Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Facebook Deletes Boycott 2010 World Cup & Population Policy Common Sense...

It is herewith concluded that an analysis of the deletion by Facebook of the Boycott 2010 World Cup Campaign page, and other related pages and groups, amounts to Facebook Endorsiong not only Black Apartheid; but the deliberate and intentional Extermination of White's and White Farmers in South Africa...

Boycott 2010 World Cup, deleted from Facebook.

On 21 January 2010, I logged on to my Facebook account to find:
“Your account has been disabled.”

Along with deleting my Facebook Account, Facebook also deleted the Boycott 2010 World Cup page, as well as the Population Policy Common Sense page.

Previous Attempts to Censor Boycott 2010 World Cup

The symptoms of overpopulation colliding with finite or scarce resources (i.e. ecological overshoot resource wars) include: energy depletion, food shortages, species extinction, politically correct fascism, Immigration and emigration, terrorism, starvation, poverty, disease, crime, economic & political instability, pain and misery... Wake Up Whitey! (aka Population Policy Common Sense)
The Facebook deletion follows a campaign by Ms. Noelene Barbeau, Senior Journalist for the Daily News, and Mr. Simon Barber (Thought Leader Journalist for the Mail & Guardian, US correspondent for Business Day, the Sunday Times and the Cape Times; US Country manager for the International Marketing Council (IMC)) who last month accused the Boycott 2010 World Cup Campaign of being an Anti-SA Smear Campaign.

Ms. Noelene Barbeau and IOL refused to print the Boycott 2010 World Cup's response to their article: Pro-SA “Boycott 2010 World Cup” Campaign on Facebook. Consequently a complaint was filed with IOL Technology Editor, c/o Independent News Board of Directors: Notice to Technology Editor; c/o & via: Independent News & Media PLC Board of Directors: RE: Violations of Press Code Allegations. It was also ignored.

It is unknown whether IOL, Ms. Noelene Barbeau, Mr. Simon Barber, or anyone acting on their behalf had anything to do with the deletion of Boycott 2010 World Cup Campaign and Population Policy Common Sense pages from Facebook; or whether it is a totally unrelated new attempt to censor the Boycott 2010 World Cup Campaign.

What was the information that was contained on these Facebook Pages, that some people would prefer to be deleted and remain unread by Facebook readers?

Population Policy Common Sense

Description was as follows:
The symptoms of overpopulation colliding with finite or scarce resources -- i.e. ecological overshoot resource wars -- include: Local, National or International Resource Wars, energy depletion, food shortages, species extinction, politically correct fascism, Immigration and emigration, terrorism, starvation, poverty, disease, crime, economic instability, pain and misery. [Population Common Sense: Exponential Functions & the Laws of Sustainability]

Population Policy Common sense was previously deleted, when it was Wake Up Whitey! (aka Population Policy Common Sense))

Boycott 2010 World Cup

Boycott 2010 World Cup After It was Deleted by Facebook

Description was as follows:
“.. South Africa was the most dangerous country in the world to work in -- ahead of Iraq and Afghanistan..”
-- Securicor CEO Nick Buckles

“The agricultural department of a bank in South Africa has calculated the per capita murder rate of ethno-European farmers to be four (4) times greater than the average murder rate for the population of South Africa.” -- GenocideWatch Report, 2002

“RACIAL HATRED is the main cause of the incredibly high violence- and cruelty level which specifically target the primarily Afrikaner victims of farm attacks.”

“This is one of the shock findings of the long-awaited farm attack report, which the Afrikaans-language Beeld newspaper has managed to publish in spite of the decision yesterday by the South African government security and safety Minister to “hold back its publication.”

“According to the South African state advocates who were quoted in the independent commission's (still unpublished) formal report, racial hatred is an important factor in the violence and cruelty which mark the South African farm attacks targeting Afrikaner farm dwellers.”
-- GenocideWatch Report, Aug 2003

» » » » Farm Attack Official Investigation Report: Farmers tortured and murdered due to “racial hatred”

Beyond that the walls simply included postings from the White Refugee blog, with comments from Fans.

Qui Bono? Who Benefits?

“.. South Africa was the most dangerous country in the world to work in -- ahead of Iraq and Afghanistan..”
-- Securicor CEO Nick Buckles
[Boycott 2010 World Cup @ Facebook]

It would accordingly appear as if those who would prefer these groups and pages not to exist, would prefer South Africa's white farmers and their families, to remain vulnerable, without any safety and security to protect them; vulnerable to the criminality resulting from the ANC's official policy of “abnormal government-sponsored [black] population explosion,” “Malthusian poverty aggravation,” and “[black] moral degeneration and social disintegration.” (PDF)

Which Political Party in South Africa has implemented a population policy of “abnormal government-sponsored [black] population explosion,” and directly benefits from that policy in its aim for hegemony?

Which Political Party in South Africa benefits from “Malthusian poverty aggravation;” the criminally inclined so inflicted who are repeatedly encouraged to blame their criminality; not on the ANC's deliberate “abnormal government-sponsored [black] population explosion”; but on ‘poverty caused by the legacy of Apartheid’?

Which Political Party in South Africa benefits from “[black] moral degeneration and social disintegration”; i.e. lawlessness and criminality; where South Africans and the world are repeatedly informed this lawlessness is a result of the ‘poverty caused by the legacy of Apartheid’?

Which Political Party in South Africa continually blames “the legacy of apartheid” for “black poverty” and “[black] moral degeneration and social disintegration”?

Blackwash (Black Power) Group Not Deleted from Facebook

Zandi Radebe is the Founder of Blackwash on Facegroup

Blackwash shall only be 'liberated' once all white South Africans are exterminated

Meanwhile Facebook has no problems with the group Blackwash, which is for blacks only, accuses 'white supremacy' for all of its problems. And for the Record, while I disagree with their analysis and conclusions about the problems of Black People, I don't think they need to be censored. I think they need to be engaged, debated. Why do they feel the way they do?

They carry the spirit of Haiti's slave revolt in their hearts. Accordingly they shall only rest, once they have been liberated, and once they have mass murdered every single white in South Africa; and exterminated whites from South Africa, and Africa.
Blackwash is a collective of blacks, by blacks and for blacks only! We stand for liberation of black people, this means amongst others self governance and equitable sharing of our natural resources. But it also means we need to find collective and democratic practices to define and arrive at our final destiny. We understand white supremacy to be at the very foundation of the world capitalist system. White supremacy organizes everyday racism, exploitation, women oppression and destruction of the life.. You can’t fight white supremacy without fighting against patriarchy, capitalism, homophobia and self hate at the same time.

We shall walk as we talk. We shall make our own mistakes; we shall learn and improve on our practice. Blackwash stands ultimately for the love of black people and the end of our suffering. We hope to oppress no one, but we shall not dialogue with forces which perpetrate our oppression. It’s a new day vuka darkie…
Coz 1994 changed fokol!

We focus on South Africa as our immediate challenge, but we won’t stop there. We carry the spirit of Haiti’s slave revolt of 1884 in our souls and as an antidote to white supremacy. We believe what white supremacy has done to Haiti in the past 200 years is the story of black people the world over.


White Refugee “Question posted to Morning Talk with Siki Mgabadeli- SA FM (104-107), for her 13 January 2010 interview of Zandi Radebe from Blackwash:
Re: 13 January 2010 Radio Interview:"After 11 - we chat to Zandi Radebe from Blackwash. In an open letter to the Matric class of 2009 - a black consciousness group called Blackwash, warned black matriculants that the majority of them are more likely to fail because they have been systematically underprepared from Grade 1, especially those who hail from rural schools”
[Do Sowetho kids need Blackwash Black Consciousness; or Crazy Like a Chavis' Discipline Tough Love?]

Black Apartheid in South Africa in 2010

‘The crime of apartheid’ is legally defined as:
crimes committed in the context of an institutionalized regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.

A legal complaint has been filed with the South African Human Rights Commission (Complaint # WC-2009-0455BS), including supporting Affidavits from United States Citizens, Dr. Leonard Horowitz (PDF) and Dr. Brad Blanton (PDF); accusing various officials in the South African Goverment of crimes against humanity, crimes against the peace and the crime of apartheid.

Considering aforementioned, is it fair to say that Facebooks actions, whether negligent or intentional, endorses Black Apartheid; and the Extermination of White's and White Farmers in South Africa...?

» » [White Refugees and the Tragedy of the Commons]
» » [Africa for the Africans, exterminating White People from Africa]
» » [“Why were we so wrong on Mugabe?” -- ask Zimbabwe Activist]
» » [The coming White Refugee Population Wars: a 12 bomb Equation]
» » [Are white South Africans and Zimbabweans the World Demographic Coalmine Canary's?]


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FAIR USE NOTICE: The White Refugee blog contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to provide information for research and educational purposes, and advance understanding for the Canadian Immigration & Refugee Board's (IRB) ‘White Refugee’ ruling. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Copyright owners who object to the fair use of their copyright news reports, may submit their objections to White Refugee Blog at: []