I write in response to your comment at: Onafhanklike Afrikaner-selfbeskikkings Ekspedisie (OASE): OASE en die VVK
16. Adriana Stuijt | Julie 16, 2011 at 10:56
Dit is my persoonlike ervaring met Lara Johnstone oor die jare heen al, dat sy die tipiese rol speel van ‘n ‘agent provocateur’. Sy infiltreer ‘regse’ organisasies en skryf dan aaklike aantygings en briewe aan die individuale lede – gebruikmakend van ‘n magdom skuilname soos Lara Zhivago en baie, baie ander. Sy sorg sodoende ook vir bittere tweespalt in elke groep wat sy by aansluit. Ek het besluit dat haar emosionele probleme van so’n ernstige aard is dat sy nie n ordentlike debat kan voer sonder om mense om die mees gruwelike wyse te beledig en insinuasies oor hulle te publiseer nie. Ek glo eintlik min van wat sy beweer: ek is byv. ook nie so seker dat sy so ‘diep ingegrawe’ is by die VVK as wat sy beweer nie. Ek wens julle verder alle sterkte toe met al jul ondernemings. Ek dink dit is belangrik en dringend dat ‘n mens nie meer agent-provocateurs moet toelaat om jul gesamentlike doelwitte — outononomie in hul eie grondgebied vir die volk — te laat befoeter nie. Ek bid vir julle almal.
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Request for Info & Evidence from alleged Professional Journalist: Ms. Adriana Stuijt, CBB; CC: Marieke Ehlers, OASE
16 July 2011
Ms. Adriana Stuijt,
Request [#2] for Professional Clarification & Evidence Regarding Your Allegations
I write in response to your comment at: Onafhanklike Afrikaner-selfbeskikkings Ekspedisie (OASE): OASE en die VVK16. Adriana Stuijt | Julie 16, 2011 at 10:56
Dit is my persoonlike ervaring met Lara Johnstone oor die jare heen al, dat sy die tipiese rol speel van ‘n ‘agent provocateur’. Sy infiltreer ‘regse’ organisasies en skryf dan aaklike aantygings en briewe aan die individuale lede – gebruikmakend van ‘n magdom skuilname soos Lara Zhivago en baie, baie ander. Sy sorg sodoende ook vir bittere tweespalt in elke groep wat sy by aansluit. Ek het besluit dat haar emosionele probleme van so’n ernstige aard is dat sy nie n ordentlike debat kan voer sonder om mense om die mees gruwelike wyse te beledig en insinuasies oor hulle te publiseer nie. Ek glo eintlik min van wat sy beweer: ek is byv. ook nie so seker dat sy so ‘diep ingegrawe’ is by die VVK as wat sy beweer nie. Ek wens julle verder alle sterkte toe met al jul ondernemings. Ek dink dit is belangrik en dringend dat ‘n mens nie meer agent-provocateurs moet toelaat om jul gesamentlike doelwitte — outononomie in hul eie grondgebied vir die volk — te laat befoeter nie. Ek bid vir julle almal.
I am writing to request evidence for the allegations made in above comment. As far as I am aware no such evidence exists. I suggest to you the possibility that you hate me (which is quite okay, that does not bother me) because unlike you I only publish information that I believe to be true. If or when you write stuff that is unsubstantiated; you can count on me to ask you to provide the evidence for your allegations. If or when I am provided evidence that anything I have published is erroneous, I publish a retraction and an apology (example). Not because I have to, but because I want to. You cannot stand me because I refuse to go around and gossip behind people’s backs, and write fake allegations about them. If I have something to say to someone I say it to their face; and provide my evidence for my allegation.
So once again (previous request, for which you never provided any evidence of your allegations ) I shall give you the benefit of the doubt, and give you the opportunity to provide the alleged evidence for your allegations.
For your Future Records; should Honour, Honesty, Integrity and Accountability be Important to you:
[1] Wikilpedia defines an Agent Provocateur as: “Traditionally, an agent provocateur (plural: agents provocateurs, French for "inciting agent(s)") is a person employed by the police or other entity to act undercover to entice or provoke another person to commit an illegal act. More generally, the term may refer to a person or group that seeks to discredit or harm another by provoking them to commit a wrong or rash action.
[2] The only organisations I identify myself as a member of are: Radical Honesty and Jus Sanguinis. I am registered to vote with the VVK; and support its cause, but am not a ‘member’ of the VVK. I have supported many other causes, but I am not a member of any organisation in South Africa, except Radical Honesty and Jus Sanguinis. I don’t recall ever advocating or provoking another person to commit an illegal act, not even a minor civil disobedience criminal act; in fact I have gone to prison to expose others committing illegal acts. I have never intentionally attempted to provoke any individual or organisation to commit a wrong or rash action.
[3] I have never infiltrated any organisation; since I am not a member of any organisation, except the two mentioned. The only letters I have written (except for those to government, media or corporate officials in my citizen activism duty) have been honest honourable letters to individuals when a misunderstanding has occurred, and if allegations are made in the letter, I have – unlike you – provided the evidence for my allegation; and always provided the person their full right of reply.
[4] I don’t recall ever writing any Open Public letter in any other name, but my own: Lara Johnstone. That Lara Zhivago is my facebook page is not a secret; but quite public knowledge, to anyone who engages me on my facebook page. I do not use ‘skuilname’ but I do use nom-de-plumes, in the same way that Mark Twain or Voltaire did; but neither Lara Zhivago, nor Andrea Muhrrteyn are a secret nom-de-plume.
[5] I have had disagreements on a few group facebook pages. I have and remain committed to remaining in any conversation to resolve any disagreement with any person. If however they choose to refuse to resolve the disagreement, and prefer to disassociate, then I respect their choice. My door however remains open for any individual with whom I have ever disagreed to contact me, and to resume the conversation, until we are able to resolve our misunderstanding. I don’t think that is in any way unreasonable.
[6] As far as my definition of ‘emotional problems’: I am not suffering from any emotional problems; certainly not serious emotional problems; but it depends what you define as ‘emotional problems’. If your definition of ‘emotional problems’ is anyone who disagrees with you and demands you provide evidence for your allegations, then you would be correct; I would suffer from such an emotional problem, I do demand everyone to provide evidence for their allegations; and if they don’t, I refuse to believe their allegations as absolute truth.
[7] Same goes for ‘ordentlike debat’. It depends what you mean when you say ‘ordentlike debat’. If I am debating someone I expect them to provide evidence for their allegations, and not expect me to change my mind, simply because they don’t have evidence, and demand I abide by their political correct debating rules. So it depends what you call an ordentlike debat.
[8] As for ‘gruwelike wyse beledig’. In my culture we consider being honest to the persons face; even if we are angry, to be the highest form of respect. Hence for me to share my anger to someone, honourably to their face, not behind their back; and not to be fake and pretend to like them, when in truth I am angry with them at that moment; is the highest form of respect to another. Of course, someone from another culture who demands that everyone always kiss their ass, and always pretend to be nice to them, and always treat them with fake respect, could be upset by my version of respecting them enough to share honestly with them. It’s a matter of cultural differences; and if the two persons with different cultural differences admitted such differences and decided on how they were going to resolve them to the benefit of both persons cultures; it is easily resolvable. I am quite happy to discuss with any individual from any culture any issue of contention between our cultures, and to discuss how we can resolve our cultural differences to the benefit of both parties. If however they refuse to recognize that we are members of different cultures, and demand that I abide by their cultural rules, and do not want to meet me halfway and discuss how we can resolve our cultural differences; then is that not cultural fascism on their part? So, when I come in contact with a cultural fascist who demands that their culture is the one and only one that is worthy of consideration, I express my honest opinion about their cultural fascist behaviour. As I have done to you; when you demand that I should abide by your cultural rules, and you totally refuse to recognize my cultural practices. If you don’t like being treated like a cultural fascist, then stop being a cultural Fascist, Ms. Stuijt.
[9] All blogposts that I have personally written has included supporting evidence.
[10] I am not, nor have I ever been, nor have I ever implied that I am ‘diep ingegrawe’ with the VVK. To the contrary; I am simply a registered voter; and a supporter. Nothing more. I object to people smearing the VVK’s name, without providing evidence; and hence Ms. Marieke Ehlers made the allegation that because I stood up for the VVK; I must be ‘diep ingegrawe’ with them. I am not. Ms. Marieke Ehlers made the allegation, not me.
Request for Evidence for the allegations made in aforementioned comment:
[11] Please could you provide any circumstantial or hard evidence regarding which alleged government agency or organisation I am being employed as; when or where I ever advocated to any individual or organization that they should break the law; or ever intentionally attempted to provoke any individual or organisation to commit a wrong or rash action?
[12] Which far right group I ‘infiltrated’; and to which individuals in such organisation I infiltrated, did I write awful letters, using false and secret pseudonyms?
[13] Which groups did I cause division in, where I refused to remain in the conversation and to resolve the issue with whomever the misunderstanding occurred?
[14] What is the psychological theory and applicable evidence in accordance to such theory that you base your allegation of my alleged ‘emotional problems’ and as a result of such serious emotional problems, my inability to debate any issue?
[15] Where did I publish false insinuations about anyone?
[16] Where did I imply that I was ‘diep ingegrawe’ with the VVK?
If you are professional and honourable, and concerned about being perceived by me, as an ethical and honest person and author; I would appreciate it if you could provide me with the evidence of your allegations.
Any response you provide to me, shall be published in full.
I consequently appreciate – very much – you expressing your blunt honest opinion to me, even if you provided no evidence for your opinions; and hope you have a greater understanding of my perspective; and to welcome your further response on the issue/s. Please feel free to share any honourable constructive criticism suggestions at any time.
Lara Johnstone
Radical Honesty SA
From: Lara Johnstone
Sent: Saturday, July 16, 2011 8:07 PM
To: Adriana Stuijt (***@hotmail.com); Adriana Stuijt (****@knid.nl); Adriana Stuijt (*****@praag.org)
Subject: Request [#2] for Professional Clarification & Evidence Regarding Your Allegations
Ms. Adriana Stuijt,
Request [#2] for Professional Clarification & Evidence Regarding Your Allegations
I write in response to your comment at: Onafhanklike Afrikaner-selfbeskikkingsekspedisie (OASE): OASE en die VVK (PDF attached).
A professional request for evidence for your allegations.
Thank you.
Lara Johnstone
Radical Honesty SA

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