![]() Imagine being woken up in the dead of night with guns pointed in your faces, pistol whipped, and robbed. My one neighbour was shot execution style while his wife watched. Another neighbour was mercilessly beaten while his wife and teenage daughter were repeatedly raped. All this while being taunted with "white pigs you will all die"... This is not a normal existence. Whites in South Africa are under siege. -- Crystal Clear, South Africa; Sep 15, 2009, White Refugee Petitioner # 49 |
White Refugees Petition: # 01 - 50:
I am currently studying in the USA, and I too fear going back to SA. As i was robbed at gun point and beaten up by three black guys in broad day light.The crime affected my health and caused me to live in fear.Not to mention the affirmative action policy, I could not get promotion because I am white.It's about the world found at the truth of what is going on in SA under black rule.
-- # 48: Sep 14, 2009, Peter Deneke, Florida
There is no real democracy in South Africa. There is corruption, nepotism and a strong desire to eradicate all whites at any expense. Crime against whites is very prevalent, violent, and targeted - seldom is anything of value actually stolen. The world seems to have forgiven Mandela's sins, but he is still condoning violence. Come visit us for a couple of months and see for yourself that even a black man can be a racist.
-- # 44:Sep 14, 2009, Alan Marsden, South Africa
Why We Are White Refugees Petition: 12 September - 25 June 2009
We Signed the White Refugees Petition
Petitioners: # 01-50 | 51-100 | 101-150 | 151-200 |
# 50:Sep 15, 2009, Anonymous, South AfricaThis decision is the correct one, and the ruling should not be overturned. White South Africans are becoming increasingly marginalized and abused in their country of birth - a country that espouses tolerance, inclusiveness and racial harmony. The government of the day however, continually makes statements, policies and laws to the contrary. This adds to racial tension, and fans the fires of racial hatred. South African whites are heading towards a Rwanda style genocide. All the warning signs are there - such as: A police force that will selectively apply the law due to the color of your skin. Increased anti-white rhetoric at all levels of society, mainly from the upper echelons of government. Increased crime against whites as the government capacity to govern is diminished and more economic refugees from the other failed states in Africa flood across our now non-policed and unprotected borders. Increased bribe taking and racial outbursts from lower level government employees especially Metro (traffic) Police and SAPS members. Brutality of attacks and associated torture of mainly white victims is rising. Police forces are colluding with government to cover up the true extent of crime through obfuscating, fudging statistics and reporting crimes under other categories. Police abusing, attacking and extorting white crime victims and whites who report crime. I would be bold enough to say that if this ruling is overturned, Canada will do itself a great disservice and should in all fairness then cease, with immediate effect, to take ANY refugees from ANY country for ANY reason whatsoever.
# 49:Sep 15, 2009, Crystal Clear, South AfricaImagine being woken up in the dead of night with guns pointed in your faces, pistol whipped, and robbed. My one neighbour was shot execution style while his wife watched. Another neighbour was mercilessly beaten while his wife and teenage daughter were repeatedly raped. All this while being taunted with "white pigs you will all die"... This is not a normal existence. Whites in South Africa are under siege.
# 48:Sep 14, 2009, Peter Deneke, FloridaI am currently studying in the USA, and I too fear going back to SA. As i was robbed at gun point and beaten up by three black guys in broad day light.The crime affected my health and caused me to live in fear.Not to mention the affirmative action policy, I could not get promotion because I am white.It's about the world found at the truth of what is going on in SA under black rule.
# 47:Sep 14, 2009, Anonymous, South Africa
# 46:Sep 14, 2009, Anonymous, CanadaSouth Africa is increasingly experiencing racism against white citizens, and crimes against whites are excessively brutal and violent. The Canadian government is to be applauded for having recognized what so many others are refusing to see - that this is genocide in the making and that whites are frequently the targets of attacks because of the colour of their skin. Discrimination is rife throughout the job market and whites are routinely rejected for positions based on race. Many white South Africans had nothing to do with apartheid and the majority of those who lived under it did not agree with it and actively fought to eliminate it. However, whites across the board are now being targeted and only a few lucky ones are able to escape and provide a future for their children.
# 45:Sep 14, 2009, Gonçalves Maria Dulce Vaz, Portugal
# 44:Sep 14, 2009, Alan Marsden, South AfricaThere is no real democracy in South Africa. There is corruption, nepotism and a strong desire to eradicate all whites at any expense. Crime against whites is very prevalent, violent, and targeted - seldom is anything of value actually stolen. The world seems to have forgiven Mandela's sins, but he is still condoning violence. Come visit us for a couple of months and see for yourself that even a black man can be a racist.
# 43:Sep 14, 2009, Stephen Williams, South AfricaI am a white south african. And I would consider myself quite anaffected by the high levels of crime here. I have only been robbed once at gun point, robbed once at knife point, house burgled three times, car broken into three times, I've been called a "white boer" from people driving past me as I walked down the road, I've had coloured friends who did not finish matric as well as I did who were granted a place at UCT while I was not. So, are white south africans persecuted because of their race? CERTAINLY Its quite disheartening to be told by leftist liberals that the problems of south africa is the fault of white people, and that we are not persecuted because of our race. AND FUNNIEST OF ALL - WE'RE TOLD THAT WE'RE ALL RACIST LOL!!!!!!
# 42:Sep 14, 2009, STEFANO FRANZOSO, Italyhelp them.............
# 41:Sep 14, 2009, Hendrik St.Ander, South AfricaOn the road to Pietersburg, now renamed Polokwane, there is a koppie coevered wth white crosses each cross representing one white-farm-murder (which could represent more than one member of a family)i.e. 3000. Are these merely crimes? Hardly, if it is taken into account that the Government disbanded the commandos that were organised by the farmers for their own protection. Please read the following: http-monkeytricksinsa.blogspot.com-2008-10-clandistine-boer-genocide-orchestrated.html
# 40:Sep 14, 2009, Hendrik St.Ander, South AfricaOn the road to Pietersburg, now renamed Polokwane, there is a koppie coevered wth white crosses each cross representing one white-farm-murder (which could represent more than one member of a family)i.e. 3000. Are these merely crimes? Hardly, if it is taken into account that the Government disbanded the commandos that were organised by the farmers for their own protection. Please read the following: http-monkeytricksinsa.blogspot.com-2008-10-clandistine-boer-genocide-orchestrated.html
# 39:Sep 14, 2009, Anonymous, VirginiaI am one American who is aware of the racist violence against White people in South Africa. I will do my best to alert others to this.
# 38:Sep 14, 2009, Alexander Moore, Russian FederationIt is just not possible for a qualified white person to get work in our country (SA) anymore..The government puts all their friends in the top jobs while the white people are slowly being pushed out the country. It would be wonderful to be able to go back home, build a life and live in peace with our fellow south africans however we are constantly victims of gruesome, horrific crimes because of the colour of our skin. We are paying for the sins of our forefathers daily, and our children will never know what its like to grow up in the place we once called home as there is no future for them there. Brandon Huntley has highlighted the plight white south africans face today and he is being labelled a traitor, racist and opportunist. To me Brandon Huntley is a hero. He is the only one who had the courage and balls to stand up and speak out against the racist ANC regime and their policies. He stood up and told the world the truth about what is happening in South Africa. This cannot go on..something must be done!
# 37:Sep 14, 2009, Andre Botha, United Kingdom
# 36:Sep 13, 2009, Mark JS Esslemont, New ZealandIn 1995 we emigrated from East London SA to Christchurch NZ with our two young sons, as we were sick and tired of daily racial harassment and violent crime in SA. We didn't want our sons to grow up in such conditions of violent crime, harassment, racism, debased discriminatory laws, corruption.
# 35:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, CaliforniaIn the US all the jobs and domestic aid were given to non-whites including illegal aliens. The majority of the homeless population are white us citizens. the government jobs are held by foreign born individuals, non-white. Once they get in, they only hire their own. 7-11 was bought by Indian or Pakistanis and they fired all us workers and brought in people from their own countries. Happy Nails is owned by vietnamese and only hires vietgnamese. Immigration is a big joke played on the white race. Now we have no where to go because all of the asian, latin, middle eastern countries don't allow easy immigration, no foreigners can buy land, work etc. freely and only those born to citizen parents get citizenship.
# 34:Sep 13, 2009, Snowy Smith, South AfricaI Snowy Smith have personally been MUGGED 6 times in Durban, 11 attempted muggings, robbed at gun point in Knysna and lost +- R2.5 million RANDS to BLACK Thieves. The South African Government has failed and or refused to protect Whites from Black murderers and in actual fact has turned a blind eye to the Genocide of Whites which is all part of their hidden agenda to steal the White mans assets and property. South Africa is a Criminals Paradise, the New Zimbabwe South. Snowy Smith, Senior Complaints Investigator, Consumer Protection Guide (No Fear, No Favour), Fair Civil Law.
# 33:Sep 13, 2009, Wendy Johnstone, United Kingdom
# 32:Sep 13, 2009, T Van Wyk, United Kingdom
# 31:Sep 13, 2009, Clive & Ann Johnstone, South Africa
# 30:Sep 13, 2009, Andre B. Johnstone, South Africa
# 29:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, ArizonaEven educated, young, "white" males are denied employment. And yes, I know more than my share of family and friends that were impacted by crime in SA. Not just theft, but hijacking, shot in the back, assaulted, etc.
# 28:Sep 13, 2009, Marlene Martha Rademeyer, South Africa
# 27:Sep 13, 2009, Johan Steyn, South Africa
# 26:Sep 13, 2009, Renier Marx, South Africa
# 25:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, AustraliaThe similarities between the demonizing of the light-skinned minority in South Africa and the Jewish minority in Nazi Germany are frightening. The hate rhetoric directed towards whites by prominent ANC leaders echoes the hate speech of Hitler and Goebbels. Also, racial discrimination in employment undermines basic human rights which are supposed to be guaranteed under the UN charter. I see no reason, whatever inequities the history of South Africa may have visited on other sections of the population, to treat a person, of whatever race, as less than human.
# 24:Sep 13, 2009, Fred Tucek, AustriaDear Sirs I left South Africa for the same reasons almost three years ago. The levels of violent crime there are difficult for outsiders to comprehend. Anyone who knows the place will admit that this is an ill society where values, norms and plain common sense have been skewed to suit specific agendas. One needs only to look at the handling of certain issues, for example the Caster Semenya debacle, to conclude that race is a defining factor. I rarely engage openly on this issue, but have decided to add my voice to this petittion due to the severity of of the situation. Certain minority groups in the country are in dire need of assistance. Please investigate the facts.
# 23:Sep 13, 2009, Bill C, Germany
# 22:Sep 13, 2009, Steve Klein, Virginia
# 21:Sep 13, 2009, White Male, South AfricaMy comments are shared on: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Brandon_Huntley
# 20:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, AustraliaThe world needs to know what's happening in South Africa
# 19:Sep 13, 2009, Corry Visser, South AfricaI respectfully request that you consider this issue very carefully before making your decision. We the whites of South Africa love our Country dearly, we do however reject the way that the ANC has mariginalised the minority white and other minority groups
# 18:Sep 13, 2009, Sarah Davies, United KingdomOver 3,000 white farmers have been tortured to death and thousands more in the cities, This is genocide and must be acknowledged.
# 17:Sep 13, 2009, Francois De Villiers, United KingdomMyself and my Family left South Africa because of the crime, and because we could see that the education system was being ruined due to government incompetence. White people are being targeted for perceived past crimes.
# 16:Sep 13, 2009, Islandshark UK, United KingdomOver 3,000 white farmers and inhabitants of smallholdings have been savagely murdered in South Africa since 1994. Instead of protecting them, the corrupt ANC govt has disarmed law abiding citizens. Mainstream media is covering up the discrimination and persecution of whites in South Africa. If they don't, the world will realise that they have been sold a bill of goods about South Africa since the 1970s.
# 15:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, Australia
# 14:Sep 13, 2009, Tatiana Costa, Brazil
# 12:Sep 13, 2009, John Van Sittert, South AfricaMy daughter is 11 years old and displays symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder - that is the result of the persecution she suffers under the ANC government.
# 11:Sep 13, 2009, Y Le Roux, AustraliaThe world needs to know what white South Africans is going through. Thousands of us have to immigrate to other countries for safety and job security. We support Mr Huntley's case 100%.
# 10:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, Australia
# 9:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, South AfricaThe world needs to be made aware of the terrible drama unfolding in South Africa.
# 8:Sep 13, 2009, Eugene Pretorius, South Africa
# 7:Sep 13, 2009, Britany J, Canada
# 6:Sep 13, 2009, Anonymous, Australia
# 5:Sep 13, 2009, Kris Wirth, Idahogood luck
# 4:Sep 13, 2009, Doberman SA, AustraliaAs a victim of crime and racial discrimination based on the ANC's racist affirmative action and Black Empowerment policies of the past 16 years, Mr Huntley's case is valid and is backed up by tens of thousands of similar tales.
# 3:Sep 13, 2009, William Epler, New Mexico
# 2:Sep 12, 2009, Lara Johnstone, South Africa"Our government is the potent, the omnipresent teacher. For good or ill, it teaches the whole people by its example." -- Supreme Court Justice Louis D. Brandeis
# 1:Sep 12, 2009, Chum R, Canada
Source: Why We Are White Refugees Petition

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