanity' | Black South Africans respond by posting photos of themselves being 'un-African' by walking their dogs on Twitter | President's office says message of speech 'was need to decolonise the African mind post-liberation'
Sam Adams | DailyMail.UK | 27 December 2012
He is not afraid to voice controversial opinions on anything from same-sex marriage to teenage pregnancy.
But now South African president Jacob Zuma has taken the bizarre step of warning black Africans against owning a dog.
President Zuma said that owning and walking a dog, and even taking one to the vet, were not African activities, and was just copying white culture.
The president, 70, who faces investigation by the country's anti-corruption watchdog over an upgrade to his country home, is a proud Zulu and adheres to traditional practices - including polygamy. He has six wives and believed to have fathered 20 children.
Speaking at an event in KwaZulu-Natal province, he described people who love dogs more than humans as 'having a lack of humanity', Durban newspaper The Mercury reports
President Zuma reportedly told an audience of black South Africans on Wednesday to stop adopting the habits of other cultures. 'Even if you apply any kind of lotion and straighten your hair you will never be white,' he said.
Some black South Africans responded to Mr Zuma's latest comments by posting photos of themselves being 'un-African' by walking their dogs on Twitter, according to the Telegraph.
Mr Zuma reportedly said earlier this year that it was 'not right' for women to be single and has endorsed traditional courts in South Africa in the past.
The Telegraph reports Mr Zuma's office as saying that the message of his speech 'was the need to decolonise the African mind post-liberation.'
'This is not to say that animals should not be loved or cared for. The message merely emphasised the need not to elevate our love for our animals above our love for other human beings,' said the statement.
Mr Zuma is expected to spend at least another five years as President of South Africa after he was re-elected leader of his party, the ANC, earlier this month.
» » » » [DailyMail.UK]
South Africa's Jacob Zuma: Pet dogs are part of 'white culture'
Robyn Dixon | Los Angeles Times | December 27, 2012, 10:39 a.m.
JOHANNESBURG--South Africa's often controversial president, Jacob Zuma, emboldened after being strongly voted in for a second term as president this month, told black South Africans they should never try to behave like whites.
Buying a pet dog is part of "white culture," said Zuma, a staunch traditionalist, wading into South Africa's often tense debate on race in his first speech after being reelected by the African National Congress. So are taking dogs for walks and spending money on veterinarians when the animals are sick, he said Wednesday in a speech in Impendle, in KwaZulu-Natal, according to a report in the Star newspaper.
Zuma accused some people of caring more for their dogs than people and said they lacked humanity.
The South African president's remarks were controversial because the ANC policy is supposed to support a nonracial, nonsexist democracy.
He warned young blacks not to try to emulate whites, telling them they would lose the respect of fellow black South Africans.
He said young black women who straightened their hair were also trying to be like whites. Hair straightening is common in South Africa, and many other parts of the continent, and most South African supermarkets sell many varieties of hair relaxers designed to straighten hair.
“Even if you apply any kind of lotion and straighten your hair you will never be white,” Zuma said in the speech, which ignited a storm in the media and on Twitter.
He said the African way was to concentrate on family and not pets. When there were marital problems, couples should turn to their families and not to religious leaders, he said.
One South African newspaper, the Mail and Guardian, ran a column under the headline, "Zuma goes barking mad."
Some black South Africans, including a trade union council boss and Zuma critic, Zwelinzima Vavi, reacted by posting photographs of themselves with their dogs, or tweeted how much they loved their canine best friends.
Some posted photographs of President Barack Obama with his dog.
Award-winning South African novelist, poet and playwright Zakes Mda posted an old photograph on Twitter of revered former president Nelson Mandela grinning happily as a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog jumped on him, saying that according to Zuma, Mandela was "un-African."
"There are many different ways of being African. Of being black even. Those who love animals are not less African/black than those who don't," Mda said in another tweet. "Africanness is diverse and varied. It cannot be universalized from one perspective of a tribal man from one small corner of Africa."
It's not the first time Zuma has made controversial comments. In August he said in a TV interview that it was important women get married and have children, to give them "training."
“I wouldn’t want to stay with daughters who are not getting married. You’ve got to have kids. Kids are important to a woman because they actually give an extra training to a woman, to be a mother,” he said at the time, referring to his daughter's marriage.
In 2006, when he went on trial for allegedly raping a family friend, he said he could tell she wanted sex because she was wearing a short skirt. He was acquitted, but was criticized for having unprotected sex with an HIV-positive person.
Presidential spokesman Mac Maharaj released a statement Wednesday saying Zuma's speech was a message to black people to uphold and promote their own culture.
"The essential message from the president was the need to decolonize the African mind post-liberation to enable the previously oppressed African majority to appreciate and love who they are and uphold their own culture. They should not feel pressured to be assimilated into the minority cultures," Maharaj said.
A small opposition party, the Christian Democratic party, issued a statement warning Zuma's second term would be "even more sectarian and divisive" than his first, the South African Press Assn. reported. "This playing up of one culture against another, describing them, not as different, but rather that one has superior moral values to the other, is totally unacceptable and counterproductive," said party leader Theunis Botha.
But Zuma also had some supporters. Young Communist League spokesman Khaya Xaba said in a tweet that a "rich man's dog gets more in the way of vaccination, medicine and medical care than do the workers upon whom the rich man's wealth is built."
» » » » [LA Times]

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