![]() Brad Blanton Ph.D, of Radical Honesty Enterprises, author of Radical Honesty, Practicing Radical Honesty, Radical Parenting, Honest to God, The Truthtellers, and Beyond Good and Evil. |
On 11 February 2010 I filed a complaint with the Mail and Guardian Ombudsman: M&G Violations of Press Code: Re: "Mandela: Icon of Freedom & Forgiveness", Feb 08, 2010, which alleged the Mail and Guardian article contained Material Ommissions of Contrarion Perspectives for Fairness, Balance & Accuracy, under the following subheadings:Below is my Appeal of Ombudsman Franz Kruger response wherein he justifies the Mail and Guardian's bias, because:
- Reality of Life for (a) Poor Blacks and (b) service delivery for all South Africans; under ‘National Party’s White Supremacy’ vs. ‘ANC’s Black Elite Corrupt Domination’
- Mandela and the ANC: Advocate’s for ‘non-racial democracy’ or Black Liberation Theology violence, with the goal of ‘Black Power’?
- Black Liberation Theology Doctrine: Extermination of White Culture & Whiteness
- Nelson Mandela was the Commander in Chief who chose to conduct the ANC & MK’s alleged ‘black liberation’ along the path of violence and terrorism; as opposed to the Just War path of Gandhian Nonviolent Civil Disobedience.
- Guilty of Sabotage; Judge President of Tvl. Division of the SA Supreme Court.
- Admitted to Ordering Terrorist Acts of Murder: Church Street Bombing.
- Black Liberation Theology: Necklacing as a Terror Tactic of Intimidation to coerce unwilling citizens to participate in the alleged ‘black liberation struggle’.
- Merging of African Ideal of Manhood & Black Liberation Theology: Slavery & Cannon Fodder Production
- Complaint to the Norwegian Nobel Committee: Withdraw SA’s Nobel Peace Prize Medals, from Nelson Mandela, FW de Klerk & Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
- Respondent in Legal Prosecution and Persecution of White Refugee Complaint to High Court: Western Cape # 19663-09
- Respondent in Complaint to SA Human Rights Commission, for (a) Crimes against Humanity, (b) Crimes against the Peace & the (c) Crime of Apartheid.
- Summary and ‘Icon of Freedom and Forgiveness’ Questions:
“For all South Africa’s many problems, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of South Africans have a deep and abiding respect for Mandela, as shown in the reaction to the 20th anniversary of his release yesterday.”
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Monday, February 15, 2010 5:22 AM
To: 'Franz Kruger'; 'keithn@mg.co.za'; 'mathewb@mg.co.za'; 'ombud@mg.co.za'
Cc: 'Nicholas Dawes'; 'Wendy Mosetlhi'
Subject: RE: M&G Violations of Press Code: Re: "Mandela: Icon of Freedom & Forgiveness", Feb 08, 2010
Mr. Franz Kruger,
Mail and Guardian Ombudsman
Mail & Guardian, P O Box 91667
Auckland Park, Jhb, 2006
Tel: (011) 250 7300 || Fax: (011) 250 7503
Tel: (021) 425 9028 || Fax: (021) 425 9056
Mail & Guardian Ombudsman: ombud@mg.co.za
CC: Editors: Mr. Keith Nichols & Mr. M. Burbidge
Emails: mathewb@mg.co.za; keithn@mg.co.za
Mr. Kruger,
RE: Appeal of M&G Ombudsman Ruling: Intentional or negligent factually inaccurate & unbalanced M&G article: Mandela: Icon of Freedom and Forgiveness, February 8, 2010 [1].
Thank you for your response. Please consider this herewith an appeal of your former decision.
Both Mr. Keith Nichols and Mr. Mathew Burbidge confirmed for me that the relevant article was not an editorial, but a factual historical news item.
Your ‘judgement’ of my complaint states: “For all South Africa’s many problems, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of South Africans have a deep and abiding respect for Mandela, as shown in the reaction to the 20th anniversary of his release yesterday.”
May I suggest to you that it is my opinion and experience that South Africa’s ‘many problems’ are significantly aggravated by South Africa’s two-faced hypocrisy attempt at problems solving; and would be significantly ameliorated, should South Africa’s two-faced hypocrits finally stop pretending to tell the truth, and actually start telling the truth, because while all this pretending to tell the truth occurs; real and sincere reconciliation can never occur, only toxic fake two faced sycophantic reconciliation can occur. Only fake two faced sycophants find any value in fake two faced reconciliation.
Problem Solving:
Please could you clarify for me the following questions:
- Do you think it is remotely possible to solve any problem, in a political, corporate, socio-economic or legal environment where brutal honest enquiry is politically prosecuted and persecuted, while the media remain silent about such legal prosecution and persecution?
- How do you think any of South Africa’s problems are ever going to be solved, in a political environment, condoned by Mandela and the ANC, where brutal honest enquiry into the root causes of the problems is vilified, ignored and legally prosecuted and persecuted?
- How do your actions as an Ombudsman in this matter contribute to the political, corporate, socio-economic and legal environment where brutal honesty enquiry is vilified, ignored and legally prosecuted and persecuted?
- How do you think any of South Africa’s problems can or will ever be solved in the Mandelatopia environment of toxic two-faced hypocrisy and sycophancy?
Clarifying Cultural Definitions of Respect:
I used to suffer from the Mandelatopia coolaid belief that Nelson Mandela and the ANC valued honesty, as opposed to two-faced sycophantic hypocrisy as ‘respect’. I have been cured of my addiction to that incorrect belief; although curing myself from the ‘Rainbow Nation’ dreams and hopes, that accompanied that belief, required extreme psychological and intellectual brutal honesty and impartiality.
Please could you clarify for me, the Mail and Guardian’s definition of ‘respect’:
- If by ‘respect’ you mean: deference: a courteous expression; and/or obedience: i.e. Politically correct paranoia awareness to display the appropriate politically correct behaviour for the particular event; I would agree with you, that many (not sure about most) certainly were quite drunk on Mandela/ANC/SA Media ‘Mandelatopia’ coolaid, and showed their fake, two-faced politically correct paranoid or politically expedient ‘respect’.
- If by ‘respect’ you mean: the condition of being honored enough to consider the recipient of such ‘honour’ worthy of your unblemished honesty; which in military terms could be expressed as ‘Permission to speak freely’; I would suggest that you ask yourself what the ‘White Refugee’ ‘minority’ who refuse to participate in the sycophantic ANC and/or media demanding they express the politically correct two-faced sycophantic ‘respect’; are in fact saying to Nelson Mandela?
- Is it fair to say that your response to my complaint indicates that, it is quite obvious that your definition of ‘respect’ is the former, and mine is the ‘latter’?
Confusion between Your Belief about Reality and True observable Reality:
Pray Sir, tell me what exactly it says to an impartial observer, when you and your fellow Mandelatopian Flat Earth ‘Rainbow Family’ believers, are so desperate to believe your belief about Mandelatopia reality; that you go about deliberately and indifferently ignoring information that does not fit your belief that South Africa is “one happy rainbow Mandelatopia family’?Ask Ernie Els: “No Normal Sport, in an Abnormal Society”
[14] Fake Two-Faced Hypocrits and Sycophants to Political Correctness: Hypocrisy Olympics: Gold Medal
Now either we are the Rainbow Nation, who told the Truth (sic) and Forgave (sic), or we are winning the World Crime Olympics, because a majority of our citizens are filled with hate, and not allowed to, or willing to, brutally honestly and nonviolently talk about it; rather they prefer Raping, Torturing and Murdering, their hearts filled with racially motivated hate!
Being Galileo Forensic Evidence minded, as opposed to Flat Earth PC minded, I am forced to admit South Africa, Nelson Mandela, Archbishop Tutu and F.W de Klerk, are winning the Worlds Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals as Two Faced Hypocrits, in the Hypocrisy Olympics; and considering the worlds Hypocrisy accomplishments, that is quite an achievement in Hypocrisy!
What does it say about the alleged Rainbow Father of a Nation’s ‘integrity’, when he is either deliberately indifferent, or monstrously ignorant of his organizations demands that all his children practice two-faced sycophancy pretending everyone is a happy Rainbow Family; and the organization ignores any evidence to the contrary that their Rainbow family is emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, politically toxic from the quantity and quality of two-faced hypocrisy being practiced in this family?
What does it say about the Rainbow Father of the Nation’s integrity, when those who refuse to practice this toxic sycophancy are simply deliberately and indifferently ignored, as if, for all intents and purposes the ‘untouchable white refugee kaffirs do not exist’.
Why are the South African media, government and academics outraged when a white refugee claims white refugee status in Canada; but they are deliberately indifferent when repeatedly informed of white refugee’s being politically and legally prosecuted and persecuted right here under their very noses in Mandelatopia?74% of White SA’s agree with Huntley, ANC and liberals deliberate indifference legitimize Huntley’s White Refugee Status
- Beeld Newspaper (1 September 2009)
“Is Canada correct in granting a White South African refugee status?”
1. Yes (83%) (5869 votes)
2. No (4%) (261 votes)
3. All races suffer under crime (13%) (924 votes)- Die Burger Newspaper (1 September 2009)
“A White South African was granted refugee status after Canada’s immigration board found that the South African government could not properly protect White South Africans from persecution. What do you think?”
1. Preposterous - Everyone is a victim of crime, poor people in townships even more so (15%) (515 votes)
2. It is true that the government cannot control crime, but unnecessary to stereotype Black people. (23%) (789 votes)
3. Kanada here I come! (62%) (2131 votes)- Independent Online Survey (02 September 2009)
A South African man has been granted refugee status in Canada, where an immigration board found “clear and convincing proof” he was persecuted for being white. IOL asked its readers: Is applying for foreign citizenship on racial grounds justified?
Most IOL readers thought there was nothing wrong with applying for foreign citizenship on racial grounds.
1. Yes (65%) (691 votes)
2. No (35%) (373 votes)- Rapport Newspaper (2 September 2009)
“Are there grounds to grant White South Africans asylum in foreign countries (due to crime)?”
1. It is hogwash-White and Blacks are equally affected by crime (13%)(761 votes)
2. Whites are a preferred target (87%)(5266 votes)
Conclusion: Seventy Four Percent of white South Africans feel --- exactly the same way Huntley does -- that they are being persecuted in South Africa for reasons of their race/membership of a particular ethnic group!
Why are the South African media, government and academics outraged when a white refugee claims white refugee status in Canada; but they are deliberately indifferent to the reasons for why rich white South African refugees are emigrating en masse?The ANC Stole My Dream: Why I (and perhaps over 1 million other South Africans?) emigrated:
White people expected South Africa to somehow be ‘different’ from the rest of Africa; that it would be better; that white and black could really enjoy a place in the sun together.
“But it isn’t. And now they’re angry. Hurt, disappointed, rejected, gatvol. And their ‘revolution’ is to move, because it doesn’t help them to fight. It has nothing to do with racism or bitterness. It has everything to do with unfulfilled, subjective expectations. While the Constitution is a world-class document, the manner in which it is being managed repeatedly turns into a world-class mess.
“Within a decade, white people became bywoners in the land of their birth. Now they prefer to become bywoners in other countries which offer them more chances and also offer them acceptance.
But they feel kicked out. Their skills, expertise and the love for their country are treated with deep contempt. And another country is courting them. It’s like a man who neglects his wife. She will leave him for someone else who makes her feel like a woman.
And once the Boers arrive in Australia and note the appreciation of the people, they fall madly in love with their new country. That’s why the chance that people will remigrate from places such as Australia is about zero.
The lessons for policy-makers is that it is possible to slow down emigration. But forget trying to get back those who are in this country. Rather try and keep those who are still there – by giving them hope. A home. Recognition, appreciation.
Why are the South African media, government and academics outraged when a white refugee claims white refugee status in Canada; but they are deliberately indifferent to the reasons for why thousands and thousands of white South African refugees feel betrayed by a Truth Commission that was not interested in Impartial Truth, only ANC Truth?Volkstaat Survey on Beeld: Tribal/National Independence for all South Africa's Tribes/Nations?
Despatch from South Africa: The Sellout of a Nation: Elite Intelligence Officers and Soldiers speak out…..
Mandela was tried for treason and sentenced to life imprisonment – it was just what the ANC/SACP wanted. They now had a martyr who they could sell to the international community, and the Mandela myth was born. I doubt whether we will ever know what part the KGB and Joe Slovo played in the red-handed arrest of Mandela and his men in the house in Rivonia; I'm pretty certain that the SAP did not do it on their own.
Well, the myth worked and the martyr became president with the total help of all those mentioned in your question. Unfortunately, Mandela, like de Klerk, was a useless president.
All they did was languish in the limelight of their actions. They put a black government into power with the most fraudulent elections ever held, even by African standards. . .
So the likelihood of the international community doing anything to correct their total failure to understand the African situation, having sanctioned it so completely, is very unlikely.
In South Africa, besides the whites you have 11 nations – strange how they are referred to as tribes when talking in the African context, yet in Europe and Asia and even the red Indians in North America and Canada were considered nations. One would not refer to the French tribe or the German tribe, yet black nations living in their own countries much larger than most European countries are referred to as tribes.
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These nations – such as the Zulus with their own king and the Tswanas and the Ndebele and all the others – consider themselves as nations. Now it suits the ANC to stick to the idea of one nation – but now the other nations are saying that party politics is not helping them, as you vote for a party and that party selects who they want in government. The result is that as the ANC, who represent mainly the Xhosa, are in power, and they feel nothing for the other nations. In the main the feelings are toward a confederacy with a central council and representation as individual nations with their own representatives. This is a system that Lord Carnarvon suggested round about 1876 as the only system that would work. There is no doubt that this type of government would be ideal for a positive future for this country.
I would suggest that if you were interested in the actions of any aforementioned South Africans, and enquired into their ‘permission to speak freely Sir’ honest opinions about Nelson Mandela, you would notice that their actions indicate a massive cognitive dissonance to your views of their ‘deep and abiding respect for Mandela’.
Irrespective of all aforementioned: It is not my interpretation of the Press Code that the media should report the news in accordance with the Flat Earth ideological sympathies of the alleged majority or elite minority of the population; and participate in a conspiracy of silence to censor the evidentiary facts -- and conclusions related to such facts -- of an alleged majority, minority with contrarian perspectives, or any independent and impartially minded Galileo’s.
It is my interpretation of the South African Press Code, that it “requires you to report the news, truthfully, accurately and fairly, in context and in a balanced manner, without any intentional or negligent departure from the facts by: (a) distortion, exaggeration or misrepresentation; (b) Material omissions; and (c) summarisation.”
Please would you be so kind as to clarify for me, where in the Press Code it provides for the Mail and Guardian to deviate from the Press Code’s focus on truth, accuracy and fairness; in favour of sympathizing with the alleged overwhelming majority of South African’s ideological Flat Earth opinions?
Respectfully Submitted,
Lara Johnstone
Boycott 2010 World Cup: Truth & Justice; or Secession?
Why We Are White Refugees

From: Franz Kruger [mailto:fkr@mweb.co.za]
Sent: Saturday, February 13, 2010 9:02 AM
To: 'Lara Johnstone'; keithn@mg.co.za; mathewb@mg.co.za; ombud@mg.co.za
Cc: 'Nicholas Dawes'; 'Wendy Mosetlhi'
Subject: RE: M&G Violations of Press Code: Re: "Mandela: Icon of Freedom & Forgiveness", Feb 08, 2010
Dear Ms Johnstone
Thank you for your lengthy complaint. I am afraid you will find few people with sympathy for your views. For all South Africa’s many problems, the reality is that the overwhelming majority of South Africans have a deep and abiding respect for Mandela, as shown in the reaction to the 20th anniversary of his release yesterday.
I am satisfied that the report does not breach any aspects of the editorial code.
All the best,
Franz Krüger
M&G ombud

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