by Andrea Muhrrteyn
Why We Are White Refugees
Radical Honesty SA – scientific journalism request to Redress Information and Analysis/Christopher King: Is Julian Assange Europe’s Nelson Mandela?
Mr. King, I write on the assumption that your support for Wikileaks is sincerely in support of what Mr. Assange refers to as ‘scientific journalism’; and that you consequently would appreciate scientific evidence feedback, even where such scientific evidence contradicts your previously held conclusions. Consequently in a clash between scientific evidence and your ideology, you would be happy to relegate your ideology to the collateral damage refuse bin.
Please could you provide scientific journalism evidence for your statements about Nelson Mandela, not being a terrorist, the Apartheid state being a ‘criminal state’ and South Africans being better off under Mandela’s ANC, than the Apartheid goverment:”Remember that Nelson Mandela was imprisoned as a terrorist by a criminal government. South Africa was changed by citizen action. Keeping your head down is not an option. Send a donation for Julian Assange right now, feel good about yourself and tell your children and grandchildren that you were in the resistance against organized government crime.” (Christopher King)
Overview of Radical Honesty SA ‘root causes scientific journalism’ request to Redress Information and Analysis: “Is Julian Assange Europe’s Nelson Mandela’, by Christopher King
- Radical Honesty SA – Interpretation of Wikileaks/Mr. Assange’s work: scientific journalism
- Radical Honesty SA: Backgrounder:
- Who is Radical Honesty?
- Radical Honesty Culture: Where Ideology is Collateral Damage to Scientific Truth
- Radical Honesty: How Secrecy & Lies Prevent Sincere Forgiveness!
- Who is Radical Honesty SA?
- Radical Honesty SA’s views on Wikileaks and Obedience to Transparency and Truth, not Ideology:
- Radical Honesty SA: Scientific Journalism:
- ANC: VIP’s of Violence
- Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and the ANC’s TRC Fraud
- Nelson Mandela and the ANC’s Terrorism, not only against the Apartheid state, but its torture, executions and terrorism against the African People, and ANC dissenting members, including assassinations of whistleblowers.
- South Africans, including and particularly poor black Africans are WORSE OFF, under Mandela’s corrupt fascist ANC, than under ‘racist’ Apartheid.
- Why is the Transkei Collapsing?: An Open Letter from Cope’s Mbulelo Ncedana to Nelson Mandela
- 60% of South Africans: ‘Country Better Run under Apartheid’: ANC more corrupt, less trustworthy, less competent
- Deaths in Police Custody rise 25,725%, under Nelson Mandela’s ANC
- Farm Murders rise 3,095%, under Nelson Mandela’s ANC
- Radical Honesty SA’s Conclusion: If a ‘scientific journalism’ Wikileaks had existed between 1948 & 1994: the National Party’s Apartheid Government would have been vindicated as a Just War for Boer/Afrikaner Demographic Survival, and Nelson Mandela’s ANC would currently be perceived as the Soviet Union’s Useful Idiot Poverty Pimping slave and cannon fodder breeding Stalinist terrorist fascists, whose polices of terror, torture and censorship are based upon personal greed and African ideal of manhood masculine insecurities.
[I] Radical Honesty SA – Interpretation of Wikileaks/Mr. Assange’s work: scientific journalism
As far as I understand the work of Mr. Assange, whom I have, and shall continue to support, FOR AS LONG AS my interpretation of Mr. Assange/Wikileaks motivations remain that they are dedicated and committed to impartial “scientific journalism”, founded upon transparency. If I am provided with scientific evidence to the contrary, I shall of course be required to change my interpretation and conclusion regarding Wikileaks motives.“WikiLeaks coined a new type of journalism: scientific journalism. We work with other media outlets to bring people the news, but also to prove it is true. Scientific journalism allows you to read a news story, then to click online to see the original document it is based on. That way you can judge for yourself: Is the story true? Did the journalist report it accurately?” -- Don't shoot messenger for revealing uncomfortable truths, by Julian Assange, The Australian, December 08, 2010
[II] Radical Honesty SA: Backgrounder:
[A] Who is Radical Honesty?
And Nothing But the Truth: Television Interview about Brad Blanton's Campaign for Congress & Honesty in Politics |
[1] The Radical Honesty culture and religion are founded upon the Truth and Forgiveness Social Contract: Being Specific About Anger and Forgiveness ; as excerpted from: Practicing Radical Honesty. Radical Honesty is a powerful process by which people can make corrections in the minds distorted and only partly conscious map of the world. Our maps of the world are distorted by our repressed anger and resentment; the greater the amount of repressed anger and resentment, the greater the distortion. The key to individuality, integrity, individual freedom, and free societies, lies in providing people with the skills and capabilities to get over their anger, and experience sincere – not fake -- forgiveness. It is the way the statistics from Stanley Milgram’s experiments on blind obedience to authority get changed.
[2] Radical Honesty culture and religion was founded by Dr. Brad Blanton, who is: (1) President and CEO of Radical Honesty Enterprises Sparrowhawk Book Publishing and The Center for Radical Honesty, both dedicated to promoting honesty in the world; (2) former candidate for Congress in 2004 and 2006, on the platform of ‘Honesty in Politics’ ; (3) Pope of the Radical Honesty Futilitarian Church; i.e. “Dr. Truth” ; and (4) author of (a) Radical Honesty: How To Transform your Life by Telling the Truth; (b) Practicing Radical Honesty: How to Complete the Past, Stay in the Present and Build a Future with a Little Help from Your Friends, (c) Honest to God: A Change of Heart that Can Change the World, with Neale Donald Walsh (Conversations with God series); (d) Radical Parenting: Seven Steps to a Functional Family in a Dysfunctional World; (e) The Truthtellers: Stories of Success by Radically Honest People and (f) Beyond Good and Evil: The Eternal Split-Second-Sound-Light-Being; (g) Some New Kind of Trailer Trash.
[3] Dr. Blanton’s press package at, clarifies that he is the “leader of more than 175,000 followers who have joined his revolutionary movement to tell the truth”. That there is only one member of Dr. Blanton’s ‘revolutionary movement to tell the truth’ in South Africa says much about SA’s interest in a revolutionary movement to tell the truth, as opposed to revolutionary movements to spread left or right wing ideology.
[4] Dr. Blanton’s press kit, at Radical Honesty (, quickly and easily informs any impartial journalist, of Dr. Blanton’s biography , previous mainstream media interviews with among others : CNN Talk Back Live, Dateline-NBC, 20/20 with John Stossel, Montel Williams (three appearances), Iyanla, the Roseanne show, Sally Jesse Raphael, Mars and Venus, Esquire, New York Post, and London Times.
[5] The Radical Honesty culture and religion has been acknowledged as such by Neale Donald Walsch , the bestselling author of the Conversations with God series: Conversations With God (books 1-3), Friendship with God, Communion with God, The New Revelations, Tomorrow's God, What God Wants, Home with God: In a Life That Never Ends, Happier than God, and his newest book When Everything Changes, Change Everything. Mr. Walsch is the co-author/producer with Dr. Blanton of the book and DVD: Honest to God.
[6] The Radical Honesty culture and religion has been acknowledged as such by Tikkun Magazine, in Radical Hope: Futilitarianism, by Brad Blanton. Rabbi Michael Lerner, author of The Left Hand of God: Taking Our Country Back from the Religious Right (Harper San Francisco, 2006) is not only rabbi of Beyt Tikkun but is also the editor of TIKKUN magazine: A Bimonthly Jewish Critique of Politics, Culture and Society.
[B] Radical Honesty Culture: Where Ideology is Collateral Damage to Scientific Truth
[1] Radical Honesty Personal Responsibility Culture v. Slave and Cannon Fodder Breeding Denial of Ecological Responsibility Cultures:
There are many differences between Radical Honesty culture and many other cultures. One of those relevant to this matter is that members of the Radical Honesty culture do not practice Slave and Cannon Fodder Breeding Leadership. Radical Honesty leadership refuses to lie to any prospective follower. They would rather have an honest relationship based upon total transparency between leadership and followers, even if that means far less followers. Radical Honesty leadership does not want any followers who do not want to practice personal responsibility and a commitment to honesty. The ultimate goal for a Radical Honesty leader is the quality of transparency, intimacy and trust in their relationships.
Slave and Cannon Fodder Breeding cultures leadership is not founded on 100% transparency and honesty between leaders and followers, but based upon half-truths, vague promises, and the manipulation of followers. The goal is accumulation of ignorant cannon-fodder followers who can be manipulated by emotional ‘us’ vs ‘them’ trigger soundbytes; so as to present an image of power, to gain power. The ‘followers’ are simply the cannon fodder enablers for the leaders goal towards socio-political power. Slave and Cannon fodder leaders will never focus on root cause problem solving, and prefer to focus on the band-aid to braintumour symptom mobjustice blame games. They are well aware that if problems actually get solved, then the people are far less prone to require their ‘leadership services’; because there would be no need for ‘leaders’. In a community of individuals whose social contract concept of freedom is the freedom to choose to be personally responsible, and to resolve problems by addressing their root causes honestly, transparently and non-violently, there is no need for any ‘community government’, no need for lawyers, because citizens take personal responsibility for honestly resolving their disagreements with one another face to face. There are no problems of rapists, murderers or slave and cannon fodder breeding oxygen thieves, for everyone takes personal responsibility for their behaviour; it is the essence of their being, who they are.
The goal of any politician in any Radical Honesty community is to solve all problems at their root cause, as soon as possible, to work themselves out of power and a job, towards a community which does not need any more politicians.
Radical Honesty is a culture/religion for truth seekers, whatever the truth turns out to be. Most other cultures founded on an ideology are focused on proving their ideology right/superior; hence in a clash between their ideology and truth, their ideology deems truth to be the collateral damage casualty. In Radical Honesty, in a clash between ideology and truth based upon scientific evidence, IDEOLOGY IS THE COLLATERAL DAMAGE CASUALTY.
[8] If you doubt the statement that Radical Honesty politicians practice brutal honesty and total transparency, please be so kind as to educate yourself by watching: Brad Blanton for Congress, Interview with Dr. Blanton: And Nothing But the Truth; and Practicing Radical Honesty: [01/03] [02/03] [03/03]
[C] Radical Honesty: How Secrecy & Lies Prevent Sincere Forgiveness!
[1] Dr. Blanton’s Radical Honesty Press Kit available at, includes a detailed personal description of his views regarding the importance of sincere forgiveness, vs. fake forgiveness, and how Lying and Secrecy Prevent Forgiveness:“Out of that practice of psychotherapy and from my own life I learned that (1) the key to forgiveness is honesty, and (2) the secret to meanness is lying, and that (3) most of us are trapped into lying most of the time by the way we are raised, and that (4) the major injustices of the world come from our systematic instruction in lying, and the unresolved anger and hurt continuously perpetrated on all of us by the culture in which we are raised. The culture’s agents of instruction are the previous generation of cripples, parents, teachers, and peers, who suffer from a disease called moralism, an illness that lies at the heart of civilization, our mutual sickness.
[..] I know the value of forgiveness and I am in the process of trying to forgive the neoconservatives for their ignorance, malice, heartlessness, greed, and stupidity. Even harder, I am trying also to forgive the lying purveyors of hope who call themselves Democrats. Since I can’t beat the hell out of them and get by with it, I have to use the process of getting to forgiveness by telling the truth. And you need to have the truth told to you as much as I need to tell it. So, for the benefit of both of us:
This Is the Truth: You are the one responsible for keeping this hell in place. It is time you did something about it. What you do and don't do makes a difference.
[D] Who is Radical Honesty SA?
[1] Lara Johnstone is currently the only member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion, in South Africa. Dr. Blanton, in his capacity as Radical Honesty Author and Pope of the Futilitarian church has filed the following affidavits and written statements in SA Legal court records, confirming that Lara Johnstone is a member of the Radical Honesty culture and religion, including his EXPERT WITNESS OPINION, AS A WORLD LEADER IN SINCERE FORGIVENESS THAT SOUTH AFRICANS TRUTH AND RECONICLIATION (TRC) WAS NOT ABOUT SINCERE FORGIVENESS, BUT WAS FAKE:
- Magistrates Court - George: Court Record Letter by Brad Blanton, Ph.D, SAP Case: 572/02 (subsequently HC-CPD A 696-04): Re: Iatrogenic Origins of AIDS Disclosure Trial: Lara Johnstone Psychological Integrity Reference.
- Magistrates Court – Capetown: 14/1198/08, subsequently 17/1384/07: Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’; in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement by Consent; & § 171 & 172: Evidence on Commission .
- High Court, Western Cape: # 19963-09: Affidavit of Brad Blanton, Ph.D, evidencing the legal, psychological, and socio-political ‘citizens privilege’, Nuremberg Principles skills and competencies of Individual Responsibility, required for acts of civil disobedience to perceived illegitimate authority; and their application to the common law ‘reasonableness test’; in terms of Criminal Procedure Act 51, of 1977: § 213: Proof of Written Statement by Consent; & § 171 & 172: Evidence on Commission.
- Constitutional Court # 23-10: Written Statement of Consent by Brad Blanton, Ph.D, to testify as expert witness to: Practicing Radical Honesty, Futilitarianism; i.e. Radical Honesty about Anger & Forgiveness; Paradigms & Contexts: Revolution of Consciousness.
[E] Radical Honesty SA’s views on Wikileaks and Obedience to Transparency and Truth, not Ideology:
[1] How Wikileaks exposes Cult of Secrecy Political Parasites Honesty Incompetence!Assange/Wikileaks is seperating the honest real conservatives from the corrupt fake conservatives; the honest real liberals from corrupt fake liberals; honest journalists with a modicum of commitment to transparency, from the intellectual prostitutes pretending to be journalists whose only commitment is to the corrupt status quo.
All of the former are sincere, they are transparent to themselves; the latter insincere, they consciously or unconsciously deceive themselves. If their deception is to be good enough to deceive others, it must seem to be sincere. Hence they must BS themselves into believing their own BS. This is easy to do, most of us frequently BS ourselves into believing our own BS; some of us sincerely, and others pathologically. Where the pathological pretenders, spout platitudes they don't sincerely believe, but publicly express with the conscious intention to deceive the public or the person they are speaking about, expose themselves, is when they require a secret conduit of communication to express their honest opinions, which contradict with their public opinions. The opinions they withhold from the public, by their pathological pretence. In other words they don't believe the BS, they are spewing, but they want you to believe it, in order to manipulate you! In order to maintain their fake, two-faced, diplomatic, goverment of secrecy by Orwellian 'diplomacy' deception, they require a means to transmit their honest communications in SECRECY. The former don't require secret means to transmit their honest communications, cause they say what they think in public, on the record.
To know the former from the latter, is not a matter of whether they profess to abide by left or right ideology, but whether they are committed to not only the transparency others, but that their own conduct and dealings be transparent; which will eventually bring us back to Sun Tzu.
[..] Kruger and Dunning proposed that, for a given skill, incompetent people will:
- tend to overestimate their own level of skill;
- fail to recognize genuine skill in others;
- fail to recognize the extremity of their inadequacy;
Now what if you got the Dunning and Kruger effect virus, regarding the skill of honesty? If you were so incompetent at being honest, that you don't know how you are lying to yourself, let alone to others? Clearly someone affected by the Dunning and Kruger effect in the field of honesty, would find it exceedingly difficult to know themselves!
If you are too stupid to know when you are lying to yourself, and too stupid to support a way of being, that would help you to expose your lying to yourself and others -- the practice of transparency -- then you are so stupid that you are avoiding learning about how you lie to yourself! You are making it impossible for you to ever know yourself!
[III] Radical Honesty SA Scientific Journalism:
[A] ANC: VIP’s of Violence
For those whose knowledge about South African history is founded upon international biased and/or censored media reports, inform themselves of the contents of the following documentary, and video.
ANC: VIP’s of Violence is a documentary made by Nicholas Partridge in the 1980’s, for a British news report. Its contents speak for itself.
Part 1 :: Part 2 :: Part 3
Nelson Mandela sings the ANC song, which includes the lyrics ‘Kill Whites’, soon after he is released from Pollsmoor Prison, by F.W. de Klerk after refusing to renounce violence.
Nelson Mandela & the ANC’s songs: Kill Whites:
Part 1 :: Part 2
[B] Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and the ANC’s TRC Fraud:
[1] The evidence for Nelson Mandela & Desmond Tutu’s TRC Fraud: [A] TRC Fraud: Just War Tradition Arguments; [B] TRC Fraud: Clash of Culture’s Friction Theory; and [C] TRC Fraud: Population Policy Common Sense:, currently CENSORED by the South African and International mainstream media are detailed in great depth in the African White Refugees 10/31/16 Briefing Paper, available at:
[2] The African White Refugees Briefing Paper’s evidence of TRC fraud is dealt with under the following chapters:(A) Just War: Tragedy of the Breeding War Commons
- Just War Tradition: Mutually Agreed Rules of Combat between Culturally Similar Enemies: Jus Ad Bellum Convention, Principles of Jus In Bello & Just Post Bellum
- Population Policy Common Sense: Eco-Numeracy, Exponential Functions & Carrying Capacity, Youth Bulge Population Pressure Conflicts & Competitive Exclusion Principle.
(B) Politically Incorrect Truths About Apartheid Conflict
- Forsaking Gandhian Non-violence, honour & character, the ANC-Fanonstein spawned a goverment of comrade-tsotsis, gangsters & kleptomaniacs
- Pandora’s Multi-Culti Apartheid Box: SA’s Multi-Cultural, Multi-Lingual, Multi-Racial Integration Nightmare
- SA Communist Party (SACP)’s M-Plan: Violent Liberation & Mandela’s Cult of Personality
- No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule?
- No Right Intention: Did ‘Evil Apartheid’ raise poor Black living standards to highest in Africa?
- Black Consciousness & Fanon’s Handbook for Black Liberation: ‘Violence as a cleansing Liberating Force’
- ANC’s People’s War: Terrorize the People to Support the ‘Liberation Struggle’
- The Nature & Causes of Apartheid: A Just War for Boer-Afrikaner Demographic Survival
- Apartheids Strategic Ethno-Demographic Political Mistakes
(C) Rainbow Illusions: Truth and Reconciliation Fraud
- TRC Social Contract provides NO Definitions for Multi-Cultural Multi-Interpretation of Key Concepts of ‘Forgiveness’, ‘Reconciliation’, ‘Closure’ and ‘Ubuntu’.
- Western Descartian Individualist “I Think, therefore I am” vs. African Ubuntu Conformist “I participate, therefore I am.”
- Black Liberation Theology: Salvation/Liberation by Marxist/Fanon Class Struggle, not Reconciliation/Forgiveness of Sins
- Stalinist Popular Front: ANC’s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps
- Was Truth and Reconciliation Seen to be Done; by the Ubuntu Black Liberation Theology Truth Commission?
- Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping: ANC’s Population Production of Poverty & Violence Breeding War
- Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?
- Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State’s Systemic Collapse
- Population Policy Common Sense Interpretation of Promotion of National Unity and Reconciliation (TRC) Act, Amicus Curiae to Constitutional Court: CENSORED
[C] Nelson Mandela and the ANC’s Terrorism, not only against the Apartheid state, but its torture, executions and terrorism against the African People, and ANC dissenting members and whistleblowers.
[1] Nelson Mandela’s Terrorism:
See: African White Refugees Briefing Paper ( Politically Incorrect Truths About Apartheid Conflict:
[3] SA Communist Party (SACP)’s M-Plan: Violent Liberation & Mandela’s Cult of Personality
[2] Nelson Mandela’s Trial:
In a 14 January 1999: Open Letter to President Clinton in the Whitehouse: SA's Best Leader: Verwoerd or Mandela?, Jaap Marais, leader of the Herstigte Nationale Party, writes among others:Nelson Mandela was charged for acts of sabotage and sentenced to life imprisonment by the Judge President of the then Transvaal Division of the South African Supreme Court after a protacted hearing in which he had had representation and every opportunity to defend himself. He, however, refused to take the oath and testify, and could consequently not be taken under cross-examination. Finding him guilty, the Judge said that he had been wrongly charged for acts of sabotage instead of for treason, in which case the sentence would not have been imprisonment but the death penalty. The trial was attended by journalists, jurists and others from all over the world. None could find fault with the proceedings and the findings of the Court.
Even The Rand Daily Mail, the most outspoken liberal newspaper at the time in South Africa, and in many ways a supporter of Mandela and the ANC, wrote about the sentences passed by the judge,“The sentences pronounced by Judge De Wet at the close of the Rivonia trial are both wise and just. The law is best served when there is firmness tinged with mercy, and this was the case yesterday.
The sentences could not have been less severe than those imposed. The men found guilty had planned sabotage on a wide scale and had conspired for armed revolution. As the judge pointed out yesterday, the crime of which they were found guilty was really high treason. The death penalty would have been justified.”
These are the facts of history. Sentencing Mandela to imprisonment instead of letting him be hanged was an act of mercy on the part of his political enemies. Mandela has, therefore, every reason to be grateful and not the least reason to harbour a grudge against them. He owes his life to them. You will agree that this puts a completely different complexion on your statement that "he was cast into jail".
[..] Perhaps you will reconsider your emotional identification with Mandela in the light of historical truth.
The Mandela Legend: Fact vs. Fiction, by Historian Dr Pieter Möller, Deputy Leader of the Herstigte Nationale Party
The truth is that [Nelson Mandela] was not imprisoned on Robben Island without reason – not even because he was merely an opponent of apartheid. He was there because he planned to overthrow a government and in the process, cause the violent deaths of thousands of innocent people (including blacks) – a crime which deserved the death penalty, and he must consider himself fortunate that the so-called apartheid-regime did not press for it. In his auto-biography Long Walk to Freedom, he admits inter alia that he gave the order to plant the Church Street bomb during the 80's, which killed 11 innocent people and injured many more.
[..] The accused faced charges of sabotage, including deeds of sabotage, committing of illegal deeds, canvassing persons for training in warfare, manufacture and use of explosives with the aim to commit violence and cause destruction (altogether 153 acts of violence were listed) and conspiracy to engage in guerrilla-warfare with the aid of foreign armies. Plans included the manufacture of 48 000 land mines and large quantities of hand grenades, pipe, petrol and bottle bombs. These were to be unscrupulously applied; camouflaged in the most innocent packages like fruit boxes, coffee and jam tins and placed in soft spots like footpaths and entrances to gardens, with the aim to achieve maximum deaths, maiming and destruction.
Dr Percy Yutar appeared for the state, while Justice Quartus de Wet, Justice President of Transvaal presided. The accused were represented by advocates A (Braam) Fischer, VC Berrange, both listed communists, A Chaskalson, G Bizos and JF Coaker (for Kantor). JJ Joffe was the counselling attorney. Although the state identified 270 witnesses, it was only necessary to summon 173 of them, since the documentary evidence was so damning and at no stage during the trial did the accused ever challenge the authenticity of the documents seized, nor their revolutionary aims. Amongst the documents were 10 papers in Mandela’s own handwriting, explaining basic warfare, Chinese guerrilla warfare, Israeli-Philippine underground military operations and how the Witwatersrand locations were to be divided into four groups. Further divisions into zones were to facilitate the formation of underground cells.
An alarming scheme unfolded itself during the hearing. Operation Mayibuye was without doubt a master plan for full scale war and it was clear that the designers were experts in revolutionary warfare. Most probably it originated in some communist country like Russia, Red China, Cuba or Algeria, which already had a history of revolution. Both Mandela and Goldreich were regular visitors to these countries, where many ANC conscripts were trained in the manufacture and application of destructive instruments. For example, Goldreich, the author of Operation Mayibuye, was trained in explosive techniques in Russia, China and Germany, and several other of his accomplices received training in the use of various weapons, map and compass reading, radio communication, signalling and the setting of ambushes.
In the detailed strategy all relevant matters such as logistic planning and transport were fully dealt with. The attacks would take place mainly in the platteland and to this end the country was divided into four regions. Each region would be invaded by a guerrilla force which had to be self supportive for about a month.
On arrival they were to split up into three smaller groups of 10 men each and then, by deception and intimidation, influence the locals to join them. It also came to light that the ANC grossly deceived their ordinary members as later directives were issued directly from the SACP. Mandela also stated in one of his papers that South Africa under communist rule would be a land of milk and honey.
One of the documents, in his own handwriting, handed in as evidence in trial was titled How to Be a Good Communist, in which he states categorically that the transition from capitalism to socialism could not be brought about by the slow methods proposed by the liberals, but only by revolution. He further maintains that studying the Marxist philosophy is necessary to get firmer control over revolutionary mass action (struggle) and continues: “The Communist movement still faces powerful enemies which must be completely crushed and wiped from the face of the earth before a Communist world can be realised.” This view was later endorsed by every local communist.
[3] ANC’s Terrorism, Torture and Execution of ANC Dissenting Members & Whistleblowers:
See: African White Refugees Briefing Paper ( Politically Incorrect Truths About Apartheid Conflict:
(1) Forsaking Gandhian Non-violence, honour & character, the ANC-Fanonstein spawned a goverment of comrade-tsotsis, gangsters & kleptomaniacs
(4) No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule?
(5) Black Consciousness & Fanon’s Handbook for Black Liberation: ‘Violence as a cleansing Liberating Force’
(7) ANC’s People’s War: Terrorize the People to Support the ‘Liberation Struggle’
(C) Rainbow Illusions: Truth and Reconciliation Fraud:
(4) Stalinist Popular Front: ANC’s Mbokodo Quatro Torture Camps
In Mbokodo: Inside MK: Mwezi Twala - A Soldier's Story, wherein Mwezi Twala describes some of the horrific torture, executions and brutality he witnessed, and experienced while imprisoned in the ANC’s Camp Quatro. He also describes the huge differences between being imprisoned by the ANC, and Apartheid:Real torture, as practised at Quatro by security specialists, was such that the bestial Khmer Rouge of Cambodia could have learnt a thing or two. They could, and did, keep detainees incommunicado for anything up to four years with no access to any kind of reading matter and for no apparent reason, and under no circumstance would a detainee be allowed the comfort of a Bible. One of the most horrendous events involving torture occurred during my sojourn at Quatro, involving one of our cadres who had managed to escape from Viana to a refugee camp in Luanda. This poor wretch had decided to quit the ANC by resigning. He had gone to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to seek protection, which was accorded to him.... Under the eyes of the UNHCR authorities he [and another ANC cadre also wanting to resign] was kidnapped by ANC security and brought to Quatro, where they were sealed in separate isolation cells. The one who had left Viana Camp underwent mind-blowing torture and questioning for days.. and shortly thereafter thrown bodily into our cell. His Quatro name was Pudi. (p.95)
My first sight of him almost caused me to faint with horror, as it did my cell mates. His head was rotting and the smell was beyond description. One could even smell his head above the normal stench that prevailed in the cells. He had a white burn scar running from what had one been his hairline down to his nose. His eyes were swollen and closed and the only sound squeezing out of his deformed and battered lips was an agonising moaning whimper. His poor body shook as though he had epilepsy. We did our best to comfort him and over a tortuous half-hour he painfully told us that his captors had brought him to Quatro, questioned him, beat him and poured boiling water on his head continuously until he had lost consciousness. When he awakened a few days later, the injury to his scalp had not been treated. Consequently, as we could see, the infection had putrefied into a rotting mess. (p.96)
[..] He told us that the friend who had been kidnapped with him could not walk because the security men had burnt the soles of his feet with red hot coals, and then forced him to stand for lengthy periods. We never found out where the friend was being held in Quatro, so we presumed he must have 'disappeared', as had so many others. (p.96)
[..] Soon the guards became aware that our severely burnt comrade was healing, whereupon they stormed into our cell and dragged him out, took him to one of the nearby trees, made him hold the trunk and thrust him head first into the tree time after time, until his burn wounds again burst open into a terrible mess. He fell unconscious to the ground and in this state was savagely beaten about the head and face with sticks. When the guards were too exhausted to carry on, they dragged his body away, alive or dead I could not say, but he disappeared for good, almost certainly to a shallow grave. (p.97)
[..] A particularly sadistic torture employed at Quatro was to take a bag, place a live rat inside it and then tie the bag over the victim's head. (p.98)
[Twela compares ANC imprisonment to Apartheid imprisonment]
[..] I meditated on the journey I had taken in order to be a soldier, to do my bit to free my people from the yoke of apartheid. All I had achieved was to be subjected to another kind of repression, imprisonment, and torture. If I had stayed in the Republic, fighting my own war against the Regime, I would have achieved far more in a week than I had over the past fifteen years in Angola, Mozambique and Zambia under the communist ANC leadership. Also in the event of being apprehended by the South African authorities, I would have faced a proper judicial trial and been sentenced to a prison term. (p.100)
Prison would have consisted of a clean bed and blanket, and decent clothes would have been issued. Reasonable hot meals would have been provided. Clean hygienic cells with running water on tap, a civilized toilet facility and shower cubicles. Added to this would have been an acceptable prison work ethic and a small but welcome income, enough to allow me the luxury of buying cigarettes and toothpaste. I might have had the opportunity to study, as Nelson Mandela did, almost any subject, with access to the prison library. I would also have received medical care for injuries and illness, plus spiritual comfort from a prison chaplain of a denomination of my choice. In no way would I have been misused, beaten and tortured at the whim of a spiteful revenge-driven warden. (p.100)
Had the South African [Apartheid] goverment treated me half as badly as the ANC, it would have been deserved to some degree, as I had broken South African laws. In the case of the ANC, there was no such rationale. It was virtually impossible to find a detainee who had committed a clearly defined crime against the system, because there was no system. I concluded that the policies of the ANC leadership were based on personal ambition and fear. (p.100)
Other articles available at (
- Stuart Commission Report: Commission of Enquiry into Recent Developments in the People’s Republic of Angola, March 14, 1984, Lusaka, Angola
- Mutinies in the Liberation Armies: Inside Quadro, July 1990: Paul Trewhela, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 2, No 1: p.30-35
- A Miscarriage of Democracy: The ANC Security Dept. in the 1984 Mutiny of Umkhonto We Sizwe, July 1990: Bandile Ketelo, Amos Maxongo, Zamxolo Tshona, Ronnie Massango and Luvo Mbengo, Searchlight South Africa: Vol.2 No.1: (p.35-68)
- An Open Letter to Nelson Mandela from Ex-Detainees, July 1990: Ex-ANC Detainees, Searchlight South Africa: Vol.2 No.1: (p.35-68)
- The ANC Conference: From Kabwe to Johannesburg, Jan 1991: Letter to the Editors, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 2, No 2: (p.91-94)
- The Case of Samuel Mngqibisa (Elty Mhlekazi), July 1991: Elty Mhlekazi, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 2, No 3: (p.49-53)
- Skewiya Commission Report: 1992: Report of the Commission of Enquiry into Complaints by Former African National Congress Prisoners and Detainees
- Amnesty International: South Africa: Torture, Ill-treatment and Executions in African National Congress Camps (Dec 92)
- The ANC Prison Camps: An Audit of Three Years, 1990-1993, Apr 1993: Paul Trewhela, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 3, No 2: April 1993 (p.8-30)
- ANC - Commission of Enquiry into Certain Allegations of Cruelty and Human Rights Abuse Against ANC Prisoners and Detainees by ANC Members (Motsuenyane Commission), 20 Aug 1993
- NEC Repose to Mostuenyane Commission Report: African National Congress National Executive Committee's Response to the Motsuenyane Commission's Report, 29 Aug 1993
- Sexual Abuse of Young Women in the ANC Camps, Oct 1993: Olefile Samuel Mngqibisa, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 3, No. 3, (p.11-16)
- Excerpts: Mbokodo: Inside MK: Mwezi Twala - A Soldier's Story, 1994: Mwezie Twala & Ed Benard, Jonathan Ball Publishers
- A Death in South Africa: The Killing of Sipho Phungulwa and the Mandela Monarchy 'M Plan', April 1993: Paul Trewhela, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 3, No 2: (p.08-30). Details the assassination of Mbokodo detainee and whistleblower, Phungulwa, to protect Mandela & ANC’s reputation.
- Women and Swapo: Institutionalized Rape in Swapo's Prisons, April 1993: Paul Trewhela, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 3, No 2: (p)
- The Dillemma of Albie Sachs: ANC Constitutionalism and the Death of Thami Zulu, Oct 1993: Paul Trewhela, Searchlight South Africa, Vol 3, No 3: (p.34-52)
- Inside Quatro: Uncovering the Exile History of the ANC and SWAPO, 6 Dec 2009: Paul Trewhela, Sun Times
[D] South Africans, including and particularly poor black Africans are WORSE OFF, under Nelson Mandela’s corrupt, fascist ANC, than under ‘racist’ Apartheid.
Did you know that the life expectancy of black South Africans nearly equalled that of Europeans during the last decade of Apartheid? Did you know that the black population nearly trebled during Apartheid? Did you know that black South Africans had the highest per capita income and education levels in Africa during Apartheid?
At the start of the year 1900, the number of African South Africans was found to be 3,5-million according to the British colonial government census. By 1954, the African population had soared to 8,5-million -- and by 1990, there were a full 35-million.
In the decades prior to the official policy of apartheid, (which was started in 1948), the average life expectancy of African South Africans was only 38 years. However, during the last decade of the apartheid era from 1948 to 1994, the average life expectancy had risen to 64 years -- on a par with Europe's average life expectancy. Moreover, the infant death rates had by then also been reduced from 174 to 55 infant deaths per thousand, higher than Europe's, but considerably lower than the rest of the African continent's.
You may also find Why South African Whites Don’t Want to Apologize for Apartheid as a ‘scientific journalism’ thought-challenge.
South Africa: Destroyed by Nelson Mandela |
[1] Why is the Transkei Collapsing?: An Open Letter from Cope’s Mbulelo Ncedana to Nelson MandelaI heard things I thought I'll never hear again; old people, with rheumy eyes, saying things were much better under the Bantustan government.
In our town of Umtata, the former capital and our pride, robots are forever not working because there's hardly any electricity most of the time; those that work are dysfunctional causing many to make accidents. As the results no one follows the traffic rules any longer.
Potholes are like dongas in the suburban areas. The twenty five litre plastic containers have become a necessary household material because the availability of water, in town, is arbitrary.
I ask what went wrong? During the time K.D. Mathandzima was the Prime Minister, and even during the military tenure of Bantu Holomisa, the town was very beautiful, fully maintained and clean. People had jobs. Then factories that created them closed down after 1994, because they were no longer subsidized and so could no longer cope with the competition from China, India, etc.
Here in South Africa (and this applies equally to the public and private sectors) dishonesty and incompetence are either rewarded or simply ignored. With a few exceptions, those who expose and confront the truth - and who try to uphold collective and personal accountability - are punished, marginalised and labelled.
When lying, cheating and conscious ineptitude become standard “governance” practice (whatever the “sector”), we are in deep crisis.
In conclusion, tata, I hope my letter does not upset you too much, but sometimes we need to take toll and assume responsibilities for our failures. We've failed our people. There's no other way of looking at it. I don't see the bunch that came after you doing things better, instead things seem to be going from bad to worse.
[2] 60% of South Africans: ‘Country Better Run under Apartheid’: ANC more corrupt, less trustworthy, less competent.Most South Africans, both black and white, believe the country was better run under apartheid and say unemployment and crime are the government's top challenges, according to two new polls released this week (2002).
Overall, the polls showed that about 60 percent of South Africans felt the country was better run under apartheid, with both blacks and whites rating the current government less trustworthy, more corrupt, less able to enforce the law and less able to deliver government services than its white predecessor.
But black respondents were also beginning to wax nostalgic, with 20 percent now giving a positive rating to certain aspects of life under the apartheid regime, compared with 17 percent in 2000 and eight percent in 1995.
[3] Deaths in Police Custody rise 25,725%, under Nelson Mandela’s ANC:
Why Whites Don't Want to Apologize for Apartheid |
As detailed in African White Refugees Briefing Paper: [C] Rainbow Illusions: Truth and Reconciliation Fraud: (8) Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State’s Systemic Collapse:‘Crime Against Humanity’ Apartheid South Africa:
1963 – 1994: 75 Deaths in 31 Years = 2.4 Deaths per year
Throughout the entire apartheid-era up to 75 people died in police-custody throughout the period between 1963 and 1994.
The Anti-Apartheid movement considered this worthy of worldwide protests against this ‘crime against humanity’!
‘Rainbow Democracy’ South Africa:
Jan – Nov 2010: 566 Deaths in 11 months = 617.4 Deaths per year
Political parties yesterday called for a swift investigation into the deaths of 566 people at the hands of police in the current year. The call comes after the Independent Complaints Directorate (ICD) revealed yesterday that out of this overall national figure, 16 of those killed by police were innocent people. Many of the policemen involved have not even been suspended, let alone charged!
The Anti-Apartheid movement does not consider this worthy of a protest to their local police station, let alone worldwide protests about Rainbow Democracy “crimes against humanity”
[4] Farm Murders rise 3,095%, under Nelson Mandela’s ANC:
Apartheid farm murders: 1970 – 1994: 60 in 24 years = 2.5 per year
Mandela’s Rainbow TRC farm murders: 1994 – 2010: 2080 in 16 years = 130 per year
The statistics are taken from the Radical Honesty SA Amicus Curiae filed in the SA Constitutional Court, in the matter of The Citizen v. Robert McBride (CCT 23-10): Chapter [IV] TRC Fraud: ‘Crime of Apartheid’ was a falsification of History: [G] Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?[75] Political Climate of Farm Murders: According to (2.5 x 52 x 16) Eugene Ney Terreblanche is murdered farmer number 2080 since the April 1994 TRC social contract brought S. Africans ‘peace and human rights’ (sic). By way of comparison:
- In the 1950’s Mau Mau War in Kenya, the official number of ‘European settlers’ killed was 32 , of which a dozen were said to be farmers.
- During the 15 year Rhodesian war, 260 white farmers were murdered .
- In South Africa, between 1970 and 1994, in 24 years, while the ANC was "at war" with the white minority goverment, sixty white farmers were killed.
See also: African White Refugees Briefing Paper ( Politically Incorrect Truths About Apartheid Conflict:
(1) Forsaking Gandhian Non-violence, honour & character, the ANC-Fanonstein spawned a goverment of comrade-tsotsis, gangsters & kleptomaniacs
(4) No Proper Authority: Did Black South Africans want Black Rule?
(C) Rainbow Illusions: Truth and Reconciliation Fraud
(6) Masculine Insecurity Poverty Pimping: ANC’s Population Production of Poverty & Violence Breeding War
(7) Land Grabs & Farm Murders: A Rainbow-TRC-Peace, or Racial-Hatred-War Reality?
(8) Zimbabwefication of South Africa: State’s Systemic Collapse
[IV] Radical Honesty SA’s Conclusion: If a ‘scientific journalism’ Wikileaks had existed between 1948 & 1994: the National Party’s Apartheid Government would have been vindicated as a Just War for Boer/Afrikaner Demographic Survival, and Nelson Mandela’s ANC would currently be perceived as the Soviet Union’s Useful Idiot Poverty Pimping slave and cannon fodder breeding Stalinist terrorist fascists, whose polices of terror, torture and censorship are based upon personal greed and African ideal of manhood masculine insecurities.
PS: If you are ignorant of the role of Lenin-Marxism’s use of ‘useful idiots’, setup to overthrow third world governments, by means of alleged ‘liberation movements’, may I suggest: Yuri Bezmenov, former KGB Agent, who worked for Novosti’s interview with Edward G. Griffin, on the Soviet Subversion of the Free-World Press (1984): Yuri Bezmenov: Deception was my Job [01/09]
» » » » [Radical Honesty SA Letter (PDF)]
» » [Redress/Christopher King: Is Julian Assange Europe’s Nelson Mandela?]

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