Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Friday, March 8, 2013

SAHRC, CRL Rights, FVP & ANC AnthroCorpocentric Definitions of 'Racism' & 'Hatespeech' not endorsed by RH & YGL

SAHRC, CRL Rights, FVP & ANC AnthroCorpocentric Definitions of 'Racism' & 'Hatespeech' not endorsed by RH & YGL

Any past or future SAHRC ruling of ‘hate speech’, ‘racism’ etc, which does not recognize or incorporate Radical Honoursty cultural definitions of ‘hate speech’, ‘racism’ and ‘reconciliation’ in its rulings, consequently do not represent the views of the Radical Honoursty culture and the Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party.

Andrea Muhrrteyn | Radical Honoursty Culture | 07 March 2013

[3] AnthroCorpocentric Multiculturalism: Cultural Definitions:

[3.1] The ANC and other Political Parties and African and European South African cultures adhere to AnthroCorpocentric dominant common law cultural jurisprudence, including its endorsement of AnthroCorpocentric Multiculturalism , or MultiCorpCultural Colonialism, in accordance to the dictates of Multinational Corporations.

[3.2] As dictated by Multinational Corporations, and their addiction to ‘Public Relations Image management’ and cultural colonialism hegemony, these parties assert that there is one and one only definition for ‘hate speech’, their corporate colonial masters definition. Similarly there is one and only one definition for ‘racism’; their corporate colonial masters definition. No culture is allowed its own cultural historical definitions for abstract concepts of ‘racism’, or ‘hate speech’ or ‘love’ or ‘hate’ or ‘reconciliation’; because everyone must be blindly obedient to the Corporate Colonial Masters and their Cultural Colonization of all cultures into Zombie Consumers, obedient to the Corporate Masters AnthroCorpocentric Legal Tyranny.

[3.3] A Legal Tyranny occurs in any society when its (a) jurisprudence has vague and abstract legal definitions, denying its citizens clear and concise simple language definitions for clear understanding of those particular terms, such as for example ‘terrorism’ or ‘exterminate’, or ‘communist’, etc; and/or (b) multicultural jurisprudence which adopts the dominant culture’s legal terminology of any legal concept, such as for example ‘hate speech’ or ‘racism’, as being the one and only legal definition relevant to all cultures; when in fact it is the dominant culture’s legal definition and is in conflict with minority cultures legal definitions; and does not recognize that minority cultures have different legal definitions for the particular concept.

SAHRC, CRL Rights, FVF & ANC AnthroCorpocentric Definitions of 'Racism' & 'Hatespeech' not endorsed by RH & YGL

Notice to African National Congress, Federale Vryheids Party, SA Human Rights Commission, CRL Rights Commission, All SA Political Parties, SA Media Editors: Subject: SAHRC, CRL Rights, FVF & ANC AnthroCorpocentric Definitions of 'Racism' & 'Hatespeech' not endorsed by RH & YGL (PDF)

FOR THE RECORD: Radical Honoursty (RH) culture and Yshmael Guerrylla Law (YGL) Party reiterate:

[1] RH and YGL dispute any SAHRC ruling against any individual or organization, that is based upon the dominant culture’s AnthroCorpocentric Common Law cultural definitions for ‘hate speech’ and ‘racism’; without any recognition of alternative cultural definitions from minority South African cultures who are not Patriarchal or AnthroCorpocentric.

[2] Any past or future SAHRC ruling of ‘hate speech’, ‘racism’ etc, which does not recognize or incorporate Radical Honoursty cultural definitions of ‘hate speech’, ‘racism’ and ‘reconciliation’ in its rulings, consequently do not represent the views of the Radical Honoursty culture and the Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party.

[3] AnthroCorpocentric Multiculturalism: Cultural Definitions:

[3.1] The ANC and other Political Parties and African and European South African cultures adhere to AnthroCorpocentric dominant common law cultural jurisprudence, including its endorsement of AnthroCorpocentric Multiculturalism , or MultiCorpCultural Colonialism, in accordance to the dictates of Multinational Corporations.

[3.2] As dictated by Multinational Corporations, and their addiction to ‘Public Relations Image management’ and cultural colonialism hegemony, these parties assert that there is one and one only definition for ‘hate speech’, their corporate colonial masters definition. Similarly there is one and only one definition for ‘racism’; their corporate colonial masters definition. No culture is allowed its own cultural historical definitions for abstract concepts of ‘racism’, or ‘hate speech’ or ‘love’ or ‘hate’ or ‘reconciliation’; because everyone must be blindly obedient to the Corporate Colonial Masters and their Cultural Colonization of all cultures into Zombie Consumers, obedient to the Corporate Masters AnthroCorpocentric Legal Tyranny.

[3.3] A Legal Tyranny occurs in any society when its (a) jurisprudence has vague and abstract legal definitions, denying its citizens clear and concise simple language definitions for clear understanding of those particular terms, such as for example ‘terrorism’ or ‘exterminate’, or ‘communist’, etc; and/or (b) multicultural jurisprudence which adopts the dominant culture’s legal terminology of any legal concept, such as for example ‘hate speech’ or ‘racism’, as being the one and only legal definition relevant to all cultures; when in fact it is the dominant culture’s legal definition and is in conflict with minority cultures legal definitions; and does not recognize that minority cultures have different legal definitions for the particular concept.

[4] Æquilibriæx Multiculturalism: Cultural Definitions:

[4.1] The Radical Honoursty culture and Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party RH & YGL endorse and adhere to Authentic Æquilibriæx Multiculturalism.

[4.2] According to Authentic Æquilibriæx Multiculturalism, RH and YGL recognize all other South African culture’s rights to their own cultural definitions for ‘hate speech’, ‘racism’ and ‘reconciliation’, etc.

[5] RH & YGL Æquilibriæx definitions of ‘Love/Hate/Racism etc’:

[5.1] Love: Love is to (a) tell another person your subjective truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, no matter how ‘offensive’ to the listener, and (b) to do so publicly, to their face; as opposed to secretly or behind their back, and (c) to remain in the conversation with them.

[5.2] Hate: Hate is to (a) withhold your honest subjective truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, no matter how offensive, from the listener; and (b) to do so to their face, particularly while expressing your subjective truth, behind their back, and (c) to bull**it yourself, that what you are doing is not ‘hate’; but ‘manners’ or ‘being nice’ or ‘being polite’ or ‘being professional’, etc.

[5.3] Racism: Any fact or verbal or written statement about racial differences – no matter how offensive or factually incorrect -- cannot be ‘racist’. Only a subjective belief about racial differences can be racist, if (a) it unequivocally subjectively known, by the holder of the belief, to be both factually and experientially false, yet (b) stated as factual or experiential truth, and (c) when confronted with possible alternative evidence and theories, the nature of the subjectivity of the belief is fundamentalist, as opposed to simply that of a working hypothesis conclusion. (Definition of Dr. Gedaliah Braun, as expressed in What is Racism? Or, how Philosophy can be ‘Practical’: in his book: Racism, Guilt, Self-Hatred and Self-Deceit).

[5.4] Reconciliation: Radical Honoursty is a non-violent Fanon process, where reconciliation is a psychological and sensate physical experience of releasing of anger and resentments. It is the liberation of both the settler and the colonized minds, by release of both of their suppressed violence, not physically, but verbally: face to face, through expressions of resentments and appreciations, until all suppressed sensate anger is released. Radical Honoursty forgiveness occurs when two former enemies sit across from each other, and have verbally liberated their pent up sensate anger and rage, the body is in a state of released sensate tension, similar to the emotions released in a sexual orgasm, irrespective of however long it takes. Reconciliation occurs when the fragile ego mind is no longer colonized by the suppressed anger in the body (Definition as provided to Constitutional Court in Alien on Pale Blue Dot v. Afriforum, Malema, et al).

[6] As argued in notice to FVF and ANC:

A. RH & YGL recommend that if, or when any member of any South African culture, makes any allegation of 'racism' or 'hate speech', etc; to any individual or member of a different culture, they should include their personal or culture's relevant legal definition/s; to avoid multicultural confusion, inaccurate projection of own definitions onto other cultures, and misinterpretation.

[6.2] As argued to Concourt in Alien on Pale Blue Dot v. Afriforum et al:

A. Declaring the Truth and Reconciliation Report’s failure to provide clear and concise cultural/religious definition of ‘reconciliation’ -- i.e. whether Lutheran Christian, African, Boer Afrikaner, Kairos Black Liberation Theology, Frantz Fanon Liberation, Radical Honesty, etc -- to be (a) a failure of the requirements of the Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation Act, 34 of 1995, Section 2 (3)(1) ..

B. To amend the Truth and Reconciliation Report’s failure to provide clear and concise cultural/religious definition of ‘reconciliation’; South Africa’s ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ Nobel Peace Prize Laureate’s be required to provide the court with their clear and concise cultural/religious definitions for ‘reconciliation’, and the CRL Commission be required to consult all South Africa’s cultures and religions, and to provide the court with the definitions for ‘reconciliation’ of all of South Africa’s cultures and religions.

[7] AnthroCorpocentric Perception Management:

[7.1] AnthroCorpocentric Jurisprudence and Corporate ideology dictate that all their subjects, which include political parties and organisations be blindly obedient to AnthroCorpocentric ideological dogma, practice Bull**it the Public Relations Image management, where ‘perception management’ is more important than brutal honesty 100% reality. Reputations are not based upon brutal reality and transparency; but ‘perception management’.

[7.2] With regard to AnthroCorpocentric Multiculturalism, this manifests as a total disregard for the true and honest relationship status, on the ground, of individuals from different cultures, and a total focus on silencing and censoring information about cultural disagreements that do not fit the required ‘perception management’ narrative the AnthroCorpocentric Elite wish to project as being ‘reality’. AnthroCorpocentric Multiculturalism dogma dictates that the media are used for manipulating the ‘perception management’ bull**it story about the current status of ‘multicultural harmony or discord’, where the ‘perception management’ harmony can be used to benefit the AnthroCorpocentric Elite’s personal ‘reputation management’ narrative stories. In accordance to perception management, the focus is not on confronting reality and root cause problem solving, to resolve disputes and disagreements and misunderstandings between cultures; but making sure that everyone agrees to pretend to like each other, pretend to crawl up each others ass, pretend to cooperate, pretend that they are not pretending. If or when anyone strays from pretending and expresses their honest opinions – such as Julius Malema or the AWB or whomever -- they are accused of ‘racism’ and ‘hate speech’ for refusing to play the game of pretend ‘we are one big happy family’ multiculturalism.

[8] Æquilibriæx Confront Reality Problem Solving Management:

[8.1] RH and YGL do not practice Bull**it the Public Relations Image management; only the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the go**amn truth, 24/07/365. RH and YGL commitment to transparency, make Julian Assange and Wikileaks seem like a cult of secrecy.

[8.2] RH & GYL believe that true authentic multiculturalism can only occur when all cultures are honest about what their culture’s specific legal definition is of contentious legal term/s, so that the members of all cultures, can be made aware, what other cultures definitions are of these terms and how to choose to relate to each other, or not, in recognition of those specific terms; instead of one or more dominant cultures, attempting to enforce their AnthroCorpocentric dominant cultural definitions down all other minority culture’s throats.

[8.3] RH & YGL believe – like Slavoj Zizek in 'The one measure of true love is: you can insult the other' – that true authentic multiculturalism occurs when people of different cultures have such a love for each other, that they have the freedom to (a) insult each other with constructive criticism, and (b) remain in the conversation with each other, by investigating its accuracy and learning and growing from each others accurate constructive criticism; to better learn to understand each other, which is how trust is earned and grown.

[8.4] Radical Honoursty culture and Yshmael Guerrylla Law Party consequently welcome other cultures and political parties to insult RH and YGL with their honest constructive criticism, which RH and YGL will be happy to engage her critics upon.

[9] RH & YGL based upon Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence and CommonSism.

[9.1] CommonSism, or Common Sense Laws for a Sustainable Commons, regulate human procreation and resource utilization behaviour, by means of legally defining the procreation and consumption difference, and consequent related Sustainable Rights/Penalties, between a Leaver and a Taker, to ensure sustainability.

[9.2] Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence is Equal & balanced Eco/Anthropocentric law. Equilibriæx Jurisprudence adheres to the laws of nature / ecology, which manifests as all species living in carry capacity harmony with another. Aquilibriæx Jurisprudence adheres to laws of human nature, which manifests as fully informed consent harmony between all human members of society.

[9.3] An excellent example of a culture who practice Æquilibriæx Jurisprudence, are the Mosuo, a small Gender Balanced culture who live in South West China, who have no murder, rape, war, suicide, jails or unemployment, due to abiding by the laws of nature and human nature.

For a more detailed statement, including a description of Radical Honoursty and Yshmael Guerrylla Law Parties values and cultural practices, please see attached PDF statement at SQSwans.

» » » » [SQSwans :: Habeus Mentem]

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