Note to Readers:

Please Note: The editor of White Refugee blog is a member of the Ecology of Peace culture.

Summary of Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality Problem Solving: Poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc; are some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources.

Ecology of Peace RH factual reality: 1. Earth is not flat; 2. Resources are finite; 3. When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in resource conflict; 4. If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, and/or nations want to reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; they should cooperate & sign their responsible freedom oaths; to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural Law as international law; to require all citizens of all races, religions and nations to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits.

EoP v WiP NWO negotiations are updated at EoP MILED Clerk.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

[Update 16-11-09] Notice of (i) Correction of Error/s & (ii) Retraction of Enclosure; re: Encl.Your Life is In Danger (

Update 09 Nov '09: Corrections are as follows:

Letter: Notice of (i) Correction of Errors & (ii) Retraction of Enclosure; re: Encl. Your Life is In Danger ( (below Update Notices)
Enclosure: Annexure AA: Transparency Disclosure: Email Correspondence: Lara Johnstone to & from: SA Sucks: Doodler & Lone Wolf. Dates: Friday Oct 30, to Nov 5, 2009

  • Letter to SA Students Congress, Mandela Rhodes Foundation, ANC Youth League; RE: Reitz 4 & Black Culture...
    » 09-11-07 Correction: PDF:49K » Encl.AA PDF:2603K
    » » Sent: Sat 11/7/2009 11:18 PM
    » » Honey Attorneys: Read: Mon 11/9/2009 4:16 PM

  • Letter to Irish Embassy, Jefferson Family & Independent Newspapers; RE: Boycott 2010 World Cup
    » 09-11-07 Correction: PDF:49K » Encl.AA PDF:2603K
    » » Sent: Sat 11/7/2009 10:00 PM
    » » Owen Swaine Solicitors: Read: Sun 11/8/2009 6:31 PM

  • Letter to Austrian Embassy, Burgstaller & Symcox Families; RE: Boycott 2010 World Cup
    » 09-11-07 Correction: PDF:49K » Encl.AA PDF:2603K
    » » Sent: Sat 11/7/2009 9:36 PM
    » » Austrian Embassy, Pta: Read: Mon 11/9/2009 8:48 AM

  • Boycott 2010 World Cup!: Truth & Justice; or Secession?
    » 09-11-07 Correction: 09-12-16 Update

  • PC Canada vs. IRB & Huntley: How many SA Black on White Crimes are Racially Motivated?
    » 09-11-07 Correction: PDF:49K » Encl.AA PDF:2603K
    » » Sent: Tue 11/10/2009 12:34 AM
    » » SA HC in Canada: Read on 11/9/2009 8:32 AM
    » » Min. Citizenship & Immig, Canada: Read: Mon 11/9/2009 2:31 PM
    » » High. Comm. of Canada, Pta: Read: Sat 11/7/2009 11:14 PM

  • Cape Bar & Intn'l Bar Assoc: Pro Bono Comm's: RE: Freedom of Speech Political and Cultural Rights, or Secession?; Constitutional, & Intn'l Law Issues
    » 09-11-07 Correction: PDF:55K » Encl.AA PDF:2603K
    » » Sent: Mon 11/9/2009 2:26 PM
    » » Cape Bar Assoc.: Read: Mon 11/9/2009 2:31 PM
    » » Intn'l Bar Assoc.: Read: Mon 11/9/2009 2:27 PM
    Your message
    To: OTP InformationDesk;;
    Subject: RE: [Update] ICC Prosecutor: Info & Evidence Unit (CC: Dep. Judge Adv. Gen., US Navy JAG Office)
    Sent: Mon, 9 Nov 2009 17:27:54 +0100
    was read on Mon, 9 Nov 2009 17:29:45 +0100
My apologies for the inconvenience and the error.

Update: 10 November '09:

ILuvSA Retractions & Corrections: Vanilla Ice:
  1. Black Swans, Misrepresentations and the Truth
  2. Exposing the Truth Part II
  3. Exposing the Truth Part III

Update: 16 November '09:

Ontmaskering:: ZA Sucks # 6151: Image Provocateurs?: The Context » » The Evidence
Brief Forensic Investigation Conclusion: Four of the 13 alleged 'South African crime scene photographs' posted by Uhuru Guru/Lone Wolf, to Doodler's SA Sucks post, Your Life is In Danger (#6151), are unequivocally and undoubtedly not South African crime scene photographs, from South African police files. Furthermore, three of the alleged 'crime scene' photographs, are used online by individuals pornography preferences include crime scene corpses. As a result of the distastefullness of the evidence to these allegations: The forensic evidence is only available in full on the password protected pages of the ontmaskering blog, for evidentiary purposes, in proving the allegations only.

Boycott 2010 World Cup: Truth & Justice; or Secession?Boycott 2010 World Cup: Truth & Justice; or Secession?Boycott 2010 World Cup: Truth & Justice; or Secession?
Dear Sirs & Ladies,

Apologies for the inconvenience; but I do not intentionally distribute incorrect information. If or when I am informed with evidence that I have made an error, then my religious cultural principles of Radical Hon(our)sty , require that I take personal responsibility for my error, and correct it. This is such a case.

In aforementioned letter to you, I included a copy of the original article, from SA Sucks ( Your Life is In Danger ( (PDF[7]), as an enclosure/link. At the time of sharing the information with you, I fully believed, according to my efforts to confirm the information, that the information in said article was authentic and honest information shared from its authors, Doodler and Lone Wolf, of SA Sucks.

Brief Chronology of Events:

The aforementioned article including its gruesome and horrific crime scene photographs, was posted to the aforementioned SA Sucks website, by ‘Doobler’ (Article and 1 photo) and ‘Lone Wolf’ (Photo Gallery of 13 photos), on October 27th.

On Oct 30th, I contacted Lone Wolf by email, to make further enquiries regarding the crime scene photos, so as to ascertain their authenticity, and other evidence he stated he had, for submission to the International Criminal Court: Office of the Prosecutor: Information and Evidence Unit. I had submitted other – unrelated to SASucks -- South African White Refugee, and related material to the ICC; and thought the crime scene photos significant important additional evidence. His response convinced me he was genuinely concerned, and I concluded he was telling the truth about the photos: Should the ICC investigate, he would provide the ICC with the information as to his sources; and the matter could be professionally and impartially investigated.

On 04 November 2009, I was informed the ‘owner’ of the SASucks blog, ‘Uhuru Guru’ was arrested, by a Capt. van der Linde (Linden Police Station, Jhb), without any charges being filed. He was subsequently held overnight in police cells, and subsequently released the following day, when the State Prosecutor refused to lay charges, on the old crimen injuria matter, from 1993.

The initial news of the arrest shocked the blogging community, many -– like myself -- who mobilized to spread the word, about his arrest, far and wide. The arrests occurring so soon after SA Sucks crime scene photograph ‘expose’, I very strongly suspected the possibility that the arrests were directly linked, and the arrests appeared to be attempts to intimidate SA Sucks, to cease exposing ‘South African crime’ evidence which the S. A. government and police were hiding and covering up.

On 06 Nov, I was informed of a post at Litnet, (And so the Boston Stranglers victims end up on SASucks), which alleged the aforementioned South African crime scene photographs to be frauds. Unfortunately, a Google search for Boston Strangler crime scene photographs, yields the exact picture[10**] found on aforementioned original SASucks site; although the Boston Crime Scene site comments allege other crime scene realities. Irrespective of which crime scene the photo was originally from, it clearly is not as inferred and represented in the original SA Sucks article; casting serious doubt on the other photos, in the same article, as originally stated. [** See 16 Nov '09 Update.]

In compiling a transcript of the email correspondence between myself and Lone Wolf et al, on this matter, for transparency disclosure purposes; a further very strange ‘Red Flag’ occurred:
There is one email missing from my Microsoft Email Account Sent box, and I am pretty sure I sent it to Lone Wolf and [Name Withheld], sometime around Nov 3, or 4. The only other time any email has ever disappeared from my computer, that I am aware of, was an email written in May 2001, to President G.W. Bush; CC: FBI, CIA et al; requesting the suspension of Timothy McVeigh’s execution, for McVeigh and the victims of the OKC bombing to get closure, via Radical Honesty Truth and Forgiveness.

This missing email was a copy of the Molotov Cocktail, March ‘07 article: Paramilitary Training Camps in South Africa [], with the Cryptome PDF attachment of the alleged 2001 NIA Briefing of Pres. Thabo Mbeki, regarding alleged Hamas Paramilitary Training Camps in South Africa. I did not delete the email; and if intentionally removed by any individual, then I consider it a plausibility the removal of the email, from my computer, is yet another Plausible Deniable Crypto Message from the NSA, whom I granted permission to monitor all my written, telephonic et al communications on 28 October 2001[11].

Cryptome PDF Original at:

Note: The Military Intelligence Agencies who were contacted (CC’d to my ICC complaint) about these Population Policy Common Sense: ‘White Refugee’ and ‘Assymetrical Resource Warfare’ matters, are listed among others, at

I accordingly include as an attachment hereto, the full Transparency Disclosure transcript of all email correspondence between myself and Lone Wolf, et al, in this matter.

Conclusion, Retraction and Apology

The arguments[12] and evidence I have submitted previously and elsewhere for the claims I have made, in regard to crime and racially motivated acts of crime in South Africa, based upon the evidence stated therein, remain. I still think the South African government are not being remotely transparent and have, and continue to, violate the Social Contract; as I have repeatedly accused them of since 2002, in various legal complaints[13] (et al). However, I do not support making accusations against anyone, based upon known false information.

I accordingly am honour bound to inform you that I herewith retract the aforementioned article provided to you. I furthermore unequivocally apologize, should the photographs have distressed you, they certainly disturbed me greatly.

Please herewith accept my unreserved apologies and retraction of aforementioned article, from the contents of my communication to you.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lara Johnstone
Boycott 2010 World Cup: Truth & Justice; or Secession?
Why We Are White Refugees

Encl. Annexure AA: Transparency Disclosure: Email Correspondence: Lara Johnstone to & from: SA Sucks: Doodler & Lone Wolf. Dates: Friday Oct 30, to Nov 5, 2009

Source: Letter of Retraction (PDF:49K): Encl: PDF:2603K

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FAIR USE NOTICE: The White Refugee blog contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to provide information for research and educational purposes, and advance understanding for the Canadian Immigration & Refugee Board's (IRB) ‘White Refugee’ ruling. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. Copyright owners who object to the fair use of their copyright news reports, may submit their objections to White Refugee Blog at: []